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9A Unit 1 词组1.把报纸带给我 bring me the newspaper2.看看你的星座 read your stars3.有许多吃的和喝的东西 have lots to eat and drink4. 担心没有早饭吃 worry about not having breakfast5.对。熟悉 be familiar with6.12个动物生肖 the 12 animal signs7. 西方的人们 people in the west8. 更多地了解西方文化 learn more about Western culture9. 取乐 for fun10. 被分成12个不同的星座 be divided into 12 different star signs11. 你的出生日期 your date of birth12. 在相同星座下出生的人 people born under the same star sign13. 有相似的性格特征 share similar characteristics14.精力充沛而且很积极 be energetic and active15.喜欢当领导 like to be the leader16. 有时自私 be selfish at times17. 一个勤奋的人 a hard-working person18. 容易放弃 give up easily19. 一个好奇而且聪明的人 a curious and clever person20. 爱你的家庭和家人 love your home and family21. 喜欢照顾他人 like to take care of others22. 喜欢节省钱 like saving money23. 一个强壮而自信的人 a strong and confident person24.给你的朋友买好的礼物 buy your friends nice gifts25. 有时担心太多 worry too much at times26.注意细节 pay attention to details27. 一个有礼貌而公平的人 a polite and fair person28. 热爱和平 love peace29. 与他人争吵 argue with others30.精力充沛 have lots of energy31. 保密 keep secrets32. 原谅别人所犯的错误 forgive others for their mistakes33. 喜欢到不同的地方旅行 love travelling to different places34. 擅长制作东西或计划事情 be good at making or planning things35.长时间等待而不生气 wait for a long time without getting angry36.讨厌与别人一样 hate to be like others37. 尝试一切不同的事情 try to do everything differently38. 有创造力和想象力 be creative and imaginative39.梦想一切 dream about everything40.只关心自己 care only about oneself41.平等地对待每个人 treat everyone equally42. 有很好的幽默感 have a good sense of humour43.对自己的能力感到很自信 feel sure about ones own ability44.爱和他交朋友 love being friends with him45.喜欢讲笑话 like telling jokes46. 看起来很幸运 seem to be very lucky47. 对每个人友好 be kind to everyone48.与别人分享食物 share food with others49.考试考得好 do well in exams50.有各种各样不同的主意 have all kinds of different ideas51.花大量的时间给我们作讲解 spend lots of time explaining to us52. 炫耀 show off53. 制作生日卡片 make the birthday cards54.带来各种颜色的气球 bring balloons of all colours55. 给我们每个人两个礼物 give each of us two presents56.为我们组织这个晚会 organize the party for us57.使我很不开心 make me very unhappy58. 读学校简讯 read the school newsletter59.做实验 do an experiment60.在实验室 in the laboratory61.牙疼 have got a toothache62. 看牙医 see the dentist63.收集各种的蝴蝶图片 collect pictures of all kinds of butterflies64.第一只克隆羊 the first cloned sheep65.仍然醒着 be still awake66. 一杯柠檬水 a glss of lemonade67.计划出去 plan to go out68. 去上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lessons69. 请人修自行车 have his bicycle repaired70.发现地上有个钱包 find a wallet lying on the ground71.羊年 the year of the Goat72. 有很多事情值得庆祝 have a lot to celebrate73. 在学业或工作方面获得成功 have success at school or work74. 大约在这个月的中旬 around the middle of the month75. 等多细节一经询问即可获得 More details are available on request76.拨打。找某人 call sb.on .77.既有好运又有霉运 have both good luck and bad luck78.明智地花钱/ 消费 spend the money wisely79.健康上有问题 have problems with my health80.需要大量的休息 need to get lots of rest81. 吃健康的食物 eat healthy food82.学生会 the Students Union83.合适这个职位 be suitable for the post84.有能力组织好事情 be able to organize things well85.提出新的想法 come up with new ideas86.正式和非正式的语言 formal andinformal language87. 用正式的问候语 /结束语 use formal greetings / endings88. 用俚语词汇或表达 use slang words or expression_rs89. 用笑话或尽量滑稽 use jokes or to be funny90. 用缩写词 / 缩略形式 use abbreviations / contractions91.推荐David 担任新的主席 recommend David as the new chairperson92. 在第一周完成所有的暑假作业 finish all his summer homework in the first week93.在英语考试中获得满分 get full marks in an English test94. 从未忘记做他必须做的事情 never forget to do the things he needs to do95. 害怕在一大群人面前演讲 be afraid of making a speech to a large group of people96.给七年级的学生演示如何使用图书馆 show the Grade 7 students how to use the library97.