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重点单词1.obligation /blIeIn/ n责任;义务2.serious /sIris/ adj.严肃的3lack /lk/ v& n缺乏,缺少 4.coincidence /kInsIdns/ n巧合5opportunity /ptjunti/ n机会 6.application /plIkeIn/ n申请;应用7reply /rIplaI/ n回答,答复,回信 8.shortcoming /tkmI/ n缺点,短处9mature /mt/ adj.成熟的 10.cautious /ks/ adj.谨慎的,慎重的,小心的11anyhow /eniha/ adv.不管怎么说,无论如何 12.purpose /pps/ n目的13circumstance /skmstns/ n情形,情况 14.hospitable /hspItbl/ adj.好客的;殷勤的15awkward /kwd/ adj.尴尬的;(设计)别扭的;笨拙的16acquaintance /kweIntns/ n熟人;认识,了解17advance /dvns/ adj.预先的;在前的;n.进步;进展;v.前进;改进18absence /bsns/ n缺乏;不存在absent adj.缺席的,不在的19apology /pldi/ n道歉,致歉apologise/apologize v道歉20interrupt /Intrpt/ v打断interruption n打扰;打断21imagine /ImdIn/ v想象imagination n想象力;幻想;空想重点短语1.look away from把目光从移开 a consequence因此;结果3cheer sb.up使某人高兴/振作起来 4.(be) aware of知道5find out了解(到);找出(信息) 6.make friends交朋友;建立友谊7think of想起,回忆起 addition除此之外,另外9leave out省去;删去 off炫耀11(be) nervous about对神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安12put ones foot in ones mouth犯使人难堪的错误;说错话13take the lead头,领头经典句型1.Every time I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.每当我张嘴,我就会说错话。2If youre not sure what to talk about,you can ask what people do. 如果你拿不准该谈论什么内容,你可以问人们从事的职业。3It is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk.据估计英国人80%的谈话是闲谈。4Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the caf or party,etc.设想这样一种情形,在咖啡馆或聚会等场合,双方都认识的人离开了房间,两个陌生人开始交谈。语境记忆The outspoken saleswoman is modest and hospitable.But one day she was not cautious and as a consequence she put her foot in her mouth by using the wrong body language.In this circumstance,she apologized at once.构词记忆accessible /ksesbl/ adj.1.容易取得的;容易接近的2.容易受影响的available /veIlbl/ adj.可利用的;可得到的;有效的considerable /knsIdrbl/ adj.相当大的;相当多的fashionable /fnbl/ adj.流行的;时髦的flexible /fleksIbl/ adj.柔韧的;有弹性的;灵活的1He later apologized for his behavior and I accepted his apology.(apology)2He wanted to apply for the managers job and he was one of the 30 applicants.He was anxious to get an application form.(apply)3What a coincidence!I wasnt expecting to see you here.4Dont miss this opportunity;it may never come again.5Act confidently in a job interview and you will have a better chance.6They live in poor circumstances(境况)7I made the acquaintance(结识) of several musicians around that time.8You should give the boy advance(预先的)warning before punishing him.1(a) lack of缺少for/through lack of因缺少no lack of 充足的lack in.在方面缺乏lack (for) sth.缺少某物Despite his lack of experience,he got the job.尽管他缺乏经验,但还是获得了这份工作。It lacks the power of the Italian cars.它没有意大利轿车动力强劲。夯实基础(1)For lack of time(由于缺少时间),we cannot discuss the details at present.(2)同义句改写The green hand is lacking in practical experience.The green hand is short of practical experience.(用short改写句子)2absence from缺席in ones absence/in the absence of sb.在某人不在的时候absence of mind心不在焉be absent from缺席(be present at出席He never questions his fathers absence.他从未问过为什么他的父亲不在。Those heat can warm things up pretty quickly in the absence of a cooling system.在缺少冷却系统的情况下,那些热量能够使物体迅速升温。夯实基础(1)语法填空Tom was absent from school because he was ill.In the managers absence,Mr.White is in charge of the business.(2)In the absence of evidence(因缺乏证据),the police could not take action against the man.3be successful in (doing) sth.在(做)方面成功succeed vi.成功;继承;vt.继任;接替;随后出现succeed in doing.成功地做成succeed接替、继任某人当have/gain/win/get/achieve success取得成功As we all know,good learning habits can make your study go to success.我们都知道,好的学习习惯会使你的学习走向成功。(2013四川书面表达)Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.父母为孩子安排好一切,不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。(2013福建书面表达)夯实基础用succeed的适当形式填空(1)Nearly all of the young people interviewed believed that work was the key to success.