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1 初中英语易混 易错 漏洞题集锦 拔高题 1 What do you think solve the problem A can you do B you can do to C can you do to 2 He lives in a village there are a lot of trees A there B where C that 3 Would you like to us in our discussion A take part in B join C joining 4 I m sure the red team will the game A win B succeed C beat 5 your help everything in the room is in good order now A Because B thanks for C Thanks to 6 Are you going there with them If you go A so do I B so I will C so will I 7 The flower is beautiful A So is it B So it is C It is so 8 We need fifteen more people our team to do the job A but B except C besides 9 I am sorry I didn t do a good job Never mind you have tried your best A Above all B In all C After all 10 of them has an English dictionary A Every B Each C Both 11 It me about ten minutes to go to school by bike every day A spends B costs C takes 12 Is this your sock Yes it is But where is A the others B the other one C other one 13 I have finished my homework When you it A have finished B do finish C did finish 14 Can I your bike With pleasure But you mustn t it to others A lend borrow B borrow lend C borrow keep 15 Do you have enough men to carry these chairs No I think we need men A two another B more two C two more 16 You haven t been to Macao have you How I wish to go there A Yes I have B Yes I haven t C No I haven t 17 Will you please us a story Miss Gao OK Shall I it in English or in Chinese A tell speak B talk speak C tell say 18 There a great number of students over there The number of the students five thousand A are is B are are C is are 19 Excuse me are you No we are A American Englishman B American Germans C Englishman Americans 2 20 Will you please tell John to come to my office A Yes I do B I ll be glad C I ll be glad to 21 How beautifully she sings I have never heard voice A the best B a best C a better 22 I hear someone at the door Please go and see who is A knock he B knock it C knocking it 23 It s that we will never forget A such a nice city B a such nice city C so a nice city 24 We study five days week and on Sundays we often play football A a the B an a C a 不填 25 Would you mind me how English words A telling to remember B telling remember C to tell remember 26 Mary doesn t like dancing A Neither do I B So do I C So I don t 27 We couldn t see because the light in the room was poor A enough clear B clear enough C clearly enough 28 I can hardly hear the radio Would you please A turn it on B turn it down C turn it up 29 We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining A badly B strongly C heavily 30 Can you come on Monday or Tuesday I m afraid day is possible A either B neither C any 31 The radio is too noisy Would you please a little A turn it off B turn it down C stop it from 三 完形填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 计 15 分 阅读下面短文 从各题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden He took care of his 32 all the time watering and fertilizing them One day a young man went by the 33 He looked at the beautiful flowers imagining how happy he could be 34 he lived in such a beautiful place Then suddenly he found the old gardener was 35 He was very surprised about this and asked You can t see these flowers 36 are you busy taking care of them every day The old man smiled and said I can tell you four 37 First I was a gardener when I was young and I really like this job Second 38 I can t see these flowers I can touch them 39 I can smell the sweetness of them As to the last one that s 40 Me But you don t know me said the young man Yeah it s 41 that I don t know you But I know that flowers are angels that everybody 42 We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us The blind man s work opened our eyes and 43 our hearts which also made his life 44 It was just like Beethoven who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works Beethoven himself couldn t 45 his wonderful music but his music has 46 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely Isn t it one kind of happiness 32 A flowers B trees C vegetables D grass 33 A balcony B kitchen C garden D study 34 A after B as C before D if 35 A blind B famous C smart D friendly 36 A What B Who C Why D Which 37 A stories B reasons C excuses D conclusions 3 38 A although B since C because D unless 39 A First B Second C Third D Fourth 40 A me B you C my mother D my son 41 A true B hard C cool D fair 42 A greets B doubts C meets D knows 43 A broke B hurt C pleased D treated 44 A emptier B busier C luckier D happier 45 A write B hear C play D believe 46 A changed B affected C discovered D encouraged 四 阅读理解 I 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 共 15小题 每小 题 2分 计 30分 A Everyone needs friends Friends bring us happiness and hope in our lives But the ability to make friends changes from person to person To some people making friends is easy and to others it s very difficult Making friends is a skill and the first thing is to know how to get along with others If you have trouble in making friends maybe I can tell you how to do it Realize your own good points You have skills and talents that others will like Believe that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others Be humorous Learn to laugh at yourself