牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试(I)卷

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牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试(I)卷_第1页
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牛津译林版初中英语七年级上册Unit 4 My day单元测试(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) There is a big tree _our classroom.A . in the front ofB . in the center ofC . at the back ofD . in front of2. (2分) Are you _ the darkness(黑暗)? Yes. I always go to sleep with the light on. A . know moreB . afraid ofC . interested inD . good at3. (2分) Lingling and I _ going to have a picnic _ Sunday afternoon. A . am , inB . is , atC . are , inD . are , on4. (2分) (2018八上嘉兴月考) Its a _ day, we can see the mountain _. Its very beautiful. A . clean, clearB . clearly, cleanC . clear, clearlyD . cleanly, clearly5. (2分) Miss Li, could you give me on English learning? Certainly. First you should speak English every day. A . any advicesB . many advicesC . some advice6. (2分) Why not _to Shanghai for your holiday? Good idea.A . consider goingB . to considering goingC . consider to goD . considering to go7. (2分) (2017八上重庆期中) Jane is _ writer in this writing competition of Chongqing No. 1 middle school . A . a creativeB . more creativeC . most creativeD . the most creative8. (2分) You should come to school _.A . in timeB . on timeC . at the same timeD . all the time9. (2分) He has breakfast night. Thats a funny time breakfast.A . at; forB . at; inC . in; forD . in; at10. (2分) Wow, so many new buildings in our home town! Yes. _ has changed in our home town.A . NothingB . NobodyC . Everything11. (2分) (2019七上罗湖期末) Everybody needs to sleep well to keep healthy but I _go to bed before 23:00. I am too busy! A . seldomB . oftenC . usually12. (2分) (2015八上肇庆期末) Would you like to invite Mr. Wang sports with you? Yes, Id love to.A . to playB . playsC . playedD . Playing13. (2分) Tom enjoys computer games. A . playB . playsC . playingD . to play14. (2分) Mother gives us _ love. We can never pay her back.A . so manyB . so muchC . so fewD . so little15. (2分) (2019深圳模拟) Did you go to school without _breakfast this morning? A . haveB . havingC . hasD . had16. (2分) You like your old school. _ your new school? Its great, too.A . What aboutB . What isC . Is thisD . Where is17. (2分) (2019泉州模拟) Dad, I bought two _ eggs. Did you? There are still many eggs in the fridge.A . dozenB . dozensC . dozens of18. (2分) Hurry up, or we will be late for school. The bus door is too . We cant go it together. A . big;acrossB . big;intoC . narrow;through19. (2分) David is with Mr. Millers talking. He cant wait for its end. A . boring; boredB . bored; boredC . boring; boringD . bored; boring20. (2分) _ this moment, _ different places people are doing different things. A . In; atB . At; inC . In; inD . With; at二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分) 阅读短文, 从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项。One day I got into a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were1on the right side when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of2. My taxi driver stopped at once and missed the other3by just inches ( 英寸)!The driver of the other car turned his head quickly4and started shouting at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really5. So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost broke your car and sent us to the6! This is when my taxi driver 7me what I now call “The Law of the Rubbish Truck”.He explained that many people are like rubbish trucks. They run around of rubbish, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their rubbish grows, they need a place to empty it and 8theyll empty it onto you. Dont9it personally, just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Dont take the rubbish and 10it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.(1)A . driving B . watching C . parking D . cheering (2)A . him B . it C . me D . us (3)A . man B . truck C . car D . road (4)A . away B . around C . down D . up (5)A . angry B . funny C . friendly D . afraid (6)A . hospital B . school C . police D . airport (7)A . taught B . brought C . showed D . bought (8)A . finally B . recently C . sometimes D . always (9)A . put B . take C . keep D . drop (10)A . sell B . spread C . lend D . connect 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)22. (8分) 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Hi, I am Sandra. I am thirteen years old. I like singing, so I have music classes every weekend. I dont have to study at weekends because I do well in all my subjects. On Sunday I often help my grandmother with housework. My names Henry. I am twelve years old On Saturday, my father teaches me to learn Maths at home for two hours in the morning. On Sunday, I always stay at home to do my homework. I have much homework to do. I hope not to be so busy, but my mother always says I have to study well. I am Betty. I am thirteen years old. On Saturday, I usually do my homework. I am free on Sunday, so I can do everything I like I often meet my friend. Sometimes we go to the movies. Sometimes we go to the library for reading. We have a good time. But if it rains, I have to stay at home and I fee bored.