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.单项填空Hi,Bob.My roommate and I both passed the latest interview last week._!ACheer upBCome onCCongratulations DYou are great解析:选C。对对方的成功应予以祝贺,因而C项符合语境;cheer up“鼓舞,振作(高兴起来)”;come on“赶快,来吧”。You will succeed _ because you have been working hard at your lessons.Aon time Bin timeCat times Dat a time解析:选B。句意:因为你一直很用功地学习,你总有一天会成功的。in time“迟早,总有一天”;on time“按时”;at times“有时”;at a time“一次,每次”。When told about what my grandfather had _ during the earthquake,I felt so sorry for him.Agone through Bset downCpacked up Dcalmed down解析:选A。表示“地震时所经历的事情”应使用搭配go through。set down“记录下来”;pack up“打包”;calm down“镇定下来”。I want to _ tonight and watch the World Cup Football Match.Ago up Bstay upCcome up Dkeep up解析:选B。句意:今晚我不想睡觉,等着看世界杯。stay up“熬夜,不睡觉”;go up“上升,增长”;come up“走过来,上升”;keep up“坚持,继续”。(2012届浙江宁波十联联考)The Libya crisis that _ for over six months is drawing to an end.Ahad been on goingBhas been on goingCis on goingDwas on going解析:选B。由于利比亚危机在过去的六个月里一直在持续,所以定语从句用了现在完成时,表示过去一段时间以来一直持续的动作;现在这一危机接近尾声,所以主句用一般现在时表示将来。Mary often stays up,reviewing her lessons,_ books all over the desk.Aspreading BspreadCare spreading Dto spread解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。spread与books构成动宾关系,应用其过去分词形式构成独立主格结构,故选B项。The government urged that every effort _ to bring down food prices.Ais made Bwill be madeCbe made Dmust be made解析:选C。考查虚拟语气。在urge后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should动词原形,should可以省略,make与effort构成动宾关系,所以用(should)be made。Mr.Smith,would you have some more ice cream?No,thanks.Its very good,but I have to _ my weight,you know.Awatch BremainCpull Dgain解析:选A。考查动词辨析。从句意“冰激凌很美味,但我得注意我的体重”可知选watch,表示“关注,注意”。remain表示“继续,依然”;pull表示“拉,拖”;gain表示“获得”,都与语意不符。It is reported that a new planet has been discovered recently.Its _ Earth,and hopefully it can support human life.Aalmost three times the size ofBthree times the size thanCthree times almost as large thanDalmost three times as larger as解析:选A。考查倍数表达式。倍数表达法要注意三种结构:A is倍数the size/height/weight/.ofB;A is倍数bigger/larger/.thanB;A is倍数as big/large/.asB。故A项的表达正确。All the books donated by the students from urban schools are said _ to the students in rural areas the other day.Ato be sent Bbeing sentChaving been sent Dto have been sent解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。从语法可知,be said后面要接“不定式”,故排除B项和C项,同时语意表示“捐的书几天前已被送往农村学生的手中了”,且send和books之间为动宾关系,故应用动词不定式的完成式的被动语态。答案选D项。.完形填空(2012原创题)The TV show I am a Big Star calls him the “Male Susan Boyle,”Hes most commonly known as “Overcoat Brother”on_1_of his army surplus green jacket,appealing naivet(纯真) and impressive vocal_2_3_ my mind,he is more like the Britains Got Talent sensation Paul Potts.Firstly,because hes a man,moreover,he has a penchant(嗜好,倾向) for Chinese folk opera,_4_ Andrew Lloyd Webber tunes.Either way,Farmer Zhu Zhiwen is an Internet_5_,topping Baidus list of the people most_6_The_7_superhero country bumpkin from near Heze City in Shandong Province appeared on Shandong TVs talent show I am a Big Star to sing the theme song from the hit 1990s TV show Romance of the Three Kingdoms,_8_ up with the tune Travelers in Handcuffs,from the iconic 1980s film.The _9_ gave him a standing applause,but the judges gave him a hard time and_10_whether he really was a farmer_11_anger among netizens.One judge asked him to take off his overcoat,which_12_a red sweater and worn sleeves.He then asked him to take off all his clothes,_13_fortunately he didnt do.The TV host felt his hands to see_14_they were rough and hard,said they were and proclaimed(宣布)_15_to be “hands that move bricks.”His shoes were_16_ and there was a film segment(片段)of him farming,singing and farming,and farming and singing.The website Netease sent a reporter down to_17_him after the show and appeared to be_18_that he was who he said he was.He_19_to the countryside or the villiagers,the old and the _20_people,because hes just like them.A.courseBaccountCfact Dreality 解析:选B。on account of 为固定词组,意为“因为”。A.ability BgiftedCtalents Dpresents解析:选C。“吸引人的纯真以及给人印象深刻的声乐天赋”;talent是“天赋”之意;而ability是“能力”;gifted是形容词,“有天赋的”,present是“礼物”。A.In BForCAs DTo 解析:选D。to my mind是“依我来看”,相当于in my opinion。A.more than Brather thanCother than Dless than解析:选B。“他更加倾向于中国民间戏曲,而不是安德鲁劳埃德韦伯的音调。”rather than是“而不是”之意,符合语境;而more than是“不仅仅;超过;非常”,other than是“除了之外”,less than是“少于”。A.hit BstrikeCblow Dattack解析:选A。hit用作名词,表示轰动一时的成功人物。A.found BsearchedCresearched Dinvestigated解析:选B。“百度名单上被搜索最多的人”;people与search之间是动宾关系,故用searched作后置定语,修饰people。A.42yearsold B42years oldC42yearold D42 yearsold解析:选C。“数词连字符year连字符old”的结构多做定语;而且year不能用复数形式;不用连字符连接时,year用复数形式,而且多作表语。A.following BfollowedCcontinuing Dsucceeding解析:选A。