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小学英语语法大全第一章 名 词一、定义 名词是表示人或事物名称的词。它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。 二、分类 1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词 如:John is a student student是普通名词,John是专有名词 普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词的首字母要大写。 3. 专有名词 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。 三、名词的数 1、名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 可数名词 可数名词分为单数和复数。 名词单数就是该词本身,在其前面加a或an。 1)单数 如a desk(一张桌子) an old desk(一张旧书桌) 2)复数:要表示一个以上概念时,要用名词复数形式 规则变化 1)一般情况下加-s 如book-books(书)desk-desks(书桌) 2)以s ,x ,ch , sh结尾加-es 如box-boxes(盒子)bus-buses(公共汽车) 3)以辅音字母+结尾,变y为i再加- es。 如city-cities(城市) country-countries(国家) 注意以元音+y,直接加s。如:day-days(天),boy-boys(男孩) 4)以f或fe结尾,复数一般变f或 fe 为v再加-es 如knife-knives(书) , half-halves(一半) 注意有少数词后直接加s,如roof-roofs (屋顶) 5)以o结尾 (1)辅音字母加o结尾名词的加-es 如tomato-tomatoes(西红杮) potato-potatoes(土豆) (2) 元音字母加o结尾名词的加-s 如piano-pianos (钢琴), zoo-zoos(动物园) photo-photos (照片), kilo-kilos(千克) 不规则变化 1) 元音字母发变化。 如man-men(男人) woman-women(妇女) tooth-teeth(牙齿), foot-feet(脚) mouse-mice(老鼠) policemanpolicemen(警察) 2) 词尾发生变化。 如child-children(小孩) , ox-oxen(公牛) 3) 单、复数形式相同。 如fish-fish(鱼) ,sheep-sheep(绵羊) ,deer-deer(鹿) ,Chinese-Chinese(中国人) ,yuan-yuan(元) 4) 形似单数,实为复数意义。 如people(人,人们) these people (不说a people,可说a person) police(公安,警察) ten police (不说a police,可说a policeman) 注意fish作鱼肉讲时不可数,没有复数。 fishes指各种不同种类鱼或指几条鱼。hair和fruit通常作单数,表示总体。若表示若干根头发或若干种水果,则需用这两个词的复数形式。 如Would you like some more fruit? 你要不要再吃点水果? China has some good frits. 中国有一些好的水果。(指种类) She has a few white hairs. 她有几要白头发。 His black hair is going white. 他的黑发逐渐变成灰白色。 7) 有些名词只有作复数。 trousers(裤子) shorts(短裤) jeans(工装裤) goods 商品 clothes 衣服sunglasses(太阳镜) surroundings(环境) savings(储蓄) writings(作品) 集体名词表示一群人或物的名词叫集体(或集合)名词。Traiffic 交通 furniture 家私 information 信息 traffic 交通luggage 行李 Family 家庭 police 警察 audience 听众 English 英国人 public equipment 仪器把集体当作一个整体时,用作单数;若考虑构成这些集体的各个成员时,看作复数。 My family is a large one. 我家是个大家庭。 My family are all workers. 我的家人都是工人。不可数名词 air 空气 bread 面包 chalk 粉笔 change 零钱 cloth 布 coffee 咖啡 cotton 棉花 fire 火 food 食品 fun 乐趣 gas 汽油 glass 玻璃 grain 谷物 grass 草 ink 墨水 luck 运气 meat 肉 money 钱 music 音乐 news 新闻 paper 纸 tea 茶 rain 雨 rice 米 sand 沙 smoke 烟 snow 雪 sugar 糖 waste 废物 water 水 wealth 财富 weather 天气 wind 风 housework 家务 homework 作业量的表达可数名词可以直接用数词来修饰 two apples some, a lot of, a few 用等表示多少some problems对可数名词的数量提问用how many 不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法:1) some, a little, a lot of, plenty of 用等表示多少。 如 There is much water in the bottle .瓶中有很多水。 Ill tell you much good news.我要告诉你许多好消息。 We should collect some useful information我们应该收集一些有用的消息。 2) 用单位词表示。 用a . of 表示。 a cup of (一杯.),a bottle of (一瓶.) a piece of (一张.),a pair of shoes(一双鞋) 如two cups of tea(两杯茶),five pieces of paper(五张纸) 名词所有格名词所有格表示名词的所属关系。由两种形式构成: s属格和of所有格1表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 s来表示所有关系。a miles distance 一英里的距离 the moons light 月光todays newspaper 今天的报纸 但如果该名词是以-s或-es接尾,则只在该名词后加 来构成所有格。3 hours walk 三小时的路程 two miles distance 两英里的距离 2of所有格用法 主要用以表示无生命的名词 the gate of the school, he window of the room。 3双重所有格所谓“双重所有格(double genitive)”,是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格,即“of名词所有格”。双重所有格有以下几个特征: 1) “of名词所有格”中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说: a play of Shakespeares(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wifes(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ships或 a leg of a tables,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。我们可以说:a friend of the doctors(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writers(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctors或 a novel of a writers。 2)除了修饰的原因外,用双重所有格主要是由于被修饰词有排他性的限定词。如冠词、某些不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、数词等。比如我们不能说 an our old acquaintance,而必须说an old acquaintance of ours(我们的一个老相识);不能说many their books,正确的说法是 many books of theirs(他们的许多书)。