2019秋三年级英语上册 Culture 2课件 广东版开心.ppt

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Guessinggame What sthis It sadog Isthisadog No itisn t It sacat Isthisatiger Yes itis Canyouremember Whatanimalsdoyoulike AnimalsandCountries Culture2 Polarbear polarbear Itcanswim Kangaroo kangaroo Itcanjump Panda panda Itcanclimb Eagle eagle Itcanfly Elephant elephant Itcanwalk Canyouguess Isthisatiger Yes itis What sthis It sapanda Isthisapanda No itisn t It sanelephant What sthis It saneagle No itisn t It sakangaroo Isthisatiger Isthisapolarbear Yes itis Let stalk 扮演你最喜欢的动物并在小组里介绍一下 Theyaregoingtotakepartinthesportmeeting 运动会 Animal pandaAbility Countries climb China China中国 Thereare stars 五颗星星 Theyareall five yellow 运动会 Animal elephantAbility Countries walkandswim India India印度 Indiapie Indiacurry印度咖喱 food Indian isverytasty 美味的 orange white green Theyare and 运动会 Countries Canada Animal kangarooAbility Countries jump Australia Australia澳大利亚 WecanseetheChinesemi 米字 ontheflag Andthereare stars 六颗星星 six 运动会 Animal polarbearAbility Countries walkandswim Canada Canada加拿大 Thereisabigredmapleleaf 枫叶 ontheflag 运动会 Animal eagleAbility Countries fly TheUS TheUS美国 Therearefifty 50 starsand13rectangles and areverypopular 受欢迎的 intheUS Basketball baseball 运动会 Thailand泰国 Spain西班牙 Japan日本 跑步比赛 RunningRace ElephantisNo 1 It sfromIndia TheAwardCeremony 颁奖仪式 游泳比赛 SwimmingRace GuesswhoisNo 1 小组讨论猜猜谁是第一名 Comeon 游泳比赛 SwimmingRace PolarbearisNo 1 It sfromCanada Congratulation Comeon GuessWhoarethey HighJump 跳高比赛 KangarooisNo 1 It sfromAustralia HighJump Congratulation Thesportsmeetingiswonderful 棒极了 Theanimalsarehappy Thisis Itcanwalk It sfrom Thisis Itcanwalk It sfrom Thisis Itcanjump It sfrom Thisis Itcanfly It sfrom Thisis Itcanclimb It sfrom anelephant India apolarbear Canada akangaroo Australia aneagle theUS apanda China Matchthesentencesandthepictures Myfavorite 最喜爱的 animalThisisapanda It sblackandwhite Itcanclimb It sfromChina Thankyou


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