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Unit 1 Whats your name?1. 本章内容,如何来做自我介绍(1) 句型: My name is Im=I am + 直接跟姓名 称谓(Mr.先生/Mrs.夫人/Miss小姐/Ms.女士)+型(缩写要加点)2.名字组成:国外文化:First name given ,Middle name, Family name/last name/surname 首字母要求大写Ep. James Allen Green 称呼方式:全称、first name、Mr/Mz+Green中文名字:名字构成就是名和姓,所以我们的名字拆分为两个单词,首字母大写Ep. Ouyang Xiu Fan Bingbing (姓可放前可放后)3如何确认别人名字(疑问句就是把be动词提前到句首)句型:1)Are you ? Yes, I am./No. Im not.2)Is he/she ? Yes, he/she is ./ No.He/She isnt.4. 语法1)be动词的一般现在时态2)人称代词与be动词搭配am第一人称单数is第三人称单数,单个人名,单数名词are第二人称单复数,名词复数,代词复数3)be动词缩写m s re人称代词、that、名词、疑问词(who、what、how)here +not = nt4)代词表 数变化 格变化单数复数一二三一二三主格Iyousheheitweyouthey宾格meyouherhimitusyouthem形容词性物质代词myyourherhisitsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshershisitsoursyourstheirs反身代词myselfyourselfherselfhimselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves5.数字读法1)重复数字Double 念两遍2)0 可读O也可读zeroWhats your telephone numberMy/Her number isIts 直接给号UNIT 2 This is my sister1. 本章内容:家庭成员 Grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma)wifeuncle aunt father motherhusband cousindaughter son sister brother更明确younger /elder岳母/婆婆 motherinlaw岳父/公公 fatherinlaw2. 介绍他人 This(近)/that(远) is一个人These/those are 1个人3. 指示代词This/that +n.单数These/those+n.复数ep.this cup / that book these cups/ those books提问,一般疑问句be动词提前1)Are these/those ?Yes,they are.No,they arnt.2) Is this/that a book?Yes,it is.No, it isnt.4. 语法1) 名词单复数 可数名词不可数名词2) 规则变化a. +sb.y-iesc.s/x/ch/sh+esd.fe-vesf o+s 除了几个特殊的加es5. 重点词汇1)picture/photo2)family 集合名词家庭 family 家人 My family are very nice.3)in the photo/newspaper on the radio/TV4) I see 我明白了(口语)5)have a good /great/nice day 度过愉快的一天You too./Thank you!6)倒装句 表示强调Here be 句型Here are 2 nice photos of my family .(are here )B of A A的BHere you are 给你(代词则不要倒装)Unit 3 Is this your pencil?一、 辨认物主1. 单个物品 Is this/that 物主代词+单数名词?Yes,it is /No,it isnt.2. 多个物品Are these/those +物主代词+单数复数?Yes,they are./No,they arent.二、一般疑问句1.Be动词的一般现在时肯定句 主语+be动词+否定句 主语+be动词+not一般疑问句: be+主语+? Iyou myyourEp. This is my eraser. This is not my eraser.Is this your eraser?2名词性物主代词Mine yours hers his 3. 如何选用名词性和形容词性物主代词?看后面是否有名词定语 my book=mine her eraser=hersEp.That is not my book .Mine is in the desk.三、重点单词1.call it 打电话May I call you now?Call me at 32172842.e-mail/email1)n. 邮件an e-mail2)v. email Ep.Please e-mail me at cindy163.com3.some adj.一些的可接不可数名词 some milk/bread可接可数名词 some keys/books4. find v 找到found 过去式(强调找到的结果)5. lose v. 失去 lost 6. me pron. 宾格放在动词或者介词后面做宾语email me For me ball games are boring 放在be动词后面做表语The girl is me四、重点短语1. ask for 找某人要某事 2. a set of 一套(复数名词)a set of pencils五、重点句子1.No,they are Bobs.名词所有格有生命的直接+s Childrens Day没有生命的the name of the dog/the window of the room 2.What/How about this dictionary?Ep. This book is mine.What about that one?只有提建议的时候才是怎么样的意思ep.what about have some fruit?What about +n./pron./v-ing 3. thank you for your help/heping me/your book4. Excuse me .5. Youre welcome./Thats Ok./Thats all right./Not at all.6. How do you spell ruler?Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?一、确认物品位置1.What are the things in your family?单词2.Where do you watch TVWe ofen sit on the sofa. on在上3.Where do you eat dinner?We will sit on the chair.We often have dinner near the table. near 在旁边4.Where do you sleep?We sleep on the bed.5.I have so many books?Where do I put the books?We put our books in the bookcase. In 在里面代词it 可以指代上面所提到的同一物品。二、方位介词In on underIs my schoolbag under the chair?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are my keys on the table?