“接着又唱了戴手铐的旅客”,故用following表示“接下来”之意。continue是“继续”;succeed是“随后,以后”。A.judges BfarmersCaudience Dsingers解析:选C。“观众给了他长时间站立的鼓掌和敬意”;audience是“观众”之意;符合语境。A.studied BquestionedCconsulted Ddiscussed解析:选B。“裁判们询问他是否真的是一个农民。”question是“询问;怀疑”之意,符合语境;而study是“研究”,consult是“咨询”,discuss是“商量”。A.taking BleavingCcausing Dforcing解析:选C。“引起了网民们的愤怒”;cause是“导致,引起”之意。A.explained BdisplayedCrevealed Dsheltered解析:选C。“一个裁判让他脱下衣服,显露出的是一件红色的袖口脱了线的毛衣。”reveal是“显露出”之意,符合语境;而explain是“解释”,display是“展示”,shelter是“躲避,隐藏”。A.that BitCwhich Dwhat解析:选C。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰上文提到的一整句话。A.as BifCwhen Das long as 解析:选B。if引导的是宾语从句,作see的宾语,表示“是否”之意。A.him BitCthem Dus解析:选C。此处与上文的his hands以及下文的hands that.都是同一个概念。故用them代替hands。A.polished BneatCunpolished Dtidy 解析:选C。由主语his shoes可知,此处表示“他的鞋子没有擦光亮”;unpolished是“没有抛光的,不亮的”,符合语境;而polished是“抛光的;润饰过的”,neat是“整洁的”,tidy是“有条理的”。A.concern BinquireCinterview Drecord解析:选C。由上文语境sent a reporter可知,此处表示“派记者前往采访朱之文”;故选择interviews表示“采访”之意。而concern是“关心;关注”;inquire是“探听,询问”;record是“记录”。A.amused BshockedCsatisfied Ddisappointed 解析:选C。“记者们似乎对朱之文与他对自己的描述相吻合很满意”;故用satisfied表示“满意的”。而amused是“娱乐的”;shocked是“震惊的”;disappointed是“失望的”。A.applies BappealsCappoints Dadjusts解析:选B。appeal是“吸引”之意,其后多与介词to连用,表示“吸引”。而apply是“申请,应用;涂”;appoint是“委任;安排”;adjust是“调整”。A.extraordinary BexcellentCcommon Damazing解析:选C。由下文“because hes just like them”可知,此处描述的是和朱之文一样普普通通的人,故用common表示“普通的”之意。而extraordinary是“非凡的”;excellent是“优秀的”;amazing是“令人惊异的”。.阅读理解(2012原创题)I learned of Saidullah and his amphibious(水陆两用的)bicycle through the Honeybee Network,the organization created by Indian business professor Anil Gupta that aims to track inventions in Indias rural villages.Since 1988,Gupta has been traveling across India in search of inventions that are changing the lives of the countrys rural poor.The network now says 13,000 inventions,from a footpedal operated washing machine to a mobilephone activated irrigation pump that saves farmers the time and difficulty of manually turning on/off water in their fields.More recently,Gupta worked with the Indian government to set up the National Innovation Foundation,which helps formalizes their inventions and their intellectual property rights and is finally helping to change Indias rural masses into selfsustaining industrialists.In the process,the Honeybee Network is drawing attention to industrialists like Mohammad Saidullah,who developed a simple device out of necessity that now has the power to save thousands of lives.Saidullah arrived at the idea for a floating bicycle during one particularly terrible flood season in his home state of Bihar,India.Like many in his town,Saidullah used a bicycle to get around and a boat to cross a river to get basic flood provisions in a nearby city.He thought if only he could make his bicycle float on water,he could save the cost of hiring a boat to cross the river and catching a bus once he arrived on the other side.It took Saidullah three days and just over $130 dollars to create his amphibious bicycle.He named it the NOOR Bicycle (after his wife),and claims he can now assemble a model for half that much.Such a simple invention with the power to ameliorate the lives of so many should be a winner for our cover.From the text,we can learn that Gupta_Ais an Indian businessman who created the organization Honeybee NetworkBlikes traveling across the country to enjoy the beauty of his country Ccreated the bicycle which can be used in water as well as on landDcooperated with the local government to set up the National Innovation Foundation解析:选D。细节理解题。D项所述与文中第一段的“.Gupta worked with the Indian government to set up the National Innovation Foundation.”的内容相吻合。The National Innovation Foundation does the following things to support the masses Except_Amaking their inventions more formal Bprotecting their legal rights in intellectual propertyChelping them to earn money from their inventionsDhelping transition the masses into industrialists解析:选C。推理判断题。由文中第一段的最后一句话可知,这一组织帮助人们“规范发明创造”、“保护他们的合法知识产权”、“帮助他们从农村群众转变为企业家”;而C项不符合原文所述。We can infer from the text that_Athe amphibious bicycle was named after Saidullahs wifeBthe author agreed that Saidullahs invention is appropriate to be used as a coverCto create his amphibious bicycle Saidullah spent a very long time and so much moneyDSaidullahs invention is not fit to be used as a cover because it is too simple解析:选B。推理判断题。由文中末段可以推断出,B项正确。而A项是在文中明确提出的内容,故不符合题干要求 “infer”;由文中第四段第1句话可知,C项错误;由文中末段所述可知,D项错误。The underlined word in the last paragraph probably means_AimproveBtransferCchange Dreform解析:选A。词义猜测题。此处是对上文的总结,故应该是“有能力改善人们生活的简单发明创造”。


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