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期中复习一、单元要点【主要词汇与短语】surprised, worried, lucky, disappointed, rich, stupid, silly, proud, set, able, ring up, cheer up, lively, role, fall into, frightened, end, express, leading, mostly, strict, explain, over and over again, bored, anxious, pass, especially, normal, advice, get used to, either, accept, join in, deal with, refuse, argue, though, finally, ever, true, decide, affect, speech, choice, relaxed, thought, sense, book, standard, raise, come up with, organize, appreciate, receive, look forward to (doing) sth., perfect, search, huge, push, step, realize, sight, pour, toward, beside, satisfy, imagine, inside, notice, treat, crazy, avoid, warn, condition, rush, fine, top, impossible, perhaps, certain, cheat, protect, lock, include, disappear, trust 【交际用语】1. 表达想法和感情2. 讨论探险【语法】1. 原因状语从句2. 动词后的形容词3. 同等比较级4. 形容词(情感)+ 介词5. make + 宾语 + 动词/形容词6. 结果状语从句7. 时间状语从句8. 条件状语从句9. 不定式二、难点解析1. look(1)look在此句中用作连系动词,意为“看起来”。1)后跟形容词。如:You look well/fine/healthy. 你看起来很健康。The teacher looks happy. 老师看上去很高兴。She looks pale. 她面色苍白。2)后跟过去分词。如:You look tired; youd better have a rest. 你看上去很累,你最好休息一下。3)后跟名词。如:He looks a nice, honest man. 他看上去是个诚实的好人。4)后跟介词短语等。如:He looks in good health. 他看来十分健康。(2)用作不及物动词,意为“看,望,瞧”。1)单独使用时,后不跟介词。如:I looked but saw nothing. 我看了,但什么也没看见。Look! Here comes the bus. 瞧!汽车来了。Look before you leap. 三思而后行。2)和at连用。如:The teacher is looking seriously at us. 老师正严肃地看着我们。Look at these pictures. How beautiful they are! 看这些画,它们是多么漂亮啊!3)和其它某些介词或副词连用:look after照看,照料look for寻找look around四下环顾;到处寻找look back on回想,回顾look down on看不起look forward to盼望look into朝里面看look on.as把某人看作look out当心look over仔细检查;翻阅look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿look up抬头看;查;找出2. want want表示“想要”, 有以下用法:want+名词“想要某物”I want a bottle of juice. 我想要一瓶果汁。want to do sth.“想要干某事”He wants to go to a movie. 他想去看一部电影。want sb. To do sth.“想要某人干某事”I want you to play with me. 我想要你和我一块玩。3. be going to(1)be going to 是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备;打算”的意思。含有be going to 结构的句子中往往有表示将来的时间状语。如:We are going to have a class meeting this afternoon.今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排) Look at the black clouds. Its going to rain.看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测) (2)be going to 在肯定句中的形式be going to 结构中的助动词be很少用原形,它一般有三种形式,即:am , is , are。当主语是I时用am;当主语是第三人称单数时用is;当主语是其他人称时用are。如: I am going to buy something tomorrow morning.明天早上我要去买些东西。 She is going to see Mr. Wang this afternoon.她打算今天下午去看望王先生。 (3)含be going to 的句子变否定句和一般疑问句的变法由于句子中有助动词be,因此be going to 的否定句和一般疑问句的构成很容易,即在be (am, is, are) 的后面加上not 就构成了否定句;把be (am, is, are) 放到句首,在句末加问号就构成了一般疑问句,其答语为:Yes, 主语+ am/is/are. / No, 主语+ isnt/arent. / No, Im not.不过 I am. 在改为一般疑问句时常常改为“Are you .?”。如: They are going to see the car factory next week. (肯定句) They are not going to see the car factory next week. (否定句) Are they going to see the car factory next week? Yes, they are. (No, they arent.) (一般疑问句及其回答) (4)使用be going to 应注意的两点 There be 句型的be going to 结构为:There is / are going to be. (注意句型中going to 后面的be不能改为have。) 