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Unit7 The Birthday PartyTopic 1When were you born?1. 五月十三日 May the thirteenth2. 下个星期二 Next Tuesday3. 明年 Next year 4. 下一周 Next week 5. 你打算怎么庆祝 How do you plan to celebrate it??6. 打算/准备做某事 Plan to + 动词原形+sth 7. 想做某事 Want to do sth 8. 开个生日聚会 Have a birthday party9. 你想参加吗? Would you like to come?10. 我非常乐意去 Id love to 11. 今天是星期几? What day is it today?12. 今天是几号? Whats the date today?13. 一月一日 January first14. 二月二日 February second15. 三月三日 March third16. 四月四日 April fourth17. 五月五日 May fifth18. 六月六日 June sixth19. 七月七日 July seventh20. 八月八日 August eighth21. 九月九日 September ninth22. 十月十日 October tenth23. 十一月十一日 November eleventh24. 十二月十二日 December twelfth25. 其余都是31天 All the rest have thirty-one 26. 除了二月不一样 But Februarys all alone 出生Be born 27. 用于表示周、月、季节、年,泛指上午、下午、晚上 In; 28. 用于星期,某日,某一天的上午、下午(具体某一天时,常用on) On 29. 1900年 Nineteen hundred30. 1904年 Nineteen o four31. 1976年 Nineteen seventy-six32. 2000年 Two thousand33. 2002年 Two thousand and two34. 康康的生日 Kangkangs birthday35. 一个飞机模型 A model plane 36. 再猜一下 Guess again37. 你的礼物是什么形状的? Whats the shape of your present ?= What shape is your present? 38. 它是圆的 Its round39. 什么颜色 What color40. 黑白相间 Black and white41. 一个足球 A soccer ball42. 看一看 Have a look 43. 休息一会儿 Have a rest 44. 游泳 Have a swim45. 散步 Have a walk46. 恐怕- - - Im afraid- 47. 看起来像 Look like48. 看起来像一朵花 Looks like a flower49. 刚才 Just now50. 刚才 A moment ago 51. 一个圆形 A circle 52. 一个正方形 A square53. 一个三角形 A triangle54. 一个长方形 A rectangle55. 一个椭圆形 An oval56. 多宽 How wide57. 多远 How far58. 多长 How long59. 多久一次(频率 ) How often60. 10厘米长 10 centimeters long 61. 6.4厘米宽 6.4 centimeters wide62. 用- - 做- - Use- for doing/to do- 63. 我们用它做什么呢? What do we use it for?64. 我们用它用来学习英语 We use it to study English.65. 一定是 Must be 66. 出生于1967年五月22日 Was born on May 22nd ,196767. 明天是她的生日 Tomorrow is her birthday68. 他的女儿 His daughter69. 正计划着庆祝一下 Are planning to celebrateit 70. 想要做某事 Would like to do sth = want to do sth 71. 想要买 Want to buy 72. 一条漂亮的浅蓝色的连衣裙 A beautiful light blue dress73. 买一个生日蛋糕 Buy a birthday cake 74. 一些蜡烛 Some candles75. 想在家庆祝生日 Want to celebrate the birthday at home76. 在家里做一个生日蛋糕 Make a birthday cake at home77. 想给她妈妈买些蜡烛 Buy some candles for her mother78. 做一顿大餐 Cook a big dinner79. 做一蛋糕 Make a cake80. 买一些共 Buy some flowers81. 做一张生日卡片 Make a birthday82. 做扫除 Do some cleaning83. 唱一首歌 Sing a song84. 你什么时候出生的 When were you born?85. 你在什么地方出生的 Where were you born?86. 你最喜欢的礼物是什么 Whats your favorite present??Topic 2Can you dance the disco or perform ballet?1. 想要做某事 Would like to do sth = want to do sth 2. 我想弹钢琴 Id like to play the piano3. 唱一些歌曲 Sing some songs4. 唱汉语歌曲 Chinese songs 5. 唱英语歌曲 English songs6. 和我一起唱 Sing with me 7. 我能跳舞,弹吉它 I can dance and play the guitar 8. 跳迪斯科舞 Dance to disco9. 跳芭蕾舞 Perform ballet10. 玩得开心 Have a good time 11. 在生日聚会上 At the party12. 一些香蕉 Some bananas13. 当然我能 Of course I can14. 没门 No way!15. 结对练习 Pair work16. 骑自行车 Ride a bike 17. 开车 Drive a car18. 打篮球 Play basketball19. 踢足球 Play scccer20. 祝ni生日快乐 !Happy birthday to you!21. 你能讲英语 You can speak English22. 唱汉语歌 Sing an English song23. 你太棒了! You are so smart!24. 我能数数 I can count25. 把这些花带到聚会上去 Take these flowers to the party 26. 把- - 送/带到- - Take - to - 27. 这么多花 So many flowers28. 爬树 Climb trees29. 英语说得很好 Speak English very well30. 