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初中全程语法讲义Bright Scholes第一讲 构词法与句子成分词 法句 法语 法 词法:十大词类,名、动、形、介、副、代、数、冠、感叹 句法:句子成分:主、谓、宾、定、状、表十大词类:(n) 1.名词:人或事物的名称(V)2.动词:表示动作或状态(adj)3.形容词:修饰名词,说明人或事物的特征(adv)4.副词:修饰动词、形容词(prep)5.介词:用在名词前,说明名词所指事物的关系和意义(pron)6.代词:代替名词、形容词、数词(num)7.数词:表示数目、顺序(art)8.冠词:放在名词前,修饰人或物(conj)9.连词:连接句子、短语(intery)10.感叹词:说话人的语气(带有感情色彩)。惊讶、高兴、悲伤等构词法:(一). 转换法. 单词 动词 名词 answer 回答 答案 cook 烹饪 厨师 cover 覆盖 盖 watch 观看 手表从重音上区别 refuse(拒绝-动) refuse(垃圾-名) record(录音-动) record(唱片)(二). 派生法 (加前缀、后缀) 前缀:-un happy unhappy -re write rewrite 后缀:-er teach teacher -ment move movement -or act actor -ness good goodness -ist art artist -hood child childhood -tion invite invitation -sion discus discussion (副词) ly careful carefully (形容词)- ful beauty beautiful(三)合成法: reading room 阅览室 women teachers 女老师(四)其他: .混合法: brunch 早午餐 .缩写法: WTO USA NBA .缩短法: telephone phone bicycle bike句子成分:1. 主语:谁、说、什么;2. 谓语:主语发出的动作或状态;3. 宾语:承受动作的对象。(1).双宾语 = 直接宾语+间接宾语(2).复合宾语 = 宾语+宾语补足语(1).直接宾语(物) I gave him a book.(2).间接宾语(人)宾语补足语: We elected him our monitor.(补充说明) I found you happy.4. 定语:修饰名词。The lady (on the bus) is Mrs. Smith.5. 状语:修饰动词、形容词或副词He sings well.6. 标语:说明主语,位置在be动词、联系动词后。He sings well. 第二讲 名词名词的种类:(一):专有名词:表示人、团体、国家、机构:不加冠词的专有名词:1. 尊称、头衔2. 星期、月份、季节、节日3. 地名4. 人名:需要加冠词的专有名词:1. 由普通名词构成的专有名词2. 江河、湖泊、山脉、海洋3. 酒店、旅店、建筑物4. 报刊5. 姓氏(二):普通名词 个体名词 boy girl 集体名词 class people抽象名词friendship物质名词gold steel 名词的数:1. 以f. fe结尾,把f. fe变vesthief thieves wife wives knife knives half halvesscarfsscarves leaf leaves wolf wolves scarf 有两种变法2.-es的几个特殊单词 hero heroes negro negroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes3.-s boy boys girl girls 4.-es(以s、x、sh、ch结尾)5.以辅音加y结尾,把u变为i加-es6.鱼、羊、鹿,复数不变 sheep sheep deer deer fish fish7.Chinese Chinese Japanese JapaneseGermanAmericanKoreanAustralian 8.以“n”结尾FrenchmanFrenchmen Englishman - Englishmen9.Physics maths politics news(按单数处理)10.合成词:man teacher - men teachers有主题名词旁观look-on 亚军runner-up 过路人passer by 女婿son-in-law 无主题名词饭桶good for nothing 媒人go-between 勿忘我forget me not11.不规则变化child - children foot - feet tooth - teeth man - men12.the two Mr. Smiths 两个史密斯先生 the two Marys 两个Mary13.不可数名词特例 tea - teas(指茶的种类,all kinds of teas) fruit - fruits(指水果的种类,all kinds of fruits)第三讲 名词的格名词所有格,-s,“的”所属关系一、(有生命的) 1.Lindas book 2.复数名词的所有格只加一个: the students book 3. 共同拥有,只在第二个人后面加“s”:Joe and Terrys book. 分别拥有,两个人后面都加“s”:Joes and Terrys book. 4.双重所有格:a picture of my friends(照片里可以有别人,但照片属于本人)a picture of my friend.(照片里只可有本人)二、(无生命的)名词所有格表示路程、时间、距离等 an hours ride 一小时车程 twenty days holiday 20天的假期第四讲 代词指示、人称、物主、返身、不定、疑问(相互、关系,在从句)1.指示代词:this, that, these, those. 用法:作主语 This is my father. 作定语 These apples are red. 作宾语 I like that. 用法:代替上文所说的话,避免重复。The cars (made in Guangzhou) are not better than those made in Changchun. same和the 连用1)look the same.2)the same number/school/city/class3)the same as 与一样such 这样/如此 Such a+形+名. He is such a good student. such as 例如 Linda has many books, such as English book, Chinese book.Today is _fine weather. (06年吉林省中考)A. such a B. such C. a such D. so2.人称代词 主格宾格(单)主格宾格(复)ImeweUsyouyouYouyouhehimtheythemsheheritit用法:做主语 I like music. 将动物拟人化 Shes my favorite cat. 