常用来表示将有某事发生。如: There is going to be a football match next Saturday in our school.下周六我们学校将有一场足球比赛。 come, go, leave, arrive等表示位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,它们很少与be going to 结构连用。如: Miss Sun is coming tonight.今晚孙小姐要来。4. be able to be able to do 和can 的含义基本相同,但二者有一定的区别。 表示“能力”时,can常指现在,较be able to更常用;如果只表示能力时,两者都可用;但若表示过去的能力+特定行为时,则要用was/were able to;若指将来才具备的能力则只能用shall/will be able to表示。如:I can/am able to swim. (现在时,二者皆可)我会游泳。The baby will be able to walk in a few weeks. (表示将来的能力,不能用can)这个婴儿几周后将能走路。5. sure我相信李先生一定会感到惊讶和快乐。sure 是形容词,意为“肯定的,当然的”。常用来回答一般疑问句,等于 Yes或Certainly。sure的用法: (1)be sure不定式。常用于祈使句,表示要求,意为“务必、请一定”。指外界的看法。如: I think hes coming, but Im not quite sure. 我认为他就要来了,但我不是很肯定。Be sure to telephone me and give me all the news. 务必打电话给我并告诉我所有消息。(2)be sureof或about。意为“相信,对有把握”,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。常用来表示“人对某事的看法”,指主观上的看法。如: Are you sure of that meeting? 你相信那场会吗?He is sure about this answer. 他对答案很有把握(胸有成竹)。(3)be sure从句。表示“某人对有把握”。如: Im sure that he is coming to help me. 我相信他会来帮我的。The teacher is sure that these books are interesting. 老师很有把握地说那些书非常有趣。(4)make sure意为“务必、确信”,其后也可接of或about或动词不定式或that从句。如: I made sure (that) he was badly ill. 我确信他病的很严重。Will you make sure of his return? 你能确保他返回吗?Make sure to come to the party on time. 务必准时到晚会来。6. be popular with somebody popular 形容词 流行的, 受欢迎的 a popular song 一支通俗歌曲 She is popular at school. 她在学校里很受人喜欢。 如果表示“受某人的欢迎,在某人中流行”,用短语:be popular with somebody,如: This dance is popular with young people. 这种舞很受青年人喜爱。7. deal with的用法(1)deal with意为“处理”。deal的过去式和过去分词都是dealt。如: I dont know how to deal with the problem. 我们不知道如何处理这个问题。 At the beginning of this term, well have many difficulties to deal with. 这学期开始我们将有许多难题要解决。 That matter needs to be dealt with. 那件事需要处理了。 (2)deal with还可以作“对待;对付”解。如: The old lady is hard to deal with. 那个老太太很难对付。 What is the best way of dealing with the cruel enemy? 对付残忍的敌人最好的办法是什么? (3)deal with 还可以作“论述或谈论(某问题)”解。如: This book deals with problems of pollution. 这本书论述污染问题。 He made a speech at the conference, dealing with folk music. 他在大会上做了一次演讲,谈民间音乐。8. be afraid of be afraid of doing something 表示害怕(担心)会发生某种不愿发生的或不应发生的情况(不一定是令人畏惧的情况),可译为“唯恐(怕)”;be afraid to do something 害怕(不敢)去做某事,(常会发生对自己或别人有伤害或令人畏惧的结果)。如: She was afraid of waking her husband up. 可能丈夫病了或很累,不应吵醒他。(恐怕发生不应发生的可能后果) She was afraid to wake her husband up.如叫醒丈夫,可能他要发火,责备她。(害怕去做应当做或必须做的事) I am afraid of asking the teacher. 我害怕问老师。(要麻烦老师,是我不希望发生的) I am afraid to ask the teacher. 我不敢问老师。(表示有必要去问,但老师可能要批评我) 9. instead of(1)instead of 的意思是“代替”、“而不”,其主动用法如下:1)作为短语介词,instead of 后面常跟名词、代词和动名词,偶尔也跟复合结构。例如:Instead of lending a hand, he laughed at us.他不仅没有帮我们一把,反而嘲笑我们。They must make up their own minds instead of our making up their minds for them. 他们必须自己做出决定,而不是由我们来代替他们作决定。Its me that should ask you instead of you asking me. 应该是我问你而不是你问我。2)instead of 后面还可跟形容词、副词、动词、不定式、介词短语和从句,这时他相当于连词,但也有不少人认为他们是介词。但是,对我们中学生来说,重要的不是他的词性,而是他的用法。请看下面的例句:Taking exercise every day makes him look younger instead of older. 每天锻炼身体使他显得更年轻而不是苍老。(连接形容词)But the businessman grew worse instead of better. 