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高考英语写作素材之书面表达分类模板叙事类外出活动、欣赏美景(日记)We decided to go out for a picnic.I had a pleasant outing with some of my classmates today.Early in the morning, we set off for the farm for a visit.When we reached the farm, we were given a warm welcome.They showed us around the farm(We were shown around the farm) , where we saw many kinds of plants.We caught sight of a stream with green grass and beautiful flowers on both sides.We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature.(我们完全被大自然的奇妙和伟大折服了)We jumped and shouted like innocent (天真的) children.Once on the top of the hill/The moment we got to the top of the hill, we were deeply struck/attracted by the beautiful scenery.How we enjoyed the beautiful views from the top !After being divided into groups, we set to work at once.Some of us were getting water, some (were) cutting the meat and vegetables, and others (were) sitting on the grass enjoying music.Birds were singing sweetly in the trees and butterflies were dancing gracefully in the garden/fields.When lunch time came, we sat on the grassland, eating and drinking happily.The meal was so delicious that we enjoyed it very much.We sang and danced together to the music.Three hours had passed before we knew it.The time passed quickly before we knew it.It was time for us to go back when the sun started to go down.I spent the whole afternoon with our cousins, enjoying the fine scenery and fresh air in the country.At about four oclock in the afternoon, we said goodbye to themAt four oclock in the afternoon we had to return.They came out to see us until we disappeared in the distance.On the way back, we were laughing and talking all the time.What a wonderful weekend we had!We enjoyed ourselves very much.Through these out-of class activities we can learn a lot of things that cant be learned in class.Although we were tired, we felt very happy. I think its our duty to cover our country with green.意外事故、天灾人祸I was walking along the street when a terrible accident happened in the street.One day something unpleasant happened.The girl fell off her bike and was badly hurt.Fortunately, the injured people were sent to hospital without delay.An elderly man was hit by a car while he was crossing the road.He fell down to the ground with a cry.The girl was too frightened to move.It was soon found out that the driver had drunk too much wine before driving.The accident delayed all the traffic for an hour and caused the damage of $80,000Lots of people lost their lives in the floods.The big floods, which occurred in 1998, caused great losses.A big fire broke out in an office building in a busy street. The cause of the fire has been unknown. It is being investigated.The fire lasted about two hours and was finally put out in the afternoon.As a result, the three-storied building was destroyed, 50 people were killed, and more than 200 were injured.Up to the present, the cause of the accident is still unknown.助人为乐、舍己救人Without thinking about her own safety, she rushed out and pulled him back.He hurried to school, reaching the schoolyard quite out of breath.She told the teacher what had happened to her on the way to school.The blind man was out of danger, but she lost her life./got injured.He was praised for what he had done.She offered us some gifts, but we refused to accept them.They all thanked him for his help.Wondering what to do, Tom saw a policeman.We hurried to the policeman for help.With the help of the policeman, we found the owner of the bag.A clever idea came to his mind.Then he put his idea into practice.I left the hospital without giving my name.This may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.He felt happy because he had done a good deed.It was not until then that I really understood the meaning of the proverb:“ Helping others is the source of happiness.”He will always be remembered as a hero.人物写照、生平事迹He was from a poor peasants family.He is about 1.72 meters in heightBy the age of 14, he had taught himself advanced mathematics.She is already in her fifties, but she looks younger for her age.He is short and thin with a pair of thick glasses.She is tall and slim with big dark eyes and black hair.My English teacher, Miss Zhang, is a middle-aged woman.She often helps those who have difficulty in doing their homework.With her help, I have caught up with my classmates.At the age of eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. A few years later, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world Champion.He has his own way of teaching.He has much knowledge and good at teaching.All these years he has been working hard.Many times he has been praised for his excellent work.He gets on very well with us students.He is not only our good teacher but also our good friend.He is honest and always ready to help others. Thats why we made him monitor.We all considered her pronunciation to be the best of all.He is a worthy person for us to learn from.He graduated from Qinghua University in 1982.An American company wanted to employ him with high pay, but he refused.He received a doctors degree in 1988.He is strict with us and careful in his work.He won the first prize in the physics contest.He devoted all his life to education.He is loved and respected by us all.She is considered as one of the best teachers year by year.With his help, we have made great progress in our studies.He will always be remembered as a great leader, a wise and warm-hearted man.He is regarded as a fighter by most of the people in the world.Miss Zhang is such a good teacher that we all love her very much.Such was Elbert Einstein, a man of great achievements.