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第 1 页 共 25 页 语文版八年级下学期期末测验 I 卷 一 单项选择 共 20 题 共 40 分 1 2 分 Do you know girl in white Yes she s an attendant of airplane company A the a B a an C the an D the 2 2 分 Lucy and Lily can speak good Chinese because they China for six years A have been to B have been in C have come to D have gone to 3 2 分 To our surprise the walls of the new bookstore books A are lined with B is lined with C have lined with 4 2 分 The young people like to on the ice A go skating B go skiing C go swimming 第 2 页 共 25 页 D go boating 5 2 分 It s a small house but there s a garden So I ll buy it A in the end B at least C of course D such as 6 2 分 2016 九下 江都期末 Have you finished your homework Just half of it How about you A Not at all B Of course C Not a bit D Not yet 7 2 分 Now the air in our hometown is much than it was before So we must do something to stop it A bad B badly C worse D worst 8 2 分 2017 七上 端州期末 Let s the old man cross the road A to help B helps C help 第 3 页 共 25 页 9 2 分 Do we still have any eggs at home Yes but only A a few B few C a little D little 10 2 分 2019 九上 兴平月考 Jim his friend s invitation to the picnic in order to stay at home and have a good rest A expected B received C refused D rewarded 11 2 分 Jim eats meat so he is heavy A too much much too B much too too much C too many much too D many too too much 12 2 分 Must I finish reading the book today No you A mustn t B couldn t C can t 第 4 页 共 25 页 D needn t 13 2 分 It s dark in the room Why not the light A turn up B turn off C turn on D turn down 14 2 分 2016 九上 相城期末 Does your mother have a hobby No you call watching TV a hobby A unless B although C if D until 15 2 分 2015 九上 丹东月考 I m to hear the news A excited excited B exciting exciting C exciting excited D excited exciting 16 2 分 2017 七下 深圳期中 Why do you look so cheerful today Jane Because I am going to meet my friends from primary school tomorrow How I miss them A careful B happy C satisfied 第 5 页 共 25 页 17 2 分 2018 无锡模拟 He s never stolen anything before he It s his third time to be taken to the police station A hasn t Yes B is Yes C has Yes D has No 18 2 分 2016 七下 浙江期中 Rules rules rules I don t like them I don t like them A too B either C also D and 19 2 分 Don t ask him to study too late into the night he is only a small child A As a result B Best of all C After all D For example 20 2 分 2016 七上 瑞安期中 Can you spell desk D E S K A Yes I am B No I m not C Yes I can 第 6 页 共 25 页 D No I can t 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 15 分 21 15 分 2015 郎溪模拟 完形填空 World Book Day falls on April 23 every year It was set up by UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 in 1955 to encourage people especially teenagers to discover the pleasure of 1 Many countries celebrate World Book Day On that day in the UK millions of students can buy 2 of special price much lower than usual in any bookstore It has been done every year 3 1998 World Book Day is also celebrated in China Premier Wen Jiabao does lots of reading 4he s very busy On World Book Day 2009 he 5people to do more reading He suggested that young people should spend more time reading Books can t change the world but people can change the world by changing 6 through reading he said Reading can benefit 有益于 people 7 Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and more intelligent Reading helps us to follow the 8 developments of science and technology Reading 9 us with information about other culture and places of the world When we read we may find many things 10 are unfamiliar to us We would have to useour brain 11 about them or do more reading to find out the answers The more we read the more we know The more we know the 12 we become Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language 13 English We all know that we 14 learn everything at school for example the ways English people are speaking and writing today Reading makes a full man Books magazines newspapers and other kinds of reading materials can help to know more about the outside world and perfect us 15 it is necessary for us to form the habit of reading every day 1 A listening B speaking C reading 第 7 页 共 25 页 D writing 2 A clothes B dictionaries C computers D books 3 A since B in C from D by 4 A because B though C through D when 5 A allowed B ordered C called on D introduced 6 第 8 页 共 25 页 A ourselves B yourselves C themselves D itself 7 A in many ways B by the way C in any way D in the way 8 A earlier B later C latest D last 9 A shares B gets C opens D provides 10 A those B that 第 9 页 共 25 页 C where D how 11 A think B to think C talk D to talk 12 A outstanding B prettier C smarter D outgoing 13 A like B at C about D towards 14 A can B can t C might D have to 第 10 页 共 25 页 15 A So B However C Now that D Therefore 三 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 38 分 22 10 分 阅读理解 Let s enjoy a movie Zootopia From large elephant to a small mouse animals live happily together in Disney s Zootopia Language English Running Time 1 Hour and 30 Minutes Price Weekdays 50 25 children under 6 Weekends 60 30 children under 6 I ve never imagined the movie is 8s0 interesting There are 64 kinds of animals in it After I watched the movie I learned more about animals I would highly recommend this movie to those animal lovers John I have seen many cartoons of this kind but this one is surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voices in it My brother and I just couldn t help laughing from beginning to end David This movie is so well made I went to see it with my 5 year old son last Sunday afternoon I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much It shows that 第 11 页 共 25 页 small animals like her can also do serious work Nancy 1 The poster shows that is spoken