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一 重点单词1. greet v.迎接;问候;打招呼Bruce was warmly greeted by his colleagues.布鲁斯受到了同事们热烈的欢迎。【常用搭配】greet sb. with(a smile/kiss)用(微笑/亲吻)向某人打招呼;欢迎某人The women greet each other with kisses on both cheeks.女士们互相亲吻双颊以示问候。【拓展】greeting n.问候 复数祝福birthday/Christmas greetings 生日/圣诞祝福【例题】She _ us by shouting a friendly “Hello” when we met at the school gate.A. greeted B. respected C. admired D. addressed2. represent vt. 代表;象征;表现;描绘I attended the trade talks representing my company.我代表公司参加了贸易洽谈。His opinion represents that of the majority.他的意见代表了大多数人的意见。This painting represents a storm at sea.这幅画描绘的海上的暴风雨。【常用搭配】representas.把描绘成 represent sth. to sb.向某人说明某事 represent oneself as.声称自己为.He represent himself as an expert.他自称是专家。Let me try to represent my ideas to you in another way.让我试着用另一种方法向你说明我的想法。【拓展】representation n. 表现,代表 representative adj. 典型的,有代表性的3. curious adj.好奇的;求知的;古怪的He is a curious boy who is always asking questions.他是个求知欲强的孩子,老是问这问那。【常用搭配】be curious about 对好奇 be curious to do 急于做Children are always curious about everything they see.孩子们总是对看到的一切感到好奇。I was curious to find out what she had said.我急于想弄清她说了些什么。【拓展】curiously adv. 好奇地 curiosity n. 好奇心 out of curiosity 出于好奇 satisfy ones curiosity 满足某人的好奇心【例题】Her shouting attracted some _ glances from other people in the restaurant.A. strange B. curious C. serious D. anxious【例题】She shows great _ about others private affairs.A. curious B. curiosity C. interest D. fun4. approach (1) v. 接近;靠近;处理She heard footsteps approaching from behind.她听见有人从后面走近的脚步声。Governments tend to approach the issue from different angles.政府倾向于从不同的角度来处理这个问题。【常用搭配】approach sb. on/about sth. 就某事与某人接洽/商量Wed better approach Professor Li on how to write the essay.关于怎样写这篇论文我们最好找李教授商量一下。(2)n. 方式;途径;接近All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police.通往机场的所有道路都被警察封锁了。Snow announced the approach of winter.雪宣告了冬季的来临。【常用搭配】make approaches to sb. 设法接近某人;想与某人打交道 adopt/take/use an approach 采纳/采取/使用方法 at the approach of在.快到的时候The school had decided to adopt a different approach to ensuring the teaching.学校已经决定采取另一种方式以确保教学活动。People are busy shopping at the approach of the Christmas Day.在圣诞节快到的时候,人们都忙着购物。The company has made some approaches to the government.公司已经跟政府接洽了几次。【例题】At the meeting they discussed three different_ to the study of maths.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways【例题】As I _ the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.A. entered into B. attached C. appealed D. approached5. major(1) adj. 主要的;较大的a major writer一位大作家a major earthquake一场大地震(2)n. 专业;主修课程Her major is biology.她的专业是生物学。(3)vi.主修;主攻I majored in chemistry at college.我在大学里主修化学。【辨析】main, major, chief与primaryMain适用于在范围、尺寸或重要性上超过其他的东西,意为“主要的,最重要的”。Whats the main purpose of your visit? 你访问的主要目的是什么?major表示“较大的;较重要的;主要的chief表示“主要的;最重要的;(职位、职称)最高级别的”。primary表示“首要的;基础性的;根本的”,强调在起源、结果或发展的意义上是第一位的。Our primary concern is to provide the injured in the earthquake with food and health care.我们关注的首要问题是给在地震中受伤的人提供食物和保健护理。【例题】He _ French when he was at university, but worked as an English teacher after graduation.A. majors in B. majors on C. majored in D. majored on【例题】The new research team was led by the _ engineer.A. main B. major C. chief D. primary6. misunderstand vt. 误解;误会Dont misunderstand me/what Im going to say.别误解我/我要说的话。His intentions were misunderstood.他的意图被误解了。【拓展】(1)misunderstanding n. I think there must have been some misunderstanding. I didnt order all these books.我想准是出了点误会,我并没有订购所有这些书。7. dash (1)vi. 猛冲;突进The wolf dashed through the woods.狼突然冲进树林中。Maria came dashing down the stairs.玛利亚冲下了楼梯。(2)n. 猛冲;飞奔【常用搭配】make a dash for sb./sth. 向某人/某物急进;冲向某人/某物She made a sudden dash for the door.她突然朝门口冲过去。When the door opened, there was a mad dash for seats.当门打开后,人们飞奔去找座位。7. likely adj. 