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目 录ONLINE COURSE2OC12OC28OC315OC421OC528OC634OFFICIAL GUIDE41TEST 141TEST 246TEST 351TEST 456TEST 563TEST 669TEST 775TEST 882TEST 988TEST 109408年真题1012008年1月1012008年5月1062008年10月11109年真题1172009年1月1172009年5月1222009年10月12811年真题1342011年01月134ONLINE COURSEOC11. William Faulkner, being that he was a Southern writer, used Mississippi as a setting for most of his novels.(A) being that he was a Southern writer(B) a Southern writer(C) while a writer from the South(D) in origin a writer of the South(E) because of him being a writer from the South2. Tadpoles hatch and metamorphose into small replicas of adult frogs although remaining in their aquatic birthplace.(A) although remaining(B) while remaining(C) in spite of it remaining(D) due to their remaining(E) in the course of which they remain3. You cannot expect to treat your friends badly and no one notices.(A) and no one notices(B) and have no one notice(C) without notice by someone(D) without notice by no one(E) without the result of somebody noticing4. The memoirs of President Clinton begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate in his rise to the presidency.(A) begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate(B) that begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate(C) have begun with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate(D) have begun with his childhood in Arkansas and culminating(E) began with his childhood in Arkansas and are Culminated5. Because of ignoring its potential, biofeedback is a medical therapy most physicians reject.(A) Because of ignoring its potential, biofeedback is a medical therapy most physicians reject.(B) Biofeedback is rejected by most physicians because of their ignoring its potential.(C) Most physicians, because of ignoring the potential of biofeedback, and rejecting it.(D) Most physicians reject biofeedback because they ignore its potential.(E) A medical therapy rejected by most physicians, caused by ignoring its potential, is biofeedback.6. In Death of a Salesman Willy Loman mistakenly believes that his sons have no flaws, believing which leads to many problems for the entire family.(A) believing which leads(B) a belief that leads(C) and which is to lead(D) the belief of which leads(E) his believing this leads7. Clara Barton, an American nurse, whose influence as a reformer in the field of health care almost equals that of Florence Nightingale.(A) Clara Barton, an American nurse, whose influence as a reformer(B) Clara Barton, who was an American nurse and whose influence as a reformer(C) An American with influence as a nursing reformer, Clara Barton(D) Clara Barton was an American nurse whose influence as a reformer(E) An American, Clara Barton who was a nursing reformer and whose influence8. During the summer months, several thousand people a day visit the park, which is known for its waterfalls and rock formations.(A) During the summer months, several thousand people a day visit the park, which is known for its waterfalls and rock formations.(B) Known for its waterfalls and rock formations, several thousand people a day visit the park during the summer months.(C) Several thousand people a day visit the park during the summer months known for its waterfalls and rock formations.(D) Several thousand people had visited the park a day, which is known for its waterfalls and rock formations during the summer months.(E) During the summer months, knowing its waterfalls and rock formations, several thousand people a day visit the park.9. Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he failed to keep either of them after the election.(A) Although the candidate promised both to cut taxes and improve services, he(B) The candidate, having promised both to cut taxes and improve services,(C) Although the candidate made promises both to cut taxes and improve services, he(D) Having promised, first, to cut taxes and, second, to improve services, the candidate(E) The candidates promises were both to cut taxes and improve services, he10. The students found fieldwork in the state forest more exciting and dangerous than any of them had anticipated, having to be rescued by helicopter during a fire.(A) anticipated, having to be(B) anticipated; when they had to be(C) anticipated: they had to be(D) anticipated: among which was their(E) anticipated, and so they had been11. Chinese watercolors have become more popular than American and European artists who are their contemporaries.