人教版九年级中考英语模拟考试试卷(II )卷

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人教版九年级中考英语模拟考试试卷(II )卷一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2016八上卢龙期中) If you plan _ a movie, choose Mulan. A . watchB . to watchC . watchingD . watched2. (2分) (2017七下江阴期中) There is a bridge _ the river. Be careful when you walk_ it. A . across; overB . over; crossC . over; acrossD . cross; over3. (2分) This style of clothes are popular with many people all over the world . A . in the worldB . around the worldC . in the parts of the worldD . above the world4. (2分) I really dont want to lose the chance of getting a new job, so I will try my best to get it.A . takeB . missC . make5. (2分) What kind of weather do you like? I like _ days because they make me _.A . snow; excitedB . snowy; excitingC . snow; excitingD . snowy; excited6. (2分) (2016九上宁津月考) I dont know the teacher _ is talking with Miss Wang. A . whatB . whomC . whichD . who7. (2分) Hes fed the dog and the cat, _?A . doesnt heB . isnt heC . wasnt heD . hasnt he8. (2分) (2018九上德惠月考) Peter was so tired and went into the room and down on the bed. A . lieB . liesC . liedD . lay9. (2分) Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. We must keep our school clean. A . throwB . be throwingC . be thrownD . have thrown10. (2分) (2018深圳模拟) Have you _ on which to buy?Its hard for me to choose.A . made a promiseB . made a decisionC . made a mistake11. (2分) Oh, how interesting the book is! Andy _ to himself. A . saidB . talkedC . toldD . spoke12. (2分) He cant carry the heavy box. He is a child _. A . at firstB . after allC . at allD . above all13. (2分) Ben and Sue arent at home,are they?No.They _to London on business.A . have goneB . goC . have beenD . will go14. (2分) 一 How many people are there in the hall?一 More than 100 people.A . OnlyB . Less thanC . Over15. (2分) Last year, three hundred English teachers took part in the English TrainingA . two-monthB . two-monthsC . two monthsD . two month16. (2分) Its nice of you _ me.A . to helpB . to helpingC . help withD . helps with17. (2分) (2018八上南沙期末) Tu Youyou is _ Chinese to get the Nobel Prize, we are proud of her. A . twoB . the secondC . secondD . twice18. (2分) My parents dont let me _ late. A . stayed upB . stay upC . stays upD . staying up19. (2分) “No _! says the sign.A . smokeB . smokingC . smokesD . to smoke20. (2分) The boy is interested in English.A . feel interestB . shows interest inC . interestsD . has interesting二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “Im going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very 1, and he did not get in.Then he said,“Im going to2a small boat and Im going around the world.”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough3.Last summer Mike found a swimming4near his house. The lessons did not cost very5, and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having6. Now he is a good swimmer.Last week a little boy said to him,“Youre a very good swimmer. How do7learn to swim so well?”“Im not good at all,”Mike said and he smiled.“8Im in the water, I say to myself, There are9fishes behind me! Then Im very afraid, and I10quickly.”(1)A . big B . beautiful C . good D . strong (2)A . buy B . make C . borrow D . draw (3)A . food B . work C . time D . money (4)A . park B . school C . farm D . factory (5)A . much B . little C . many D . any (6)A . meals B . lessons C . talks D . games (7)A . I B . they C . we D . you (8)A . If B . When C . Though D . Where (9)A . interesting B . nice C . dangerous D . different (10)A . run B . jump C . swim D . fly 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22. (10分) (2017七下盐都开学考) 阅读理解。A man goes into a restaurant one day. His clothes are very nice. He sits down at a table near the window.A waiter comes to him and says, “Can I help you, sir?” The man says, “Yes, please. Can I see the menu (菜单)?”“Sure,” answers the waiter. The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. After a moment, the waiter brings them to him. The man has his meal happily. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down besides the man. He asks the waiter to give him ice cream. The man says, “I will be back in 5 minutes.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream, he stands up and goes to the door. “Excuse me, your father doesnt give the money for the meal and your ice cream,” the waiter stops him and says.“Father? You are wrong. He is not my father. I do not know him. I meet him in the street. He says hell give me ice cream when I come here at twelve oclock.”