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英语简单句的五种基本句型简单句是英语中的基本句子,了解和掌握这五种基本句型对学好英语极为重要。这五种基本句型是:1. 主语+胃语(谓语是不及物动词) S(主语)+vi(谓语).-切记,vi(不及物动词)后不接名次或代词。 如:They worked day and night.他们夜以继日地工作。 主语 谓语 时间副词 (无宾语,work 不及物动词)如:The theatre tickets sold well.戏票很畅销。 主语 谓语 副词(无宾语,sell不及物动词)This kind of cloth washes well.这种布料很容易洗。_(标记出句子结构)2. 主语+系动词+表语(主系表结构)S +link.v +P本结构是由主语+系动词+表语组成,此句型中常见的系动词:be, become, come, get, smell, taste, feel, sound, remain, stay, appear, go, turn, fall, keep等。(1)主语+系动词+形容词(作表语)如:That argument sounds reasonable.那个论据听起来有道理。 主语 系动词 表语It feels good to be home.在家的感觉真好。_(标记出句子结构)(2)主语+系动词+名词(作表语)如:Later he became a scientist.他后来成为一个科学家。_(标记出句子结构)He is a student.他是个学生。_(标记出句子结构)(3)主语+系动词+副词、介词短语或反身代词(作表语)如:He is near.他在附近。_(标记出句子结构)This is of importance.这很重要。_(标记出句子结构)3.主语+谓语+宾语(谓语为及物动词)S+vt+o此结构是由主语+谓语+宾语构成。其中的谓语动词须是及物动词(短语),宾语须是名词或相当于名词的成分。(1)主语+及物动词名词或代词(作宾语)如:He raised his arms above his head.他把手臂举过头顶。 主 胃 宾 状Will you spend your holidays abroad this year?你今年去国外度假吗?_(标记出句子结构)(2)主语+及物动词动名词(作宾语)。此类及物动词(短语)有:advise建议, consider考虑, avoid避免, mind介意, miss错过,想念, suggest建议, finish完成, practise练习, imagine想像, enjoy喜欢, delay推迟, escape逃脱, feel like想要, put off推迟, insist on坚持, give up放弃, cant help情不自禁, stick to坚持等。如:I suggested taking a walk.我建议去散步。_(标记出句子结构)You should not give up studying.你不该放弃学习。_(标记出句子结构)(3)主语+及物动词不定式(作宾语)。此类及物动词有:afford支付得起, agree同意, ask要求, expect期待, hope希望, want想要, wish希望, manage设法做成, pretend假装, decide决定, determine决定, learn学习, offer提供, plan计划, refuse拒绝等。如:I hope to go to college.我希望上大学。_(标记出句子结构)The firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.公司无法支付如此巨额的工资。_(标记出句子结构)(4)既可接动名词又可接不定式的及物动词。如:remember to do sth.记住要做某事/remember doing sth.记得曾做过某事;stop to do sth.停下来去做另一件事/stop doing sth.停止做某事;forget to do sth.忘记去做某事/forget doing sth.忘了做过某事;regret to do sth.遗憾去做某事/regret doing sth.后悔做了某事;go on to do sth.做完一件事接着做另一件事/go on doing sth.继续做同一件事;try to do sth.试图做某事/try doing sth.尝试着做某事等。如:Did you remember to feed the birds?你记着喂鸟了吗?_(标记出句子结构)I remember feeding the birds.我记得已喂了鸟。_(标记出句子结构)4. 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(主谓+双宾语结构) S +Vt+IO+DO此句型中常见的接双宾语的动词:(1)用to变换间接宾语的动词:give给, hand递给, offer提供, show展示, throw扔, pass传递, pay付钱, send寄送, sell卖, tell告诉, lend借给等。如:Could you give me the letter?_(标记出句子结构)或Could you give the letter to me?你能把那封信递给我吗?Can you lend me that book?_(标记出句子结构)或Can you lend that book to me?你能把那本书借给我吗?(2)用for变换间接宾语的动词:make做, buy买, cook做饭 find找到, get得到, order命令, sing唱歌, spare抽出时间, fetch去取等。如:He bought me a bottle of ink._(标记出句子结构) /He bought a bottle of ink for me.他为我买了一瓶墨水。Can you get me some stamps?_(标记出句子结构)或Can you get some stamps for me?你能帮我拿些邮票吗?5. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语S+VT+O+C可以用作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词。此句型中常见的接宾语补足语的及物动词:如:They usually call the baby Dick.他们通常叫那婴儿Dick。_(标记出句子结构)I would make him king over the earth.我会让他当世界之王。_(标记出句子结构)如:She will make him happy.她将使他幸福。_(标记出句子结构)Please cut the stick short.请把这根棍子砍短。_(标记出句子结构)如:He left me waiting in the rain.他让我在雨中等。_(标记出句子结构)如:The police put the thief in prison.警察把这小偷关进了监狱。_(标记出句子结构)有些动词后常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,这是英语中常用的句型,即主语+谓语+it+宾补+真正的宾语。常见动词有think, find, consider等。如:I consider it possible to work out the problem in another way.我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。