(A) American and European artists who are their contemporaries(B) contemporary American and European artists(C) those by contemporary American and European artists of the period(D) those of American and European pictures of the same period(E) those by contemporary American and European Artists12. By next year the old vaudeville theater had been (A) converted into two small (B) theaters in which (C) films can be shown (D). No error (E)13. Some scholars studying (A) the writings of Emily Bronthave become (B) increasingly (C) interested in the relationships between her siblings and she(D). No error (E)14. At the 1984 Olympic Games, John Moffet and Pablo Morales, who (A) were (B) swimmers on the United States team, set (C) world records (D). No error (E)15. Both Dorothy Sayers plus (A) Carolyn Heilbrunhave written (B) scholarly works as well as (C) popular murder mysteries, demonstrating a diversity of (D) talents and interests. No error (E)16. Although (A) the coach had predicted that (B) the team would have a winning season, the fans were (C) surprised by the success of (D) the young, inexperienced players. No error (E)17. Because they must compete (A) with a large chain of super-stores that can afford to charge very low rates for certain items, the owners of small hardware stores know that you (B) are unlikely to make much (C) profit and may(D) , in fact, go bankrupt. No error (E)18. Although science offers the hope of preventing (A) serious genetic diseases, there is (B) difficult ethical questions raised by (C) the possibility of (D) altering human heredity. No error (E)19.In the nineteenth century, careers in business and law were (A) prestigious, but it (B) did not require (C) practitioners to hold (D) college degrees. No error (E)20. Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful to improve (A) their (B) skills, even though (C) no chess-playing computer has yet won (D) a championship. No error (E)21. Reaching (A) lengths of twelve inches, banana slugs are (B) the much larger (C) of all the slug species that inhabit (D) North America. No error (E)22. Maya Madera proudly(A) wore her sisters most popular invention, a watch (B) for winter campers that flashes the temperature in (C) lighted numerals and sends out a loud alarm when pressing a button (D). No error (E)23. Obviously (A), Whistlers paintings, unlike Klee (B), are conventional in (C) their (D) subject matter. No error (E)24. A newly formed organization of homeowners and business people have met with (A) the transportation department to voice (B) its concerns about (C) plans for (D) a shopping mall in the community. No error (E)25. Although (A) she considers her chemistry research complete ,(B) she has heeded (C) her professors advice and is conducting (D) three additional experiments. No error (E)26. Princeton University officials first broke with (A) a tradition of awarding (B) honorary degrees only to men (C) when they awarded it (D) to author Willa Cather. No error (E)27. His love of politics led (A) him (B) to volunteer in local campaigns as well (C) as a job (D) in a government office in the state capital. No error (E)28. Now that Michiko finished (A) the research, she feels reasonably confident (B) about writing (C) her paper on the rise of (D) the progressive movement in the United States. No error (E)29. The condition known as laryngitis usually causes (A) the vocal cords and surrounding tissue to swell, thus (B) preventing the cords to move (C) freely.(D) No error (E)(1) A significant problem all across our state is garbage.(2) Our landfills are full. (3) It seems that we must either find new sites for landfills or employ other methods of disposal, like incineration. (4) Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to every solution that they think of. (5) Polluted runoff water often results from landfills. (6) With incineration of trash, you get air pollution. (7) People are criticized for not wanting to live near a polluting waste disposal facility, but really, can you blame them? (8) Recycling can be an effective solution, but owners of apartment complexes and other businesses complain that recycling adds to their expenses. (9) Local governments enjoy the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry. (10) They tend to shy away from pressuring such heavy contributors to recycle. (11) Perhaps those of us being concerned should encourage debate about what other levels of government can do to solve the problems of waste disposal. (12) We should make a particular effort to cut down on the manufacture and use of things that will not decompose quickly. (13) Certainly we should press individuals, industries, and all levels of government to take responsible action while we can still see green grass and trees between the mountains of waste.30. Which of the following would fit most logically between sentences 1 and 2 ?(A) A sentence citing examples of states that have used up available landfills (B) A sentence citing examples of successful alternatives to landfills (C) A sentence citing the number of new landfills in the state (D) A sentence citing the number of illnesses blamed on polluted water in the state (E) A sentence citing the average amount of trash disposed of annually by each person in the state31. Which of the following is the best way to phrase the underlined portion of sentence 4 (reproduced below) ?Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to every solution that they think of.(A) (as it is now)(B) that was thought of(C) that they have previously come up with(D) to which there are proposals(E) that has been proposed32. Which of the following is the best way to revise and combine sentences 5 and 6 (reproduced below) ?Polluted runoff water often results from landfills. With incineration of trash, you get air pollution.(A) With landfills, polluted runoff water will result, and whereas with incineration of trash, you get air pollution.(B) While on the one hand are landfills and polluted runoff water, on the other hand you have air pollution in the case of incineration of trash.(C) Landfills often produce polluted runoff water, and trash incineration creates air pollution.(D) Landfills and incineration that produce water and air pollution.(E) Runoff water is from new landfills; from incineration of trash, there is air pollution.33. If sentence 8 were rewritten to begin with the clause “Although recycling can be an effective solution,” the next words would most logically be(A) and owners of apartment complexes and other businesses complain(B) yet owners of apartment complexes and other businesses complain(C) owners of apartment complexes and other businesses complain(D) mostly owners of apartment complexes and other businesses are complaining(E) owners of apartment complexes and other business complained34. In context, which of the following is the best way to combine sentences 9 and 10 ?(A) Local governments enjoy the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry, as they tend to shy away from pressuring such heavy contributors to recycle.(B) Because local governments enjoy the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry, they tend to shy away from pressuring such heavy contributors to recycle.(C) However, local governments enjoy the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry, they tend to shy away from pressuring such heavy contributors to recycle.(D) In addition to enjoying the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry, local governments tend to shy away from pressuring business and industry into recycling.(E) Local governments, enjoying the benefits of taxes collected from business and industry, they tend to shy away from pressure to recycle.35. Which of the following is the best phrasing for the underlined portion of sentence 11 (reproducedbelow) ?Perhaps those of us being concerned should encourage debate about what other levels of government can do to solve the problems of waste disposal.(A) (as it is now)(B) those of us who are concerned(C) those concerned ones of us(D) we, being among those who are concerned,(E) we who are those being concernedSection10 1.In their zeal to make beachfront living widely available, developers have overbuilt, thereby they endanger fragile coastlines.(A) overbuilt, thereby they endanger fragile coastlines (B) overbuilt they endanger fragile coastlines as a result(C) overbuilt and thereby have endangered fragile coastlines(D) overbuilt; fragile coastlines endangered thereby(E) overbuilt, the fragile coastlines are endangered by this2. Hawaiis Haleakala, being more than 10,000 feet high,and the worlds largest dormant volcano.(A) Haleakala, being more than 10,000 feet high and(B) Haleakala, more than 10,000 feet high, it is(C) Haleakala which is more than 10,000 feet high,being(D) Haleakala, more than 10,000 feet high, is(E) Haleakala, more than 10,000 feet high; it is3. I do not blame Leslie for her anger yesterday, being it was her plan and she should have credit for it.(A) yesterday, being it was her plan and she should have credit for it(B) yesterday, being that she should have credit for it when it was her plan(C) yesterday when it was her plan, for which they should give her credit for it(D) yesterday; since she should receive credit, it being her plan(E) yesterday: it was her plan, and she should have received credit for it4. At the time at which temperatures approach absolute zero, or -459.7 F, metals become highly conductive, and their volume shrinks dramatically.(A) At the time at which temperatures approach(B) When temperatures approach(C) Since temperatures approached(D) At the point temperatures had approached(E) While temperatures approaching5. Participants in the executive leadership workshop expect a program of outstanding speakers and gaining information about new approaches to management.(A) and gaining information(B) as well as information(C) as well as being informed(D) and also being informed(E) in addition, they expect to gain information6. One of the unforeseen consequences of the editors management style is that it leaves so little room for innovation.