(2)I am looking forward to a long and successful partnership with him.(3)We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.4imagine sth./doing sth./one(s)doing sth./thatclause想象imagination n.想象(力);想象的事物imaginative adj.富于想象力的;创新的imaginary adj.想象中的;幻想的;虚构的imaginable adj.想象得到的;可想象的The house was just as she had imagined it.这房子正是她所想象的。Close your eyes and imagine (that) youre in a forest.闭上眼睛,设想自己在森林里。特别提醒imagine的宾语可以是名词、代词、从句、动名词以及动名词的复合结构,但不能是动词不定式。思考imagine后接表示否定意义的宾语从句时,要否定主句的谓语动词(imagine),即否定转移。类似的动词还有哪些?think,believe,expect,suppose等。夯实基础用imagine的适当形式填空(1)She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation.(2)It doesnt take much imagination to guess what she meant.(3)He is an imaginative writer.5 purpose n.意志,毅力,决心(determination);目的,意图(intention);v.(正式)旨在,以为目标on purposeby design故意(反义词组:by accident/chance),for/with the purpose of为了的目的to little/no purpose作用不大;徒劳The purpose of this dictionary is to help students of English.这本词典的用途是帮助学生学英语。Another meeting would serve absolutely no purpose.再开一次会将毫无意义。夯实基础(1)Did you do that on purpose(故意)? (2)He went there for the purpose of(为了的目的)making business contacts.6in/under no circumstances决不(never),in/under the circumstances在这种情况下;既然这样under any circumstances在任何情况下if circumstances allow/permit如果情况允许The strategy was too dangerous in the explosive circumstances of the times.在当时那种一触即发的形势下,采取那样的策略太危险了。I wish we could have met under happier circumstances.我真希望我们是在更愉快的情况下相识的。思考表达“决不”的短语还有:at no time,by no means,on no account,in no way,on no consideration,in no case等。夯实基础(1)Under no circumstances must you leave the house(你必须离开房子)(2)You must not mention your colleague under any circumstances(在任何情况下)(3)Iran and Iraq also have the potential to export more,if circumstances allow/permit(如果情况允许)7apologise to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉make an apology to sb.for.因向某人道歉accept/refuse ones apology接受/拒绝某人的道歉owe apology向某人道歉I must apologise for not being able to meet you.我因没能与你见面而向你道歉。Im writing this letter to express my apology to you for not writing you back in time.我写信为没有及时给你回信表示道歉。 (2013山东写作)夯实基础(1)Victor apologised for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan(他没能通知我计划的变更)(2)同义句改写I apologised to her for stepping on her foot.I made an apology to her for stepping on her foot.(用apology改写句子)I said sorry to her for stepping on her foot.(用sorry改写句子)1He is just showing off because that girl he likes is here.2Shed been seeing the boy for a while,but didnt want her parents to find out.3You need money and time,in addition,you need diligence.4Oh,come oncheer up!Failure is the mother of success.5Doctors want to make people aware of the risks.6In your written work,you left out an important detail,so you couldnt score a high mark.1in addition常放在句首,也可放在句中、句6尾。in addition/besides/whats more/as well除此之外;另外in addition to/besides/apart from/as well as除之外make an addition to为增色There is,in addition,one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。In addition to these arrangements,extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排以外,另增救护车值班至午夜。夯实基础同义词语替换(1)The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and,in addition,there are several selfcatering apartments.besides/whats more/as well(2)In addition to his job at the university,hes now running his own research company.Besides/Apart from/As well as2leave aside不考虑;搁置一边leave.alone不打扰;不理会;让一个人待着;和单独在一起leave behind遗留;把丢在后面leave.for.离开去She outlined the case to him,being careful not to leave anything out.她向他概述了情况,小心不遗漏任何事情。They said that they had been left alone for days with no food in the house.他们说他们被单独留在房子里已经好几天了,没有食物。夯实基础语法填空(1)They were so careless that they left out an important detail.