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初三优秀学子暑期生活友情提示亲爱的同学:预祝你中考取得优异成绩!今年暑假是你们最期待的一个暑假。在学业上,中考是大家人生路上的一道重要关口;在生活上,交友是整个人生中寻找志趣相同朋友的重要时刻,大家对外界事物都充满了好奇。怎样才能过一个快乐的暑假?既放松身心,快乐地玩一玩,又能保证学业的质量,提高社会实践能力。这里,我们给你提出若干建议。一、科学合理地安排作息时间,不要一味地看电视、玩耍、上网,早睡早起,在完成学习任务的基础上,协助家长做力所能及的事,并了解社会。二、在外出旅游、上街购物、游泳、居家生活中千万要注意安全,注意用火、用水、用电、用气等安全。三、自己主动借阅高一各学科教材,了解高一各学科知识的内容、结构,做好学科衔接。四、为扩大视野,我们推荐同学们阅读下列书目:1.西游记(明)吴承恩著 2.水浒传(明)施耐庵,罗贯中著3.三国演义(明)罗贯中著 4.红楼梦(清)曹雪芹,高鄂著5.唐诗三百首(清)蘅塘退士编选 6.宋词选胡云翼选注7. 傅雷家书傅敏编8.古代散文选9.科学的历程吴国盛著 10.数理化通俗演义梁衡著11.中国科学院院士自述(青少年版) 12.谈美朱光潜著13.科学发现纵横谈王梓坤著14.圣经故事刘小江编五、自选钢笔字帖,完成练字册;完成时事新闻评论十篇。亲爱的同学,时间会在你不经意间悄悄流逝,请快快行动,去精心经营属于自己的富有个性色彩的暑假吧!灌南高级中学2007年7月2日高中语文必修一预习练习一、基础积累 1、下列加点字注音正确的一项是( ) A、摭(zh)拾 不啻(d) 骸(hi)骨 不屈不挠(no) B、抹煞(sh) 藐(mio)视 犄(q)角 开天辟(p)地 C、干瘪(bi) 思忖(cn) 水泵(bng) 妄自菲(fi)薄 D、甄(zhn)别 吮(shn)吸 沉湎(min) 瞠(tng)目结舌2下列加点字的注音,全都正确的一项是( )A峥嵘(rng) 遒劲(qi) 磕绊(k) 引吭高歌(hng)B浪遏() 惆怅(chng) 百舸(g) 自艾自怜( i )C晨曦(x) 恪守( g ) 纤巧(xin) 面面相觑( q )D颤抖(zhn) 乖僻( p ) 蛮横(hng) 翅膀甫健 ( f )3下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是( )A迷惘 百无聊赖 翱游 入不敷出B干瘪 汗流夹背 炫耀 鬼迷心窍C藐视 絮絮叨叨 急躁 废寝忘食D菲薄 痴心妄想 沉缅 惊惶失措 4、下列各项书写全都正确的一项是( ) A、寥廓 曙光 斑斓 历历在目 B、灰烬 琐碎 啮噬 至高无尚 C、感慨 摇曳 决择 血脉相承 D、祈祷 淘汰 妥帖 幸灾乐祸 5、填入下列句子横线处的词语,恰当的一组是( ) 对曾经去过的地方,他有着深深的 之情。 他的论点还有值得 的地方。 在战略上 要敌人,在战术上要重视敌人。 她是她妈妈最 的女儿。 A、眷恋 商量 轻视 宠爱 B、眷恋 商榷 藐视 宠爱 C、眷念 商量 藐视 溺爱 D、眷念 商榷 轻视 溺爱 6、下列诗句朗读节奏有错误的一项是( ) A、问/苍茫/大地,随主/沉浮 B、携来/百侣/曾游,忆/往昔/峥嵘岁月/稠 C、指点/江山,激扬文字,粪土/当年/万/户侯 D、看/万山/红遍,层林/尽染7、下列加点的成语使用不正确的一项是( ) A、这些第三代移民,在物质方面已经西化,但在精神方面,祖国母亲赋予他们的文化底蕴根深蒂固,难以更改。 B、我们不应该妄自菲薄自己的成绩,也不应该轻易满足自己的成绩。 C、这部电视剧虽然遭到了一些人的尖锐批评和指责,但是批评者认为,作者的创作动机是无可厚非的。 D、科学上的发明创造都要人们付出艰辛的劳动,绝不是一蹴而就的。 8、下列句子中,没有语病的一句是( ) A、作为一名杰出的政治家和诗人,于谦为人正直,不畏强暴,他短暂而壮烈的一生,是他那四句自勉诗的真实写照。 B、我们可以在街头随处可见各类商店出售不同档次的商品,而且卖得很火。 C、神舟5号宇宙飞船载着杨利伟胜利返回地球,这是我们国家自行研制的,每一个中国人不能不为它骄傲。 D、在市场经济发展的初期,许多发达国家曾付出过社会伦理道德几乎崩溃的惨重代价。 二、诗文阅读与积累(一)、阅读下文,完成15题。 看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。鹰击长空,鱼翔浅底,万类霜天竞自由。 1、“漫江”的意思是_“霜天”即_ 2、总领下文的一个词是_ 3、这段文字描写的具体景物有哪些? 4、这段文字的中心句是哪个? 5、请张开你想象的翅膀,运用你生花的妙笔描绘出这幅优美的画面。(不少于80字) (二)背一背,默一默,品一品。 1、卜算子咏梅 毛泽东 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。已是悬崖百丈冰,犹有花枝俏。 俏也不争春,只把春来报。待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。 一九六一年十二月题解 1961年冬,正是反华叫嚣闹得正凶的时候,也是三年自然灾害困难的时候;毛泽东用梅花的形象和风格,鼓励大家敢于面对困难、战胜困难。 注释 (1)送春归:把春天送走。(2)烂漫:色彩鲜丽。2、采桑子重阳 毛泽东 人生易老天难老,岁岁重阳。今又重阳,战地黄花分外香。 一年一度秋风劲,不似春光。胜似春光,寥廓江天万里霜。 一九二九年十月题解 此词作于1929年重阳节,时毛泽东正在闽西,内容写战地风光,借景抒情,表现战争胜利后的喜悦。 注释 (1)天难老:宇宙无穷之意。(2)黄花:这里指野菊花。(3)霜:指秋色。三、现代文阅读(一)阅读下面文字,完成1-4题 秋天,我和别人一样收获。望着我那干瘪的谷粒,心里有一种又酸又苦的欢乐。但我并不因我的谷粒比别人干瘪便灰心或丧气。我把它们捧在手里,紧紧地贴近心窝,仿佛那是新诞生的一个自我。富有而善良的邻人,感叹我收获的微少,我却疯人一样地大笑。在这笑声里,我知道我已成熟。我已有了一种特别的量具,它不量谷物只量感受。我的邻人不知和谷物同时收获的还有人生。我已经爱过,恨过,欢笑过,哭泣过,体味过,彻悟过细细想来,便知晴日多于阴雨,收获多于劳作。只要我认真地活过,无愧地付出过。人们将无权耻笑我是入不敷出的傻瓜,也不必用他的尺度来衡量我值得或是不值得。1、文中“干瘪的谷粒”指什么? 2、如何理解“我”的欢乐是“又酸又苦”? 3、文中“我”捧着“干瘪的谷粒”为什么没有灰心和丧气? 四、表达与写作1、仿照相信未来第1节的句式,另选一组意象,表达“相信未来”这一主旨。 当蜘蛛网无情地查封了我的炉台, 当灰烬的余烟叹息贫困的悲哀, 我依然固执地铺平失望的灰烬, 用美丽的雪花写下:相信未来。 _ _ _ _:相信未来。2、在“家电”身上似乎能看到人类自己的影子。依照下面示例的构思方式,写一段以某种家电讽喻或提示人类的文字。 