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九年级月考英语试卷命题人:伍德应 审题人:黄哲兵一、听力测试(27分)A) 请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1. Who sent the man the new camera?A. His mother . B. His uncle. C. His sister.2. What does Ling ling do?A. She is a teacher. B. She is a writer . C. She is a doctor.3. How often does the man go swimming?A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month.4. When did the man have the holiday?A .In March. B. In April. C. In May.5. What s the womans job? A.A tour guide . B. A shop clerk. C. A policewoman.6. What are they probably talking about ? A.A person . B.A film. C.A novel .7. What language does his pen pal speak? A .Chinese . B. French. C. English 8. What does the woman mean ? A. The movie is scary. B. The actors act badly. C. She enjoys it a lot .B) 请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)请听第1段材料,回答第9、10小题 9. When does Lucy usually wake up ?A .At 5:30. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:30 10. How did Lucy go to school today ? A. By bus . B. By bike. C. On foot.请听第2段材料,回答第11、12小题。11. Where does the conversation probably happen ? A. In a shop. B.At home. C. In a hotel.12. Where does the man come from ? A. France. B. America. C. Canada.请听第3段材料,回答第13至第15小题。13. How long will Peter go travelling with his parents ? A. For one week. B. For two weeks. C. For the whole summer.14. What will Mary do when she isnt working ? A. Study. B. Sleep. C. Go for a walk.15. Which does Mary worry about ? A. Breakfast. B.Lunch. C. Dinner.请听第4段材料,回答第16至第18小题。16. How many people will there be working in the building ? A. About 1,000. B. About 10,000. C. About 100,00017. What is the woman worried about?A. The traffic. B. The safety. C. The cost.18. Where are the two speakers now? A. In a park. B. On a bus . C.In a restaurant.请听第5段材料,回答第19至第22小题。19. What did the king want to do at first ? A.Cover all the roads with leather(皮革). B. Cover all the roads with stones. C. Make himself a pair of leather shoes.20. How was the kings idea ? A.It was clever . B. It was interesting. C. It was expensive.21. What did the king do at last? A. He took away all the stones on the roads. B. He stopped travelling around the country. C.He had a pair of leather shoes.22. What can you learn from the passage?A.When leather shoes were first made . B. Its important to change ourselves. C. Its useful to change the world.C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每小题1分)23. People had to _ on foot before the invention of the modern car.24.Karl Benz developed the _ modern car in 1886.25.Later, Henry Ford_ to produce(生产)as many cars as possible, as fast as possible.26. Today, cars are much faster and safer than they were before. However, they also cause_.27.People have produced cars which are much _.二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共8分)28. The movie is _ wonderful _ I want to see it again.A. too; toB. so; that C. as; asD. so; as29. Helen finds _ dangerous to see net friends in private.A. itsB. thatC. this D. it30. _ does Ruth communicate with her friend in Korea?_ e-mails.A. How; By writes B. What; By writing C. How; By writing D. What; By to write31. Toms grandparents made a living by_ vegetables and _ pigs.A. planting; fedB. planting; feeding C. to plant; fedD. to plant; to feed32. This dress was last years style.I think it still looks perfect _ it has gone out this year.A. so thatB. as if C. even though D. ever since33. _ exciting movie it is!A. What anB. How an C. How D. What34. She wonders if _ tomorrow. If he_, she will be excited.A. will he be back; returns B. he will be back; will returnC. he will be back; returns D. he would be back; would return35. Can you tell me _?Sure. He lives on Center Street.A. where does he liveB. where he lives C. why he lives thereD. what does he do三、完形填空(25分)A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分,共15分)How often do you let other peoples rude(粗鲁的) actions change your mood(心情)? Do you let a bad driver or an impolite waiter turn your day into a mess? However, the mark of your wise reply to the actions is how 36 you can smile back at them. Sixteen years ago, I learned this 37 in the back of a taxi in New York. We were driving fast in the right lane (车道) when suddenly, a black car jumped 38 a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on the brake (刹车) as hard as possible, and at the 39 moment our car stopped just one inch from the back of the other car. I couldnt 40 what happened next. The driver of the car turned his head around and started 41 bad words. But then heres what really 42 me. My taxi driver just43 and waved at the guy. I said: “Why did you just do that? This guy nearly 44 us!” He told me 45 I now remember as “The Law of the Garbage Truck (垃圾车)”. He said: “Like garbage trucks, many people run around full of garbage, full of anger, and full of regret. 