in the movie A Japanese B French C English D Chinese 2 From the poster we can know that the movie lasts A 60 minutes B 90 minutes C 100 minutes D 120 minutes 3 John likes this movie because of A the different kinds of animals B the funny actors C the sweet voices D the beautiful music 4 It cost Nancy and her son to watch the movie A 75 B 90 C 100 D 120 第 12 页 共 25 页 5 According to the poster the movie most probably tells a story A frightening B sad C true D funny 23 8 分 2019 七上 玄武期中 阅读理解 In our school many students love sports We have PE lessons twice a week but we do sports after school every day We like playing ball games One sport is basketball The boys like playing it best and many of the girls enjoy playing it too Another sport is football In every class there are lots of football fans We often play volleyball when the weather is fine Besides ball games some of the students like running cycling and swimming We have school teams of basketball football and baseball Our school teams often have matches with teams from other schools When there is a match many students go to watch and cheer for them We have a sports meeting once a year We like sports and sports help us keep healthy 1 How often do they do sports A Once a year B Twice a week C Many times a week D Every day 2 Which do the boy students like best A Football B Volleyball C Basketball 第 13 页 共 25 页 D Running 3 What does the underlined word cheer mean in Chinese A 喝彩 B 锻炼 C 关心 D 鼓励 4 Which of the following is true A In our school everyone loves sports B We have a sports meeting twice a year C The boys like basketball but the girls don t like it D We have school teams of basketball football and baseball 24 20 分 阅读下面短文 从每题所给的三个选项 A B 和 C 中 选出最佳选项 Du Yijun a 21 year old Fudan University student was one of the 36 people who died in the crush on New Year s Eve on the Bund 外滩 in shanghai On the night of December 31 2014 a holiday celebration turned into a terrible tragedy Overcrowding 过度拥挤 and the failure of the police to control the crowds were the main reasons it happened the authorities 官方 said For the last three years light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Year s Eve celebrations but this year the light show was canceled and there were fewer police on hand But the crowds came anyway About 300 000 people were on the Bund by 8 30 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11 30 Some people fel1 on lhe stairs and were stepped heavily on and died In shanghai the authorities have reacted 作出反应 to the Bund tragedy by canceling big events But this isn t really necessary Better planning and better crowd control can make sure the celebrations are safe 第 14 页 共 25 页 However if you re going to a place where there will be a big crowd you should take notice of where the exits 出口 are and if there are too many people move away from the center of the crowd And most importantly if the crowd seems too big and makes you feel uncomfortable Just leave No celebration is worth losing your life over 1 The underlined word crush in the passage probably means in Chinese A 美丽的景色 B 成功的活动 C 拥挤的人群 2 The underlined word crush in the passage probably means in Chinese A 美丽的景色 B 成功的活动 C 拥挤的人群 3 How many people died in the Bund tragedy in Shanghai on Dec 31 2014 A 21 B 36 C 300 000 4 How many people died in the Bund tragedy in Shanghai on Dec 31 2014 A 21 B 36 第 15 页 共 25 页 C 300 000 5 What caused the tragedy to happen according to the authorities A Overcrowding and the failure of the police to control the crowds B Unsafe exits and small squares to hold enough people C Bad weather and dark lights to guide people to leave 6 What caused the tragedy to happen according to the authorities A Overcrowding and the failure of the police to control the crowds B Unsafe exits and small squares to hold enough people C Bad weather and dark lights to guide people to leave 7 What can we learn from the passage A The celebrations could go successfully if well organized B It s necessary to cancel all the events to avoid accidents C Not all celebntions were worth losing one s life 8 What can we learn from the passage A The celebrations could go successfully if well organized B It s necessary to cancel all the events to avoid accidents C Not all celebntions were worth losing one s life 9 第 16 页 共 25 页 The passage mainly tells us about A the failure of the police to protect people B a tragedy happening on the Bund and its lesson C some successful light shows held in shanghai 10 The passage mainly tells us about A the failure of the police to protect people B a tragedy happening on the Bund and its lesson C some successful light shows held in shanghai 四 词汇运用 共 1 题 共 1 分 25 1 分 Where are the 其他的 students I don t know 五 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 每空不限一词 共 10 题 共 36 分 26 1 分 Jack and his friends arrived China last night 27 1 分 2016 九下 敦煌期中 It will take three hour to finish it 28 1 分 2016 八下 东海期中 What do you think about the air pollute in your hometown 29 5 分 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 It s i to smoke in some indoor public space and special outdoor work space The teacher came in while Tom was d litter on the floor Please be c next time Don t make the same mistakes again The English program can s ways for us to take an interest in learning English 第 17 页 共 25 页 If you study hard you can make great p 30 5 分 假设以下问题是关于你的小镇的 请根据例子进行仿写 例子 a school Yes There is a school a farm Yes a big hotel No a theatre No a library Yes a sports hal No 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 分 2016 八下 靖江期末 Rubbish should not throw into lakes and rivers carelessly 32 1 分 2016 八下 东海期中 Some birds fly to the south part of China in autumn 33 5 分 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 