_(标记出句子结构) Unit1 Friendship第一组:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German, habit, teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice1 A group of Frenchmen and _ are visiting Window to the World.2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his _.3 The doorknob (门把手) has come _. Who will fix it?4 Dont always stay indoors. Youd better go _ for fun time.5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but Im afraid that Ive _ forgotten it now.6 Dont scold him. After all, he is only a _.7 _ often follows lightning.8 People say that _ is second nature.9 China is going through good economic _ these years.10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some _?11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _ me.12 _ well with others is considered a kind of ability.13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _ on the stage.14 No one knew the _ why he was absent from class a second time.15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _.第二组:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, editor, cheat, questionnaire, trust, dare16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _ ?17 I _ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it.18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _ with China Daily.19 Can you design a _ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make?20 He is your father. How _ you say to him like that?21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates wont _ him anymore.22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _ in exams!23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends _ her at the party.24 I got 90 _ in the final English exam.25 Before going shopping youd better make a _of what you are going to buy.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series ofon purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face1 Weve chatted online for some time but we have never met _.2 It is nearly 11 oclock yet he is not back. His mother _ him.3 The Lius _ hard times before liberation.4 _ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.5 I think the window was broken _ by someone.6 You should _ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful.7 They met at Toms party and later on _ with each other.8 You can find _ English reading materials in the school library.9 I am easy to be with and _my classmates pretty well.10 They _ in a small village so that they might not be found.11 Which of the following statements is not right _ the above passage?12 Its getting dark. I _ be off now.13 More than 1,000 workers _ the general strike last week.14 All her earnings _ about 3,000 yuan per month.普通劳动者素材Part1今天,很多人已经习惯于将社会底层作为稳定问题的一个方面,当想到社会稳定时,才会强调充分重视社会底层中那些有着各种情绪和实际困难的人们.尽管这样的理解,远胜于无动于衷,但社会底层的存在价值不应当在“社会稳定”的意义上来理解.社会底层应当被作为整个社会的基层结构来对待,对于社会有机体来说,关注底层的人们,就是关注社会自身,关注那些不幸的人们,就是关注人本身.我们将看到现代生活的丰富多彩,看到都市生活的五光十色,但在这社会正行走于体制转型的当口,在这许多人正承担着转型的阵痛之时,让我们更多地把目光投向社会底层.那里有着最深层的现实,有着我们这方生方死的时代的糙朴的精神气质,有着社会前行中产生的最激越的情感,有着我们在轿车里、写字楼里、咖啡屋里听不到的呼喊,有着在悠闲生活之外的另一种生存,那里生存本身是一种奋斗,生活还不可能成为一种享受.知识精英、娱乐明星、企业英雄,并不是社会成员的全部,更多的社会成员没有成为“精英”,但构成了这个社会的基石.做一个有产者,做一个中产者,固然值得赞美,但无产者、低收入者绝不应成为文化上被歧视的族群.把目光投向社会底层,不是为着展示苦难,而是为着正视当代社会中生命的真实;不是为着居高临下的优越感,而是为着社会共同体的协进发展;不是为着让精英人士表演“亲民”的把戏,而是为着展现社会对“以人为本”的理念的坚持.而且在任何一个时代,积极体认底层的真实,回应底层的呼声,表达底层的态度,让不幸者、受压者不至于无所告诉、不至于被遗弃和隔离,都是良知、道义与责任的体现.Part2快递员王中斌:节假日是最忙的时候 昨天上午8点,中通快递公司的王中斌将分好的快递包裹装到了电动车上,开始了一天的工作,今天他的派送量是73个。 在太乙路旁的一个小区里,王中斌按送货单约定爬上了5楼给一位客户送货,过了一会儿,又抱着大盒子下了楼:“客户说刚刚出去度假了,人家让节后送。”接着,在另一个小区门口,由于对方没有在快递单上标清楚门牌号,小王一边给客户打电话,一边为下单货物做准备,10分钟后才联系上客户。 下午1:30,西安市的最高气温是31,王中斌已经送了38个包裹,在这个过程中,他没有进食也没有喝水:“如果去吃饭,包裹就没人照看了。喝水也不行,一是时间紧,二是找不到厕所。所以,我的吃饭时间基本就是下午4点左右。时间长了就习惯了。” 小王今年28岁,在干快递的这一年时间里,他几乎没有回过家。“快递行业没有节假日的说法,如果我们休息了,客户的包裹怎么办?而且每个节假日,都是我们最忙的时候。”

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