礼物 英语话剧 剧本

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礼物 英语话剧 剧本_第1页
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礼物 英语话剧 剧本_第3页
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礼物 旁白 明天是圣诞节 但是德拉觉得很难 过 因为她无钱为她丈夫吉姆买一个圣诞 礼物 她只有 1 87 美元 他们一个月只有 20 美元的收入 那很难再从中省钱了 事实上 德拉和吉姆有两件让他们引以为 豪的宝贝 一件是吉姆的金表 那是从他 祖父和父亲那里流传下来的 还有一件是 德拉那一头棕发 又长又美丽 德拉 生活对我来说很困难 虽然我很多 个月以前就开始存钱了 我仍然只有 1 87 美元 德拉 我 我 我不得不剪了头发去 卖掉 那样我就能得到一些钱去买礼物给 吉姆 在店门口 写着 我们买各种各样的 头发 德拉 你买我的头发吗 夫人 是的 我们买各式的头发 把你的 帽 子脱下来 让我看一看你的头发 哦 很 美的头发 很好的发质 20 美元 行不行 德拉 好的 但是请你快点把钱给我 夫人 给你 20 美元 德拉 谢谢你 再见 夫人 再见 旁白 德拉在街上逛了 2 个小时 然后她 在一家金店止步 进去买了一条金表连 现在德拉正在家里 The Gifts Mon Tomorrow will be Christmas But Della feels very sad Because she has no money to buy a present for her husband Jim She has only one dollar and eighty seven cents They have only 20 dollars a week it doesn t leave much for saving In fact Della and Jim have two possessions in which they both take very great pride One is Jim s gold watch which has been his father s and his grandfather s The other is Della s long beautiful hair D Life is so hard for me Though I saved the money for many months I still have only one dollar and eighty seven cents D I I I have to have my hair cut and sold it In that way I can get some money and I can buy a beautiful present for Jim At the shop Madame Sofronie We Buy Hair Goods of All Kinds D Will you buy my hair M Yes I buy all kinds of hair Sit down please Take your hat off and let me have a look Oh very beautiful Very good Twenty dollars OK D All right But please give it to me quickly M Here you are Twenty dollars D Thank you Bye M Bye Mon Della spent two hours in the streets Then she stopped at a Gold Shop and bought a gold watch chain Now Della is at home 德拉 哦 多么漂亮的金链子 我想那一 定跟吉姆的手表很配 当她看到它的时候 一定会很高兴的 突然门打开了 吉姆走了进来 吉姆 你 德拉 吉姆 不要那样看着我 我剪了我 的头发并卖了 因为我无法度过一个我不 送你圣诞节礼物的圣诞节 吉姆 它会长 得很快的 你不会介意的 是不是 我必 须这么做 我的头发长得很快的 这你是 知道的 说 圣诞快乐 吉姆 让我 们高兴起来 吉姆 你剪了你的头发 德拉 我剪了头发并卖了 它被卖掉了 我跟你说它被卖掉了 没有了 现在是圣 诞节前夜 对我好一点 吉姆 那都是为 了你 吉姆 哦 德拉 被误会我 我想我不会 因为你剪了头发而对你的爱就减少了 我 知道 那是为了我 看看这个包裹 德拉 什么 吉姆 你自己看看吧 你会明白的 德拉 啊 是梳子 它们就是几个月前陈 列在橱窗里的那套 吉姆 是的 那套漂亮的梳子 镶珠宝的 那颜色正好陪你的发色 德拉 但是 吉姆 那些都是很贵的 我 知道 我一直渴望但却没有丝毫的奢望拥 有它 现在 它们是我的了 谢谢你 吉 姆 吉姆 现在 你知道我为什么一开始就那 么悲伤了吧 D Oh what a beautiful gold watch chain I think it must match Jim s watch When he sees it he must be very happy Suddenly the door opened and in came Jim J You D Jim Don t look at me that way I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present Jim it will grow quickly You don t mind do you I just had to do it My hair grows very fast you know Say Merry Christmas Jim and let s be happy J You ve cut off your hair D I ve cut it off and sold it It s sold I tell you sold and gone too It s Christmas Eve Jim Be good to me for it went for you J Well Della Don t make any mistake about me I don t think there s anything about a hair cut that could make me love you any less I know it went for me Look at this package D What J Look at it yourself You ll see D Ah The combs They were in the shop windows for many months J Yes the beautiful combs pure tortoiseshell with jewelry rims just the color to wear in your beautiful hair D But Jim They are expensive combs I know my heart had longed for them without the least hope of possession Now they are mine Thank you Jim J Now you will see why I was upset at first 德拉 吉姆 我给你买了一件又美丽有好 的礼物 你能猜出来吗 吉姆 对不起 我不想猜 德拉 看 一条金表链 吉姆 它是不是 很可爱 我找遍了整个城才找到的 你从 现在起可得一天要看一百次时间了 把你 的表给我 我想看一下表链装在表上的样 子 吉姆 德拉 让我们把圣诞礼物收起来珍 藏一段时间它们太好了 但我们现在用不 着 我把表卖了 得到钱才买了这梳子 现在让我们吃晚饭吧 D Jim you don t know what a nice what a beautiful nice gift I ve got for you Can you guess J I m sorry I won t guess D Look A gold watch chain Isn t it lovely Jim I hunted all over the town to find it You ll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now Give me your watch I want to see how it looks on it J Della Let s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while They re too nice to use just at present I sold the watch to get the money And I bought the combs Now Let s have our supper

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