示例:电视机自以为拥有一切;但无论想炫耀什么,都得完全听从别人的摆布。 空调只能在一个狭小空间内改变气候,却总以为自己能改变大气候。 3、阅读下面一首小诗,根据要求作文。 母亲呵 你是荷叶 我是红莲 心中的雨点来了 除了你 谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽 冰心 读完这首诗,你有什么感想? 请以“母亲”为话题写一篇记叙文,内容自选,标题自拟,800字左右。 集合练习卷(1)-集合的概念一、知识点:1、集合:某些 的对象集在一起就形成一个集合。2、元素:集合中的每个 叫做这个集合的元素。3、元素性质:集合的元素具有 、 、 。4、集合和元素的符号:集合用 字母表示,元素用 字母表示。5、集合分类:按元素的多少,集合可分为 、 、 三类。6、集合的表示方法:常用的有 、 、 7、元素与集合的关系: 是集合A的元素,记做 、 不是集合A的元素,记做 。8、常用数集的记法:N表示 、N*表示 、Z表示 、Q表示 、R表示 二、专项训练(一)、选择题1不能构成一集合的是 ( )A正三角形的全体B大于2的所有整数C高一代数中的所有难题D所有的无理数2方程组 的解的集合为 ()A1,2 Bx1,y2 C D(1,2)3下列关系中正确的是 ( )A0(0,1) B00,1 C1(0,1) D 4已知集合Sa,b,c中的三个元素可构成ABC的三边长,那么ABC一定不是( )A锐角三角形 B直角三角形 C钝角三角形 D等腰三角形5在直角坐标系内,坐标轴上的点的集合可表示为 ( )A(x,y)|x=0, y0或x0,y=0 B(x,y)|x=0或y=0C(x,y)|xy=0 D(x,y)|x,y不同时为06设两集合面积为1的矩形,面积为1的正三角形分别用A,B表示,则( )AA,B都是有限集 BA,B都是无限集CA是有限集,B是无限集 DA是无限集,B是有限集 (二)、填空题1已知A2,0,1,Bx|x|y|,yA,则集合B=_2集合A(x,y)|x+2y=7,x,yN有_个元素3设x,y,z是非零实数,若 ,则所有不同的a值组成的集合为( )A4,-4 B0,4 C0 D4,-4,04设AxZ|x|2,By|yx21,xA,则B的元素个数是()A5B4 C3D25含有三个实数的集合可表示为 ,也可表示为 ,ab,0,则 的值为_(三)、解答题1用列举法表示下列集合:(1)不大于10的非负偶数集;(2)自然数中不大于10的质数集;(3)方程x2+2x-15=0的解。2用描述法表示下列集合,并指出它们是有限集还是无限集:(1)所有能被2整除的数; (2)坐标平面内,第一象限内的点的集合。3、设A= ,B= |a+3|,2。已知5A,且 ,求a的值。4已知集合 (1)若A中只有一个元素,求a值,并求出这个集合;(2)若A中至多具有一个元素,求a的取值范围。集合练习卷(2)-集合的运算一、知识点:1、子集:对于两个集合 与 ,如果集合 的 元素都是集合 的元素,我们就说集合 集合 ,或集合 集合 。也说集合 是集合 的子集。即:若 则 。2、相等:对于两个集合 与 ,如果集合 的 元素都是集合 的元素,同时集合 的 元素都是集合 的元素,我们就说 。即:若 ,同时 ,那么 。3、真子集:对于两个集合 与 ,如果 ,并且 ,我们就说集合 是集合 的真子集。4、空集是 集合的子集, 集合的真子集。5、含n个元素的集合,子集数为 ,真子集数为 ,非空真子集数为 。6交集:由所有属于集合 属于集合 的元素所组成的集合,叫做 与 的交集。即: 。7并集:由所有属于集合 属于集合 的元素所组成的集合,叫做 与 的并集。即: 。10全集:如果集合 含有我们所要研究的各个集合的 ,这个集合就可以看作一个全集,全集通常用 表示。11补集:设 是一个集合, 是 的子集,由 中所有 元素组成的集合,叫做 中子集 的补集。即: 。12性质: , , ; , , ; ( )= , ( )= ;( ) ( )= ,( ) ( )= 二、专项训练(一)、选择题1.下列八个关系式 0= 0 0 0 0, 0 0其中正确的个数 ( )A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D . 72满足a,b M a、b、c、d、e的集合M的个数是()A.2个 B.4个 ?C.7个 ?D.8个3已知全集Ua,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,Ac,d,e,Ba,c,f,那么集合b,g,h等于 ()AABBAB C( UA)( UB)D( UA)( UB)4已知集合M有3个真子集,集合N有7个真子集,那么MN的元素个数为 ( )A.有5个元素B.至多有5个元素C.至少有5个元素D.元素个数不能确定5集合M=(x,y)|x0,y0,N=(x,y)|x+y0,xy0,则 ( )A.M=N B.M N C. M N D. 6设U1,2,3,4,5,若AB2,( UA)B4,( UA)( UB)1,5,则下列结论正确的是 ()A3 A且3 BB3 A且3B C3 B且3A D3A且3B(二)、填空题:1已知集合m|mN*且6-mN*,则此集合中真子集的个数为 2已知集合M(x,y)|xy3,N(x,y)|xy5,那么集合MN为 3已知集合A1,1,Bx|mx1,且ABA,则m的值为 4高一某班有学生45人,其中参加数学竞赛的有32人,参加物理竞赛的有28人,另外有5人两项竞赛均不参加,则该班既参加数学竞赛又参加物理竞赛的有_人(三)、解答题:1已知全集Ux|4x4,xZ,A1,a21,a23,Ba3,a1,a1,且AB2,求 U(AB)2设 , , ,且 求a,b的值。3已知集合Ax|-2x5,Bx|m1x2m1,若B A,求实数m的取值范围Unit 1 School life一单词拼写With the d_ of society, computers are becoming more and more important.Tom e_ extra money by selling newspaper.In china, young children are usually taught to r_ the old.He went back to London without having a_ any success.It was really a c_ task to Jim, but he finished it perfectly.Zhu Rongji is our _ (以前的)primer minister(总理).Beijing is making _(准备)for the 2008 Olympics.Travelling is a good way to experience different c_ in different places.Allow me to _(介绍)my friend Mr. Smith to everybody.A famous _(教授) will give us a lecture.