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九年级Unit4短语句型归纳1.used to do sth “过去常常做某事” 如:I used to be afraid of being alone. 我过去害怕独处。 否定句:I usednt to /I didnt use to 一般疑问句:Did you use to ? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Used you to ? Yes, I used. No, I usednt.反意疑问句:I used to be afraid of being alone, didnt I?/usednt I?be/get used to (doing) sth “习惯于(做)某事” 如:He used to sleep late, but now he is used to getting up early. 他过去常睡懒觉,但现在习惯于早起。He isnt used to the weather in Beijing. 他不习惯北京的天气。be used to do sth=be used for doing sth “被用来做”如: Knives are used to cut things.=Knives are used for cutting things. 刀被用来切割东西。2.Whats he like now? 他现在是什么样子?What be sb like? “对性格,外貌提问” What does sb look like?“对外貌提问”What does sb like?“对喜好提问”3.She was/kept always silent in class. 在课堂上她总是保持沉默。keep silent“保持安静” be silent about.“对保持沉默”4.She still plays the piano from time to time. 她仍然时常弹钢琴。from time to time=sometimes=at times“时常;有时”5.This party is such a great idea/so great an idea!这次聚会真是个好主意!6.Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉我她过去真的很羞涩,开始唱歌是为了克服自己的羞涩。take up “开始从事”,“占据” Howdeal with?=Whatdo with?“怎样对付/处理?”7.As she got better,she dared to sing in front of her class,and then for the whole school/all the school.随着情况的好转,她敢在全班面前唱歌了,后来敢为全校的人唱歌。dare to do sth “敢于做某事”in front of “在(范围之外)的面前” in the front of “在(范围之内)的面前”8.Now shes not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds. 现在她再也不羞涩了,并且喜欢当众唱歌。notanymore=no more “不再”,表次数或动作不再重复。notany longer=no longer “不再”,表时间不再延续。9.I didnt use to be popular in school,but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go.过去我在学校里默默无闻,但是现在无论我走到哪里,都得到太多的关注。tons of “很多的,大量的” getattention “得到/引起注意”10.“Well,”she begins slowly,“you have to be prepared to give up your normal life.”“嗯”,她缓缓道来,“你得准备放弃正常的生活。”prepare sth “准备某物” prepare sb sth=prepare sth for sb“为某人准备某物”如:Mother is preparing breakfast for us. 母亲正在为我们准备早餐。prepare for sth “为某事做准备”如:The students are busy preparing for the final exam. 学生们正忙着为期末考试做准备。11.Only a very small number of people make it to the top. 只有很少的人能出人头地。a number of“许多”,做主语时谓语动词用复数形式。a large/great number of “大量的”,a small number of “少量的”the number of“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students in our class is fifty. 我们班上学生的数量是50人。make it “定时间,做成功”,如:Lets make it at 6:00. 让我们把时间定在六点钟。九年级Unit4短语句型12.The old man lives alone in a lonely village,but he never feels lonely.这位老人独自一人住在一个偏僻的村庄里,但他从不感到孤单。alone=by oneself=on ones own “一个人”,“独自”lonely “孤单的”,“荒凉的”,“偏僻的”13.I used to be nervous about tests all the time. 我过去一直对考试感到紧张。be nervous about“对感到紧张” Dont be nervous.=Take it easy. 别紧张。14.It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school. 很难相信,他在学校曾有很多困难。It is hard to believe that“难以相信”,这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,主句中it作形式主语,真正的主语时that引导的从句。15.When he was a little boy,he seldom caused any problems,and his family spent a lot of time together.当他是个小男孩时,他很少惹麻烦,并且他的家人很多时间都在一起度过。16.His grandparents came to take care of/look after/care for him. 他的祖父母来照顾他。take(good)care of=look after (well)=care for(well)“照顾(得好)”take care=be careful=look out “小心”17.Li Wens unhappiness began to influence his schoolwork. 李文的不开心开始影响了他的学业。have (an) influence on“对有影响”如:A teacher has a great influence on her/his students. 老师对学生有很大的影响。under the influence of“在的影响下”18.Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed his examinations. 有时候他逃课,还考试不及格。be absent from“缺席” fail (in)the test/exam“考试不及格”fail to do sth “没能做某事” 如:She failed to pass the driving test. 