介意做额外的工作 mind doing extra work98.帮助自己变得更有条理 help himself get more organized99.有很多好的个性品质 have many good personal qualities100.在全校面前发言 speak in front of the whole school101.暑假的剩余时间 the rest of the summer holiday102. 帮着做我们的班级课题 help with our class project103. 例如 for example104.加入电脑俱乐部 join the Computer Club105.同意某人的观点 agree with sb106.下一届主席的最好人选 the best person to become the next chairperson107.最合适的人 the most suitable person108为我们播放CD play CDs for us109 祝你这个月过得愉快 Enjoy your month!Unit Two Colour1. 宁可-也不, 宁愿 would rather -than-2. 看起来很适合某人 look good on sb3. 生活在一个充满颜色的世界里 live in a world full of colours4.一个枯燥乏味的地方 a bull place5.看窗外 look out of the window6.彩虹的颜色 colours of the rainbow7. 关于颜色的一些有趣的事 something interesting about colours8. 影响我们的情绪 affect our moods9. 把墙漆成蓝色 paint the walls blue10.使我们感到放松 make us feel relaxed11.对健康有好处 be good for health12. 协调感 a feeling of harmony13. 纯洁的颜色 the colour of purity14. 宁愿做-而不愿做- prefer- to -15. 给你一种幸福和满足感 give you a happy and satisfied feeling16. 生活在寒冷气候里的人们 people living in cold climates17. 创设一种温暖和舒适感 create a warm and comfortable feeling18. 给你带来成功 bring you success19. 为某人加油鼓劲 cheer sb up20. 太阳的颜色 the colour of the sun21. 使某人想起某事 remind sb of sth22. 例如 such as / for example23. 给你能量 give you energy24. 大自然的颜色 the colour of nature25. 代表新的生命和生长 represent new life and grownth26. 忌妒得发绿 be in green with envy27. 任何想让身体变得强壮 anyone in need of phusical or mental strength28. 火热的颜色 the colour of heat29. 代表力量和强烈的感觉 represent power and strong feelings30. 采取行动 take action31. 作出决定 make a decision32. 给某人许多建议 give sb lots of advice33. 在图书馆 in the library34. 炫耀 show off35. 在-方面有困难 have difficulty (in ) doing sth. / have difficulty with sth36. 在考试中取得好成绩 get good marks in tests / do well in exams37. 帮助人们镇定下来 help people calm down38. 过于担心 worry a lot39. 有很强的个性 have a strong personality40. 在每个单词的对面 on the opposite side of each word41. 去购物 go shopping42. 远离城镇 far away from the town43. 回家吃午饭 go home for lunch44. 逛其他地方 shop anywhere else45. 想吃面条 want to have noodles46. 彩色服装 colourful clothes47. 在试衣间 in the fitting room48. 确保,确信 make sure49. 想起 think of50. 情绪不好 be in a bad mood51. 一直给-打电话 keep making phone calls52. 喋喋不休地讲自己 talk so much about oneself53. 举止不正常 not act normally54. 我朋友们的奇怪行为 my friends strange behaviour55. 去买衣服 go shopping for clothes56. 为人们做衣服 make clothes for people57. 给你带来安宁 bring you peace58. 把卡片图成橙色 colour the card orange59. 改变你的心情 change your moods60. 取回你的钱 get your money back61. 改进你的生活 improve your life62. 把油涂在某人的手心 rub oil into peoples hands63. 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth64. 头发黑的人 people with dark hair65. 皮肤白的人 people with pale skin66. 放松并闭上眼睛 relax and close your eyes67. 有一个秘密的朋友 have a secret friend68. 保证你成功 promise you success69. 自他大学毕业 since he finished / left college70. 在-帮助下 with the help of-71. 使他自己看起来更有力量 make himself look more powerful72. 一个好的组合 a good match73. 有一点点紧张 a little bit stressed74. 保持平衡 keep ones balance75. 一个移动手机广告 a mobile phone advertisement76. 让我来看一看 Let me have a look.77. 把它给每个人看 show it to everyone78. 看中央电视台青少年节目 watch the Teens Show on CCTVUnit 3 词组卷1. 青少年的问题 teenage problems2. 有问题 have got/have problems3. 看我的肚子 look at my stomach4. 吃太多 eat too much5. 尝试更多的锻炼 try more exercise6. 时不时地,偶尔,有时 from time to time7. 得到充足的睡眠 get enough sleep8. 课上犯困 feel tired in class9. 使我气疯了 drive me mad10. 没有可以交流的亲密的朋友 dont have any close friends to talk to11. 感到孤独 feel lonely12. 发出很多噪音 make a lot of noise13. 打扰我 disturb me14. 整天工作 work all day15. 一份关于学生问题的调查报告 a survey about students problems16. 一些青少年有的最普遍的问题 some of the most common problems teenagers have17. 最大的问题 the biggest problems18. 