指船只 A ship in coming, shes very big. 祖国,故土 China is my mother land, shes very beautiful. 太阳、月球、地球 The moon shines brightly on Mid-autumn Day. She looks like a round plate. 我和你 you and I 当做了错事时,则把“我”放在前面I and he 3.物主代词: 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词(单)mymineyouryourshishisherhersitsits(复)ouroursyouryourstheirtheirs4.返身代词:(单)myself. yourself. himself. herself. itself (复)ourselves. yourselves. themselves. help oneself 随便吃 Help yourselves, children! enjoy oneself 某人过得愉快 Enjoy yourselves! = Have a good time! Have fun!用法:强调(一个人) She teaches herself English. 她自学英语 I myself did it.5.疑问代词: 主格宾格所有格指人whowhomwhose指物whatwhose指人或物whichwhose特例:1)What 可以指代职业 What is your father? 你爸爸做什么工作? 2)指感叹 What terrible weather! 3)可用在表示天气的句子中Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather?第五讲 不定代词6.不定代词1).all与both all表示“三者(或三者以上)都” All of us are Chinese. (指人,用复数) All is going well. 一切顺利 (指物,用单数)位置在be之后,动(词)之前 both表示“两者都”。 Both my brother and I are soccer fans.There are many trees on both _A_ of the street.(浙江省05年中考) A. side B. sides 2)none 与 no none:没有一个人或物(可数名词指三者以上),即完全否定-Are there any maps on the wall?-None.none of + (只能接可数名词复数+谓语的单、复数None of these pictures is/are good.None of us have/has a car.3)it, a,和one one:1)除数词外,表示“一个人”、“一个”。 one 返身代词 oneself 所有格 ones 2)one代替上文中单数名词 I have two apples. The red one is delicious.4)each与everyeach指任何一个,强调个体,every指每一个,强调整体Each student is in blue today.定语 主语Every student has got a new car.定语 主语定语Each of us has a dog.主语 定语We each have a new car. 同谓语each和every做定语时,名词用单数,谓语动词用单数。each of+复数名词,谓语动词用单数。every+基数词+名词复数=every+序数词+可数名词单数every five days every fourth yearevery other day 每隔几天 5)neither与eithereither表示两个中的任何一个-Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?-Either will do. do=like主语 There are many trees on either side of the river.定语 Either of the team can finish the work.主语 Neither of the students is fifteen. I know neither of them. 他们两个我都不认识。 Neither book is interesting.定语 neither nor 既不也不either or 或者或者Neither he nor we are doctors. (就近法)Either he or we are doctors.Neither we nor he is doctors.Either we or he is doctors.6)many与much many+可数名词 much+不可数名词 a lot of 通杀一切名词,单复不惧! a few 有一点(肯定)可数名词 Therere a few students in the classroom. few 一点也没有(否定) Theres few student in the classroom. a little 有一点(肯定)不可数名词 Theres a little milk in the bottle. little 一点也没有(否定) Theres little milk in the bottle.other:别的、其他的 We study maths and other subjects.in order to 为了宝塔式记忆 只有一个one 两者中的一个onethe other 众多中的两个另一个 two theothers 两个另一些some others 众多中的另一个 (两个以上的另一个)one another第六讲 定冠词1.第二次提到。 I read a story book yesterday. The story was scary.2.世界上独一无二的事物。 the sun the moon the earth the sky3.形容词最高级前、序数词前 Amy is the most interesting kid in my class. I was bite by the second dog.4.当名词被短语修饰时 The book on the shelf is mine.5.表示方向时 The sun rises in the east.6.双方都知道 Open the door, please.7.表示类别(用在单数名词前表类别) The apple is a kind of fruit. The horse is kind of animal.8.山脉、河流、湖泊、岛屿 the yellow river the salt lake9.由普通名词组成的专有名词 the peoples Republic of China the summer palace10.名词化了的形容词 the old the young the poor the rich11.