二选择1. This is the third time that Tom has failed his history. He nearly wants to _ it. A. fall B. drop C. break D. achieve2. As a rule, all the passengers are _ to show their tickets. A. respected B. regretted C. remembered D. required3. Jenny was sad. I really regretted _ her the news. A. to tell B. to be told C. having told D. having been told4. My brother is very tall. The little bed wont be _ for him. A. prepare B. match C. fit D. do5. - Have you moved into your new flat? - Not yet. The rooms _. A. are painted B. are painting C. are being painted D. were being painted6. Hearing his travelling _, I knew that he was an _ traveller. A. experiences; experienced B. experience: experience C. experiences ;experiencing D. experience; experienced7. Your result should _ careful research. A. be based upon .B. base on C. be basing on D. be based by8. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which9. Have you seen the film wuji , _ leading actor is world famous. A. its B. its C. whose D. which10. He was not the man _ he was before. A. what B. that C. who D. as11. There is a mountain _ the top is always covered with snow. A. of that B. its C. whose D. of which12. Do you remember the days _ we spent together in the country. A. what B. which C. when D. where三改错1. The noise was sounded like a train.2. Do your know the boy his father is a doctor.3. Go straightly on and then turn left.4. My patient is a ten-years-old boy.5. We listen to the teachers talked about school activities.6. The teacher is explaining new words us.7. the film was shown yesterday was worth seeing.8. He attended to an important meeting yesterday.四 翻译句子1. 我很遗憾地通知你,你的电脑需要修理。(require)2. 他将他在意大利的经历作个演讲。3. 和校长谈话的那个男孩是谁啊?4. 任何人不允许在里抽烟。(allow) 5. 学生们正在为考试作准备;他们能取得好成绩。6. 这是我上个星期采访的教授。五.阅读理解AWhen some plates of the earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. Many earthquakes begin under the sea. In fact, earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth. They often happen near mountains.During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crack(断裂)open. Houses fall, people are killed or hurt, and sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show “earthquake belts(带)”. In these belts, its possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we can build strong houses to fight against earthquakes.In the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly(精确预报)when and where can earthquake will happen. They can also tell people what to do and how to do it.1. .It is said a large number of earthquakes often happen . A. next to mountains B. in the day time C. on land D. at night2. A map showing the earthquake belts will tell people . A. what kind of house to build B. what kind of houses can stay up in an earthquakeC. where earthquakes must happenD. how to keep themselves safe during an earthquake3.In the future well be no longer so afraid of an earthquake . A. because of a map showing the “earthquake