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中考作文之图片作文专题作文11. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic _ makes me learn a lot. (以“使我学到了很多”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。) (2012闵行二模)Use the following points as a reference. (以下问题与图片仅供参考)写作构思根据图片提示选出一个让自己学到很多的主题,例如作为一名志愿者让我学到很多:首先能够做一名志愿者是一件很光荣的事情,其次要给出两个例子说明自己 通过志愿者学到的东西,比如:通过帮助别人明白每个人的生活都不是一帆风顺的所以自己没必要再抱怨生活了,通过志愿者也教会了自己要有责任心耐心同情心等重要的品质。最后总结号召大家都可以去做一些有意义的事。注意点:1. 时态一般现在时2. 一定要给出至少两个例子证明自己学到的东西3.文中不得出现任何人名,校名及其他相关信息。参考范文1(适合110分以上使用)being a volunteer makes me learn a lot Nowadays volunteering is becoming more and more popular.(非谓语做主语) I feel honored to become a part of it.(系动词接形容词) Volunteering gives me a chance to stop complaining about my own life, and realize exactly how lucky I am.(adj/adv,宾语从句) I am able to see the people who really need help.(定语从句) Whats more, volunteering teaches me more about responsibility, patience, giving and above all, compassion. To sum up, volunteering makes me learn a lot and I hope more people can take part in this meaningful activity.参考例文2(适合110分以下使用) Now volunteering is becoming more and more popular. (非谓语做主语)I feel pleased to become a part of it.(系动词接形容词) Volunteering gives me a chance to stop complaining about my own life, and realize exactly how lucky I am.(adj/adv,宾语从句) Whats more, volunteer teaches me more about responsibility, patience, giving and above all, love. To sum up, volunteering makes me learn a lot and I hope more people can take part in this meaningful activity. 作文21.Write at least 60 words on the topic A story on a rainy day according to the pictures given.(根据所给图片写一篇关于“一个雨天的故事”的短文。短文不少于60个词,标点符号不占格。) (2011闵行二模)Use the following phrases as a reference. ( 以下短语仅供参考) wait for a bus; rain suddenly; hold an umbrella; get on; drip to the floor; offer a plastic bag.写作构思这篇文章相对比较好写一些,根据文章给出的提示词写出对应的一篇文章注意点1、注意时态以过去时为主。2、注意适当使用文章给出的提示词3、注意各个要点之间连接词的使用,语义通顺,句子衔接得当。4、文中不得出现任何人名,校名及其他相关信息。 参考例文1(适合110分以上使用)A story on a rainy day Since the whether in Shanghai is very changeable,(since引导的原因状语从句) I always take an umbrella with me. One day, while I was waiting for a bus, it rained suddenly. (adv修饰v.)I felt so lucky and took out my umbrella at once. Then came the bus.(倒装) Noticing others being caught in the rain,(非谓语做主语) I held the umbrella for them to get on the bus. Later, when my umbrella dripped to the floor, a kid was so warm-hearted that he offered me a plastic bag. (so.that句型) So you can see, if everybody is willing to give, our world will be full of love.(主将从现) 参考例文2(适合110分以下使用) A story on a rainy day Since the whether in Shanghai is very changeable,(since引导的原因状语从句) I always take an umbrella with me. One day, when I was waiting for a bus, it rained suddenly. (adv修饰v.)I felt so lucky and took out my umbrella at once. In a while,the bus came. Noticing others being caught in the rain,(非谓语做主语) I held the umbrella for them to get on the bus. Later, when my umbrella dripped to the floor, a kid was so kind that he offered me a plastic bag. (so.that句型) So you can see, if everybody is willing to give, our world will be full of love.(主将从现)作文3同学们,看到下面的四幅图片及相应的报道后,你感到最担忧的是哪两种情形?请简述你担忧的理由并提出建议或希望。要求: 从所给素材中任选两种情形进行阐述,不可多选或少选。 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; 词数 80 100。参考词汇: 建议 suggest v. suggestion n.气体 gas n. 污染 pollution n. THE POLLUTIONS One third of the worlds people dont have enough clean water. More and more diseases are caused by polluted air. People are disturbed quite often by kinds of noises. Every person in our city makes about 1.8 kilos of rubbish every day.写作构思:这道看图作文题,主题和图片连接得不是很紧密。从考查的形式上来说,虽是看图,实质上却属于提示性的作文。这个作文应该结合个人的观点,选择的余地还是很大的。注意点:1.认真读题。注意,题目虽然给了四幅图,但是却只要求写其中的两个就行。2、题意要求的是阐述个人的观点-最担忧的两种情形。而不是对图片进行描述。3、结合所给的提示。提示中,对每种污染都进行了阐述,考生可以这些描述进行写作。4、注意字数,语法,拼写等,避免错误。参考范文1The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution I worry about. The most serious two are water pollution and air pollution, because people cant live healthily with dirty water and polluted air, nor can animals.(nor的部分倒装) More and more diseases are caused by polluted air.I think factories should not pour dirty water into the river directly or produce more waste gas. Wed better go on foot or by like instead of by car, because more cars mean more waste gas. We should make our world more and more beautiful.例文亮点1. worse and worse.More and more diseases are caused by polluted air.比较级2. should better do sth3. 本文最大的亮点就是较多且正确的运用了比较级。参考范文2The first fact I worry about is noise pollution. People cant sleep well if there is too much noise(if条件状语从句). Thats why so many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than live in the noisy city.