乐器名称前 the piano the violin12.the+姓氏,表示 xx夫妇、xx一家 the Wangs the Browns13.越来越 the+比较级,the+比较级 The more we eat, the fatter we will be.14.表示计量 Our car does 30 miles to the gallon.第七讲 不定冠词1.元音开头an,辅音开头a(看音标) a book an egg2.第一次提到某人、某物、某职业 She is a nurse. I saw a balloon flew over my house.3.一类中的一个 A child needs love. I only know it was a dog not a cat.4.任何一个,泛指一类 A post office is a place where U can post letters A deer is a useful animal.5.说话人不知道的人或事 A Smith called you. A Jenny sent U a book.6.任何一次,表示时间、长度、数量 Twenty Yuan a dozen(12个,一打).7.月份、星期、早晨、上午、下午、晚上 On a windy morning.8.表示一样 The two shirts are much a size (= the same)9.表示强调 such a quite a10.用于感叹句 What a tall building! What a day!不用不定冠词的14种情况1.专有名词 Beijing Mary2.不可数名词 music milk3.公园、车站 Changchun Railway Station Beihai Park4.泛指的个体名词 They are students.5.某些节日 Christmas Eve Childrens day6.四季、月份、星期 winter July Sunday7.表示头衔、称呼 Miss Jane Dr. Bruce8.三餐、学科、球类、棋类 lunch English basketball9.交通手段 by bus/train/air10.名词前被各种代词修饰 on her way home11.序数词做表语时 He is third.12.物质名词与抽象名词 Desks are made of wood. My coat is made from feather.13.相对与相反的名词 sun and moon win or lose face in face hand in hand14.固定短语 at night at home第八讲 数词1.分数: 基数词:表示数目 one two three 序数词:表示顺序 first second third 基数词:1.1-10背 2.13-19以teen结尾 3.20-90以ty结尾 hundred 百 4. thousand 千 million 百万billion 十亿 5.百位与十位之间+and 十位和各位之间+“-”基数词序数词 词的用法: 1.分数:写法 分子1,分母用单数分子1,分母用复数13one third710seven tenths真分数代分数 and又 2 two and two third2.小数: point 0.7 zero point seven 1.55 one point five fivepercentper cent两者分开写与合并一起写都可以 3.百分数:% 5% five percent0.8% zero point eight per cent 一倍:once 4.倍数: 二倍:twice 三倍以上:数词+times forty times 四十倍句型 times + as asThis room is twice as big as mine. 这个房间是我房间两倍大。5.编号:Room 205 Page 12 Floor 56.日期:1月23日 Jan. 23rd7.世纪、年代 世纪 century 在20世纪:in the 20th century 1998年 nineteen ninty-eight 2007年 two o o seven/two thousand and seventwo thousandtwenty hundred 2000年 8.四则运算: andPlus 加 减 minustimesmultiply 乘 除 divided by第九讲 形容词(一)做定语 :She is a pretty girl.(二)做表语 :Our school is beautiful. That sounds interesting(三)做宾语:I point the door red(补). 考点:We must keep the door closed.(close动,closed形) The news made him happy.(四)做主语、宾语,名词化的形容词: The new(新鲜事物) always takes place of the old. 新事物总是会替代掉旧事物的。(五)做状语:He spoke loud and clear.表语形容词:ill、afraid、alone他病了。()He is sick. ()He is ill.因为ill是表语,sick只能做定语。afraid: Dont be afraid.alone: He is very alone.形容词的位置1.和名词关系最近的离名词最近 一道红砖墙 a red brick wall 一道高红砖墙a high red brick wall2.不定代词的定语放在不定代词后面 something important3.特殊用法: All count rides, big and small, should be equal.4.因为后面有动词不定式 She is always ready to help others.5.enough+名词 enough money 形容词+enough fat enough比较级/最高级 1. tall-taller-tallest2. big-bigger-biggest3. happy-happier-happiest4. nice-nicer-nicest5. beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful6. 背: good-wellbetterbestfar bad-illworseworst many-muchmoremost littlelessleastoldolderoldesteld(一般不做单独使用)eldereldestfartherfarthestfurtherfurthest甲乙 主语+be+形容词比较级+than+比较对象(两者相比)This pencil bigger than that one. 甲=乙 asas This pencil is as big as that one.not asasnot soas甲乙This pencil isnt as(so) long as that one.考点()This pencil is so big as that one.