(A) that it leaves so little room for innovation(B) that they leave so little room for innovation(C) that sufficient room is not left for their innovation(D) that innovation has so little room left from it(E) to leave so little room for innovation7. For decades, African American music has inspired musicians throughout the world, including in Russia.(A) including in Russia(B) including those of Russia(C) this includes Russia(D) one of which is Russia(E) one example being Russia8. By the end of the eighteenth century, watchmaking technology had greatly improved, and they werestandard equipment for military personnel.(A) and they were standard equipment for military personnel(B) so it was standard equipment for military personnel to have watches(C) with watches included in the standard equipment for military personnel(D) and watches had become standard equipment for military personnel(E) and for military personnel it was standard equipment9. Nancy and Carlos will represent Central High in the swimming competition, their work in this having been excellent this year.(A) competition, their work in this having been excellent this year(B) competition, they have done excellent work this year in this(C) competition, for this year they have done excellent work in this(D) competition, for their swimming has been excellent this year(E) competition, their work as swimmers havingbeen excellent this year10. After 1907, residents of the Omaha Reservation coulduse the hospital in Walthill, Nebraska, it was established by Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, an Omaha Indian.(A) hospital in Walthill, Nebraska, it was established by Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, an Omaha Indian(B) hospital; it was in Walthill, Nebraska and established by Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, an Omaha Indian(C) hospital that has been established by Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, an Omaha Indian, in Walthill, Nebraska(D) Walthill, Nebraska, hospital where an Omaha Indian, Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, established it(E) hospital established in Walthill, Nebraska, by Dr. Susan LaFleschePicotte, an Omaha Indian11. Eating food that has a high concentration of fat causes essentially the same reaction in the stomach than if you eat too fast.(A) than if you eat(B) than to eat(C) as if one eats(D) as eating(E) as it does when eating12. Not one of the students in the advanced chemistry class have passed a single test with a grade better than a C, but the second half of the course will be easier.(A) have passed a single test with a grade better than a C(B) have managed to pass a single test with better than a C grade(C) have passed a single test any better than a grade of C(D) has passed having better than a C grade on a single test(E) has passed a single test with better than a C grade13. In neighborhoods throughout the United States, one can encounter hundreds of different rope-jumping games, each with its own rules.(A) each with its own rules(B) each having their own rules(C) when they each have their own rules(D) which has its own rules(E) they each have rules of their own14. A flurry of do-it-yourself books on the market today are inspiring homeowners to do their own repairs.(A) are inspiring homeowners to do their own repairs(B) are inspiring to homeowners about their own repairs(C) is inspiring homeowners into doing their own repairing(D) is inspiring homeowners to do their own repairs(E) inspiring homeowners to repair their own homesOC21. A stranger, the students were surprised to see him enter the classroom carrying a bowling ball.(A) A stranger, the students were surprised to see him enter the classroom carrying a bowling ball.(B) A stranger carrying a bowling ball, the students were surprised to see him entering the classroom.(C) The students were surprised to see a stranger enter the classroom, and he carried a bowling ball.(D) The students were surprised to see a stranger carrying a bowling ball enter the classroom.(E) The students, who were surprised to see a stranger enter the classroom carrying a bowling ball.2. Several of Frank Stellas paintings were inspired by the shapes of waves and whales, titled after chapter headings from Moby-Dick.(A) paintings were inspired by the shapes of waves and whales, titled(B) paintings had their inspiration from the shapes of waves and whales with titles(C) paintings, inspired by the shapes of waves and whales, are titled(D) paintings, which were inspired by the shapes of waves and whales and which are titled(E) paintings, being inspired by the shapes of waves and whales, titled3. The mayor claimed that a majority of the property owners would have favored her proposal if put to the vote.(A) would have favored her proposal if put(B) would have favored her proposal if it had been put(C) favored her proposal if it would have been put(D) favored her proposal if put(E) favored her propo


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