(表语从句) I suggest all the factories and cars shouldnt make terrible noises. If they make terrible noise that isnt allowed, they will be fined, and we can also produce the cars which cant make terrible noise(if条件状语从句).The other pollution is rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world filled with rubbish. Some people throw the waste paper about. I suggest rubbish should be put into different kinds of dustbins or paper bags. 作文41. Write a story in at least 60 words according to the following pictures on the topic “A new story of the tortoise and the hare”. (根据下面的图片提示,以“龟兔新传”为题,写一个不少于60个单词的故事。)(注意:短文中不得不出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分)The following words and phrases are for reference only. (以下单词和短语仅供参考)turn .over heavy rain rescue rooftop(屋顶) helpless 写作构思本题考查学生编故事的能力,既然是龟兔新传,就要把先把前几副图的故事连接起来:龟兔赛跑的路上,兔子为了赢得比赛,把乌龟翻了个身子,让他没有办法继续向前跑,下雨兔子没有办法回家的时候,乌龟却帮助他回家。最后总结注意点:1.注意全文的时态要统一2.主谓一致3. 不得不出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息4.可使用所给单词参考范文1(适合110分以上使用)One day, hare meets tortoise. He says, Do you dare to have a race with me again? (情态动词dare)Lets have a race again, OK? The tortoise agrees. When Mr. Bear shoots the gun, they begin to run., In order to win, hare played a trick on turtle by turning the turtle over While running. (in order to 为了)He said:” You d better stay where you are.(where 引导宾语从句) Then he quickly ran away. Tortoise has no way to go but(没有办法)to wait for others for help. Luckily, Bernie came by. He saved tortoise at once. On turtles way to destination, it suddenly rains heavily. He sees hare is standing on a rooftop.(see sb. doing sth) Hare looks so helpless that he is almost cried out.(so that 引导结果状语从句)It is late and he wants to go home. Tortoise carries hare on his back without hesitation. Hare is so regret that he apologizes to tortoise, I wouldnt have treat you like this.(would have done虚拟语气)This story tells us that we should respect our competitors.例文亮点1.情态dare的使用2.where 引导的宾语从句3.sothat引导结果状语从句4.see sb. doing sth5.would have done虚拟语气作文51. 假如这副漫画表现的是你所经历的事情,请根据所给提示描述事情经过并谈谈你的看法。(2013湖北宜昌)提示词:jaywalk vi. 乱穿马路;run the red light 闯红灯注意:文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。词数80 100。写作构思根据图片内容,有警察,行人和司机,先把行人过马路的情景描写一遍,之后第二段讨论这种现象,很明显行人抢过马路是不值得鼓励的,可以适当给出例子支撑自己的观点。注意点1.这篇作文虽然是图片作文,但是因为是描述乱过马路的现象,需要写成叙述和议论结合的文章2.使用提示词3.不能出现真实姓名和学校名4.注意字数 参考例文1(适合110分以上学生使用)Last Friday afternoon,when I was on my way home from school, I saw a group of people jaywalking at the crossing(时间状语从句). A volunteer tried to stop them, but no one listened to him. Instead,they ran the red light quickly. Just then,a bus came. One of them was nearly hit by the running bus.In my opinion, jaywalking is a bad habit. It puts not only yourself but also other people in danger(not onlybut also并列结构). I hope all of us should keep the traffic rules and stop running the red light. Look both sides / ways when you cross the road.例文亮点1. when引导的时间状语从句2. instead的使用3. in my opinion4. not only but also并列结构 参考例文2(适合110分以下使用)In daily life, many people cross road hurriedly on the street. I often see a crowed run the red light and jaywalk. Even though the volunteer ask them to stop(让步状语从句). They dont listen. They dont even care a car suddenly stop near them.I think that they have already got used to this but didnt realize they are in great danger. Sometimes traffic accident happens because we dont pay attention to our behavior. Please obey the traffic rules when cross road. After all, life is valuable.作文66月5日是世界环境日。随着现代社会经济的高速发展,人类赖以生存的环境变得越来越差,人们日益感到积极宣传环保方面知识的重要性。请你根据下面图片中所提供的环境变化,用英文写一篇90词左右的短文。 要求:1.描述图片中由于环境污染造成的环境变化; 2.作为学生,请你谈谈如何为环保做出贡献。参考词汇:used to 过去常常;make a contribution to 为 作贡献;protect the environment保护环境温馨提示:1.短文中不允许出现与考试本人相关的真实姓名、地名、 校名;2.短文开头以为你写好,不计入总词数。Great changes have taken place in the village._ (福建莆田卷(2009年)写作构思:本篇文章的图片主要是用于描述现象的,注意第一幅图和第二幅图的对比,第一幅图有鸟、山、树、草,而第二幅图则变成了工厂。描述完现象之后再写怎么做贡献。注意点:1、注意时态2、把所有图片都进行描述3、把所给词包含在内。4、文中不得出现任何人名,校名及其他相关信息。参考范文 Great changes have taken place in the village. There used to be a lot of animals, such as rabbits and foxes, fishes and birds, but now you can hardly see any living things except humans. Once, the hills were covered by green grass and trees, but now there is no green at all. Cottages disappeared and tall buildings stand there. Farmland has been used to build factories. The sky and rivers are polluted. There is no clean air any more. Measures should be taken to protect our environment. (被动语态)It is necessary for us to plant trees and flowers to beautiful our environment. We should not litter here and there. Spitting should be stopped. Everybody should do something to make a contribution to our environment.例文亮点1. used to 过去常常拓展:be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用作2. Measures should be taken to protect our environment.3. It is necessary for sb to do sth4. make a contribution to


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