因为:只有 asas 没有soas表示倍数:times + asasofin短语就用最高级 见到 He is the smartest(smart) boy of the three.公式:数大型年色国材副词:(副词后缀“ly”)副词的分类:1.时间副词 often, usually, early, age 2.地点副词 three, here, over, down 3.方式副词 hard, fast, happily, freely 4.否定副词 not, no, hardly, neither, never 5.程度副词 very, much, deeply, widely 6.疑问副词 how, when, where, why, what 7.关系副词 引导从句 how, when, where, why, what 8.联系副词 yes, so, however 9.频率副词 hardly, sometimes, usually三级:略(同形容词) “也”also, too与eitheralso放在be之后,v之前too放在句尾either用在否定句中,句尾He is also a doctor.He is a doctor, too.他也是医生他也不是医生 He isnt a doctor, either.ago与beforeago:以现在为起点往前算 three days agobefore:以过去为起点往前算 before three daysafter与laterafter:以过去为起点 after three dayslater:以现在为起点 three days lateralready(已经)、just(刚刚)、yet(还)already:Ive already eaten my lunch.用在肯定句中just:Ive just eaten my lunch.yet:Have you eaten your lunch yet? 用在疑问句中,不翻译。 I havent eaten my lunch yet. 用在否定句中。不是同一个人前半句为否定句考点(倒装)so+情态动词/助动词/系动词+主语 I can swim. So can they. She is a good teacher. So is he. He likes skating. So do I.不是同一个人前半句为否定句(倒装)Neither/Nor+情态动词/助动词/系动词+主语I cant swim. Neither cant they.(他们也不会)She isnt a good teacher. Neither am I. (我也不是)He doesnt like skating. Neither do I. (我也不喜欢)She didnt like dancing. Neither did I. (我也不喜欢)是同一个人前半句为肯定句(不倒装)So+主语+情态动词/助动词/系动词Wang Yuming is an excellent student. So he is.(是的,他是)He can swim well. So he can.(是的,他也游的好)第十讲 介词“in”在表示位置时的特殊用法在范围之内 Jilin Province is in the northeast of China. Tibet is in the south of China.领土接壤(用to或者on):Liaoning Province is on/to the westof Jilin Province. 领土不接壤(用to):Japan is to east of China.1.穿过 across, through与over across:平面穿过,I took one minute to go across the street. 一定范围内一边到另一边,I took six days to go across the desert.through:立体空间,I go through the door. The moonlight go through the window.over:从一侧到另一侧:He was clinging over the wall.2.在之间 between与among between两者之间 He is standing between Xiao Miao and Michael. among众多人中间 He is standing among the crowd.3.in, with与of “衣着、携带东西”,“身体、事物特征”The paper is of great value.The teacher was a good-looking man with a golden glass.The girl in red is my sister.I have no money with me.4.除了之外 beside与expect包括beside We have all seen the film beside Tom.不包括except We have all seen the film except Tom.5.made of与made frommade of(能看出原材料) The table is made of wood.made from(看不出原材料) The paper is made from wood. Made In China 中国制造6.“用”in与within用语言 I can in English.with用工具、肢体 I killed the tiger with my right fist.7.“关于”on与abouton 学术上的关于 The book is on university.about 普通的关于 I dont know anything about the match. above over onto on up into 往 down, below, under1.on: 面与面的接触2.over: 垂直的上方3.above: 不一定是垂直的上方4.under: 垂直的下方5.below: 不一定是垂直的下方,“在里面”6.into: 有运动之意7.up: 悬空的上方8.down: 下面 9.onto: 有运动之意,“在上面”在前加thea不加the (之外)in front of (之内)at/in the front of第十一讲 主谓语一致的关系1.单数名词由and连接,谓语动词用单数My father and my mother are both teachers.2.and指同一人同一物,谓语动词用单数The poet and writer is(be)coming.3.not onlybutalso/either;or/neithernor等(就近法)4.with/as well as/but连接的词,谓语动词与前面一致。 