belts”B. because we can guess the date and place of an earthquakeC. as scientists will know what to do and how to do itD. both B and C4. Which is the best title of the passage? A. A Scientist and an EarthquakeB. An EarthquakeC. How to Fight against EarthquakeD. Earthquakes Today and TomorrowBThe largest animal ever to live on earth is the blue whale. It weighs about 80 tonsmore than 24 elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A new-born baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant. Cats can survive falls from very high place because they can turn themselves up the right way so as to keep their body safe. One cat fell 32 floors on to the street, but was just hurt a little. A bear can run as fast as a horse. A new-born panda is smaller than a mouse, and weighs about 100 grams. Elephants are the most careful animals in their love. A male elephant may show his lady love for up to three years until the lady takes his love. They often show their love by touching each others body. Usually, wolves do not attack people, For years a Canadian newspaper says that they show that a wolf had attacked a person. But nobody could do that. Wolves do not usually go together though they may do this in winter.5. How much does a new-born blue whale weigh?A. More than 3 tons B. About 24 tons C. 80 tons D. 10 tons6 Cats can survive falls because_ in the fall.A. they can keep themselves safe B. they are small and very softC. they can keep themselves away D. they can put something under their bodies.7. Elephants show their love by_.A. looking at each other B. touching each otherC. courting each other D. moving their bodies8. A wolf wont attack people except_.A. in a special case B. in winter C. in packs D. that they have babies.Unit 1 word power 重点自检I按要求写出下列单词的适当形式1. respect (形容词) _2.prepare (名词)_3. sorrow (近义词) _4. mistake (形容词) _ 5.interesting (名词) _ 6. please (形容词) _ 7.different (名词) _ 8.help (形容词) _9.important (名词) _10.relax (形容词) _11. challenge (形容词) _ 12.suggest (名词) _II写出下列中文的英文表达1. 随便,不拘束_2. 知道,熟悉,了解_3意味着, _4. 打算做某事 _ 5. 比往常 _ 6. 与一起供给 _7. 隔壁 _ 8. 你不会错过的 _ 9. 做很难 _ 10. 对负责 _ 根据首字母提示写出单词1. I have been busy helping my brother with his English r _ . As a result, I havent had enough time to spend in reading the books I borrowed from the library. 2. He went to Guangzhou and found a well-paid job after he g_ from university. 3. While he was studying in London, he developed an i_ English literature and he enjoyed it so much. 4. Two years ago, he went to Australia for further study and he r_ to his hometown Harbin only three weeks ago.5. The film star must be very rich because she d_ a large sum of money to the Hope Project last month. 6. Both wife and husband were very happy because they had been _to an important ball.7. Every Monday morning the students attend our school a_ before classes begin.8. There are around 55 students in each class. Thats the a_ size. 9. Although our mathematics teacher doesnt give us much homework, what he tells us to do is always c_. 