and your weakness Remember to smile to others Respect the others Everyone has his own idea Learn how to listen to others ideas without trying to make them accept yours Be kind If you are kind to others they will usually be kind to you There are hundreds of little things you can do to show kindness Open the door for someone Wave to a friend and so on Don t complain Learn to accept what you can t change and work hard to change what you can No one is willing to hear your complaining all the time Never give up Even if you are faced with some closed minded people never give up And try to find someone who will understand you 47 Why do we need friends according to the passage A Friends can do everything for us B Friends can bring us happiness C Friends accept our ideas all the time D Without friends we could not live 48 What s the first thing we should learn in order to make friends A To help others B To smile to others C To get along with others D To listen to others complaints 49 Which of the following shows a sense of humor A Opening the door for someone B Complaining to others all the time C Laughing at ourselves and our weakness D Finding someone who will understand us 50 How many pieces of advice does the writer offer when we have trouble in making friends A Five B Seven C Nine D Eleven 4 参考答案 1 5 BBBAC 6 10 CBCCB 11 15 CBCBC 16 20 CCABC 21 25 CCACA 26 31 ACCCBB 32 36 ACDAC 37 41BACBA 42 46CCDBD 47 50 BCCB 综合题 一 单选题 1 Our teacher said he could play the piano very well A So did he B So he did C So could he D So he could 2 Those foreign visitors our city the day before yesterday A arrived B reached C got in 3 We will have a vacation after the exam A two days B two day C two days D two days 4 I find a good student A he B him C his 5 Jane s mother lots of money buying a computer A spends B takes C costs 6 There are birds in the forest A two millions B two millions of C million of D millions of 7 I d rather TV at home than basketball outside A watching play B watch playing C watching playing D watch play 8 She prefers to offer more money for a better TV set less for this one A rather than pay B to pay C not to pay 9 He used to in the daytime but now he is used to at night A read read B read reading C reading reading 10 What should we do if it tomorrow A rain B rains C will rain 11 The bag is big for you You d better change a small one A too much B much too C very much 12 The two pictures are almost the same Can you find in the picture A something different B anything different C nothing different 13 This is bedroom The twin sisters like it very much A Lucy and Lily B Lucy s and Lily s C Lucy and Lily s 5 14 We prefer to A to skate swim B skate swimming C skating swimming 15 is easier to eat junk food healthy food A That that B It it C It than 16 October 1 1949 the new China was founded A In B On C At 17 I didn t get your present I was happy to see you A So B Though C Because 18 This is latest music A his the B the his C his 19 pen he found was not one he had lost A The the B A the C The a 20 Would you like some tea I m very thirsty A No thanks B Yes please C Yes I like 21 I really don t know next could you help me A what to do B how to do C what to do it 22 I would rather at home than to a party A stay to go B stay go C to stay go 23 Are you going there with us If Mary wants to go A I also go B so do I C so will I 24 Let s go fishing if it this weekend But nobody knows if it A is fine will rain B will be fine rains C is fine rains 25 I d like a piece of paper please bring some more here A to write B to write on C to write with 26 I must get the breakfast as quickly as possible or I ll be late for work A cooked B cook C cooking 27 He likes running rather than A walk B to walk C walking 28 Ann has made great progress recently and A so has she so have you B so has she so you have C so she has so have you 29 Your hair is too long go and get it A cut B cutted C to cut 30 Our teacher is not only very us but also very our work A strict in strict with B strict with strict in C strict with strictly in 31 His pet died He s so sad Let s A let him down B clean him up C cheer him up 32 He is kind hearted He always his money to charity A gives out B gives away C hangs out 33 More and more foreigners want to their companies in China A open up B look up C clean up 34 Yuan Longping is famous a farm scientist A as B for C about 35 Tea can produce a smell A pleased B pleasant C pleasure 36 What s the coat made 6 A by B in C of 37 teenagers like to wear their own clothes Let them decide what kind of clothes to buy A The number of B A number of C Each of 38 Bad luck I my suit case in the taxi A left B have forgotten C have left 39 When I got home the house was locked I wait outside A must B had to C could 40 Though the English Channel is not easy to swim a few people have made it A across B through C in 41 Class is over All the students should stop A playing B to have a rest C having a rest 42 I m very busy I d like to kids their school work A help to B helping with C help with 43 We need to a plan Let s have lunch first A come up B come up with C catch up with 44 Jack leave his teacher comes back A doesn t until B until C won t until 45 There are some things for children Let s A give away them B gave away them C