(新起点)英语六年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday同步检测C卷

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(新起点)英语六年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday同步检测C卷_第1页
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第 1 页 共 5 页 新起点 英语六年级下册 Module 6 Unit 1 It was Daming s birthday yesterday同步检测 C卷 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 单项选择题 共 10题 共 20分 1 2 分 We keep quiet in the library A should B can C could D may 2 2 分 She English at our school A teaches B teaching C taught 3 2 分 选出不同类的单词 A work B home C sing D swim 4 2 分 There are lots of apples the tree A in 第 2 页 共 5 页 B on C under 5 2 分 He will travel the morning June 3 A on in B in in C in on 6 2 分 She never cartoons A watch B watches C watching 7 2 分 My mother will a new bike for A buys me B buy me C bought mine 8 2 分 She is a student and name is Mary A she B her C hers 9 2 分 The old man his bike A fell off B fell down 第 3 页 共 5 页 C fell over 10 2 分 Sue s precious things are stamps A she B her C hers 二 词形转换 共 3题 共 14分 11 6 分 句子排序 A Oh it looks interesting Who gave it to you B What s this C I like it too Can you read it with me D It s a book about America E My friend gave it to me on my birthday F Yes of course 12 4 分 根据课文内容用正确的单词填空 It was Daming s yesterday He got many from his family and friends Daming s mum him a book about space travel In the book he a lot about space travel He was very happy 13 4 分 写出下列动词的原型 saw decided gave did 三 句型转换 共 1题 共 10分 第 4 页 共 5 页 14 10 分 句型转换 1 She played baseball yesterday 变成否定句 2 He bought an interesting book 变成一般疑问句 并做肯定回答 第 5 页 共 5 页 参考答案 一 单项选择题 共 10题 共 20分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 二 词形转换 共 3题 共 14分 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 三 句型转换 共 1题 共 10分 14 答案 略


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