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高中英语必修一UNIT1重点词组总汇1. switch on=turn on打开,接通 switch off=turn off关闭,关上 switch over转变,转换频道2. remote control遥控3. go off爆竹铃等响go out出去,灯火熄灭 go away走开 go down落下,下沉4. take up占据5. be filled with=be full of充满6. suffer from忍受,遭受7. under stress of在压力下8. graduate from从毕业9. a balanced diet平衡膳食10. on a diet节食,减肥11. at the moment=now=at present目前,现在12. over the years数年间13. make a survey of做一个的调查14. a six years old boy=a six-year-old boy15. wake up醒来16. get up起床17. do some exercise 做锻炼18. take sb for a walk带某人去散步19. make meals做饭20. work ones way through忙着做21. as soon as一就22. the first/last one to do第一个/最后一个做某事23. be ready for为做准备24. complain about向抱怨25. It takes sb some time to do花费某人一些时间做某事26. What do you think of你认为怎么样27. need to do需要做某事28. work for为效劳29. far away from远离30. be free from 不受影响31. be interested in对感兴趣32. be good at=do well in在擅长33. be fond of=like喜欢喜爱 34. as a result结果35. come up with想出计划或回答 36. invite sb to do邀请某人做37. play a part in 起作用38. continue to do继续做39. be supposed to do应该,被期望或要求40. in peace和平,太平41. be in control of控制 be out of control失去控制 lose control of 失控42. reduce sth to减少到 高中英语必修一UNIT2重点词组汇总1. It is generous/kind/nice of sb to do sth.某人做某事很大方/友善/好2. a man of strong character个性很强的人3. lift off飞机等起飞, 发射升空4. choose from从中挑选5. have sth to do有某事要做6. let out 释放, 发出叫声等, 泄露秘密等7. at the same time 同时8. millions of 数百万的 five million 五百万9. ready to do 准备做某事10. wait for sb 等待某人11. too to 太而不能 too+形容词+a/an +可数名词单数+to do 例:too small a car to take us12. have sth in common 有共同之处13. be about to do sth.when 正准备做某事, 这时14. spend time (in)doing 花时间做某事 cost 主语是事物 ,sth cost sbspend time on sth 花时间在某事上 spend 主语是人 , sb spendit takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人一些时间做某事15. in ones opinion =personally 依某人看来16. havedifferent opinions about sb./sth 对某人或某事有不同的评价17. so +形容词或副词 such+名词或名词短语18. be equal to (doing) sth 胜任做某事19. go to prision 坐牢, 入狱20. begin/start with以开始21. be content to do sth.做某事很满意 be content with sth.对很满意22. protect sb/sth from 保护某人或某事免受23. judging from /by 从判断24. look back on sth 回首往事 ,回忆, 回顾25. look down on sb/sth 轻视, 瞧不起26. compete with/against sb for sth同某人对抗某事27. express/show an interest in 表示出对的兴趣28. come to an end 结束29. be keen on sb /sth/doing sth对某事喜爱, 有兴趣30. be keen to do sth 热心干某事31. be fortunate to do sth 幸运的做了某事32. give up 放弃 give off发出气味,热等 give out 分发 give away 泄露, 赠送33. come out 出版, 花开 come across 偶然遇到 come about 发生产生34. pull out 从中退出 pull through 渡过难关 pull over 使车辆靠边行驶35. get on well with sb 与某人相处得好36. react to 对做出反应37. be/get involved in 参与参加38. be confident of=be sure of 确信 be confident in 对有信心 be confident that 确信39. so far 到目前为止 far too+形/副 太 too far 太远 far from 远远不40. get over 克服 get off 下车 get in 获,到达 get up 起床 get on well with sb与某人相处好41. come off it 别胡扯, 别胡说42. Youve got a point there.你说得有道理43. cant bear to do /doing sth 不能忍受做某事44. manage to do =succeed in doing 成功设法完成某事45. try to do 努力做某事, 但没有结果46. decide to do sth .