My sister is a l girl and always full of energy After the earthquake millions of people became h My pen pal knows little Chinese so I have to t some sentences into English 第 18 页 共 25 页 Many students think that only Chinese math and English are m subjects Twenty one people were killed in the accident i 2 children 34 10 分 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 Tom not stay out too late your uncle clean his car every week Tom with his brother chat with each other on the Internet now I usually spend thirty minutes read English in the morning Is it important for us drink lots of water every day There not be any calories in water So you can drink it without getting fat People all like the game call trick or treat in the USA Players need lots of energy run every day oo The boss often makes his workers work for 12 hours Look The boy have a comic book in his hand 35 6 分 根据情景提示 用适当的短语或句子填空 你找不到自己的书包 可以这样问 你想知道 Lisa 上周末做什么 可以这样问 Lisa 你想知道附近是否有超市 可以这样问 a supermarket 你告诉你的朋友你以前个子不高 可以这样说 short 第 19 页 共 25 页 你想知道同学们春游的感受 可以这样问 school trip 六 任务型阅读 共 1 题 共 5 分 36 5 分 2016 九上 宁津月考 阅读短文 从短文下面方框中的六个句子中选择五个还原到短文中 使短文通顺完整 衔接自然 Someone says But I think time is even more important than money Why Because when money is spent we can get it back However when time is gone it ll never return It goes without saying that the time is usually limited 有限的 Even a second is very important But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of the time They spend their limited time smoking drinking and playing In a word we should save time Remember we have no time to lose A That is why we must not waste time B Time is money C They don t know that wasting time means wasting part of their own lives D We should make full use of our time to do something useful E We should make use of our time to do everything F We shouldn t leave today s work for tomorrow 七 阅读表达 共 1 题 共 10 分 37 10 分 2017 河南 阅读理解 B Not only kids of Tiger Moms go to Harvard Dawn Loggins of Lawndale N C is on her way to Harvard one of the eight world famous universities in the eastern US Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes This girl created her own future 第 20 页 共 25 页 The teen was abandoned by her family last summer when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee She found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friend s sofas The school bus driver learned about Dawn s situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family Soon Dawn had a job at Burns High School She worked from 6 a m to 7 40 a m before the first school bell rang she swept floors and picked up trash again in the afternoons before diving 跳水 into her studies in the evenings Dawn s hard work paid off she finished school with a 3 9 GPA and scored 2 110 on the SAT There were times when I felt like it would be easiest if I gave up the 18 year old said But it was never in me to give up because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education Even before Dawn s family left her she led a difficult life Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food Dawn studied by candlelight because her parents couldn t afford to pay the electricity bill 电费 Dawn has now reconnected with her family They are proud of her accomplishments 成就 and are attending her high school graduation 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 1 Why didn t Dawn give up her studies A To reconnect with her family B To thank those who had helped her C To get an education to be successful D To realize her dream of going to Harvard 2 Who helped Dawn when she found herself homeless A Her teachers 第 21 页 共 25 页 B Her neighbors C A Tiger Mom D A school bus driver 3 What does the underlined word abandoned mean in Chinese A 宠爱 B 抛弃 C 鼓励 D 虐待 4 Which of the following words describes Dawn A Open minded B Good natured C Strong willed D Warm hearted 5 What is the best title for the text A Another Harvard girl B A girl in candlelight C From homeless to Harvard D The role of Tiger Moms 八 短文填空 共 1 题 共 5 分 第 22 页 共 25 页 38 5 分 根据短文内容 在短文空格处填上一个恰当的词 使短文完整通顺 Cartoon is the most popular TV program that attracts many children at the age 3 to 10 It s that the word cartoon came from Italian It first referred to the picture before a true drawing on the wall In the mid 19th century it came into English the 1840s it has also come to mean any picture that is humorous satirical 讽刺的 or showing an opinion It usually comes out in a newspaper and magazine with or a short text Today cartoons are a of the daily life of most people Cartoons not only show their life also help them relax 九 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 39 5 分 2016 八下 嘉兴期中 假如你是李磊 Lincoln 是你的笔友 请你根据以下提示内容给他发一 封电子邮件 针对他的不良生活习惯给出合理性的建议 80 词左右 邮件开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 Lincoln s bad habits Your advice Never have breakfast Often drink coffee in the evening Get up late No time to do exercise Spend too much time watching TV Dear Lincoln Sorry to hear that you re not feeling well However it s time for you to change some of your habbits Yours Li Lei 第 23 页 共 25 页 参考答案 一 单项选择 共 20 题 共 40 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 第 24 页 共 25 页 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 15 分 21 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 38 分 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 四 词汇运用 共 1 题 共 1 分 25 答案 略 五 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 每空不限一词 共 10 题 共 36 分 26 答案 略 27 答案 略 28 答案 略 29 答案 略 30 答案 略 31 答案 略 32 答案 略 33 答案 略 34 答案 略 35 答案 略 六 任务型阅读 共 1 题 共 5 分 36 答案 略 七 阅读表达 共 1 题 共 10 分 第 25 页 共 25 页 37 答案 略 八 短文填空 共 1 题 共 5 分 38 答案 略 九 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 39 答案 略

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