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七年级英语上第一单元测试 Topic 1按顺序写出26个英文字母的大小写 (10分)选择填空 (20分)( ) “Whats your name, please?” “_”A. My names Lucy. B. Im nine. C. Im Meimei.( ) “Hello! Good morning!” “_”A. Morning. B. Good. C. How do you do?( ) “How are you, Peter?” “_”A. Fine, thanks. B. Guess. C. How are you, Lin Tao?( ) “_, Li Lei. ” “Nice to meet you, too.”A. How are you B. Whats your name C. Nice to meet you( ) “_” “Im fine. And you?”A. Can I have some water? B. How are you? C. How old are you?( ) _ you Ann?A. are B. Are C. Is( ) Whats _ name?A. you B. is C. your( ) Nice to _ you.A. Meet B. thank C. see( ) “Hello!” “_”A. Thanks you. B. Hello! C. Oh!( ) I _ Bai Ling.A. is B. are C. am选词填空 (20分)nice lets excuse this how fine thank thanks have whats Hello! Im Kangkang. your name, please? to meet you! begin! me. Are you Jane? Mom, is my teacher, Mr Long. “ are you?” “Im . you.” “ a nice day!” “You, too.” “How are you?” “Not bad, . How are you?”口语交际 (10分)(A)(B)( ) Good morning!A. Bye!( ) How are you?B. Nice to meet you, too.( ) Sit down, please!C. Thank you.( ) Nice to meet you!D. Morning.( ) Goodbye!E. Not bad. Thanks.用 is / isnt / am / are 填空 (10分) This my teacher. I fine. “Is she Maria?” “No, she .” “ you Jane?” “No, I not. I Maria.” “ he Kangkang?” “No, he . He Michael.” “What this in English?” “Its a pen.”写出下列缩写词的完全形式 (10分) Im = whats = her names = isnt = lets =连词成句 (10分) this, my, is, teacher what, is, name, her how, you, are have, a, nice, day what, your, is, name阅读理解 (10分)A:Good morning!B:Morning!A:Are you Jack Green?B:No. Im Mike Smith. Whats your name, please?A:My name is Long Junyong. And this is my mother.B:Nice to see you.C:Nice to see you, too.B:Have a good day!C:Thanks. You, too.根据对话内容判断正(T)与误(F)。( ) Mike Smith, Long Junyong and Long Junyongs mother meet in the morning.( ) Jack Green and Long Junyong are good friends.( ) Long Junyong doesnt know Jack Green.( ) Mike Smith isnt a Chinese boy.( ) Long Junyong is a Chinese boy.第二单元测试 Topic 3抄写 (5分) “What does he look like?” “Hes short with black hair.” “Is this a pen or a ruler?” “Its a pen.”选择填空 (20分)( ) “_ your English teacher look like?” “Hes tall with a thin face.”. What does . What is . How does( ) Mr Yang is strong _ broad shoulders.A. about B. with C. in( ) “Is the boy tall _ short?” “Hes tall.”A. or B. and C. but( ) Is this _ Chinese book or _ English book?A. an; a B. a; an C. an; an( ) “_ dress is this?” “It is _ .”A. What; mine B. Whose; mine C. Whose; me( ) Her dress _ very nice. She likes _ color.A. looks; its B. looks; its C. looks; his( ) You grow fast. The coat will _ you soon.A. fit B. fits C. like( ) “Whose handbag is this?” “Its _ handbag. Its _ .”A. her; hers B. hers; her C. her; her( ) “Whose gloves are these?” “Theyre _ gloves. Theyre _ .”A. my; my B. mine; my C. my; mine( ) “_ does Long Feng look like?” “He looks like his father.”A. What B. What color C. Who填表(10分)观察下面表格的排列情况,在空白处填上适当的单词。Ihemyyourheritstheirmineourshisits选词填空 (10分)whose like ours buy fit or too long thank shes “ desk is this?” “Its our desk. Its .” “What does Mr Li look ?” “Hes thin with legs.” “Lets go shopping. Ill you a new dress.” “ you, Mum! Lets go.” The coat doesnt me. Its long. “Is your mother a nurse a doctor?” “ a doctor.”口语交际 (10分)(A)( ) What does he look like?( ) Whose pen is this?( ) Does he have a brother or a sister?( ) What color is her coat?( ) Which pencil-box do you like?(B)A. He is tall with a big nose.B. Its mine.C. Its pink.D. He has a sister.E. The dark blue one.完形填空 (10分)Look at this young man. He is a 1 . He is from 2 . He likes playing basketball very much. He plays basketball very well. He plays basketball in 3 . He is very tall and strong 4 long legs. He 5 small eyes and a big nose. We all like him. Who is he? Do you know?通读短文,指出能填入相应空白处的正确答案。( ) A. teacher B. film star C. football star D. basketball star( ) A. the USA B. England C. Japan D. China( ) A. the USA B. Japan C. England D. Brazil( ) A. has B. have C. with D. for( ) A. have B. has C. grow D. grows阅读理解 (10分)A:Whose gloves are these? Are they yours, Mike?B:No. Theyre not mine. Mine are here. I think theyre Li Leis.A:Excuse me, Li Lei. Are these gloves yours?C:No. My gloves are yellow. The gloves are dark blue. I think theyre Jims. His are dark blue.根据对话内容判断正(T)与误(F)。( ) The gloves are yellow.( ) The gloves arent Li Leis.( ) Mike thinks the gloves are Jims.( ) Li Lei thinks the gloves are Jims.( ) Li Leis gloves are dark blue.完成句子(10分)根据所给汉语提示完成下列英语句子,每空限填一词。 这双鞋不适合我穿。太长了。 你穿上这件夹克看起来酷呆了。 她长得很苗条,圆脸蛋,大眼睛。 这把直尺是你的还是她的? 这不是我的钢笔。我认为是杰姆的。The shoes dont me. Theyre long.You so cool this jacket.Shes tall and . She has a round with big eyes.Is this ruler or ?This isnt pen. I think its .作文 (15分)根据实际情况用英语填写下列表格。然后再组合成一篇英语短文。NameSexAgeSchoolNo. 3 Middle SchoolClassGradeLooksTall/shortFat/thinHeadHairEarsFaceEyesNoseMouth

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