但这位商人的情况没有好转,反而进一步恶化了。I go to bed late instead of early.我总是很晚才睡。(连接副词)That increased instead of decreased our courage. 那增加了我们的用勇气不是减少了我们的勇气。He proposes to do some work instead of to watch television.他提议做些工作而不是看电视。(连接不定式)A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him.他若是说一句鼓励的话,那么我或许不会恨他,反而会敬重他。(连接不定式)In warm weather he often reads under a tree instead of in the library.天气暖和的时候,他常常是在树下而不是在图书馆里读书。(连接介词短语)As a result, silver began to flow out of, instead of into, the country.结果,银开始流出而不是流入该国。(2)instead单独使用时,与instead of不同,instead 是副词,意思是“代替”、“顶替”(=in place of that)。如:Last summer I went to Qingdao. This summer Im going to Dalian instead.去年夏天我去了青岛。今年夏天我将去大连。试比较下面的句子:Instead of going to Qingdao. Im going to Dalian this year.今年我将去大连,而不去青岛。以上两句意思虽然相同,但用instead这个副词时,句子中的动作是被“取”的,即要去做的,而用instead of时,of后面的动是被“舍”的,即不去做的。10. take care of take care of sb. = look after sb. 意思是“照顾某人”、“照料某人”。如:I can take care of the baby all by myself. 我自己能照顾这个小孩。 11. 反身代词的用法1)作动词或介词的宾语。如: She bought herself a new skirt. 她给自己买了一条新裙子。 I make myself go over the text once again. 我让自己又看了一遍那篇课文。 My little sister wants to do her homework by herself. 我的妹妹想独立完成作业。 The writer told us a lot about herself. 作家告诉了我们关于她自己的许多事情。 如果反身代词前面的分词是指明位置的,就要用一般的人称代词而不用反身代词。例如: Mary looked behind her to see if her mother was there. 玛丽看看后面是否她的母亲在那里。 Did you have any money on you? 你身上有钱没有? Did she take her dictionary with her? 她把字典带去了吗? 2)作同位语,以强调名词或人称代词,是“本人”、“亲自”的含义。如:My mother herself closed the window. 我母亲自己关的窗户。 I did it myself. 我自己做的。 She saw that famous singer himself. 她看到那个明星本人了。 3)作表语。如:She was not herself yesterday. 她昨天感到不舒服。 Now he is himself. 现在他好了。 注意:反身代词前面必须有先行词。例如:“我自己要去买钢笔。”不能说: Myself will go to buy a pen. 应该说:I myself will go to buy a pen. 12. tooto太以至不能。如: The boy is too weak to lift the heavy box这男孩太虚弱,举不起那个重箱子。 当tooto跟少数形容词(如ready, glad,pleased,apt,willing,inclined,eager, easy,satisfied等)搭配时,不定式无否定意义。如: He is too ready to promise他轻于许诺。 Beginners are too apt to make mistakes初学者极易出错。 He is too much inclined to give himself airs他太喜欢装模作样了。 需要注意的是,tooto的否定形式not tooto的意思是“不是太而不能”。如: He is not too young to dress himself他不是小得连衣服都不会穿。 It is never too late to learn活到老,学到老。 13. so . thatsothat如此以致于so.that结构在某种情况下可以与enough to和too.to结构相互转换。如:She is so short that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. =She is too short to reach the buttons of the lift. 她是如此的矮,以致于够不到电梯的按扭。so that也可以引导结果状语从句,意为“结果是;以致于”。如:They missed the bus so that they were late for class.他们错过了班车以致于上课迟到了。注:so that也可引导目的状语从句,此时可用to或in order to替换,将其改为简单句。如:He got up early so that he could get to school on time. =He got up early to get to school on time. =In order to get to school on time, he got up early. 14. look forward to 短语动词look forward to(doing)sth. 意为期待着(做)某事,其中的to是介词,而不是动词不定式符号。如:Boys and girls are looking forward to Childrens Day.孩子们渴盼着儿童节。Hes looking forward to hearing from his daughter.他期待着女儿的来信。含有look的短语动词还有look for(寻找),look after(照看,照顾,负责处理),look back on(回顾,回想),look into(了解,调查研究),look out(for)(当心,注意),look over(翻阅,审校,检查),look round(回头望,查看)等。