46 their garbage increases more and more, they look for a place to pour it. If you let them, theyll pour it on you. So when someone wants to pour it on you, dont feel hurt. Just smile, wave, and move on. You will be 47.” I started thinking how often I let garbage trucks run right over me. How often do I take their garbage and 48 it to other people? Then I knew clearly what I should do. I began to see garbage trucks. I see the bad 49 people are carrying. I see50coming to pour it. And like my taxi driver, I dont feel hurt. I just smile, wave, and move on.36. A. clearly B. quickly C. exactly D. correctly37. A. example B. experience C. lesson D. case38. A. out of B. across C. next to D. far from39. A. next B. busy C. right D. last40. A. doubt B. consider C. accept D. believe41. A. shouting B. telling C. whispering D. expressing42. A. cheered B. encouraged C. surprised D. satisfied43. A.shouted B. cried C. smiled D. moved44. A. attacked B. killed C. warned D. beat45. A. what B. where C. that D. when46. A. Since B. While C. As D. Before47. A. happier B. busier C. easier D. luckier48. A. donate B. lend C. spread D. hang49. A. news B. prize C. name D. mood50. A. it B. they C. him D. themB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。(10分)sick, stay, because, worry, keep, put, stress, world, class, somethingWhat would you be like if the entrance exam to senior high school was tomorrow? Peaceful and happyas usual? Or, would you become worried and uneasy(担心的)? Not only exams but also other things, like a big game, can make you different from how you are usually. You may act differently because you are 51_ out. Stress is what you feel when you are worried oruncomfortable about 52_ . Usually your hands get wet and your heart beats faster. You feel stressed53_ you might ask too much of yourself sometimes. Or, your parents, teachers or classmates 54_ toomuch pressure on you. This can make you worried. But being stressed is not always a big problem. Everybody,even sports stars, can get a little 55_ before a big game. Some kinds of stress are good. Good stress might show up when youre called on in class or when you have to give a report. This kind of stress can help you get things done well. You may do a better job in yourbook report if theanxiety(忧虑)pushes you to do more work before you read it to the 56_ . Sometimes stress can turn into something bad if you 57_ having stressful feelings for a long time. Thiskind of stress isnt going to help you. It can make you 58_ . You may have trouble paying attention at schooland forget things easily. So, remember 59_ relaxed. It wont be the end of the 60_ , even if you dont pass the exam.四 阅读理解(40分)A) 阅读短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共30分)AEvery surfing the web has billions of choices on what they can be viewing. And always we can find many different kinds of ads. Some of them are annoying, but some of them are useful. Here are some ads from the Internet. Maybe they are helpful for you.House For SaleCentury Garden, Shijiazhuang3-4story house, 509sq.m(平方米) total land area,428.8 sq.m built-in,312.2sq.m garden. Asking 13million ($1.57million).If you are interested in the house, please contact the Housing Center.MP:13861973547 Tel:0311-89609228 Fax: 0311-89609228 Job wantedCherry,24, a shining girl, is good at oral English and Putonghua. Now she is working at a trade company in Shijiazhuang. She is kind-hearted, hard-working and healthy. She would like a part-time weekend job offering Putonghua lessons to foreign friends.Her email address: cherry If hotmail.com.Qingliang Mountain Ski ParkPrice:18yuan (entrance ticket 门票)50 yuan/hour on weekdays and 70 yuan/hour on weekends,120yuan/four hours on weekdays and 190yuan/four hours on weekendsTel:0311-8519161761.How large does the total land area of the house for sale? A. 509sq.m B. 428.8sq.m C. 312.2sq.m D. 80.2sq.m 62. Where