(1) The man comes to the restaurant _. A . to meet the boyB . to buy a newspaperC . to eat an ice creamD . to have a good meal(2) The man has _ in the restaurant. A . breakfastB . supperC . lunchD . dinner(3) The waiter stops the boy because _. A . the boy wants to run awayB . the boy doesnt have the mealC . the boys father comes back soonD . the man doesnt give money for the meal and the ice cream(4) From the story we know that_. A . the man is a cheat(骗子)B . the boy is the mans sonC . the boy knows the man very wellD . the waiter pays the meal and the ice cream(5) Whats the best title(标题)? A . A father and a sonB . Not my fatherC . A free ice creamD . A good meal23. (10分) 阅读理解BLast Friday night l went to a great partyIt was a birthday party for my teacher Mrs BrownStudents in my class all went to celebrate Mrs Browns 40th birthdayWe began to arrange(筹备)the party two weeks ago,but Mrs Brown knew nothing about itWe all met at a restaurant at 6:45 pmThere were 30 peopleMrs Browns son took her to the restaurant and they arrived at seven oclockJust before seven,we all stayed in one room of the restaurant and made the room darkWhen they got to the restaurantMrs Browns son asked her to go into the room firstThen we all shoutedSurprise!”Mrs Brown was really surprisedShe jumped when she heard usThen we sang Happy Birthday To You and she knew what was happening,We all had a great dinner and then a delicious birthday cakeFor her birth-day,MrsBrown got a beautiful quilt(被子).We printed our photos on itSo it was a very special quiltMrs Brown enjoyed her evening,and we enjoyed it too根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1) How old is Mrs Brown? A . 30B . 35C . 40D . 45(2) When did Mrs Brown get to the restaurant? A . At 6:45 pmB . At 7:00 pmC . At 7:l5 pmD . At 7:30 pm(3) Why did Mrs Brown jump when she went into the restaurant room? A . Because she got a surpriseB . Because she met her friendsC . Because she wanted to keep warm.D . Because she liked doing exercise anywhere(4) Why was Mrs Browns birthday gift special? A . It was very bigB . Her son made itC . There was Mrs Browns name on itD . There were Mrs Browns students photos on it(5) Whats the best title of the passage? A . A great birthday partyB . A happy weekendC . A new restaurantD . A nice teacher24. (10分) Mum went to Peters bed and said, “I want to borrow Tims radio for you?” Peter touched the letter in his pocket (口袋) and said, “Thanks, Mum!” “Today I want to send you a special gift on the radio. Itll surprise you. I will come back soon,” she said and quickly left in the heavy snow.Peter took out the letter. He got it this afternoon. Mum didnt know about it. Mum wrote in the letter: The 26th of this month is my son Peters birthday. Could you bless(祝福)him? He has been ill for one month. The radio station wrote in the top: Im sorry that we have cancelled(取消) this program.Mum came back with a radio. There was lots of snow on her clothes. And the program began quickly. Next, Peter got very surprised. “At first, we planned to cancel this program, but lots of people like it very much. Now, lets bless the following(下列的) people together. Kate, Martin, Linda” The list was very long. Mum was too tired and she fell asleep. Peter didnt hear his name to the end. But he was quite moved. He woke up Mum, “Mum, I heard my name just now. Thank you for your gift, Mum!” Mum smiled with tears. Peter also smiled with tears. He believed it was his best gift.(1) It was _ in Peters birthday.A . rainyB . snowyC . windy(2) What was Mums special gift to Peter?A . She wrote a letter to him.B . She blessed him in the radio.C . She asked the radio station to bless him.(3) Why didnt Peter give the letter to his mother? Because _.A . he was ill for a monthB . his mother was very tiredC . his mother would be disappointed(4) How did Peters mother feel after the program?A . MovedB . TiredC . Surprised(5) What do you think of Peter?A . He is a brave boy.B . He likes telling lies.C . He loves his mother.25. (6分) At last, the mid-term exams are over. Youve done the hard work, but you cant relax. You have to prepare for the next exams. Do you hate exams? If you do, you are not alone. Students in other countries hate them as well.Luckily for them, British students have fewer exams than Chinese students. And they only have them once a year. Every summer they take a test in each subject. Each test lasts about an hour. These exams dont count for much, even if a student does really badly they still progress to