议论文规劝恶习、见解评说Different people have got different attitudes towards failure.Different people have different opinions about smoking.Opinions are divided on the question.60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fee.On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged.There are always two aspects(方面) to any situation.Everything lives with opposite forces. The same can be said about modern technology, such as Internet.Some (foolish) people seem to think/believe/hold the view that smoking is an enjoyment. But in fact, smoking does great harm to peoples health.We must try to persuade people to give up smoking.It is investigated that 30% of the computers are used to play games.According to a recent investigation, Playing games on computers can be a waste of time.Its been proved that early rising can make people full of energy.Early rising helps to keep fit.As the English proverb says, “Early to bed and early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”Experts suggest that people should have regular sports every day.Study shows that cigarette smoking can cause cancers.In addition to health problems, there are other reasons to give up smoking.From the above, I come to the conclusion that smoking does great harm to our health.From now on, we ought to break away from the bad habit and form a good one.Millions of smokers die from illness caused by smoking tobacco.My suggestions are as follows.As future builders of our country, we should make full use of ourtime to work hard ,and do things to benefit our country.As we all know, spending too much time on TV may have bad effects on our work and health, especially on our eyes.Therefore, we should be aware of(注意) when to watch, how to watch, and what to watch.There are many ways of keeping good health.Nowadays, taxies bring people a lot of convenience, but also cause a lot of trouble.Regulations should be laid down for taxi drivers.(应该专门为出租车司机指定交通规则)Now more and more students are getting near-sighted in schools,because they have paid little attention to the care of their eyes.环境保护/生态平衡As we know, pollution does great harm to human beings.It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish should be treated properly.With the development of agriculture and industry, more and more waste is produced.Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is.Laws have been passed to protect our environment.A large quantity of trees should be planted.We must make good use of water and avoid polluting it.Our government is doing its best to take measures to fight against pollution.Something must be done to prevent factories from polluting the air.In my opinion, the best solution to this problem is to carry out the system of praise and punishment firmly.It is glorious to take care of the environments while it is shameful to pollute them.It is generally agreed that civilized people should love and protect wild animals.Thus more effective measures should be taken immediately to protect wild animals.Only by this means can we stop the air from being polluted.Only in this way can we enjoy fresh air and live a healthy life.To protect ourselves, we must keep the balance of nature.We should take good care of the forest and plant more trees instead of cutting down so as to improve our living conditions.人生信条、人口人权We should make full use of our time to do useful things.We should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.It is a pity that some people do not know the importance of time.They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting a part of their valuable life.Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.Women shouldnt be looked down upon.Theres nothing that women cant do.Women hold half of the sky.Sometimes women are better at their work than men.The day will come soon when women can really enjoy equal rights.It is high time we practised birth control.In my opinion, there is no relation between the so-called lucky number and luck. The only key to success or wealth lies in hard work. We should believe in our own efforts to struggle for success.Its very convenient for the people who have their own cars to go to work or to take their children to school. But a lot of problems are coming out.We should learn anything valuable from all nations in the world.Apart from the advanced science and technology, we should learn that Americans love freedom and independence.It is easy to imitate Americans but difficult to learn the secrets of their success.If the rest of the world also had fair ownership of land like China, there would be no starvation.There is a long way to go to build China into a most powerfulcountry.The only key to success or wealth lies in hard work.The reason for their success is that they knew how to study by themselves.As a proverb says, “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.”As the old saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.”We must always remember the old saying that where there is a will, there is a way.Unfortunately, most people do not seem to realize how much inner strength and ability they have.If they really have the desire and the ambition, nothing is impossible.Every man knows that money is powerful and important in everyday life. But I dont think that money is/means everything.It goes without saying(毫无疑问)that money can do many things.As the old saying goes, “Good health is the best wealth.”There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness. But there are exceptions when wealth does not go hand in hand with happiness.People can not live without health but can without wealth.Only when wealth is acquired by means of honest labor and spent for the benefit of not only oneself but also his people and country, can it bring happiness.http:/www.yxlp.com.cn/rbnncswx/http:/www.dgfsgs.cn/rtmtqr/http:/www.22hl.cn/rbdsqpynx/http:/www.jsghtz.com.cn/zxdyxgsjp/http:/www.china-pa.com.cn/rtysxssp/http:/www.jf-switch.cn/ymhxz/http:/www.bfwqhotel.cn/zyksjp/http:/www.jinjin-food.cn/rbhsdmynx/http:/www.jf-switch.cn/kbxfyy/http:/www.83jixie.cn/xaxshxygjszaxs/http:/www.china-lrys.cn/qcjkdpdhw/http:/www.bfwqhotel.cn/ztmjwm/http:/www.group-china.cn/4948xyxhtbhxyx/http:/www.yxlp.com.cn/swjndxs/http:/www.haki-sh.cn/jsbjdzs/http:/www.mx-dp.com.cn/qwjjdejdyjkb/http:/www.3and3.cn/xajqavcrdyw/http:/www.chenchuanjian.cn/rbgvwz/http:/www.yxlp.com.cn/yzmsjdyqj/http:/www.56win.com.cn/rtmtzq/湖北朗诗德商贸有限公司 www.hblonsid.cn_漳浦县吉利食品有限公司 www.jilifood.cn漳浦县吉利食品有限公司 www.jilifood.cn_武汉励晟节能工程设备有限公司 www.lsenergy.com.cn

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