(1) Why does NOT Sandra need to study at weekends? A . Because she is busy with her music classes.B . Because she is good at her subjects.C . Because she has to help her grandmother do housework.D . Because she doesnt like to study at weekends(2) From the passage, we can know Henrys father is good at _. A . HistoryB . EnglishC . GeographyD . Maths(3) Which of the following about Betty is TRUE? A . She doesnt have to do her homework on Saturday.B . She can do everything she likes on Sunday.C . She always has a good time on Sunday.D . She likes rain on Sunday very much.(4) Who do you think is the most hard-working of the three students at weekends? A . SandraB . BettyC . HenryD . No one(5) The passage mainly tells us _. A . the daily life of the three students at weekendsB . the study of the three studentsC . what the three students like to do at weekendsD . what classes the three students have at weekends23. (6分) 阅读理解 Jim, a young farmer, was once put into prison (监狱). One day, he got a letter from his mother. Im so worried about our farm, she wrote. Its time to plant potatoes. I cant dig(挖) all the fields by myself. Jim read the letter and became sad. What can I do? he thought. Then he had a good idea. He wrote to his mother, Dont dig the fields. Theres a pot of money in the earth. Dont plant potatoes until I come home.Some days later, Jim got another letter from his mother. It said, Two days ago, about ten men came to our farm and dug all our fields. I cant understand it. It looks as if they were looking for something. What shall I do?Jim smiled when he read his mothers letter. He wrote a letter to his mother at once. It was very short. Guess what it would say?(1) Jims mother was very worried about _. A . himB . their farmC . the potatoesD . the pot of money(2) In the letter to his mother, Jim told his mother not to _. A . dig the fieldsB . dig the pot of moneyC . ask others for helpD . go to the prison to see him(3) Jims mother told him that about ten men came to dig their fields. These men might be _. A . farmersB . Jims friendsC . prison guards(监狱看守人)D . Jims brothers(4) Why did Jim smile when he read his mothers second letter? A . Because he would go home soon.B . Because the men didnt find the money.C . Because his mother could plant potatoes.D . Because he got another letter from his mother.24. (10分) 阅读理解 Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They left their parents to see the world. All summer long, they played games and made friends. No one was happier than the three little pigs. Soon autumn came and it began to rain. The three pigs started to think they needed a house. They talked about what to do, but they had different ideas. The laziest little pig said he would built a straw hut(茅草屋). It will only take a day, he said. The second little pig built a wooden(木头的)house. It took him two days. But the third little pig built a house with stones. It took him over a week. One day, a wolf came. He broke the straw hut easily, and the laziest pig ran to his brothers wooden house. The wolf followed him and broke the door of the wooden house. They had to run to their brothers stone house .The wolf was so angry that he couldnt break the stone house. He left at last. Then the three happy little pigs, dancing in front of the house, began to sing. After that, they all worked hard and built strong houses. (1) What did the laziest little pig build? A . A straw hut.B . A wooden house.C . A stone house.D . A strong house.(2) How long did it take the second little pig build a wooden house? A . One day.B . Two days.C . Three days.D . A week.(3) Who spent the most time building house? A . The wolf.B . The laziest pigC . The second little pig.D . The third little pig.(4) Which of the following is TRUE? A . The wolf was happy at last.B . The wolf ate the three pigs.C . The three pigs were all lazy.D . The wolf broke the straw hut easily.四、 根据句意及提示完成单词 (共20题;共20分)25. (1分) I often help my parents do h_on weekends, such as doing some cleaning. 26. (1分) Jenna eats too much ice cream. She has a s_ now. 27. (1分) (2019九下金华期中) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 What is it that makes us different from machines? We have created AI(人工智能)programs that can do many of the same things we can. There are software(软件) programs that can play _(国际象棋), drive cars and solve difficult math problems.But what about creative works? Most art, music and poetry are inspired by emotion(情感). And yet, we have indeed created AI that can produce creative works.In _(十月), 2018, Christies famous auction(拍卖)house auctioned off a painting named Portrait of Edmond de Bellamy. The painting is not very outstanding. But it was sold for $432, 500, 3 _(百万)yuan. What made it so special? The fact is that it was _(画) by an AI program written by Obvious, a group of _(艺术家) in Paris, according to Artnet News.AI has entered the world of poetry as well. In April, 2018, Chinese and Japanese researchers wrote _(一套) AI program that uses images to write poems. The AI looks at colors and shapes in an image and uses this information to write a poem _(快地). Five hundred human judges(评委) were asked whether they could tell if the poems were written by a human or a computer. Forty percent of the judges mistakenly thought the poems were written by a human, according to MIT Technology Review.But if AI can learn to create works of art _(像)these, what place do humans have in the creative world? The difference is that true art is almost always an expression of emotion something that AI is still _(不能的)to feel. As famous poet Amy Lowell once said, Art is the desire of a man to express _(他自己), to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.28. (1分) They are not only ornamental(装饰性的), but also u_. 