【试题预测】She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to_ her.Ahave seen Bseeing Csee Dbe seen【答案】B【解析】本题考查省略句的用法。后一句话承上省略了谓语动词look forward,保留了to, 根据look forward to的用法,其后应用-ing形式。本句话的意思是“她盼望他的归来和他盼望见到她的程度是一样的”。15. to the southwest of句中to 为方位介词, 表示“在面”。介词 in,on,to 都可以用来表示某个位置的方向,它们的意义不同,故表示的方向及范围也不同: (1)in 表示方位,含义是“在之内”,即一个小地方处在一个大地方的范围(疆域)之内。如: China is in the east of Asia. 中国在亚洲东部。(中国是亚洲的一个国家,处于亚洲的范围之内) Taiwan lies in the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。(台湾是中国东部的一个省份,是中国的领土,在中国的疆域之内) The plant can be seen only in the north of Canada. 那种植物只有在加拿大北部才看得到。(暗指这种植物只生长在加拿大北部地区) (2)on表示方位,含义是“在端/边”,即一个地方在另一个地方的某一端或某一边,两个地方只是相邻或接壤,却互不管辖。如: Guangdong Province is on the southeast of Guangxi. 广东省在广西的东南边。(广东省与广西在地理位置上是连在一起的,即两者相邻,却互不管辖) The country is bounded on the west by the sea.那个国家西边与海接界。(暗指该国为沿海国家) (3)to表示方位,含义是“在面”,即一个地方在另一个地方的范围之外,互不管辖。尤其当两个地方相隔较远,且有湖泊、大海等区域相隔时,通常用 to。例如: Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。(日本在中国范围之外,且有日本海分隔) There is a beautiful park to the east of the station. 车站东面有一座景色宜人的公园。 把河流、山脉、铁路等事物当作两地的分界线或基点,且不说明河流、山脉、铁路等是属于哪一方,通常使用介词 to,译为“以(方向)”。此外,表示一个地方离另一个地方有多远,也用 to。如: Land to the east of the Urals is called Asia; land to the west, Europe. 乌拉尔山脉以东的陆地称为亚洲;以西的陆地称为欧洲。 The village lies to the south of the hill. 那座村庄在山的南面。 The little town lies about one hundred miles to the west of Guilin. 那座小城镇位于桂林以西约一百公里远的地方。 试比较: The church is located to the south of the city. 那座教堂在本市的南面。(该教堂在本市范围之外) The church is located in the south of the city. 那座教堂在本市的南部。(该教堂在本市范围之内)16.as soon as as soon as 一.就.,引导时间状语从句,注意:as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示一般将来时。 As soon as he arrives, I will call you. 他一到我就给你打电话。 17. have fun doing somethingfun (1)作名词:有趣的事,笑话。如:Thats a fun. 真好笑。(2)作形容词,有趣的,愉快的。如:Thats going to be fun. 那将很有趣。Its going to be more fun. 那会更有趣。(3)funny也是形容词,有趣的,滑稽的.What a funny boy! 一个多么滑稽的男孩啊!Were going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit.我们出外旅行并且能品尝一种新水果一定会有很多乐趣的。句中有have fun doing something 干事情很有趣味如:Theyre going to have fun working on the farm and having no classes.18. quitequite的意思是“相当;完全地”,是一个副词,但它很特殊。它不但能修饰动词、形容词、副词、分词,还能修饰名词、介词短语等。 1)quite修饰形容词、副词等。例如: She is quite right她完全正确。 This is quite impossible这是完全不可能的。 I know how to use the machine quite well我完全知道怎么使用这台机器。 He worked quite hard他工作很努力。 2)quite修饰名词。 当名词前没有形容词修饰时,quite要放在冠词前。例如: quite a lot(许多),quite a time(很长一段时间),quite an effort(很大努力),quite a while(一段相当长的时间),quite a few(相当多),quite a little(相当多;大量的)。当名词前有形容词修饰时,quite可放在冠词前,也可放在冠词之后,但放在冠词之前较普遍。例如: He is quite a clever boy(较普遍) 或He is a quite clever boy他是一个相当聪明的孩子。 3)quite与not连用,常构成“not quite”结构,表示部分否定,意思是“没有完全”。例如: She is not quite well她没有完全康复。 I dont quite understand the problem我并没有完全理解这道题。 4)“完全一样”要用exactly the same,不用quite the same。“不完全一样”可说not quite the same。 5)“完全赞同”可说quite agree,但反义一般不说quite disagree。 19. warnwarn意为“警告”“告诫”“提醒注意”,通常用warn sb. of/ about sth.表示“提醒某人注意某事”,用warn against表示“提防”或“提醒某人不要做某事”。如:I warned the young man of his duty.我提醒那个年轻人要注意他的职责。He warned us about the serious situation in Iraq.