give them away 46 where are you going I d like to go to the library A By the way B In this way C On the way 47 When you leave the room don t forget the window A closing B to close C close 48 The old pot is used keeping wine A as B for C to 49 Lily has out of money So she can t buy the basket A used B run C ran 50 Jack to swim in West Lake yesterday A see B was seen C saw 51 What the baby He woke up and fell off the bed A happened to B happened C has happened 52 Excuse me Who are you A wait for B waiting for C waiting 53 If we want to catch that train we d better for the station immediately A to set out B setting out C set off 54 Today almost a quarter of the world s population use English as as one billion people are learning it A much B many C more 55 In order to keep the hall clean he was made it twice a day A to clean B clean C cleaned 56 How long have you We have been married for ten years A married B got married C been married 57 Where is Zhang Ming Oh don t you know he to Beijing and he ll be back tomorrow A has gone B has been C had gone 7 58 Help yourself to some fish Elise Thank you but I m A proper B pleased C full 59 Could you tell me I want to send an email A where is the net bar B how can I get to the net bar C how to get to the shop 60 Hi Alice You can my top but you mustn t it to others A lend borrow B borrow lend C borrow borrow 61 He found very different the math problem for he was weak in math A that to solve B this solving C it to solve 62 The number of teachers in our school 60 and a number of them men teacher A is are B are is C am are 63 Hurry up The film for nearly twenty minutes A has been on B has started C will begin 64 We have learned about these years A several hundreds English words B hundreds of English words C hundred of English words 65 He said he hoped her soon He hadn t seen her for over 3 years A to see B you to see C seeing 二 词汇 阅读下面短文 写出括号中所给动词的正确形式 使短文意思完整 A so room be we meet through have stop soon early wonderful but Dear Dennis We just want to say thank you for having us before we caught the plane last week It was a nice evening and we enjoyed 1 Peter and Sarah With your help we were able to get to the airport with plenty of time We often tried to get an 2 flight than usual but it wasn t possible We had a 3 holiday in Spain We just loved driving 4 the countryside and we often 5 to walk round a mountain village We met 6 friends Bill and Sue and they invited us to have a meal with them They wanted us to stay with them 7 we couldn t as we had already booked two 8 in a hotel The weather was nice There 9 so much beautiful sunshine all the time when we were there Leaving Spain was very sad It made me want to cry Anyway we re looking forward to hearing from you and hope to see you 10 Yours Ray B Learn practice children email film have open interest come America experience Summer Holiday 11 The 2011 Summer Camp will be 12 between 9 00 am and 11 30 am from July 10 to August 15 in the Children s Palace All our teachers are well trained and 13 The main activities in the camp 14 spoken English singing English songs and seeing English 15 Each 16 needs to pay 500 yuan for it Some 17 children are coming to the camp If you want to spend an 18 summer holiday please join us for 19 with fun Act now Book your seat as soon as possible either by phone or by 20 Our address is No 12 Shaoshan Road Our number is 22842936 Our e mail address is 2011 summer camp E I ve changed my idea now 三 补全对话 8 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话 A It s time for supper Let s go to the cafeteria together B Yes 1 I want to go to the library and return these books to the library first 2 A Of course 3 B Yes I think so A Let s go there first then w ll go to the dining hall to have supper B Look Linda What s that on the ground A Let me see Oh it s a backpack 4 B It s brown It might be Tom s and his is brown A No Look at the math book Tom s name is on it 5 B Let s go and find Tom first A Do you think the library is open at this time of day B I think it s closed now C So it must belong to him D It s supper time but I think it must be crowded now E Why do you think so F Would you please go with me G Whose is it 选择适当的句子补全对话 Tom What are you going to do after leaving school Bill I m thinking about becoming a pilot 6 Tom So you like traveling don t you Bill Of course I do I like to visit different places make different friends and know different things Tom That sounds good 7 Bill What do you want to be in the future Tom 8 I like to go into business and make money Bill 9 Tom You are right 10 Bill Yes I agree with you A Business people are very busy you know B I like planes very much C That way I would be able to travel D But I m always thinking busy is better than free F Maybe I ll be a businessman G But I would rather live in one place 参考答案 一 选择 1 5 DBBBA 6 10 DDABB 11 15 BBCCC 16 20 BBCAB 21 25 ABCAB 26 30 ACCAB 31 35 CBAAB 36 40 CBCBA 41 45 BCBCC 46 50 ABBBB 51 55 ABCBA 56 60 CACCB 61 65 CAABA 二 词汇 1 meeting 2 earlier 3 wonderful 4 through 5 stopped 6 our 7 but 8 rooms 9 was 10 soon 11 is coming 12 open 13 experienced 14 are practicing 15 films 16 child 17 American 18 interesting 19 learning 20 email 三 补全对话 1 5 DFAGC 6 10 CBFAD 9


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