可能的(反义词unlikely);合适的Tickets are likely to be expensive.入场券可能很贵。【常用搭配】It is likely that有可能.sb./sth. is likely to do sth.某人/某物有可能做某事It isnt likely that I should accept such an offer as that.要我接受那样的建议是不大可能的。The study shows some people are more likely to suffer back problems.该研究表明有些人更有可能患背痛的毛病。【辨析】likely, possible与probable likely是常用词,指“从表面迹象来看有可能”。 possible指由于有适当的条件和方法,某事可能发生或做到,强调“客观上有可能”,但常含有“实际希望很小”的意思。 probable语气比possible强,指有根据,合情合理,值得相信的事物,带有“大概,很可能”的意思。 likely的主语即可以是人也可以是物,而possible和probable的主语不能是人,可构成下列句型:It is possible/probable that.有可能It is possible for sb. to do sth.某人可能做某事【例题】Young drivers are _ to have accidents than older drivers.A. likely B. most likely C. more likely D. much likely 8. defend vt. 保护;保卫;防御Well defend their right to free speech.我们将保护他们言论自由的权利。【常用搭配】defend sb./sth. from/against sth.保护某人/某物不受某物伤害 defend oneself 自卫 defend ones country保卫祖国Steps are being taken to defend the city against attack.正在采取措施保护该城市免遭袭击。You have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked.如果你受到攻击,你有权力进行自卫。【辨析】defend, guard与protect defend用在军事上,指“防御;保卫”,用于非军事意义,指“保护;辩护”。 guard指守卫、监视或戒备潜在的危险。The dog helps to guard his owners sheep.狗帮着护卫主人的羊群。 protect指设置障碍或掩护,从而保护某人、某物免遭危害、损失等。Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted.必须采取措施来保护环境免遭污染。【拓展】defence n. come to ones defence 帮助/保护某人 in defence of保护;为辩护 in ones defence站在某人一边;为某人辩护Two of his friends came to his defence.他的两个朋友挺身保护了他。Hundreds gave their lives in defence of freedom.数以百计的人为了捍卫自由而献出了自己的生命。9. against 反对;和比赛/交战/竞争;违背【常用搭配】be against sb./sth.反对某人/某物fight against sb.同某人搏斗against sbs wishes/advice与某人意愿/意见相悖against the law/rules违法/违规Im against all forms of hunting.我反对任何形式的狩猎。They got married against her wishes.他们是在她极不情愿的情况下结婚的。It is against the law to park here overnight.整夜在这里停车是违法的。10. book vt. 预订;预约;安排Ill book a table for 8 oclock.我要预订一张8点钟的桌子。Our flight was booked six months ago.我们的航班6个月前就预订了。【常用搭配】book a holiday/flight/tour/trip预订假期/航班/旅行 fully booked/booked up订满;已被订完 book sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事Several leading businessmen were booked to speak at the conference.几位主要的实业家被安排在会议上发言。11. facial adj. 面部的He is good at controlling his facial expressions.他很善于控制他的面部表情。We cant tell what a person is thinking about through his facial expression sometimes.有时候我们不能通过一个人的面部表情来判断他正在想什么。【拓展】面对面地 丢面子 做鬼脸 面临着12. function (1)n. 作用;功能;职能The function of advertising is to create a unique image for your company.广告的作用是为你们公司树立一个独特的形象。In your new job you will be expected to perform many different functions.在新的工作岗位上,你可能要履行许多不同的指责。(2)vi. 运转;作用Despite the power cuts, the hospital continues to function normally.尽管供电中断,医院仍照常继续运转。 二 单词拼写The picture_(描绘) a hunting scene in which there is an ancient king. representsOur teacher_(主修) in maths and physics. majoredAll a_ to the city were blocked because of the heavy snow. adultsQuarrels are usually caused because of_(误会). misunderstandingPeople were_(好奇的) to know what was happening. curiousThe train d_ through the station. dashed三 单词选择curious represent at ease in general greet statement approach misunderstand defend against major1. As people_ old age their energy becomes weak. approach2. Our Party_ the peoples interests. represents3. If you dont express yourself clearly, you can_. be misunderstood4. Two_ roads cross each other here. major5. Which of the following_ is true? statements6. People usually_ each other by shaking hands in China. greet7. A smile is the common facial expression, which is intended to make people_. at ease8. He opened the letter to know what was in it with_ even though it was addressed to his son. curiousity9. Soldiers_ our country _ enemies. defend; against10. _, its easier for boy graduates to get a job in a big company than girl graduates. In general


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