the next grade. When the results come out, they are then placed in an end-of-year report. The report is sent to the childs parents. It describes how the student studied at school.This report is private, so only the teacher, the student and his or her parents see it. This means that the students dont know how other students scored(得分) in the test. Some students choose to tell each other, but others keep it secret.Parents meetings are held twice a year, at the end of winter term and then at the end of the summer term. Children go along with their parents to meet their teachers privately and discuss their performance at school. (1) For British students, the school life is than that of Chinese students.A . more relaxingB . much tenserC . more boringD . much harder(2) The underlined phrase “dont count for much” means A . 难以计数B . 不太重要C . 期望不多D . 难度不大(3) Which of the following is NOT true for British students?A . They have exams once a yearB . They dont know their classmates scoresC . Parents meetings are held at the end of the terms.D . They like to tell each other their scores四、 填写适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分) A: Hi, Henry! Where do you want to go ?B: _A: That sounds great. _B: I like elephants.A:_B: Because theyre strong and smart. What about you ?A: _ They are cute.B: Where are they from ?A:_B: Lets go to the zoo together .A:OK.ATheyre from Australia .B. Why ?C. What animals do you like ?D. I want to go to the city zoo.E. I like koalas a lot .五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共15分)27. (15分) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 A man came home from work late, tired and unhappy. He found his 5-year -old son waiting for him at the door.The boy asked, Daddy, how much do you make every hour? The father was angry at his sons question. When he said $20 an hour, the little boy asked him for $ 10. The father was even angrier because he thought the boy just wanted some money to buy a toy. So he didnt answer his son.The little boy quietly went to his room. After about an hour, the man calmed himself down (使.平静) and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 10.Maybe I was too hard on you just now, the man went into his sons room and said. Heres the $ 10 you asked for.Oh, thank you, Daddy! The little boy said. Then he reached under his pillow (枕头), pulled out some crumpled (皱的) money and said, Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow, I really want to have supper with you.(1) Did the man give the money to his son at first? (不超过3个词) (2) How much could the father make every hour? (不超过4个词) (3) What did the boy really want to buy? (不超过6个词) 六、 选择合适的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分) 根据所给出的选项完成对话。A. How is the weather there?B. When are you coming back?C. Have a good time.D. How is it going?E. What are you doing now, Jim?Rick: Hi, Jim! _Jim: Its great! I love New York. Its a great city.Rick: _Jim: Its pretty warm and sunny.Rick: _Jim: Oh, Im enjoying the sunshine(阳光). Its so relaxing.Rick: _Jim: Im not sure. I really want to stay here. Ill call you later.Rick: OK. _. See you.Jim: Bye-bye.七、 补全短文 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分) (2017寿光模拟) 语法填空Some people think that they_( get) ill if they use their brains(大脑)too much. It is not true. Through many researches, scientists_( show) us that the more you use your brains, the better they_( be), and the wiser you will become.Of course, if you want to keep your mind clear and be energetic(充满活力的), you_( take) a proper rest and study properly. To the teenagers,_( use) their brains in the morning is good for their health.There are many ways _( rest). One is a peaceful rest. Sleep is a peaceful rest. Another is an active rest. For example_( take) a walk outdoors, do morning exercises every day_( change) the way of the brains activities(活动)is also a good way to rest.In everyday life_( eat) some eggs, meat, fresh vegetable and fruit is also good for the brains._(wish) you a wise man and a happy life.八、 信息归纳 (共1题;共25分)30. (25分) (2019九上长春月考) 根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。 