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提交者: 邓月霞 (提交时间: 2013-11-2 23:38:30) 基本信息课题人教版Go for it ! 七年级(下)Unit 3How do you get to school? Section A 1a-2d作者及工作单位邓月霞 韶关市田家炳中学教材分析本节课作为unit4的Section A,教材以How do you get to school?为中心话题,围绕“traffic way”展开,运用一般现在时。Section A与学生的实际密切相关,易于引发学生用英语进行交际交流,完成听说读写的任务活动。通过对本课的仔细诊断,把教学策略重点地位在三个教学环节上,即“呈现,操练,演示”上,将“激发兴趣,激活思维,轻松导入,读后仿说,逐层训练,强化能力,创设情景,迁移知识,实现目标”作为本课的设计导向。学情分析本单元主要是让学生学会谈论在日常生活中采用何种交通方式出行,学生初一时已学过一些表示交通工具的词汇,也有对how的用法基础,而且这一话题也与他们的生活息息相关,所以学习起来也比较轻松愉快,所以教学中只要围绕How do you get to school?这一句型展开训练即可。但是要注意学生的英汉思维习惯的差异,根据以往的经验学生使用这一句型时很容易犯把介词“by”当做动词使用的错误,如写出“ I by bike go to school ”等这样的错句,因此在操练的时候要注意使学生明白表示方式的介词by必须放到句子后面。 教学目标1、技能目标:学生能听懂本课录音;能听懂师生之间就本课内容而展开的一切形式的问答;会和别人展开对话,了解和传递信息;能将本课重难点理解透彻,灵活恰当运用;无大的语言错误;就类似话题创造性地自编对话,会正确使用一般现在时。2、知识目标:(1)How do you get to school? I ride my bike.=I go to school by bike. I take the bus.=I go to school by bus. How long does it take?It takes about 25minutes. (2) take the subway/train/car,by bus/ bike/plane,on foot, forty fifty sixty seventy ninety hundred minute kilometer 3、情感目标:让学生感受到他们学习英语是为了在现实生活进行交流,而不单纯是为了英语课和应付考试而学习;让学生感受到他们是英语学习活动中的主体和中心,以此来激励他们在英语课上积极参与,追求创新,使学生爱学英语,爱说英语,想说口语。同时通过本课的话题使学生增强交通意识,自觉遵守交通规则。4、学习策略目标:改变传统的死记硬背,积极主动的投入到语言的实践中去,用英语去思考问题,在实践中提高语言的综合使用能力,加深对基础知识的掌握和记忆,学会使用brains storing 。5、文化意识目标:中外交通规则差异,如中国靠右行,许多英美国家靠左行。教学重点和难点本课重点是要求学生掌握以下两个句型:(1)How do you get to school? I take the /ride / walk=I go to .by./on foot. (2)How long does it take? It takes about 25 minutes.难点就是动词take 和介词by 在本课句型中的区别,还有就是表示时间的句型:It takes sb some time to do sth. 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead-in1,Greeting as usual,talk about the date and the weather.Whats the date today?How s the weather like today?2,Talk about the coming National holiday.Ask Where are you going?How are you going there?1,Ss answer the questions as usual.2, Ss willanswer I m going to.I m going there by train /plane.强化复习功能,锻炼学生交际能力,通过日常对话引出“How.” 的相关句型。Step2 1a Presentation1,Ask the students How do you get to school every day?2,Show some pictures and ask the students to say how manytransportations they can remember.1,Ss answer the question.2,Look at the pictures and review the transportations.3,Make a list on the book.通过询问日常上学所采用的交通方式练习How do you get to .?这一句型,通过图片和1分钟记忆让学生复习一些学过的有关生词,便于学生熟练运用句型。Step 3 Listening Look at the picture at P19 1a, ask How do they go to school?or How does he go to school?Listen carefully and write down the correct names.Ss listen and write down the correct answers.通过听力训练使学生听出文中有几种交通方式,并区别是谁,听力放两遍,由浅入深,由易到难,逐步提高学生听的能力。Step 4 Pairwork Show some pictures and ask and answer the question in pairs.How does he/she go to .?Ss work in pairs.通过强化训练进一步让学生巩固这一句型,尤其是注意区分一般现在时第三人称单数形式。Step 5 ExplanationExplain the kinds of transportations.Let the students compare the differences fromI go to school by bus and I take the bus to school.and so on.Ss pay attention to the sentences above carefully and try to make out more sentences like those.通过比较“take”和“by”的不同用法使学生在平时的交际运用中近可能少犯句法上的错误。Step 6 2a&2bListening and writingListen and repeat the numbers.And then write down the numbers on the book.Ss review the numbers from 30-100.复习30以上的数字的读写为进一步谈论“How long does it take”句型打下基础。Step 7 2cListeningListen and check the kinds of transportations.Ss listen and check the answers.这次听力训练是在第一次的基础上增加了一个表示时间的句型,这对学生是一个新的挑战。Step 8 2d PracticeMake a conversation like this:A:How do you get to school?B: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.A: How long does it take?B: It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. Ss make conversations in pairs and then act out in class.通过对话训练使学生进一步熟练运用本课句型,达到能用英语交际的目的。Step 9 SummaryWhat do you learn from this lesson?Please tell us what you learn about.Ss sum up the language points in this class. 让学生在操练过后再反思本节课的语法焦点,进一步巩固本课知识技能。HomeworkMake a conversation by themselves.Ss write down the conversations in their exercise books.通过作业让学生对本课句型内化为自己的知识技能,达到学以致用的目的。 板书设计 How do you get to school? How does he /she go to school? I ride my bike.=I go to school by bike. He rides hie bike =He goes to school by bike. I take the bus.=I go to school by bus How long does it take? I walk to school =I go to school on foot. It takes about 25 minutes.教学反思本节课优点有:1,运用多媒体教学,使课堂气氛活跃,增加了课堂容量,学生也学得有趣。听说结合有助于提高学生的听说能力。2,基本上按照教学目标要求完成了教学任务,学生也能基本掌握本课的主要句型How do you get to school?存在问题:1,课堂容量太多,时间有点仓促,如果只教授1a-1c会好一点,对于第二个句型How long does it take?It takes about 25minutes.练得不够透彻,需要下一节课继续加强提高。2,本课句型How do you get to school?要求学生学会用take, by, on 等方式进行回答。但是学生对动词和介词的概念分不清楚,所以很容易混淆两种不同的表达方式。如:I go to school by bike. 容易被写成I by bike to school. 这是由于学生没有养成用英语思维的习惯,这方面需要加强训练。还有It takes sb some time to do sth.这一句型学生掌握起来有一定困难,因为它跟汉语的习惯有太大的差距,这都需要今后加强练习。


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