他给我们谈了在伊拉克的严重局势。A government notice on each packet warns the public about the dangers of cigarette smoking.烟盒上有政府的通告,向公众警告吸烟的危险。They warned him against swimming in that part of the river.他们告诫他不要在这一带的河里游泳。warning是可数名词,意为“警告”“告诫”“预先通知”。如:Let that be a warning to you.让那件事作为对你的一个警告。She gave her child a warning not to play near the railway line.她告诫他的孩子别在铁路轨道附近玩耍。20. agreeagree是一个使用范围很广的单词,意为“同意;赞同”。它有很多相关词组,现在把其主要用法归纳如下: agree to sth. 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”。如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion? 他会同意我们的建议吗? agree with sb. 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中。如:The climate there doesnt agree with him. 那里的气候对他不合适。 agree on sth.意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”。如:We couldnt agree on a date when to meet. 关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见。 agree sth.意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”。如:Can we agree a price? 我们能不能商定一个价格? agree with sth. 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”。如:Your thoughts didnt agree with mine. 你的想法和我的想法不一致。 21. pay attention to pay attention to 是短语动词,作“注意”、“专心”解。如:Pay attention to your spelling when youre writing something. 写东西的时候要注意拼写。You must pay attention to your teacher in class. 上课时要专心听老师讲课。Special attention should be paid to the problem of air pollution. 要特别注意空气污染的问题。三、词语辨析1. hope与wish两词都表示“希望”,但在用法上有相同和不同之处,不能随意互换。 (1)相同之处 都可接不定式作宾语。 We wish to see the film. 我们都希望看那部电影。 The children hope to do something for the old man. 这些孩子希望为这位老人做些事情。 都能以某些代词作宾语。 Thats what you have wished. 那就是你所希望的。 You cant hope much from such people. 对于这样的人,我们的希望不能过多。 都能与介词for连用,后接名词或某些不定代词,表示“希望得到祈求”。 Do you hope for peace? 你希望和平吗? Do you wish for anything better? 你希望得到更好的东西吗? 都可与过去过完成时连用,表示本来想做而没做成。 I had hoped to come here, but I couldnt. 我本来希望来这里,但没能做到。 He had wished to finish it on time, but he didnt. 他希望按时完成这件事,但没有。 (2)不同之处 wish作为及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,hope则不能。 Do you wish a pen or a book? 你要的是钢笔还是书? wish能接双宾语表示祝愿,hope则不能。 I wish you success. 我祝你成功。 wish能接复合宾语,hope则不能。 I wish you to go with me. 我希望你同我一道去。 wish和hope都能接that引导的从句,但wish后的从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气(动词用过去时,或过去完成时),hope则用所需要的时态。 I hope that he will win the game. 我希望他会赢得这场比赛。 I wish that I knew the answer. 我希望我知道这个答案。 I wish I had bought it yesterday. 我希望昨天买了它。 hope可与so或not连用,分别代替一个具有肯定和否定意义的宾语从句,以免重复,wish则不能。 Will it be fine tomorrow? I hope so. Will it rain tomorrow? I hope not.2. think up,think out,think over,think of. think up,think out侧重于思考的结果,即是否想出了办法、计划等; think up主要表示“设想、构思”之意;think out主要表示“仔细思考并研究出(计划等),或者想透问题”等,两个短语均为动副结构;think over也为动副结构,侧重于思考,不涉及结果,表达“深思熟虑,仔细思考”之意;think of主要表示“考虑,关心,想起,对有某种看法”之意,为动介(动词十介词)结构。表示看法、评价之时,常用一些副词来修饰,如think mucha lota great dealhighlywellill of(对评价高好不好);若问评价如何,觉得怎样,常用whatthink of;若表示“以为,认为”时,则用think ofas。如:I cant think of his name.我想不起他的名字。 You mustnt think of him as being irresponsible.你不要以为他是一个不负责任的人。 She gained confidence in herself as she thought the matter over 她好好想了想这件事,对自己有了信心。 