does Cherry work now?.A. The Housing Center B.A Ski Park. C. A post office D. A trade company63. How much will you pay at least if you want to ski for four hours on weekdays?A.138yuan B. 200 yuan C. 208 yuan D. 280 yuan (B)In the Olympics, star athletes always get the publics attention. Especially under Chinas State-run sports regime(体制), gold medalists(金牌) are seen as representatives (代表) and are highly valued. But this year is a little different for Chinese people because some of their most-loved athletes(运动员) havent won championships. Swimmer Ning Zetao, didnt enter the finals of his sports. Fu Yuanhui, a bronze medal winning swimmer, has become a new hero of Chinese people. On Aug.8th, after learning that she got a new personal best in the womens 100m backstoke(仰泳) semifinal in Rio, Fu said, “Iv already .used my prehistorical powers (洪荒之力).”And when being asked about her expectations about the final the next day , Fu Yuanhui, “I dont have many expectations. I am satisfied about myself.” Fus straightforward(直率)and happy personality won her millions of fans on the Internet overnight. People call her the “Prehistorical Girl” “ Prehistorical Girland the netizens(网民) who appreciate(赏识) her have taught all of us a lesson: Sport is about the struggle and , especially, enjoyment, but most definitely not about gold,”wrote Peoples Daily in a commentary(现场解说) on Aug.9th.Winning used to be everything for Chinas Olympians. Athletes who get gold have fame and fortune(财富), while those who disappoint often get ignored or even criticized(批评).Hurdle champion Liu Xiang became a national hero at the 2004 Athens Olympics. But four years later at the Beijing Olympics, when an injury forced him to give up just before running his first race, he was bitterly criticized.Now , China is ready to welcome a sports star without a gold medal. “Public attitudes toward competitive sport and the Olympics have lifted to a higher level,” commented (评论)Peoples Daily.“As we mature(成熟) in mentality, learn how to appreciate competition , and become able to calmly applaud(喝彩) our competitors, wed show the confidence and tolerance(宽容) of a great country,” said CCTV in its weibo post. 64. Who is Fu Yuanhui?A. She is a bronze medal winning swimmer in the Rio Olympic games. B. She is a gold medal winning swimmer in the Rio Olympic games .C. She is a bronze medal winning ping-pong player in the Rio Olympic games. D. She is a gold medal winning basketball player in the Rio Olympic games.65.What is sport about?A. Giving athletes chances to get gold. B. Learning how to win a competition .C. A kind of hard work with many expectations. D. The struggle and enjoyment, but most definitely not about gold.66.Which is RIGHT according to the passage?A. At the Beijing Olympics , Liu Xiang gave up just after running his first race. B. People call Fu Yuanhui the “Prehistorical Girl” .C. China likes to welcome a sports star with a gold medal. D. Fu Yuanhui got a new personal best in the womens 200m backstroke semifinal in Rio.67.Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The Confidence and Tolerance of a Country. B. Use the Prehistorical Powers .C. A New Kind of Hero. D. Be Satisfied with Oneself.( C ) Beep. . . beep. . . There went the bell! Robbie opened his eyes. He had been sitting in the room for a whole day, and now it was time for him to do something.Robbie looked out of the window. It was still snowing heavily and there was ice on the window. It was another cold day. Robbie was told to turn the heat on before the family got home. And hedid it. Then Robbie was told to do some cleaning work at once. It was an easy job for him, but a tough one for his master, Helen. He kept on working until every room was clean and tidy.For now, he had to cook supper for the family. The first thing Robbie did was to get the big pot(锅) in the kitchen. Then he put some water in the pot and put it on the stove(炉). He used one of his hands to cut up a chicken and added the pieces to the water to make a good soup. Then he got some tomatoes, cabbages and carrots to make a vegetable salad.At ten past eight he laid the table. Then he put some bread, the chicken soup and the salad on it. What a sweet smell! The moment he turned on the lights, the whole family came home.