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第十五单元重点短语1be against doing 反对 2be suitable for 对合适 31iving text books 活教材 4care for 关心,关怀,照顾 5endangered animals 濒临灭绝的动物 6pull down 摧毁,推翻 7be made offrom 由制成 8hear ofabout 听说 9discarded tiles 被丢弃的瓷砖 10spare time 业余时间 11protect the environment 保护环境 2out of 用制成 13 trying to do 重点句型1Im writing to say that 2Were trying to save 3But its hard to stop riding in cars 4I urge all of your readers to visit 5I disagree with you 6And the fence is built out of used soda cans7I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live8I think thatshould not 交际用语1I think that 2I agreedisagree with you31 believe that 4I feel that 5I urgesave v挽救;营救save ones life救的命 It was too late to save the boy and he died男孩未获得及时抢救,所以死了。(1) 节省,节约 We can save time and money by shopping at supermarket.All the students must save water. 全体学生必须节约用水。储蓄,贮存 We should save some money for travelling. 我们应该攒一些钱去旅游。2aggressive是一个形容词,意思是“侵犯的。挑衅的”。它可以用英语解释为“ready or likely to aght or argue”。它用作形容词还可以表示“有进取心的”。 He is very aggressive他生性好斗。 A successful businessman has to be aggressive一个成功的商人必须要有进取心。3spotted是由动词spot的过去分词转化而来的形容词。意思是“有斑点的”。 The floor was spotted with paint 地板上有很多油漆污点。4environment是一个由动词environ“包围”+ 名词后缀-ment构成的名词,意思是“环境”。 The children have a happy environment at school 孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境。5care for “关怀,照顾”,它相当于词组look after。Uncle Dick is very good at caring for sick animals迪克叔叔照看生病的动物很在行。 She cared for her father all through his long illness她在父亲久病期间一直照顾着他。The children are being well cared for 6be made from“由制成的”,它指原材料经过了化学变化,从成品看不出其原材料。 Paper is made from wood纸是用木头制造的。 The drink is made from pears这种饮料是用梨制成的。思维拓展 有关“be made”的词组: be made of 用制造(能分辨出原材料) be made in 在地方制造 be made into 被制成(强调制成品) be made by 被制造 be made from由制造(不能分辨出原材料) be made up of由组成(强调组成部分)7out of意思是“用制成”。思维拓展 You could make a table out of this wood. 你可以用这块木料做一张桌子。 词组out of还可以表示“离开,脱离;缺乏或没有”等意思。 The doctors say shes out of danger. 医生们说她已脱离危险。 Nine out of ten people prefer this model. 10个人中有9个人喜欢这个模型。 8raise v筹集,集资 We have raised nearly$1000 for our school 我们已经为我们的学校筹集了将近1000美元。 思维拓展 raise用作动词还可以表示“举起;提出;养育”等意思。 He raised his arms above his head. 他把手臂举过头顶。 I wanted to raise a question to the chairman, but in a moment I lost my nerve. 我想向主席提一个问题,但立刻我又没有了勇气。 I cant raise a family on what I earn. 我所赚的钱不够养家。be made inbe made bybe made intobe made with1The mobile Japan. 2Is this cake your mother? 3Metal can all kinds of things. 4Bikes machines by workers.1. We are trying to save the manatees. 我们在尽力挽救海牛。(1.)本句的时态是现在进行时,表示现阶段正在做的事情。现在进行时所表示的动作并不一定在说话的时刻进行,而是在包括说话时刻在内的一段时间当中进行例如:My mother is writing a novel now. 我妈妈目前在写小说。(2.)动词短语try to do something的意思是“尽力做某事”,实际做与不做视情况而定;try doing something表示“试着做某事”,即动作真的进行了或者正在进行。例如:He tried to read more, but it was too dark to read. 他想要多看会书,但是天太黑了以至于不能看了。They tried to solve the problem. 他们尽力解决这问题。He tried pulling the door, and opened it at once. 他试着拉了拉门,门一下子就开了。2. I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. 我像这种动物为我强壮而且聪明。1.)句子的like是介词,它的意思是“像”,它和一些连系动词be,look和seem等连用构成动词短语表示“长得像、看起来像、似乎好像”的意思。 例如:It looks like my cat. 它看起来像我的猫。2.)like的前面可以用very, much,rather,quite等修饰表示“很像、非常像、相当像、十分像”的意思。 例如:You look very much like your father. 你看上去非常像你的爸爸。3. There used to be a lot of manatees. 过去有许多海牛。句型there used to be是there be的中间加动词短语used to表示“过去曾经有而现在没有”的意思。There be的中间可以加will表示将来有;加情态动词may/can/must表示“可能有、一定有”的意思。 例如:There used to be a tall building in front of our school. 4. I am writing to say that I am against building a new zoo in our town. 我写信是想说我反对在我们镇建公园。)against是介词,此句中意思是“反对”,反义词是for(赞成),后面如果接动词时要用动名词形式(动词ing形式)。No one is against this proposal. 没有人反对这个提议。7. They provide homes for many endangered animals,and help to educate the public about caring for them. 他们为许多濒临灭绝的动物提供住所,并教育人们应该很好地照顾好它们。1.)动词provide的意思是“提供、供应”,它可以构成动词短语provide something for somebody和provide somebody with something。例如:They provide some drinking water for us. 他们为我们提供一些饮用水。They provide us with some useful information. 他们为我们提供一些有用的信息。2.)动词短语care for的意思是“喜欢、在意、照顾”。 例如:I dont really care for red wine. 我其实并不喜欢红葡萄酒。Who can care for me when I am old?我老了谁来照顾我?8. I urge all of your readers to visit our own wonderful zoo, soon. 我诚恳地要求你们所有的读者尽快来参观我们自己的精彩动物园。(1.)动词urge的意思是“强烈要求、竭力主张”,它可以构成动词短语urge somebody to do something。 