He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve the quality of heir Products他把全部心思都用来想办法提高产品质量。 His theory is so complicated that nobody can think it out 他的理论是那样复杂,没有一个人能把它搞清楚。3. excuse me 与sorry (1)excuse me虽然可以译为“对不起”,但它实际上是一种礼貌的语言形式,主要表达讲话者对受话者的敬重。下列场合较为常见:1)向陌生人问路,请求别人帮忙时。如:Excuse me, can you tell me where the post office is?麻烦一下,请问邮局在哪儿?2)需要打断别人的谈话,或要对别人刚讲的内容提出反对意见时,为了不显得粗鲁无礼,常用excuse me。如:Excuse me; may I get in a word?对不起,我能插句话吗?3)因故中途离席是中断和别人的谈话时。如:Excuse me, but I must go home now抱歉,我得现在回家了。4)用于挤车、挤人或在别人前面挑选东西时。如:Excuse me; may I buy the thing before you?不好意思,我能先买吗?5)在表示请求许可时,我们也常用excuse me。如:Excuse me, but can I sit here?请问我可以坐这儿吗?注意:回答Excuse me时,应该说:Thats all rightCertainly或Never mind等。(2)sorry常用于表示“对不起”和“遗憾”两种意思,往往带有较浓的“赔不是”的色彩。多见于下列场合:1)由于不小心撞着别人或踩了别人的脚。如:Oh, sorry, did I step on your foot?对不起,我是不是踩你脚了?2)因讲话不当或行为失误而道歉。如:Im sorry, I dont mean to say it对不起,我不是有意这样说的。3)因不能帮助别人做某事而道歉。如:Sorry, I dont know it exactly不好意思,我不太清楚。4)听到某种不幸消息而表示遗憾。如:Tom is about to dieI am sorry to hear that汤姆就要死了。听到这个消息我很难过。5)当你不愿说不明确的事或不礼貌的事时。如:Im probably not making myself clear, sorry抱歉,我自己也不是很确定。6)准备拒绝别人的要求,反对别人做某事时。如:Sorry, I dont agree with you抱歉,我不同意你的观点。Im sorry, but you cant bring your dog in here抱歉,你不能把狗带到这里。综上所述,sorry常用于事后向别人道歉,而excuse me则多用于事先向别人表示歉意。此外,在表示深度歉意时,人们可以在sorry前加上诸如awfully、very、so等程度副词,而excuse me则不能这样。4. real, really与truereal和true在含义上都表示“真的”, 但用法不同。real强调人或事“真实”存在, 不是想象的, 虚构的。true强调符合事实, 不是编造的或假的。如:real表示“真实的”“实在的”,强调实际存在的意义(实情、实例、实物等)。如:Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction. 现实生活有时比小说还离奇。I dont know the real meaning of his words. 我不知道他的话的真正含义。The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. 暴力犯罪的增加是个非常现实的问题。true表示“真的”,强调事实、故事、消息、信息、朋友、证人、爱情等是真的,不是假的或错的。如:This is a true story. 这是一个真实的故事。True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊万古长青。5. would like与want (1)在下列情况下,这两个词可以互换使用: 1)用于请求或有关请求的问句中。如: Customer:Id like some raspberries,please/I want some raspberries,please 顾客:请给我拿点儿木莓。 Greengrocer:Im afraid I havent anyWould you like some strawberries? 蔬菜水果商:对不起,没有木莓了。来点草莓怎么样? Customer:No,I dont want any strawberries,thanks顾客:不,谢谢,我不想要草莓。(这里不能用 wouldnt like。)I would like常常要比 I want更有礼貌。 would you like要比do you want更有礼貌,也更殷勤。 would you like可以含有愿意满足别人的希望的意思。do you want则不含有这种意思。因此,与顾客或客人打交道时,通常用 would you like如: Caller:Id like to/I want to speak to Mr. X,please 打电话者:我想找X先生说话。 Telephonist:Mr. X is outWould you like to speak to Mr. Y? 话务员:X先生出去了。您跟Y先生说行吗? 2)如果不是提出请求而只是谈到愿望时,可以随意用would like或want的肯定式、疑问式或否定式。它们的意思没有区别,然而,I want要比I would like显得更自信。 I want通常不用于表示不可实现的愿望: I would like to live on Mars但愿我能住到火星上去。(2)would like和want在下列用法中不能互换: 1) 表示邀请时用 would you like结构,而不能用do you want结构。如:Would you like a cup of coffee? 您想喝一杯咖啡吗? Would you like to come to the theatre? 您想来剧院看戏吗? do you want用于此处只表示一种询问,不含有邀请的意思。 2) wouldnt like和 dont want是有区别的。 Dont want表示没有某种愿望;wouldnt like表示不喜欢。因此,wouldnt like不能用来回答邀请或提议,因为在这种回答中 wouldnt like的口气将是不礼貌的。在这里常用 dont want或其他形式来代替 wouldnt like: Would you like some more coffee? No,I dont want any more,thanks/No,thanks


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