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四年级上学期英语单词归类服装类: 1、衣服 clothes 11、帽子(周围有檐)hat2、女衬衫blouse 12、帽子(有舌的)cap 3、衬衫shirt 13、运动鞋sport shoe4、T恤 T-shirt 14、袜子sock5、大衣coat 15、 牛仔裤jeans 6、夹克 jacket 16、短裤shorts 7、毛衣sweater 17、鞋shoe8、裙子 skirt 9、连衣裙dress 10、裤子trousers数字: 一、one 十、ten 十一、eleven二、two十二、twelve 二十、twenty三、three 十三thirteen三十、thirty四、four 十四、fourteen四十、forty五、five十五、fifteen五十、fifty六、six十六、sixteen六十、sixty七、seven十七、seventeen七十、seventy八、eight十八、eighteen八十、eighty九、nine十九、nineteen九十、ninety一百One hundred职业人物:(男)英雄 hero 教师 teacher(女)英雄 heroine 工厂工人 factory worker影星 movie star银行经理 bank manager父、母亲 parent 士兵 soldier独生子女 the only child 农民 farmer邻居 neighbour 牙医 dentist朋友 friend 厨师 cook病人 sick people 救护车驾驶员ambulance man售货员 shop assistant 医生 doctor司机 driver 护土 nurse 警察 policeman消防员 fireman运动员athlete 服务员(男) waiter服务员(女)waitress 清洁工 cleaner邮递员postman 律师 lawyer外表和品质:金色(头发的) blonde 高的 tall瘦的 thin 矮的short肥的 fat 年轻的young重的 heavy 友善的kind努力工作的 hard-working 老的 old真实的 true 有趣的funny英俊的 handsome 耐心的patient丑陋的 ugly 诚实的honest瘦弱的 weak 伟大的great强壮的 strong 美丽的beautiful漂亮的 pretty 友好的friendly动作及动词词组: 学习 learn 扑灭 put out想 think 下来get down抓罪犯catch criminals 谈及talk about检查check起床get up上学go to school 上课have a lesson回家go back home吃早餐have breakfast吃午餐have lunch吃晚餐have dinner玩play 跑run play + 球类、游戏 eg: play football play cards play + the +乐器 eg: play the piano游泳swim跳jump跳绳skip 买buy帮助help 穿(衣服) wear去睡觉go to bed清洁clean up做家务do housework 做作业dohomework投递deliver服务、提供serve驾驶drive移动、迁移 move成长grow up喂养feed 学科类:语文 Chinese数学maths英语English 音乐music体育P.E.艺术art一节美术课 an art lesson 一节数学课 a maths lesson球类及游戏:乒乒球table tennis 羽毛球badminton足球football篮球basketball网球tennis 卡、扑克card象棋chess游戏game星期类:天、日day星期一Monday星期二Tuesday星期三Wednesday星期四Thursday 星期五Friday星期六Saturday星期日Sunday星期、周 week食物类:面包 bread牛奶milk鸡蛋 egg饮料drinks食物food表示“频率”的副词通常 usually 经常 often 有时 sometimes 其他:早上 morning 因为because下午 afternoon谁的 whose今天 today 危险的dangerous 为什么 why在的顶部 at the top of必须 must问他ask him意思是 mean想;要want两者都 both 当、什么时候 when 在家 at home时间time不能 cant 也、太 too迟too 再见goodbyeSee you.到、什么的时候了Its time to钟clock大约about点钟oclock每一样事情everything放学后after school公寓apartment 火fire从到 from to句型、语法第一部分:复习要点:1你了解这些语法知识吗?你能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识吗? (1) 你知道这些名词的复数形式吗, 请你总结它们的规律并举出更多的例子。 A. friend friends; driver drivers; B. dress dresses; boxboxes ,C. factory factories , C. hero heroes; D. man men; policeman policemen; postman postmen (2) 你知道下面的名词没有复数形式吗?请你总结它们的规律并举出更多的例子。 milk, bread, juice, English, Chinese (3) 看下面的词组,你能知道什么时候用a, 什么时候用an吗? A. a shirt, a pair of trousers, a bottle of milk, a Chinese boy, a map of the UK; B. an egg, an orange, an apple, an American boy, an ugly man, an ambulance man为什么下面的句子中的honest前用an而不用a? Hes an honest boy. (4) 读下面的句子,总结什么时候用some, 什么时候用any。 A. I have some fish. I can see some birds. B. Do you have any white skirt? Are there any shoes under the bed? C. They dont have any maps. There arent any clothes in the box. (5) 注意下面句子中be, am, are, is, (“是”)的使用。你能找出点规律吗? A. I am a maths teacher. B. He is a fireman. C. They are postmen. D. I want to be a cleaner. (6) 读下面的词组,你知道如何用英语表达“双/对”吗? a pair of shoes two pairs of shoes a pair of socks three pairs of socks(7) 读下面的词组,总结表示“在什么时候”什么时候用at, 什么时候用on, 什么时候用in,什么时又不用这些介词。 at seven oclock at five ten at nine thirty at eleven fifty on Sunday on Monday on Tuesday morning on Wednesday evening in the morning in 2008 every day this morning (8) 识别下面的代词,读例句并总结他们的用法。我你 他她它我们你们他(她、它)们主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir They often help me. We often do our homework from eight to nine. They check their teeth. Could you help us? Let us go and ask him.2. 下面是本册要复习的重点句型,你知道它们的意思吗?(1) How much is the skirt? Its one hundred yuan.(2) How much are the jeans? Theyre fifty yuan.(3) Id like to / want to buy a blouse.(4) Whats two and two? Its four. (5) What is he/she wearing? He/She is wearing a T-shirt? (6) Whats his/her job? / What does he/she do? He/She is a doctor. (7) Whos your hero? My cousin is my hero. (8) The lady is tall with a bag in her hand. (9) He/She has (got) blonde hair. (10) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a lawyer. (11) Do you help sick to learn? Yes, I/we do. / No, I/we dont. (12) Can you see that cat? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. (13) Please check your teeth.(14) What time/When do you have dinner? At about seven. (15) What time is it? Its eight oclock. (16) Its time to go to school. (17) I have no time for breakfast. (18) I must go to school. (19) What day is it today? Its Monday. (20) What do you usually/often do after school? I/We usually play football. (21) Whose cat is that? Its Miss Webbs cat.7


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