(2)Leave him alone,and obviously he has already become blind drunk.(3)Leave aside,for a moment,the question of who is right.(4)He was left behind in physics after he missed three classes.3make sb.aware of sth.使某人明白某事be/become aware that/whclause觉察;知悉as far as Im aware(口)据我所知In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage.总之,全世界的人们应该意识到水资源短缺的真实情况。(2010福建书面表达)Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?你知道你坐在我的帽子上了吗?夯实基础翻译句子(1)该有人让他明白他的所作所为造成的后果了。Its time someone made him aware of the effects of his actions.(2)列车还未到达桥上列车长就意识到有危险了。The conductor became aware of the danger just before the train reached the bridge.4show.out领出去show sb.around/round领某人参观show.in带或领进来show up出席;到场on show在展出Peter is keen to show off his new car.彼得喜欢炫耀他的新车。Show the visitors in,will you?请你把参观者领进来,好吗?夯实基础用show off,show up,show.out的适当形式填空(1)He promised to come but did not show up in the end.(2)Mary was showing off her engagement ring.(3)When he didnt know how to get out of the building,a boy showed him out.1Its estimated that (据估计) this kind of mobile phone will play the leading role in the market for a period of time in future.2While I admit that the problems are difficult(虽然我承认这些问题很难),I dont agree that they cant be solved.3They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other(他们不得不与对方分开的地步)4The difficulty for the little horse was how to cross the river(怎样过河)5Last time I met him(上次我遇到他),he was working on the farm.Every time I open my mouth,I put my foot in it.,每当我张嘴,我就会说错话。every time作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的还有:each/next/any/last time,the moment,the minute,the second,the instant,the day,the week,the month,the year,immediately,instantly,directly;as soon as等。Every time I see the old man in the park,he is absorbed in reading papers.每当在公园里看到这位老人时,他都在专注地看报。He paid back the money he owed us immediately he returned home.他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。特别提醒for the first time在句中只能作状语,不具有连词功能,不能用来引导状语从句。夯实基础(1)Every time you talk to someone(每一次和别人谈话) or write a message,you show your skills to others.(2)同义句改写I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you.(用as soon as改写句子)I fell in love with you immediately/directly/instantly I saw you.(用以ly结尾的连词改写句子)选词填空neednt have gone,neednt have dressed up,neednt have taken,didnt need to go,neednt have come(1)As it turned out to be a small house party,we neednt have dressed up so formally.(2)As you worked late yesterday,you neednt have come this morning.(3)I didnt need to go to the bank after allMary lent me the money.(4)You neednt have gone to see the film yesterday.It will be on TV tonight.(5)The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I neednt have taken the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.教材活用根据课文内容完成下面的短文In your daily life,you often meet with such embarrassing experiencesyou try to avoid talking to someone 1.that you recognise when 2.crossing (cross) the street;you cant talk 3.confidently (confident) in the face of all the guests at a party,and also,you lack the confidence to talk to others though you are eager to make friends 4.with people.In a word,you feel nervous when you are at a social event.You neednt worry 5.about situations like these if you have good social skills.They are easy learn (learn)People with good social skills communicate well and know how have (have) a conversation.Here are a few ideas to help you.Make good use of small talk in your conversation,but be careful of 8.what topics are suitable and what are not.Try to be 9.a better listener with positive answers and body language.Always remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli:“Talk to a man about himself,and 10.he will speak to you for hours!”Try to find out social rules when you go to another country.