29. (1分) The s_(情况)here is still serious .The government is trying to find a way to improve it. 30. (1分) She goes swimming _(两次) a month. 31. (1分) (2019广西模拟) Bob has many storybooks and he often _(分享) them with his friends. 32. (1分) Look,there is a bird on the_(树枝)of this tree. 33. (1分) He hardly e _ ate fish. He didnt like it. 34. (1分) If you are a bit _ (累), please have a rest. 35. (1分) (2019八上嘉兴期末) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Growing up in a bad home, I learned to protect myself by not speaking up. When I was a _(孩子), I didnt want to say anything about my bad life.Ill finish my_(大学) this year, and want to be a popular writer. Then I will start speaking up. How did I get to where I am today? What helped me? Thats the friends with care and love _(围绕) me. They taught me how to slow down, to live on, to be_(勇敢的), and be thankful for what I got. They also taught me to turn my past experiences into power.Now my _(希望) is to help others to see what is possible even in the darkest of times. I dont think Im special in any way. I am just a _(普通的) man and have no difference with anyone _(其他). I dont know what tomorrow might bring. But one thing I learn is that if we can hold on, and find ways to get through the _(麻烦), well not only live on, but become strong _(足够的).And with love of my friends, Im looking forward to so much more than completing my education in the _(将来). I believe my dreams will come true.36. (1分) (2019宿迁) A nurses job is to take good care of every _(a person who is ill) in hospital. 37. (1分) _ (全体)the students in our class are from China. 38. (1分) (2016八上桐乡期中) The Great Wall is a _(标志) of China. 39. (1分) (2019八下保定期中) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,把文中所缺词语补充出来,使短文完整正确(每词限用一次)。 I will never forget the day of the Great Wenchuan Earthquake. It h_on May 12, 2008 in Wenchuan, Sichuan. When I heard the n_of this event, I was taking an English class at school. This event is unforgettable because many people d_in the earthquake. I felt very sad. The people there needed help. Lots of people f _all over the world came to help them. I gave all my pocket m_and some clothes to them.40. (1分) (2019海南) Alice asked me to read the book Harry Potter, but I have a_read it twice. 41. (1分) It is a long d_ from New York to Hong Kong. 42. (1分) The man in white shirt has a lot of money and a lovely family. I think he is a _ (成功的) man. 43. (1分) 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。(1) The P_Museum is famous around the world.(2) - Where is the bed?- Its in your b_?(3) He got five m_dollars in the lottery.(4) He s_in a school. He is a student.(5) Do you take a s_every day?44. (1分) Look! A lot of fish died in the river. What a bad s_! 五、 翻译句子 (共10题;共50分)45. (5分) 这首歌帮助人们放松。 (help sbdo sth)_46. (5分) 我更愿意坐在汽车的前面,挨着司机。 I prefer to sit _ _ _ _ the car, next to the driver.47. (5分) (2019七下苏州期末) 信不信由你,他喜欢紫色的客厅。 48. (5分) (2019广州模拟) 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗? Have you decided _ _ _ your holiday this summer?49. (5分) (2018九上南山期中) 他们下定决心下周末要去参观港珠澳大桥。 50. (5分) 十年后将会有更多的污染。_in ten years51. (5分) 今天早上她在哪里?_she this morning?52. (5分) 我累了。我想去睡觉。 Im tired. I _ _ going to bed.53. (5分) (2018七上南山期中) Sara的语文老师每天7点到学校。(arrive at) 54. (5分) 默写 (1) 辨认出;认识(v.) _(2) 罕有;很少;不常(adv.) _(3) 重要地(adv.) _ 重要的(adj.) _(4) 操作;控制;使运行(v.) _(5) 命令;指令(n.) _(6) 文章;著作(n.) _(7) 长度(n.) _长的;长时间的(adj.) _(8) 意义;意思(n. ) _ 意味着;打算(v. ) _(9) 距离;间距(n. ) _ 遥远的(adj. ) _(10) 超级的(adj.) _(11) 没意识到;未察觉_ (反义词组) _(12) 依靠;依赖_ (同义词组) _(13) 常识 _(14) 暂时;眼下 _ (同义词组) _(15) 更为重要的是 _(16) 提出问题 _六、 首字母填空 (共1题;共1分)55. (1分) Sports news and game shows are my favorite TV_(节目).七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)56. (5分) (2018九上南山期中) 假设你是深圳某中学的学生王丽,正在参加一个国际冬令营,入营第一天每个同学都要求介绍自己的家庭。请你用英文写一封介绍自己家庭的文章。 要求如下:必须包含以下要点:家庭成员,家庭物品,家务分工,家庭活动,家规和你对家庭的感受。100词左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。不得出现真实的姓名和学校等个人信息。My Family Life第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)21、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略四、 根据句意及提示完成单词 (共20题;共20分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略38、答案:略39、答案:略40、答案:略41、答案:略42、答案:略43、答案:略44、答案:略五、 翻译句子 (共10题;共50分)45、答案:略46、答案:略47、答案:略48、答案:略49、答案:略50、答案:略51、答案:略52、答案:略53、答案:略54、答案:略六、 首字母填空 (共1题;共1分)55、答案:略七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)56、答案:略


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