看英语书 Read English books31. 照相 Take photos32. 说日语 Speak Japanese33. 做飞机模型 Make model planes34. 课堂活动 Class activities35. 户外活动 Outdoor activities36. 放风筝 Fly a kite37. 一年前 One year ago 38. 只会跳一点点儿舞 Could only dance a little 39. 打乒乓球 Play ping-pong40. 两个都喜欢球类运动 Both like playing ball games41. 擅长- - 在- - 方面做得好 Be good at doing sth 42. 康康擅长踢足球 Kangkang is good at playing soccer 43. 擅长- - 在- -方面做得好 Do well in 44. 玩得开心,过得愉快 Have a good time =have a great time have a nice time=Have a wonderful time=enjoy oneself45. 两年前 Two years ago46. 今年 This year47. 一年前 A year ago 48. 当我五岁时 When I was five=at the age of five49. 不能来上学 Cant come to school50. 他的右腿受伤了 He hurt his right leg51. 我能写 I could write52. 我不会骑自行车 I couldn ride a bike53. 我不会说日语 I couldn speak Japanese54. 住在伦敦 Live in London55. 在五岁时 At the age of five56. 六年前 Six years ago 57. 她眼睛出了毛病 There was something wrong with her eyes58. 看不见任何东西 Couldnt see anything59. 生活对她来说变得很艰辛 Life was hard to her60. 在她妈妈的帮助 下 With her mothers help61. 能写很多的字 Could write many words62. 开始写书 Begins to write books63. 一个聪明的女孩 A smart girl64. 她太棒了 ! She is great!65. 不能放风筝 Cant fly a kite66. 独立练习 Work along67. 习惯用语 Useful expressions68. 分组活动 Work in groups69. 检查答案 Check the answersTopic 3We had a wonderful party1. 康康的生日聚会怎么样 ? How was Kangkangs birthday party? 2. 非常好 It was very fine3. 在聚会上唱歌了吗? Sing a song at the party4. 一首中文歌曲 A Chinese song5. 一首英语歌曲 An English song6. 你的汉语非常好 You speak Chinese very well 7. 表演魔术 Performed magic tricks8. 康康玩得高兴吗? Did Kangkang enjoy himself? 9. 弹钢琴 Played the piano10. 跳迪斯科 Danced the disco11. 表演魔术 Performed magic tricks12. 表演功夫 Performed kung fu13. 唱一首歌 Sang a song14. 魔术表演 Magic playing 15. 日本歌曲 Japanese song16. 现在轮到你了 Its your turn17. 怎么啦 ? Whats the matter?18. 没坐到椅子 Missed the chair19. 摔倒了 Fell down 20. 可怜的迈克尔 Poor Michael21. 你摔伤了吗? Did you hurt yourself?22. 伤着某人自己 Hurt oneself23. 我还好 Im OK24. 看你的手 Look at your hands 25. 马上去洗一洗 Go and wash them at once26. 洗手间在哪里? Where is the washroom?27. 请走这边 This way, please28. 摔倒 Felldown29. 洗手 Washed his hands30. 伤了他自己 Hurt himself31. 没坐到椅子 Missed the chair32. 不能站起来 Couldnd stand up33. 还好 Was OK34. 玩游戏 Played a game35. 什么时间 What time36. 回来,回到 Come back37. 回家来 Come back home38. 回到学校 Come back to school39. 大约十点半 At about half past ten40. 你不在家 You were not at home41. 那时 At that time42. 到电影院去,去看电影 Go to the movies = see a movie 43. 电影非常精彩 It was wonderful44. 去了艾丽斯家 里 Went to Alices home45. 谈论 Talk about 46. 抢椅子 Musical Chairs47. 为康康举办了生日聚会 Had a birthday party for Kangkang 48. 上个星期二 Last Tuesday49. 买了许多食物和饮料 Bought a lot of food and drinks 50. 我们每个 人 Each of us 51. 给了康康一张生日贺卡 Gave Kangkang a birthday52. 手工制作贺卡 Made the card by hand53. 一块大生日蛋糕 A big birthday cake54. 坐在- - 周围 Sit around55. 围坐在蛋糕旁 Sat around the cake56. 许个心愿 Make a wish57. 吹灭蜡烛 Blow the candles out = blow out the candles 58. 一口气 In one breath59. 大家都玩得很高兴 Everyone had a good time60. 一些其他的朋友 Some other friends61. 音乐非常好听 The music was nice 62. 食物也非常可口 The food was delicious63. 谢谢你的生日卡片 Thank you for your birthday64. 举行了一次精彩的聚会 Had a wonder party 65. 最美好的祝愿 Best wishes66. 吃一次大餐 Have a big dinner67. 你收到了什么礼物? What presents did you get?68. 生日快乐 Happy Birthday69. 用它来写字 Use it for writing/use it to write


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