她未能通过驾驶考试。19.Finally, Li Wens parents made the decision/decided to send him to a boarding school.最后,李文的父母决定把他送到一所寄宿学校。 sendto“把送到”send up“发射”,“发出” send away“解雇”,“开除” send for“派人去请”20.She advised them to talk with their son in person. 她建议他们亲自与自己的儿子谈谈。advise doing sth“建议做某事” advise sb to do sth“建议某人做某事”advise sb against doing sth“劝告某人不要做某事” in person“亲身,亲自”21.Now I understand that even though they are busy, they are always thinking of me.现在我理解了尽管他们很忙,他们却一直惦记着我。even if/though “尽管”,“即使” be always doing sth“总是做某事”, 带有赞扬、不满等感情色彩。22.They take pride in everything good that I do. 他们为我的每一次好的表现感到骄傲。take pride in=be proud of“为感到骄傲/自豪”(pride是名词,proud是形容词)23.Great changes have/Much change has taken place in Chongqing since 1997.自 1997年以来重庆发生了巨大的变化。Dont forget your change. 不要忘记找给你的钱。(change在此句中是名词,“找/补回的钱”)24.My life has changed a lot in the last/past few years. 在过去的几年里,我的生活改变了许多。in the last/past few years“在过去的几年中”,用于现在完成时25.She was never brave enough to ask questions. 她从来不够勇敢去问问题。adj+enough to do sth“足够做某事” 如:The ice is not thick enough for us to skate on.=The ice is so thin that we cant skate on it.=The ice is too thin for us to skate on. 这冰太薄了,我们不能在上面滑。26.She is also on a/the school soccer team. 她也在学校的足球队。 on a/the team“在队”27.It is/has been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates.自从我们上次见到我们的小学同学已经三年了。28.She explained that there are many good things ,like being able to travel and meet new people all the time.她解释说有很多好事情,像能一直旅游和结识新朋友。explain sth to sb“向某人解释” all the time“一直,始终”29.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.现在和朋友们闲逛对于我来说几乎是不可能的,因为总有保安在我周围。30.You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is. 你想象不到成功的路有多难。31.Many times I thought about giving up ,but I fought on. 很多次我都想到放弃,但是我奋力坚持了下去。32.You really require a lot of talent and hard/difficult work to succeed.要想成功,你真的需要很多天赋和艰难的工作。hard work “艰难的工作”(形容词hard修饰不可数名词work) work hard “努力地工作”(副词hard修饰动词work) hardworking 形容词“勤勉的”33. I read some books on European/African culture and taught British English. 我阅读了一些关于欧/非洲文化的书,而且教过英式英语。34.He used to be a “problem child” until a conversation with his parents influenced his way of thinking.他过去是一个“问题儿童”,直到和他父母的一次交谈影响了他的想法。35.It was exactly what I needed. 这确实是我所需要的。36.His face always turned red when he talked to girls. 当他跟女孩说话时脸总会变红。37.However, too much attention can also be a bad thing. 然而,太多关注也可能是一件坏事。38.I always have to worry about how I appear to others, and I have to be very careful about what I say or do.我总是不得不为怎样出现在别人面前而担忧,并且我必须注意我的言行。39. She is still afraid of giving a speech/talk in pubic (places). 她仍然害怕当众作演讲。give a speech/talk “作演讲”, “作报告” in pubic (places) “在公共场合,公开”40.He became less interested in studying. 他对学习不那么感兴趣了。41.He took a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get there.他坐了24个小时的火车和5个小时的汽车到达了那里。42.Its very important for parents to be there for their children. 父母陪在孩子身边是非常重要的。43. How Ive changed! Im much happier now, and I work even harder than I used to.我的变化多大呀!我现在快乐得多了,而且我学习比以前更努力了。44.People are usually required to give a general self-introduction in a job interview.人们通常在工作面试时被要求作一个总的自我介绍。generally speaking “总的来说”45.反意疑问句常见考点:There is little milk in the fridge, is there? He is unhappy, isnt he? Dont do that again , will you? Lets, shall we? Let us,will you? I dont think he is strict, is he?Nothing is wrong with your computer, is it? Everyone is here, arent they?


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