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Module 10 Fitness Unit 1 Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics诸城市相州初中 周辉课型:听说课【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法ache, evercise, weight, give up, interest及其词汇转化2. 能力目标:能够询问有关健康的信息,表达态度,提供建议。学习使用由whose引导的定语从句。3.情感目标:通过了解tony 的经历,培养体谅、关爱他人的情感态度。【教学重难点】: 1.重点:对话中的句型应用,由whose引导的定语从句2.难点:由whose引导的定语从句的运用。【教学过程】课前朗读: 朗读生词ache, exercise, weight, give up, interest, tasty-taste, menu, persuade.根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。检查词汇预习:a.采取学生结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。b.朗读单词,注意发音。一、情境导入教师可问学生:(1)Whats your favourite sport?(2) How do you think we can keep fit?(3) Have you ever remembered what happened to Tony in Module9?这样会调动学生用英语思维的积极性, 引出本单元话题。二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑) 听Activity 2,完成表格 Betty Lingling Taijiquan Weight training Running 针对表格进行说的练习。如:How does Lingling think of Taijiquan and running?三、大听力 多层听1.听Activity 3,完成下列各题。1).Who has Betty bumped into?A. The head teacher B. The English teacher C.Lingling and Betty2).Does Daming think that the boy in his team can go to a sports school ?A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesnt C. We dont know 3).What does Daming want the head teacher to write ? A. Something about staying healthy B. Something about training for the Olympics C. something about buying a camera2. 再听Activity 3,完成下列表格。1. How did Tony feel the basketball training?1. He feels very 2. What will the boy in Damings team need to do?2. He needs to do a lot of_ _3. Why isnt allowed to use his fathers camera any more?3. Because he almost _ _ it last time.四、默读对话,自主完成Activity 4.完成后小组展示并纠正。小组间合作解决activity 3中不懂的地方,教师适时点拨。五、突破重点与难点对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1.My legs ache a bit. _(翻译) (1) a bit 译为_. 其同义短语是_.自主造句:_.2. Dont give up if you want to stay fit._.give up, 放弃。其中up是代词,后跟名词作宾语时可放在短语 ,也可放在 ,而跟代词宾语时只能放 。例如:give it/them up放弃做某事-give up doing sth.自主造句: _.我们学过的可加动名词的动词或短语有 3.He is not fit or strong enough._总结enough 的用法并举例 自主造句: 4. Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.此句含有一个whose 引导的定语从句,whose在从句中作定语,又如:He is the only student in our class whose father is a policeman.There is a boy whose parents want him to go to a sports school.先行词为无生命的物体时也可以用whose 引导定语从句.如:The book whose cover is green is mine.No one now lives in the room whose windows are broken.5.找出含有whose 的定语从句并翻译句子。分析定语从句的先行词。_._._._. 5. 自主补充完善 六、归纳短语通过对对话的学习,让学生归纳本课的短语,可以小组合作,然后通过展示呈现出一个小组的成果,然后其他小组补充完善。 1. _ 9._ 2. _ 10._3. _ _4. _ _5. _ _6. _ _7. _ _8. _ _七、诵读积累(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟对话(三)读烂短语(四)读烂下列重点句子1.Dont give up if you want to stay fit.2. He isnt fit or strong enough.3.Im not allowed to use it any more. 4.Its my father who gives me my pocket money.5. Dont talk to me about that.6. Whats up?7.Guess what?8. (含有whose的定语从句)八、说的训练: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 5.九、当堂检测(一)翻译下列短语及句子:1.放弃_2.一点_3.保持健康 _ 4.足够强壮_5.碰巧遇到_6.发生什么事了?_7.看起来像 _ 8.祝你好运 _9.照相机怎么样了?_10.我不再被允许使用相机了。_(二)、单选1、 The best way to get information is _ _ on line. A. surf B. surfing C. to surf D、surfs2. Now, all of us can speak _ English. A. a bit B. a bit of C. bit D. a few 3. I had just some bread for breakfast, so I am _ _ hungry now. A. a few B. a bit C. a bit of D. a 4. Students are not _ _ . A. allowed to smoke B. allow to smoke C. allowed smoking5. The sitting room isnt _ _, so its not a good place to study. A. enough quiet B. quiet enough C. quietly enough6. The police _ searching for the missing child.A. gave up B. gave in C. gave off D. gave away7. The doctor advised me to _ exercises.A. take B. do C. make D. learn8. He has a friend _ father is a doctor.A. who B. whom C. whose D. which9. Do you like the book _ is yellwo?A. whose cover B. which cover C. cover whose D. cover which10. He was _ at the _ news.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excitedC. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting(三)翻译句子1. 学生是不允许带手机回校Mobile phones _ by students in our school.2. 因为考试,我昨天晚上放弃了看球赛_ the exam, I _ the match last night.3. 保持健康最好方法就是多运动 The best way _ is _more4. 增加体重最快的方法就是多吃和多睡 The _ways to _ are _ and _ more5. 你不允许做大量的运动You _take a lot of exercise6. 那条街马上需要重建The street _ at once.7. 有了收音机,奶奶不再感到孤独With the radio, Grandma _ feel lonely _.8.