三、生词1.radio 广播,收音机on the radio=on the air 广播中turn on/off the raion 打开/关闭收音机2.tape 磁带player 播放器play the tape 播放磁带3.clock 钟表 watch 手表4.model plane飞机模型,排词顺序5.think 想,认为think of/think aboutUnit 6 Do you like bananas?1.food可数 hamburger 汉堡 tamato 西红柿 orange 橙子 banana 香蕉 strawberry 草莓 pear 梨不可数un ice cream 冰淇林 milk 牛奶 bread 面包2.询问favorite food句式1) Do you like salad (for dinner)?Does he/she?(一般疑问句助动词do)2)What do you like for breakfast? What do you eat for dinner?breakfast: egg bread milk porridgeI like to eat egg for breafastlunch: rice carrot chickensupper/dinner:noodle dumplings 3.重点词汇1)so 连词 句首:表示如此说来So you dont have any plan on this 句中,因为所以,放在表示结果的句首Its late,so I will go home.2)habit n.习惯eating habit 饮食习惯(修饰healthy adj 健康的/keep healthy 保持健康)Its good for our health to have a good eating habit.Healthy eating habits help us study better.3)question n问题 answer my question 回答我的问题 the answer to the question 那个问题的答案,特例(of)4)want v.想要want sb to do sth想要某人干某事want to do sth想干某事 Unit 7 How much are these socks?一、穿着 T-shirt jacket sweater hat shorts(短裤) trousers skirt socks shoes二、句型 询问价格1.How much ?(is this/are these)Its 7 dollarsThey are 2.购物用语1)May/Can I help you?-Yes,please./No,thanks/thank you.2)What do you want to buy ?What color do you like? green red blue (dark/hard/light/bright)What size do you want? large medium small extra largeI dont like this .Can you give me another one?/Can I get another one?It looks nice.看起来(look for 寻找 look at 看向 look into 向里看)I like it .Ill take/buy it.买buy/takeit takes my 2 days.I buy flowers for my mothersell this T-shirt to you3.价格 数字表达expensive/ cheapgreat sale 大甩卖 sale out 售罄 on sale 热卖中10teen eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen nineteen 20ty twenty-one thirty-one forty4.基数词:表示数量序数词:表示顺序 一 般与the连用,如有物主代词则不需要词尾+th :seventh一二三单独词:first second thirdf 来把ve替+th:twelvetwelfth fivefifth8去t9去e :eighth ninth整数10位把y变i+eth :twentieth 10位不变只变个:twenty-first阿拉伯简写:1st 2nd 3rd 4th5.英语中句子构成逻辑(先将主谓宾表达后面在加)We have green T-shirts for only 15 dollars.我们这里有只需15美元的绿色T恤Unit 8 When is your birthday?1.月份Januanry February March April May June July August September October November December首字母大写,缩写前三个字母介词用in 表示在某月时间介词in/on/atin 21st century/2012/winter/Oct./morning(世纪、年份、季节、月份、早晨)on Saturday /May 1st/ Crismastes Day/Friday morning/a cold day(星期,日期,具体到有限定的某一天)at 3:00/noon/night 具体时刻2.基数词、序数词(复习)3.日期表达月/日/年 12/11/2012 dcember (the) 11th, 20124.询问日期 whenWhen is your birthday?/the school trip?My birthday is on Oct. 9th. It is on On5.定冠词the 的省略This/that/next/last+时间名词,前面不需要加Ep. Last Friday I lost my watch.6.重点词汇1) an English text Have/pass a text2)(have )a school trip3)(have/hold)a birthday party4)(have/watch) a basketball game5)(have)a book sale 售书6) (have)art festival7.重点句子1)How old are you?/How old is she?Im years old.2)have a good /nice/great/wonderful/time=have fun8.语法1)所有格(复习)s 单数:+s mothers bag 复数: 以s结尾直接加 grandparents house 不以s结尾: Childrens Day共同所有Lucy and Lilys mother 一个妈妈Lucys and Lilys mothers 两个妈妈Unit9 My favorite subject is science. 1.单词subjectPE. Art science(scientist) music math poet Chinese English geography history Biology politics physical chemistry2.对原因提问Why do you like it?Because it is interesting /fun/relax3.对人提问Who is your math teacher?4.连接词(不止一个形容词时)Its difficult but interestingIts easy and fun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00from Monday to Saturday from Beijing to Huhehaoteafter that I have an art class(art) for 2 hours.Is that OK with you?对你来说play with your friends和一起the girl with long hair 带着问句先变一般疑问句,再变特殊疑问句5.have Breakfast/a soccer game/a school trip/a party/English/a lesson/ 吃早餐、举行、进展开展、举办、上课

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