再如: This demand of theirs is quite ridiculous他们的这个要求非常可笑。 “This foolish wife of mine thinks Im a great artist,” said he “我那愚蠢的老婆以为我是个大艺术家。”他说道。 3)注意区别下列四种表达方式含义的差别: one of my brothers friends(明确表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brothers(暗示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友) a friend of my brother(对我兄弟有好感的人) my brothers friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友) 4特殊所有格若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。例如: The woman dressed in blue is Mary and Alices mother 那个穿蓝衣服的妇女是玛丽和爱丽丝的母亲。 You should find what the difference between Mr Smiths and MrBlacks cars is 你应当发现史密斯先生与布莱克先生的汽车的不同之处。5 一、把单数变成复数coat _ skirt _ dress _ house _watch _ car _ brush _ box _toy _ umbrella _ ticket _ fox_teacher _ son _ student _ job _ fly _ radio_ life_ shelf_ piano_ sheep_ foot_ child_ Chinese_ baby_ country_ bus_ photo_ she_ this_ is_ 二、用所给名词的适当形式填空。1. We are _ (student).2. I have five _ (watch).3. Her father is a _ (doctor).4. Whats your _ (job)?5. What are their _ (job)?6. These _ (shelf) are not very good.7. Two _ (wolf) are in the forest.8. The _ (housewife) are very lazy.9. I have two _ (knife). Do you need one?10. There is a _ (hero).11. This _ (potato) is very nice.12. There is a red _ (tomato) on the table.13. We have four _ (piano) in our school三、选择填空( ) 1. The _ are on the table. A. knife B. knifes C. knives ( ) 2. We need three more _ to cook chips. A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes( ) 3. What big _ the tiger has! A. tooth B. toothes C. teeth( ) 4. Please remember to give the horse some_. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf( ) 5. There are 34 _ in our school.A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher D. womans teachers ( ) 6、There on the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos( )7. There are four and two in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German C.Japanese, Germans( )8. Thats art book. A. an B. a C. the D are( )9. There some in the river. A. is ,fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are ,fish( )10. There two in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches( )11. We should clean twice a day. A .our tooth B.we tooths C. us teeth D.our teeth( )12. In Britain _ are all painted red. A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box D.letters box ( )13.The _reading-room is big and bright. A.students B.studentss C.students D.student ( )14.The teacher give the pupils_. A.some advice B.some advices C.many advice D.many advices ( )15.He has _. A.two bread B.two pieces of bread C.two piece of bread D.two pieces of breads ( )16.Some fish _swimming. A.is B .are C.I D .be ( )17.I am buying _trousers. A.a B.two C. a pair of D.two pair of ( )18.This is _. A.Tom and Bobs B.Tom and Bob C.Toms and Bobs D.Toms and Bob ( )19.The news _good. A.is B.are C.no D.not ( )20.What are_?They are apples. A.you B.this C.these D.there 四、写出下列句子的复数句子。 uo-Y KfG%#2 1. This is my friend. fOE:3Q _ B8)Wb : 2That is his brother. 7 aDI6G_R3?+ y& 3.Is this your sister? / sH*if _ D cus-,u 4.Is that her cousin? ,P auPL _ dcHk7b,HsO 5.Whats this? | _ BFgs+U 6.This is an apple tree._ w D_qY0Ic5wCY 7.It is an old backpack. ,$*IJeKx ZdZB & 8. Yes,it is.五、用a/an填空: N _qu 1.Is there _ umbrella on the desk? o,b1lh 2.There is _ island in the sea. (su7*$wV 3.There is _ picture on the card. &p#PYs|H 4.I have _ old book. *# %04f 5._ apple is a kind of fruit. WkTn/ 6.There is _ armchair in the living room. ,yvfBE. 7.Id like _ egg. Lm!mLRZD 8.Look, there is _ bird in the tree. e IHakj 9.Is there _ map on the walll? 0 -M i q 10.There is _ bench in the park 六、从所给的单词中选出恰当的词填空 cup piece pair glass bowl plate box bottle 1.a _of paper 2.a _of milk 3.two_of shoes 4.a _of rice 5.two_ of bread 6.three_of water 7.a _of tea 8.ten_of pencils 七、翻译 1.四条鱼 _2.五块面包 _3.我妹妹的一张相片 _4.Tom的自行车 _ 5.女孩们的玩具 _6.儿童节 _7.两盒子书 _

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