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一单词拼写:根据首字母和所给的中文,用单词的适当形式填空。1. The college student i_ that he should be sent to the west, where he was most needed.2. Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be (独立的)of your parents help. 3. The country is making (准备) for war 4. She (解释) to me the other day that judging from my test results she believed that I hadnt focused my efforts on studying. 5. At present, the new position (挑战) him to study still harder during his spare time every day.6.I would appreciate it very much if you could a_ our plan. 7.Im quite c_. I really cant decide which answer is correct.8.When she was lying in hospital, she r_ not having taken her mothers advice.9. Keeping calm is the most important thing you should remember in time of e_. 10. Tom d_ to be praised by the boss as he has worked so hard that nobody can imagine.11. George likes living in Australia, where he had an _ (令人愉快的) time several years ago.12. I felt _ (尴尬的) about what a mess my house was.13. He has traveled to a lot of places, and he was a traveler with much traveling e_.14. As the father wouldnt listen to his _(解释), the boy ran out of the room.15. _(容忍) your carelessness means destroying the whole project.16. It is an old saying that a d_ relative is not as good as a near neighbour.17. One of his shortcoming is that he is always finding _(过错) with others.18. The passenger injured in the traffic accident s_ to his feet, but failed. 19. Every second c_ so you must make full use of time.20. Were proud of the _(成就) our country has made in the past thirty years.二同义句转换1. Why didnt you show up at the meeting yesterday? Why didnt you _ _ at the meeting yesterday?2His money has run out. He has _his money. His money has _ _ _.3. How many people attended the meeting? How many people the meeting?4. The theory he talked about proved to be true at last. The theory he talked about at last5. The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei.The people of China can Yang Liwei。一单词拼写:根据首字母和所给的中文,用单词的适当形式填空。1.No one can avoid _(惩罚) if they do something against the law.2.The teacher gave us a clear _(解释) on the use of the word.3. The computer system has broken down, but I dont think it is my _(过错).4. You are not s_ to smoke in the office.5. We are very surprised at the mans strange _(行为).6. Children are f_ from going swimming alone in the river.7. He finally solved the problem successfully under his teachers g_.8. In a few days Mr. Green had r_ strength of body. 9. He is a f_ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher. 10. The speech _(包含) some interesting ideas. 11. Smoking can be h_ to your health.12. The storm did a lot of _ (损坏,损害) to the crops.13. The shy child is always e_ about meeting strangers.14. Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great _(成就).15. He took a _ (冒险) when he crossed the old bridge.16. Take the medicine _(定期地) three times a day.17. Internet helps keep us i_ of what is going on around the world.18. I feel it a _(难事) for me to learn English well.19. As students, we should show r_ to our teachers and parents.20. After g_ from high school, he went abroad for further study.二、句型转换1. If one wants to stay healthy, he should do exercise instead of taking certain pills, which actually affects peoples health. =If one wants to _healthy,he should _ _ instead of taking certain pills, which actually _ _ _ _ on peoples health. .2.Though you want to surf the Internet, you should be busy preparing for the coming mid-term exam. Though you feel _ _ _ _ the Internet, you should be busy _ _ _ for the coming mid-term exam. .3.You can never imagine how difficult it was for the British students to get used to the school life in China. But now when they think back to the experience, they are very proud of it. You can never imagine what _ the British students had _ used to the school life in China. But now when they look back on the experience, they take pride in it. 4. As soon as he finished homework, he went to play basketball with his classmates yesterday afternoon._ _his homework, he went to play basketball with his classmates yesterday afternoon.5. He has even not allow me to meet my friends online at the Internet caf. He has even _ me from _ my friends online at the Internet caf. 一单词拼写:根据首字母和所给的中文,用单词的适当形式填空。1 With the help of modern media, it is easy for the public to be kept _ (获知)of the latest happenings around the world.2 Dont say that to a ten-year-old boy. Youre being too h_ on him.3 - What is Tom busy doing tonight? - He is making p_ for tomorrows exam.4 You are s_ to hand in your homework next Tuesday morning.5 The dentist has f_ the patient to eat sweets.6 It is your own _ (错误) to choose this kind of shoes, which are out of fashion. 7. Martin Luther King led the black people to fight for _.(自由) 8. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _ (经历) in the burning train.9. The young girl is wearing a precious necklace and looks a _.10. Young girls are running after a slim f_11. This scientific _(成就) is very helpful to the farmers.12. The farmers suffered a heavy l_ as a result of the storm.13. When Mary come across the hard words, she always _(跳跃) them.14. Forest fire can easily be out of c_. 15. It is not what you said but what you do that _.16. It is c_ for us to live in an air-conditioned room when it is very cold17. You can c_ on our support in any emergency.18. We cant a_ a private garden now.19. When Li Jiacheng was in his childhood, he s_ from poverty.20. His school bag contains a lot of books, i_ a cartoon book.2. 句型转换1. She has been studying hard these days so that she can get a better score. _ _ _ get a better score, she has been studying hard these days.2. I have been living alone for four years. I have been living _ _ _for four years.3. Id like to buy a mobile phone just like yours. Id like to buy _ _ mobile phone _ yours.4. We must make the best use of the resources we have. We must _ _ _ _ the resources we have.5. It is high time I went back home. It is high time _ _ _back home.一单词拼写:根据首字母和所给的中文,用单词的适当形式填空。1. Photography is strictly_ (禁止) in the museum. 2. All the homework was in English, so it was a bit c_ for me at first. 3. _ (成年人) should set good examples to their children. 4. He is a very_ (自私的) person who always thinks of himself.5. Nowadays,_ (青少年) have hardly experienced hardship. 6. Students should spend some time on i_ study. That is, they should teach themselves. 7. It is a very r_ book- written last week. 8. He was able to speak Spanish f_ after living in Spain for 30 years. 9. The famous athlete d_ most of his collections to our school. 10. You have to d_ yourself to study to achieve high grades.11. We regret to i_ you that our library will be closed for the sports meeting. 12. The parents watched their childrens concert with great _.(满意) 13. Students need teachers _ to work harder. (鼓励) 14. What do you think is the biggest cause of a_ between parents and teenagers? 15. All the students are making _ for the word test.(准备) 16. In all the supermarkets you can pay either in _(现金)or by credit. 17. The teacher said it was one of the best _ he had heard. (作品)18. In class, students should not be a_ of asking the teacher questions.19. Id like to turn to my friends for c_20. He _(跳过) through the accounts before dinner. 同义句转换1. He is in charge of the farm.The farm is _ _ _ _ him.2. They each teach no more than one subject. of them one subject.3. Whose chair needs fixing?Whose chair needs_ _ _?4. They didnt go to the museum because it rained.They didnt go to the museum because _ _.5. In order to get a better score, he has been studying hard these days.She has been studying hard these days_ _ _she can get a better score.6. While I stayed in the Bell school, I always went the library to send my e-mail to my family without paying. _ my stay in the Bell school, I always went to the library to my family for _. 7. Some students can drop some subjects they dont like.Some students can some subjects they dont like.

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