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第 1 页 共 7 页 鲁教版 2020 年备战中考初中英语专项训练 阅读理解 人物传记类 A 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 21 分 1 3 分 2019 本溪 阅读理解 A river was running happily in the hill the valley 山谷 and the field Soon it was stopped by a huge rock and the river was a little afraid and worried what it could do The rock said Hi baby Where are you going The river answered I m going to the sea My mother is waiting for me The rock made fun of the river and said You re too young Go back to the hill at once You can t get there Don t come back here again The river was surprised to hear that and said I can only go forwards 向前 There s no river that goes backwards 向后 The rock became angry and warned the river Don t speak If you don t go back you will have to change your direction Don t want to run over my body The river asked helplessly Where should I go You can go anywhere you like Just don t come close to me While they are talking more and more water came here Then it began to get out of control The river ran quickly over the rock and the rock was washed pitifully The river said proudly A weak person will change his goal and direction A person who is strong will only go ahead and nothing can stop him 1 The final goal of the river was to go to the A field B valley 第 2 页 共 7 页 C sea D hill 2 The rock wanted the river to A get out of control B come close to him C make fun of him D go back to the hill 3 The river ran over the rock A slowly B softly C quickly D carelessly 4 After meeting the rock the river became at last instead of being afraid A proud B helpless C pitiful D worried 5 The passage tells us that we should when facing difficulties A Avoid solving the problem B become strong and go ahead C change our dream directly D be used to giving up silently 第 3 页 共 7 页 2 10 分 2019 九上 西城期末 阅读理解 A Three hour Tour The beautiful city of Adelaide is home to some of the country s best chocolatiers 巧克力制造商 Whether you re a visitor to the city or simply looking for something to do on the weekend this three hour tour of Adelaide s best chocolatiers is a fun exciting and delicious event to put on your to do list Things to do Visit some chocolate factories You ll learn about how chocolate is made and the expressions used by industry experts to describe the taste smell and kinds of chocolate This tour is a chance to discover some of these chocolatiers and have a look into their craft 工艺 Taste different kinds of chocolate You ll also be able to learn what affects the taste Things to prepare Please wear comfortable shoes You will visit a number of streets around the city where you can buy chocolate So there will be some walking on that day Bring an umbrella because it often rains here The tour price includes lunch and all chocolate tastings on that day Saturday the 2nd of February 2019 Book now 59 pp 8 seats Saturday the 9th of February 2019 Book now 59 pp 10 seats Saturday the 16th of February 2019 Book now 59pp 13 seats Saturday the 23rd of February 2019 Book now 59pp 25 seats 第 4 页 共 7 页 1 What can visitors do during the tour A Taste chocolate B Read books about chocolate C Make chocolate D Buy books about chocolate 2 What does the writer advise visitors to prepare A Different kinds of chocolate B A to do list C Comfortable shoes and an umbrella D A quick lunch 3 For a 17 member group which day can they go for the tour A On February 2nd 2019 B On February 9th 2019 C On February 16th 2019 D On February 23rd 2019 3 8 分 You may know the song Happy Birthday very well But do you know about its writer It was written by an American girl And she became very rich after that When she was a child she was poor Once she was invited to her friend s birthday party She was pleased but sad because she didn t have enough money to buy a gift for her The party is coming soon but now I have little money Tears ran down her face Later that night she was in bed thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in What happened her grandma asked Hearing the girl s story she said Don t worry I think I can help you How about singing a song together Happy birthday to What a beautiful 第 5 页 共 7 页 song They sang and sang Suddenly she woke up It was a dream She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party When she sang the song at the party the next day her friends were very happy How wonderfully you sing We haven t heard such a beautiful song before Thank you for giving me the special gift said her friend And they learnt to sing it together Later the girl became well known in America 1 The song Happy Birthday was written by A an American girl B an American girl s grandma C an American boy D an American girl s friend 2 The girl was sad because A she didn t want to go to the party B she would be busy that day C she didn t have enough money to buy a gift D she wasn t invited to the party 3 What gift did she give her friend A A flower B A toy C An interesting book 第 6 页 共 7 页 D A song 4 What did her friends think of the song It was A boring B beautiful C exciting D interesting 5 Which of the following is TRUE A The girl was still poor after writing the song B The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream C The girl s friends had heard the song before D The girl became famous because of the song 第 7 页 共 7 页 参考答案 一 阅读理解 共 3 题 共 21 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略


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