“The soup smells great, Victor, ”said Helen. “You really know how to tell Robbie what to do. ”Robbie is one robot that really saves the family a lot of work.68. What is Robbie?A. A cook. B. A robot. C. A cleaner.D. A waiter.69. What do the underlined words “tough” in the second paragraph mean?A. excellentB. Fantastic C. difficultD. educational70. Whats the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Robbie made the delicious chicken soup.B. Robbie got the big pot on the stove.C. Robbie cleaned the house by himself.D. Robbie cooked dinner for the family.71. What can we learn from the passage?A. Helen felt happy to have a robot.B. Victor didnt tell Robbie how to do the work.C. Helen found it easy to do cleaning work at home.D. It was warm when the story happened. (D)In 1974,farmers digging a well in China made a surprising discovery:a life-sized(与真人实物一样的) statue(雕像)of a soldier. Over the years, a great army made of terracotta(赤陶) has been discovered in the area.The statues are from the tomb(墓)of Chinas first emperor. Experts are very surprised how real they are. Each soldier is dressed differently and has a unique(独特的) face and hairstyle. Now new study suggests that the statues may have been made to look exactly like the soldiers who protected Emperor Qin Shi Huang.In 221 BC, Emperor Qin Shi Huang unified(使统一) China. He ordered about 700,000 workers to build an underground palace for him. Its believed that the terracotta army (兵马俑)was meant to guard the tomb and protect Qin, who thought he would continue to control the country in the afterlife(来世).Did the workers use actual soldiers in Qins army as models for the statues? To test this, scientists from China and Great Britain took digital photos of the statues ears. Why ears? One reason is that in real life, everyones ears are unique. The scientists have compared the ears of 30 statues. Theyve found that each one is unique-meaning its possible that the statues were modeled of real-life soldiers.Scientists could be discovering secrets of the terracotta army for years to come. They believe there are about 8,000 statues in all. So far, they have discovered only about 2,000. Many of the soldiers are still deep undergroundas is the body of the emperor himself.72. Why did the statues make the experts surprised?A. There are thousands of them. B. They look like real men. C. They have a long history. D. They are beautifully dressed.73. When did Emperor Qin Shi Huang unify China? A. In 221. B. Before 221. C. In 221 BC. D. After 221.74. What does the underlined word “this” refer to? A. Whether the workers used actual soldiers in Qins army as models for the statues.B. Qin Shi Huang would live a comfortable life.C. People would remember him forever.D. People would build a palace for him.75. What can we learn from the passage?A. Scientists want to know the secrets of the terracotta army.B. 8,000 statues have been discovered by scientists.C. The statues will be on show in the UK.D. The body of the emperor would never be discovered.B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框中的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。(每小题2分,共10分)If your family name is Li, Zhang or Wang , you probably know a lot of other people who share the same family name with you .76._ However , there are also many uncommon family names in our country.77 _ These are called “panda family names”because they are used by only a few people, sometimes only one or two. The census (人口普查)shows that there are hundreds of “panda family names” in China.You may not believe it. But people in China really have these family names.78._ Two of them are called Er Wazi and three of them are called Er Nvzi. Among those “panda family names”,the most uncommon one may belong to an old woman called Beng Di. 79_The uncommon family names may be passed down from a father to a son. However, most people dont know about the origins of their special family names. They have their names when they are born.80_However, it can also cause a lot of problems. For example, its hard to find some “panda family names” with uncommon Chinese characters on computers.A. Its reported that she is the only person who uses the family name Beng.B. Have you ever met people who use uncommon family names?C. During the sixth population census, many little-known names surfaced, such as A,Ku and Bing.D. An uncommon family name can be easily remembered.E. Many “panda f


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