有太多的考试和测验 get too many tests and exams19. 和家人没有沟通 have no communication with family member20. 青少年工作者 youth worker21. 知道怎样处理它 know how to deal with it22. 别无选择,只能- have no choice but to do23. 熬夜来完成练习 stay up late to complete the exercises24. 第二天 the next day25. 拒绝做这么多的工作 refuse to do so much work26. 及时交作业 hand in the homework on time27. 比如打排球和乒乓球 such as playing volleyball and ping-pong28. 对-感到糟糕 feel bad about -29. 怀疑是否值得如此努力 doubt whether it is worth working so hard30. 期待一个没有家作的假日 look forward to a holiday without homework31. 给我些建议 offer me some suggestions32. 对我很有价值 be of great value to me33. 收到你的来信 hear from you34. 对-感到疯狂 be mad/ crazy about35. 我对足球的热爱 my love of football36. 大量的朋友 plenty of friends37. 呆在外面很晚 stay out/outside late38. 陷入困境 get into trouble39. 允许我六点后在外面玩 allow me to play outside after 6:00 p.m.40. 允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth41. 对某人严格 be strict with sb42. 使我们的生活更精彩 make our lives more interesting43. 得到我父母的支持 get/have my parents support44. 知道做什么 know what to do45. 在我的学业和我的爱好之间取得平衡achieve a balance between my school work and my hobbies46. 在某事上取得成功 be successful at something47. 解决问题或做一个任务 solve a problem or do a task48. 回复Millie 和Simon的信 reply to Millies and Simons letters49. 认真计划你的一天 plan your day carefully50. 你必须做的所有家作 all the homework you have to do51. 选择每天做一个爱好 choose a hobby to do each day52. 值得采取 be worth taking53. 同意你父母的观点 agree with your parents54. 一到两小时 an hour or two55. 对你有些价值 be of some value to you56. 乘公交车回家 get /take a bus home57. 获得高分 get/have a high mark58. 回家晚 get/arrive home late59. 收到一封来信 get/receive a letter60. 此刻,现在 at the moment61. 参加一些活动 join in some activities62. 复习迎考 revise for tests63. 最后一个离开 the last to leave64. 赶上第一辆车 catch the first bus65. 发现她的房子着火了 find her house on fire66. 找到一个安静的学习的地方 find a quiet place to study67. 没有做某事的勇气 no courage to do sth.68. 告诉某人真相 tell sb. the truth69. 和某人吵架 quarrel with sb.70. 需要有人来谈谈 need someone to talk to71. 只关心分数 care only about marks72. 让某人一个人呆着 leave sb alone73. 让你的父母亲看到你的进步 let your parents see your progress74. 谢谢你的宝贵建议 thanks for your valuable suggestions75. 帮我摆脱困境 help me out76. 在考试中考得好 do well in the exams77. 嘲笑她 laugh at her78. 称她为书虫 call her a bookwor,79. 别在意那些嘲笑你的学生 pay no attention to those students who laugh at you80. 以你的学业为傲 be proud of your schoolwork81. 觉得体育对她来说很难 find sport difficult for her82. 回复我最近的三封邮件 reply to my last three e-mails83. 回复某人 reply to sb.84. 听到这个我感到很难过 Im sorry to hear that85. 遭受-的痛苦 suffer from-86. 处理压力的方法 ways to deal with stress87. 承受压力 suffer from stress88. 使他们担心 make them worry89. 健康的饮食 a healthy diet90. 用这种方法 in this way91. 向老师寻求建议 ask teachers for advice92. 选择只做一部分 choose to do only part of it93. 为某事责怪某人 blame sb. for sth94. 放弃做某事 give up doing sth.95. 看更多的电视节目来放松 watch more TV programmes to relax96. 嘲某人大喊大叫 shout at sb.97. 把烦恼放在心里 keep worries to oneself98. 压力的主要原因 the main cause of stress99. 和我同龄的许多学生 many students of my age100. 解决这个问题的一个方法 one way to solve this problems101. 吃一顿美餐 have a delicious meal102. 观看一些英语电视节目 watch some English TV programmes103. 对你的体重感到糟糕 feel bad about your weight104. 许愿 make a wishUnit 4 TV programmes1. 太忙了,不能做某事 far too busy to do sth.2. 无事可做 have nothing to do3. 小睡一会儿 have a little sleep4. 到正餐时间了 Its dinner time5. 从9点到11点 from 9 to 116. 在2点和7点之间 between 2 and 77. 他们中每个人 every one of them /each of them8. 他们自己最不喜欢的节目 their own least favourite programme9. 通过无线电发送节目 send out programmes on radio10.从远处控制机器 control a machine from a distance11.每周新闻摘要 a weekly round-up12.许多最新的信息 lots of up-to-date information13.报道不同的体育运动 cover different sports14.发现本周的节目有点乏味 find this we


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