决定做某事47. be famous for 因而出名 be famous as 作为而出名 be famous to 为而熟识48. separate from 将两个不同的整体分隔开 divide into 将整体分为部分49. because of 因为由于, 后接名词或代词50. fight for 为而斗争 fight with 与作斗争,和并肩作战 fight against 与作斗争, 打架51. agree with同意赞成某人的看法见解52. be strict with sb 对某人严格要求 be strict in sth 对某事严格要求53. have been to 侧重经历, 表示曾经去过某地, 可能已经回来了have gone to 表示已经去了某地 ,说话人可能在去的路上 ,也可能到了那里54. be sentitive to 对敏感, 对过敏 be sensible of sth.觉察到某事物55.force sb to do逼迫某人做某事 request sb to do要求某人做某事 encourage sb to do鼓励某人做某事 remind sb to do提醒某人做某事56.be from=come from来自57.learn from sb向某人学习58.be filled with=be full of充满59.the road to success通往成功之路60.make progress取得进步61.feel sorry for sb/sth对感到抱歉62.draw attention to吸引的注意力 pay attention to注意63.come to understand逐渐明白64.have a hunger to do 渴望做65.in order to du 为了做66.give sb sth=give sth to sb给某人某物67.have an influence on sth对有影响68.want to do sth 想做某事高中英语必修一UNIT3重点词组汇总1. be said to据说2. on occasion=sometimes有时on one occasion有一次3. it is said that 据说sb./sth. be said to do/to be doing/to have done4. at one time 曾经 ,一度5. burn down全部烧毁 burn up 东西被烧掉 ,消耗掉6. decorate sp. with sth.用某物装饰某地7. beyond/outside sb.s power to do sth.某人无权、能力做某事come to power开始掌权 take/seize power夺取政权8. serve sb.为某人服务 serve as 担任,充当 serve in服役9. take part in后接活动 join in 表示参加某项活动,尤指娱乐活动join后接某个团体,组织,party, teame,the army等,表示加入成为一员attend正式用语,参加会议或仪式,上学上课,听报告等10. apply for请求,申请apply to sb/sth for sth向某人申请某事apply sth to sth应用于11. take the opportunity to do趁便借机做某事grasp/grab/seize/lose/miss/provide/offer/creatan opportunity抓住,失去,提供,创造机会12. depend on/upon依靠,依赖 it/that depends那得看情况13. congratulate sb. on/upon sth祝贺,向某人道喜14. have no idea=dont know不知道15. as usual像平常一样16. generally speaking一般来说17. an invitation to参加的请柬18. even if/though即使19. as if/though好像,仿佛20. receive客观收到accept主观收到21. make contributions to为作贡献 contribute to对某事起促进作用,导致22. be used to do被用作 be/get used to doing习惯于used to do过去常常做某事23. link sth with sth把某事与某事连接起来24. turn to求助于,翻到25. notuntil直到才26. put up举起,建造,住宿,留宿 put out扑灭,熄灭,生产put aside把放在一边 putaway把收好put forward提出 put off推迟 put on穿上 put down记下 put up with容忍27. carry on with/doing sth继续做某事28. carry out执行,贯彻,实施29. hand over把移交给30. in a mess脏乱不堪 make a mess of搞得一塌糊涂31. suuply sth to sbsupply sb with sthprovide sth for sb提供某人某物provide sb with sthoffer sb sth32. in favour of赞同,支持33. in honour of为了纪念34. instead of 代替,而不是35. in particular特别地,尤其36. (1)用作并列连词while表示转折,对比,意为”然而when意为“这时,那时”(2)用作从属连词while当时候,只与延续性动词连用when当时候,既与延续性又与非延续性动词连用while尽管,引导让步状语从句when既然,考虑到,引导原因状语从句(3)when可做关系副词引导定语从句,while不可以37.try to do sth努力做某事 try doing sth 尝试做某事。37. take care of=look after照顾,照料38. be worth doing值得做39. prefer to do sth更愿意喜欢做某事prefer to do rather than do宁愿做某事prefer doing sth. to doing sth宁愿做某事40. would rather do宁愿做某事41. canttoo/enough无论怎么也不过分You cant be too careful.You cant remember enough English words.42. cant but do sth不得不,只好43. had better do sth最好做某事44. may as well+动原 最好,倒不如,满可以45. graduate from从毕业46. on time准时 in time 及时47. too much 太多,后加不可数名词much too 太,很,非常48. as well 也49. be celebrated by被庆祝50. in the old days在以前51. make speech做演讲52. take sth with sb随身携带某物53. have a good time玩的开心愉快54. at the entrance to在的入口55. ask sb for sth向要求,请给予56. in front of在的前面57. at the end of在的末尾58. dress up打扮,装扮59. be known as 作为而有名60. would like to do愿意想要做某事


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