课外拓展阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1An Australian man was caught with two live pigeons in his trousers as he got off a flight from 2.the Middle East,authorities said Tuesday.Customs officers bodysearched 3.the 23yearold after he was found with two bird eggs in 4.a vitamin container in his pocket during baggage checks at Melbourne Airport on Sunday.“The man was taken to 5.a private interview room and Customs and border protection officers found he was wearing tights with 6.a live pigeon hidden in each leg,”Customs said.The man,who had come off a tenhour flight from Dubai,was also carrying plant seeds in 7.a money belt and eggplant samples in his bag.“Wildlife smuggling is not only cruel to 8.the animals involved,it poses a severe risk to 9.the Australian environment and the health of the Australian community,”said Customs wildlife spokesman Richard Janeczko.The offences carry a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison and 10.a 110,000 dollars fine ($70,000).阅读理解The Powermat Wireless Charging System for iPhone 1XA claims to wirelessly charge your iPhone in three,easy stepsplug in the Powermat,place the receiver case onto your iPhone,set your iPhone on the mat and let it charge away.In theory,its a good idea.No more looking around for your Apple charger,just drop your iPhone on the mat and walk away while it juices up your battery.But to be perfectly honest,theres no difference,or any more convenience,to just using a plug socket charger.Firstly,it claims to be wireless,but you still have to find a socket to plug Powermat into.And,as it turns out,you cant just “drop” your iPhone on to it to charge.You have to put your device(装备) into the receiver case,which connects the Powermat with your phone so it can charge.But I had two problems with that.Firstly,the receiver is a bit stiff and took a few seconds to pull apart and then put on my iPhone.And this would be a process you would have to go through every time you want to use the Powermat because the receiver is too big and heavy to permanently keep on your phone.And if you have a case for your iPhone,this has to be removed first as it wont fit inside the receiver.Secondly,by the time youve remembered where you plugged the Powermat in,seized the receiver in order to put your iPhone inside it and then placed it on the mat,it probably would have taken less time to connect your device to the Apple plug it came with.So wheres the convenience?It would suit someone who works at home and only uses their iPhone there,but the likelihood of that is very slim.Powermat should also consider bringing out a batterypowered mat too,for extra convenience and to make it mobile and properly wireless.1What is the main idea of the text?APowermat is a great idea in theory and practice.BPeople meet problems in making use of Powermat.CPowermat is quite suitable for people working at home.DPowermat is not as convenient as it claims to be.答案D解析主旨大意题。根据首段中的“.claims to wirelessly charge your iPhone in three,easy steps.”可知,厂家声称Powermat使用非常方便,但是纵观全文,根据作者对产品的特点进行的评论可知,这种充电设备并不像它声称的那样使用方便。2The author mentioned the two problems of Powermat in order to .Aseek solutions Bseek for helpCattract attention Dsupport his idea答案D解析写作目的题。根据第三段“But to be perfectly honest,theres no difference,or any more convenience,to just using a plug socket charger.”可知,作者提出自己的观点,认为使用Powermat并不方便,接着通过“Firstly.Secondly.”两方面的介绍来支持自己的看法。3The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to .Athe Powermat Bthe receiverCthe iPhone Dthe plug答案B解析代词指代题。作者描述的步骤是:先找到Powermat,再拿过接收器,把手机插入接收器,然后再把接收器放到Powermat上,所以it指代的是the receiver。