10. We missed our parents so much that we went home i_ the school was over. Unit 1 project 重点自检根据汉语意思写出对应的词组1.鼓励某人做某事 _ 2. 看上去像 _3. 从毕业 _ 4. 一个词一个词的 _5. 在周末 _ 6. 有机会做某事 _7. 做演讲_ 8. 一就 _9. 大声读_10. 代替 _11. 提出,想出 _ 12. 以为基础 _. 用下列词组的适当形式完成句子 be required to , inform of, read out , pay attention to ,be based on be allowed to , compared to , be made up of , agree with . respect for 1. He was a _ teacher and all his students show _ him. 2. The poster that we made last week _ the ideas of both our group and your group. 3. Our school _ around 80 classes in three grades. 4. There are so many trees and flowers on our school campus that it is _ a garden by many students. 5. My young brother is at his senior high, but he doesnt work hard even in class. I dont know why he cant _ his lessons.6. All boys in our class _ attend the assembly on Saturday morning to prepare for the football match.7. Someone has been _ that the killer was the little girl.8. Each day, the English teacher _ the answers for the homework to us. 9. The school rules say that no girl student _ wear jewelers.10. I think what you said is reasonable, so I _ you. But, it seems that his plan wont work, so I cant agree to it. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Dont sit with your legs _ (cross) ,my girl !2. Something went wrong with Toms computer, which prevented him from _(surf ) the Internet. 3. Lots of middle-aged parents make their children _ (learn) how to sing at an early age. 4. High school students are forbidden from _ (smoke) and _ (drink).5. The old man always refuses _ (respect) other peoples opinions. 6. The boy tried _ (have a talk) with his friend, but to his surprise, he was refused. 7. Much more time and money should be spent _(play) football. 8. If a teenage is not allowed _ (do) what they want to do, he or she thinks that they dont own enough freedom. 9. When school finished, it _ (rain) hard, so he happily _ (accept) my offer of a lift. 10. Her husband was killed in an accident, which _( destroy) her hopes of happiness.第一单元测试一、单项填空1 _it is to jump into a river on a hot summer day!AWhat fun BHow fun CWhat a fun DHow a fun 2How _ the music sounds to me !Arelaxed Brelaxing Crelaxingly Drelaxedly 3We hope that youll arrive here _.Aas faster as possible Bas soon as you can Cas sooner as possible Dmore faster as you can4Dont you think youve spent too much time _ playing computer games? Why not spend more time _ something useful?Ain ;on Bin; in Con; in Don; on5Kate found his house too small to _.A. live in B. live Cbe lived D. be lived in6Upon_ the news, he jumped with joy .A. he heard B. heard Che was hearing D. hearing7I _ that the job has been filled.Aregret to say Bregret saying Cregret to have said Dregret having said 8Your plan means _ more money,so I mean _ it .Ato lose; changing Blosing; to change Closing; changing Dto lose; to change 9Is _possible _us to master a foreign lang


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