On the second Sunday in May is Mother Day, American children of all ages give their mothers to something special. It is the one day children, young and old, try to show their love to mothers. It is the day to celebrate motherhood and to thank her for all small and big things she has done for her children. However, did you know that Mothers Day celebration is no recent thing?In the United States, Mothers Day became an official holiday in1910. An American girl, Anna, asked her governor to set a festival for mothers for their love. And they set the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day and a year later all the other states celebrated it.On Mothers Day morning some American children serve their mothers breakfast in bed. Other children will give their mothers presents which they have made themselves or bought in stores. Adults give their mothers red carnations(康乃馨), the official Mothers Day flower. If their mothers left the world they may bring white carnations to their grave sites(墓地). This is the busiest day of the year for American restaurants. On her special day, family members do not want Mom to cook dinner! (1) Which country set Mothers Day first? (2) When did all over the America begun to celebrate Mothers Day (3) What color of carnations an American mother may see at home on the Mothers? (4) Which day is American restaurants busiest day of the year according to the passage? (5) Is Mothers Day on the second Saturday in May ? 九、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共25分)31. (25分) 配对阅读:下栏是五种运动方式的简介,将其与上面的图片相匹配,其中有一项为多余项。 Want to enjoy some extreme sports(极限运动)? Here are a small number of the extreme sport clubs across universities in the UK.A. B. C. D. E. F. (1) Oxford, York, Aberdeen and Warwick are only some of the universities that offer this rather unusual sport. Anyone who is able to swim can play. It is played by two teams of six players. Everyone wears a mask and carries a small wooden stick. (2) Nearly every university in the UK has a skiing and snowboarding club. For example, Brumski & Board Club of Birmingham University has run for 30 years and has about 500 members. They hold Christmas and Easter ski trips every year and take part in competitions. (3) Warwick University is home to the Longboarding Club. A Longboard is two or three feet longer than a usual skateboard and has a wider wheel base. Instead of offering club Tshirts, the Longboarding Club let s members have their personal socks. (4) The University of Lincoln offers BASE jumping. In BASE jumping, players jump from fixed objects and use a parachute(降落伞) to break their fall. They go on weekly trips to Skydive Hibaldstow. (5) Rock climbing is a popular hobby that many people enjoy doing. You can do it indoors on special walls or outdoors on real mountains. There are many advantages of rock climbingit is fun and it also helps people forget worries. If you are a beginner, its best to have lessons. A climber with experience can help you a lot in the beginning. 十、 翻译 (共7题;共24分)32. (5分) 根据汉语意思完成句子(1) 对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间.Im sorry lve already_so much of your valuable time(2) 老师指出了我家庭作业里的许多错误.The teacher_many mistakes in my homework(3) 中国以长城而闻名.China_the Great Wall(4) 我们在泰山顶部可以欣赏美景.We can enjoy the_the top_Mountain Tai(5) 我听到玲玲在隔壁房间里哭.I _Lingling _in the next room.33. (2分) (2016八上钦州期末) 昨天他们制定了新年的决心。They _the New Years _ yesterday.34. (3分) 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) 他们将通过电子邮件把作业发送给老师。They will_their homework_their teachers by email(2) 吉姆在一个新地方能很快地交上朋友。Jim can_fast in a new place(3) 你通常从哪里获取有关足球的信息呢?Where do you often_about football?35. (2分) 到目前为止,你觉得你的新学校怎么样?_,how do you like your new school?36. (2分) (2018利川模拟) 直到绿灯亮时才能过马路。_cross the road _the light turns green.37. (5分) (2017七下如皋期中) 将下列各句译成英语。 (1) 我的花园里满是花。 ( be full of . )_(2) 我盼望在聚会上见到你们。 ( look forward to . )_(3) 鱼儿睁着眼睛睡觉。 (with + n. + adj.)_(4) 猴子跳来跳去使人发笑。 ( jump around )_(5) 你可以找人修理东西,如坏了的自行车。 (find someone to . )_38. (5分) (2020七上滨州期末) 你表弟的生日是在什么时候? 十一、 根据短文,翻译句子 (共1题;共25分)39. (25分) 第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。What are magic words? Words like thank you, please and sorry can work wonders in our daily life. These polite expressions are used every day in American among strangers, between friends or with family. 1.People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words.What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? 2. 你最好坐下来写一封感谢信。3. The words thank you are very important and used very often.We say them when someone hands us a letter, passes us a book, offers us a drink, or lends us an umbrella.Please is another important word, but many people forget to use it. It is not polite to ask someone for help without saying please. 4. We are supposed to use it when we ask for something, too.It may be a book, a pen, or more milk. It may be in the clas

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