4The underlined sentence in the last paragraph actually means .APowermat is not practicalBPowermat is designed for certain casesCfew people like using PowermatDPowermat needs to be improved答案A解析句意理解题。该句话的意思是:Powermat这种充电器只适合在家里工作的人,而且他们也只在家里使用iPhone,但这种可能性是很小的。由此可知,该句话的言外之意是Powermat不实用。.完形填空Pressure means that people are expecting a lot of you.It also means that you sometimes have to do a lot of things in a 1 period of time.Pressure seems to be a 2 of modern life;everyone feels it.People feel pressure at work,students feel pressure at school and everyone sometimes feels the pressure of trying to 3 their friends and family.Surprising as it may sound,though,pressure can be a(n) 4 thing.When you are 5 pressure,it helps you to concentrate and think hard about the problems that have to be 6 .It forces you to 7 your time,to decide which problems are more important and which are less important.And, 8 ,when you have faced these problems you 9 a better,stronger person.Of course,pressure isnt always 10 .Too much pressure causes stress and it can 11 your health.It affects your heart,your blood circulation(循环) and your nervous system.People who 12 too much pressure or stress have 13 sleeping and eating.When this 14 ,its time to get help from a doctor.If you are feeling this way make sure you tell someone.The worst way to handle “negative” pressure is to keep 15 ;it will only make things 16 .Your attitude has a lot to do with how you 17 pressure.When faced with a problem,try to look at it as a challenge 18 an annoyance(烦恼)Life is 19 with problems and pressuresthey are never going away,so we have to face them and 20 them.In the end,it makes us better people and we can shine like diamonds.1A.long BshortChappy Dsad答案B解析压力也意味着有时你在短时间内有大量的事情要做,故此处用short。2A.part BtitleCsight Drole答案A解析根据下文“每个人都会感受到压力”可知,压力是现代生活的一部分(part)。3A.affect BpleaseCimprove Djoin答案B解析每个人在努力去讨好(please)朋友和家人时都有时候会感觉到压力。4A.ordinary BrareCgood Dserious答案C解析虽然听起来很令人吃惊,压力也可能成为一件好(good)事。 BatCacross Dunder答案D解析当你处于压力之下时,它会帮助你集中精力并努力思考问题,故under在(影响)下,符合语境。6A.realized BadoptedCsolved Dconsidered答案C解析压力会促使你仔细思考有待解决(solve)的问题。7A.limit BrecordCorganize Dseparate答案C解析压力还会迫使你去安排你的时间。organize在此处意为“安排,筹划”。 the end Bin a wordCin turn Din order答案A解析根据上下文逻辑上的先后顺序关系和空后的“当你面对完这些问题”可推知,此处应为in the end(最终)。9A.make BbecomeCexpect Ddevelop答案B解析你会成为(become)一个更优秀、更坚强的人。10A.interesting BimportantCnecessary Dworthwhile答案D解析上段讲了压力的好处,这一段讲述压力带来的危害。此处承上启下:压力并不总是有益的。worthwhile有价值的,值得的,符合语境。11A.harm BcontrolCreduce Dlose答案A解析联系下一句的具体说明可知,太多的压力会损害(harm)你的健康。12A.suffer from Btake overCturn down Dput out答案A解析此处指那些遭受太多压力的人。suffer from遭受,经受,符合语境。13A.effect BfavourCtrouble Ddanger答案C解析那些压力太大的人会遇到睡眠和饮食的问题。have trouble (in) doing sth.表示“做某事有问题或麻烦”。14A.arrives BhappensCworks Dcalls答案B解析当上文讲述的这种情况发生(happen)时,应该去向医生寻求帮助。15A.curious BcarefulCawake Dsilent答案D解析上一句说有压力时要学会倾诉。由此可以推知,对待“负面的”压力最糟糕的解决办法就是保持沉默(silent)。16A.less BworseCeasier Dharder答案B解析面对压力时保持沉默,那样只能使得事情更糟(worse)。17A.list BhandleCavoid Darrange答案B解析你的态度与你如何处理(handle)压力的关系很大。18A.rather than Bnext toCthanks to Dless than 答案A解析当面对问题时,应该将它看作是挑战,而非(rather than)烦恼。19A.equipped BofferedCfilled Dsupplied答案C解析生活中充满了问题和压力。be filled with,固定短语,意为“充满”。20A.check BchargeCcomfort Dovercome答案D解析对于生活中的问题和压力,我们必须去面对和克服(overcome)它们。.语法填空He was the president of a major advertising firm and I was a very young management consultant.I had been recommended him by one of his employees 2.who/that had seen my work and thought I had something offer (offer)I was nervous.At that stage in my career, wasnt very often that I got to talk to the president of a company.5.The appointment was at 1000 am.I arrived early for one hour.Right at 1000,I was led into a 6.fairly (fair) large and airy room,

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