例如:The boy urges his father to buy a new bike for him. 这个男孩强烈要求他爸爸给他买一辆新自行车。 2.)urge宾语adv./ prep.表示“强烈要求某人、某物怎么样”的意思。 例如:He urged the horse on with a whip. 他用鞭子策马前行。11 I agree with you. 我同意你的看法。 agree with 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等。后接表示人的名词或代词时,一般只用 agree with。 I dont agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。 agree to 主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协作。We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。agree to do sth. 同意做某事He agreed to go with us. agree on 主要指双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。 12You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne before. 你可能从未听说过艾米?温特博恩。hear of 意思是“听说”,而hear from 意思是“得到消息”。例如:Most of the children have heard of Snow White. 大多数孩子都听说过白雪公主。Do you often hear from your brother? 你常接到你兄弟的来信吗?对比:()hear 接从句,是“听说”的意思。I hear that one of the pandas has a baby.()hear sb/sth 听到某人或某物的声音。 I cant hear you at all. 我根本就听不到你的声音。 ()hear sb do sth听到某人做某事I often hear Li Ping read English in the morning. 我经常在早晨听到李平读英语。 ()hear sb doing sth听到某人正在做某事。I heard him singing in the next room.我听见他正在隔壁房间里唱歌。9. She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash. 她住在一个她自己用垃圾建造的房子里。(1.)a house that she built herself out of trash是定语从句,that是引导词,在定语从句中作 宾语,house是先行词。 例如:He was the man that fell into the river yesterday. 他就是那个昨天落入河中的人。(2.)herself是反身代词,用在名词或者代词的后面表示强调。 例如:I saw it myself. 我自己亲眼看到的。四、 被动语态被动语态是表示句子的主语不是后面动词所表示的动作的执行者,而是动作的承受者。它的基本结构是“主语be及物动词的过去分词其他成分”。例如:The blackboard is cleaned every day. 黑板每天被擦干净。被动语态与时态综合考查,主要考查一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、一般将来时和现在完成时的被动语态。它们的基本结构是:一般将来时Will doWill be done一般现在时do / doesam is are done一般过去时didwas were done现在进行时am/is/are doingam/is/are being done现在完成时have/has donehave/hasbeen done被动语态的主要考查重点是短语动词的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态。例如:My father is taken good care of by that nurse.我爸爸有那位护士照顾。All the test papers must be handed in after class.所有的试卷课下必须都交上。Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Kangaroos are _ (play) and chimpanzees are _ (noise). 2. I was _ (surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo. 3. Visiting zoos are like _ (live) textbooks for young people. 4. He _ (use) to be _ (call) “Little Tiger”. 5. Liu Xiangs success is an _(inspire)to us all二、选择正确答案。( )1.My jacket has _ color _ yours, but mine is bigger than yours. A. the same, as B. same, as C. different, from D. the same, to ( )2. Wang Mei _ her mother because she is beautiful and intelligent. A. look B liked C. is like D. look like( )3. The teacher _ to Li Lei, “You _ very good English.” A. say, speak B. talk, say C. speak, talk D. said, speak( )4. President Bush _ a visit _ China last month. A. pay, in B. paid, to C. gave, in D. paid, for( ) 5.There will not be enough space to _ the earth in the future.A. live on B. live in C. live on in D. live in on( )6.At last, Lucy make the baby _ and the baby began to laugh.A. stop crying B. to stop crying C. stop to say D. to stop to cry( ) 7. Do you _ a cat _ a pet at home?A. have , as B. keep, for C. keep, as D. Both A and C( ) 8. The president _ all people _ our environment.A. urge, protect B. urged, to protect C. urges, protect D. urged, protect( ) 9. I feel that the zoo _ a clean and safe place _ animals .A. provide, for B. gives, for C. provides, for D. provides, to( ) 10.I think the environment is really important. _, I like _ my bike.A. Beside, riding B. Besides, riding C. Except, to ride D. Except, riding三、根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(横线处不限词数)1这个教室有10米长, 6米宽。The classroom is _.2她很有耐性,非常适合教学生。She is very patient and she is _.3. 这条河不像过去那样干净了。The river _ it _.4. 妈妈在上班的路上看到了我的英语老师。My mother saw my English teacher _.5. 他的腿坏了,几乎不能移动。His leg is broken and he can _.6. 你同意我说的话吗?Do you _?7. 我们应该爱护动物,关爱地球We should _ animals and _ the earth.8. 离开房间时不要忘记关灯Dont forget _ when you leave the room.9. 回收书和纸很容易,但对保护环境很重要_ is easy. But it is very important for protecting the environment.10. 洗头的时候你最好关掉淋浴器。 Youd better _ when you wash your hair.一、词组互译 1. be like _ 2. 反对做某事_3. be suitable for _ 4. 关灯_5. 在某人的业余时间_ 6. 为某人提供某物_7. 照顾/照料_ 8. 濒临灭绝的动物_9. 停止讲话_ 10. disagree with _11. used to _ 12. 用完(尽)_13. 听说_ 14. 筹钱_ 15. 中国制造_


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