如果你想保持健康,不要放弃做早操。.If you want to _,dont give up _ morning exercise.9.我刚刚碰见校长了。_.10. 我有一个朋友,他的哥哥正在为奥运会训练着。(用定语从句翻译) _.十、Homework1. 复习巩固 1.) 在作业本上用本课的重难点进行造句 2.)在笔记本上整理本单元知识网络,包括知识点,短语,重点句子等。3) 熟读对话(必做) 4) 背诵重点短语(选做)3.预习任务1) 读熟第二单元单词 2) 预习第二单元课文,完成activity1,2. Module 10 FitnessUnit 2 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners.诸城市相州初中 周辉课型:读写课 【学习目标】1.知识目标:1)词汇:Remember the words and expressions: tasty-taste menu, behave, persuade, 2)句型:大多数学生能够结合语境理解并应用由whose 引导的定语从句,基础较弱的学生能理解并笔头造句。2.能力目标:熟练运用快速读和仔细读的阅读技巧;提高提取信息、仿写片段的能力;能运用所学知识表述自己看到的世界奇观。3.情感目标:合理膳食,保持健康。【教学重难点】1. 重点: 1)词汇:tasty-taste menu, behave, persuade2)短语用法及句型结构1.go back to school 2. prefer ice creams3.take into 4.find out5. have much money to spend 6. decide to do 7. refuse to do 8. persuade sb.to do 9.agree with sb. 10.all over11. be bad for 12. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.13.He found out that they didnt know enough about food and health.2. 难点:1)阅读中不同阅读方法的灵活使用;2)短语句型的学以致用:whose 引导的定语从句【教学过程】课前准备小组派代表将课前归纳的短语写在黑板上。一、复习检测1. 复习检测单词、短语的预习和记忆情况。(让学生齐读本课191页的新单词和短语,培养学生的朗读习惯,同时巩固预习效果。齐读后, 小组内成员互相检查单词、短语等的预习情况。然后教师进行抽查。)2. 小组合作完成Activity 1进一步巩固词汇的记忆和理解。二、情景导入 “Whats your favourite food?” How do you think the relationship between food and health? If you are a cook , what will you advise us to eat or do for our health?三、多层阅读1. Fast reading 快速阅读文章,把标题和段落匹配.(课本Page 82)2. Careful readingI、仔细阅读文章,选择正确答案。1. Children usually had _. A. hamburgers and chips or pizza B. hamburgers, rice and fruit C. hamburgers, pizza and vegetables2. What did Jamie think about childrens meal? A. very good B. terrible C. not too bad 3. How much do children know about healthy food? A. A little B. Nothing C. Much4. Why do you think children didnt have healthy food? A. The cooks didnt have much money to spend B. The cooks know little about healthy food C. Both A and B5. What did Jamie decide to do?A. teach the cooks and the children about healthy food B. teach the cooks about healthy food C. give up the project6. What did children do at first after Jamie gave them new food? A. They liked it very much B. They refused to eat it. C. They did nothing7. What did Jamie want the government to do? A. Ban junk food, train the cooks, B. Educate the children, spend more money on school dinners C. Both A and BII、阅读文章,完成表格。1.Who works there2.The first we do for you3.What we do for you next4.What we do for you every week5.Opening hours四、理解意思小组间合作解决不懂的句子,老师适时点拨。五、突破重难点1.对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1)but we prefer ice creams。_.我们学过关于prefer 的短语有: preferto._,相当于_.自主造句_.2) Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.此句可翻译为_.我们可以将此句分解成两句_,_ 3) He found out that they didnt know enough about food and health._.find out_.find _-look for _.(1.)请查明谁打破的玻璃。_.(2)她到处找她的钢笔,但哪里也没找到。_.自主造句_.4). Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. (定语从句)翻译为: Teacher said that children behaved very badly after lunch.(宾语从句)翻译汉意: 通过比较,分析两种从句的差异。 2.自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。六、补充短语通过对文章的学习,让学生补充短语。七、朗读训练(一)跟录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。(二)读熟文章(三)读熟短语(四)读烂下列重点句子1) In 2005 he went back to school to see what the children were eating.2) Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon.3) He found out that they didnt know enough about food and health.4) It was hard work.5)In the end, when Jamie persuaded them to try his cooking, they liked it. 6)含有whose 的定语从句八、文章复述借助短语的支持对文章进行复述。九、写作训练完成课本练习Activity8。十、当堂检测(一)短语:1.回到 2、赞同,同意某人 3.对有好(坏)处 4、拒绝做某事 5、决定做 6、了解,知道 7、在最后 8、在结尾 9、到为止 10、说服某人做某事 (二). 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Yesterday Tony went back to his school _(visit) his English teacher.2. The little boy behaved so _(bad) that no one loved him. 3.Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult_(teach) in the afternoon.4. Can you _ when the train will start?A. find B find out C. look for 5.He served me a cigar, but I refused _(accept) it. 6.Youd better persuade your father _(give) up _(smoke). Its really bad for his health. II. 根据汉语提示,翻译下列句子。1. 这真是个问题。 2.那些吃不健康午饭的孩子们下午很难教。 3. 杰米意识到孩子们不了解什么是健康食品。 4. 最后,杰米说服孩子们,让他们品尝他的饭菜。 5.杰米就是这样一位厨师,他的观念正在改变英国学校的饮食。 十一:作业:1. 找出本课所有定语从句,组内交流并写在作业本上。2.Write a composition called “The ways to keep healthy

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