A teacher (with) his students has (have) visited the factory. Nothing (but somepens) is (be) lost.5.each/every/no/many a+单数名词+and +each/every/no/many a+单数名词 谓语动词用单数 Each hour and each minute is (be) important. Every man, woman and every child needs (need) lore. No teacher and no student joins (join) the party.6.合成不定代词做主语,谓语动词用单数 Neither of them has (have) been there.可数名词/不可数名词,谓语动词单、复数都可不可数名词,谓语动词用单数 7.none做主语 指一切用单数指具体人或物用复数8.all做主语All is (be) here now. (都来了)All are (be) been third.(一切都试过了)9.集体名词做主语,谓语动词用复数People are enjoying themselves.强调整体,谓语动词用单数强调具体成员,谓语动词用复数10.family 做主语My family lives (live) in Changchun.My family are (be) good at sports.11.单、复数词形的名词做主语,谓语随意思而定。 A sheep is under the tree. A floor of sheep are near the tree.12.news, physics, politics, maths谓语动词用单数13.金钱、重量、时间、距离,谓语动词用单数。14.trousers, shoes, glasses, scissors, compasses, chopsticks. 谓语动词单独做主语用复数,短语时用单数。15.英语4则运算(+),谓语动词用单数。16.the+形容词,谓语动词指人用复数,指物用单数。17.书名、国名、剧名、机构名谓语动词用单数。the number of 用单数a number of 用复数18.19.动词不定式/动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数。20.倒装句中与主语一致。 e.g.: On the floor are piled some books.第十二讲 情态动词情态动词+动词原形,不发生任何人称、数的变化。1,can1) 表示能力 e.g. Can you swim?2) 表示允许 You can go now!3) 表示可能性 Wood can be made into paper.4) 表示怀疑、猜测、惊异 How can he do this!2,could1)can的过去式 3)电话用语2)表示可能性 4)表示怀疑、猜测、惊异3,may1)询问可不可以做一件事 2)表示可能发生4,might1)may的过去式 2)同may的1、2 3)用在疑问句中表示极客气、委婉5,must Must I finish my work now? No, you neednt/dont have to.6,need 必要Need she go with us?You dont worry about him.情态动词 You dont need to say this.Does he need to do it like that?实义动词 7,shall与will 1)征求意见 2)那时允诺 3)表示强制8,should与would同shall与will的用法第十三讲 反意疑问句肯定 否定She can hardly speak, can she?He has never been there, has he?Im a middle school student, am not I?Theres a lot of water ever there, isnt there?Everyone is here, arent they?Hes too old to work, is he?Everything is ready, isnt it?Dont forget to bring your head to me, will you?Lets have a rest, will you? (不包括说话人)Lets have a rest, shall we? (包括说话人)Thats a dog, isnt it?This is a dog, isnt it?I dont think you are right, are you? (看后面)Nobody can help us, can they?第十四讲 祈使句1. 肯定句 动词/be/Lets 开头2. 否定句 Dont + 动词原形e.g. Dont do that!动词不定式的否定式You told him eat to do that.Youd better not do that.特例 副词+with短语 Out with the book. 名词/代词+副词 Hands up! 举手! None + of 短语 None of your nonsense. No+名词/动名词 No smoking!第十五讲 感叹句How + adj./adv. + 主语 + 谓语!What + a/an + adj. + 单数名词 + 主语 + 谓语可互换e.g. How big the dog is! How smelly he is!What an interesting book it is!How interesting the book is!What a long story it is!How long the story is!第十六讲 简单句、并列句、复合句、日常用语(一)简单句:一个主语,一个谓语(二)并列句: 1. 并列关系and, not onlybut also , one handthe other hand , neither nor , either or 2. 条件或结果东西 or, and One step more and you are a dead man. Hurry up or youll be late! 3. 转折、让步 but, while, however(虽然/然而), yet, still Its raining hard however we have to go out. I have failed, yet I shall try again. 4. 表示原因 for, so, therefore I had a headache, so I went to bed. I dont know much about China therefore. I cant tell you anymore.(三)复合句 主语+宾语从句/表语从句/状语从句/定语从句/主语从句 主语从句 What the teacher said is important to us. Who will win the match is hard to say. Why he didnt come is not known. 表语从句 Our hope is that he can pass the ex


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