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苏教版初一下学期英语期中错题集 2012.04.1一、翻译词组(或写出单词)。1. 许多不同的中餐馆 2. 运动中心 3. 很少的空气污染 4. 西餐馆 5. 像这样的高楼 6. 其他的什么 7.在旁边 8. 了解不同国家的家 9. : the place you usually eat meals in (根据英文解释写相应英文单词)10.获得第一 1. 在北边 2. 在西边 3. 从出来/进入 4. 道路 5. 双胞胎的 6. 下去 7. 担心埃迪 8. 到达那儿 9. 骑自行车 10.在我们学校西南 11.沿着街道走 12.向右拐进花园路 13.爬山 14.沿着公路走 15.从沙发走向窗户 16.走下楼梯 17.在你的右边 18.经过一家超市 19.去参加聚会 20.很高兴见到你 21.在下一页 1. 在床上方 2. 在医院对面 3. 湖上的一座桥 4. 一楼 5. 在二月十七日 6. 同时 7. 足球场 8. 长途飞机旅行 9. 空闲一天 10.与不同 11.了解不同国家的家 12.长滩 13.向外看海滩 14.这个家里的第二个孩子 15.从卧室的窗户看到海滩 16.在晚上 17.在旁边 18. : the place you usually eat meals in (根据英文解释写相应英文单词) 19.在讲台上 20.到达 21.迫不及待地做某事 22.获得第一 23.在顶部 24.在繁华热闹的街上 25.带我和他去长城 二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 上个星期那些孩子在公园里玩得很开心。 Last week ,the children in the park.2. 其他房间在底低楼和一楼。 The other rooms are .3. 长途火车旅行之后他一定很累。 He after .4. 你今天想去书店吗? you go to the bookshop today?5. 二楼没有其他的房间。 There are on the floor.6. 西蒙在三楼有一个电脑房。 Simon a computer room the floor.7. 我理想的房子有60米长,40米宽。 My long and wide.8. 一半以上的成员反对这个计划。 of the members are against the plane.三、根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. Elephants are the biggest animals on l . 2. Are there any s for my uncle on the table? 3. We all like to go for a picnic in the open a . 4. I traveled in Beijing and bought many s . 5. There are two big s in the town. You can go shopping until ten oclock at night.6. The plane (离开) at 12:30.7. Mr. Smith t us Maths last term.8. John liked to w his hair very long. Some of his friends t it looked Like a girls hair.9. The room is too small. We even dont have enough space for a f . 1. I think Shanghai is the b city in china.2. There are many storybooks on the b .3. I have two b full of books in the study. 4. Are you l Shanghai for Beijing tomorrow. 5. Can I take a m ?(提示:打电话交际用语) 6. The room is too small. We even dont have enough space for a f . 7. Really? Then do you have a b ? Of course. I like to sit in an a(n) there and enjoy the sunshine when its fine. 8. Its too noisy(喧哗).Lets find a q place to talk about our plan. 9. We can buy (只有) one pizza (用) the (钱). 10.OK, I will call you when I have t . Bye! (提示:打电话交际用语) 11.My father usually reads newspapers on the s . 12.I live with my family in a house b a hill and a river. 13.My mother often m dinner in the kitchen. Everyone l the food made by my mother1. Dont you know the (mean) of this word ? 2. In Thailand , many houses are (over a river).3. His father is (worry) about his lessons.4. By the way ,I came (第二) in last weeks exam(考试). 5. There are (hundred) of workers in the factory. 6. The baby is sleeping in his mothers arms (comfortable). 7. There are a lot of (build) in our city. 8. I tell the students (not talk) in class. 9. It takes him two hours (finish) (do) his homework. 10.Simon (call) Jack (tell) him about his new school at present. 11. Where is your father? He,with my mother, (cook) in the kitchen.12.You should be (安静的) because he s working now.13.My family always (watch) TV after supper.四、用适当的介词或介词短语补全下面的句子。 1. Amy and I always walk home together because her home is mine. 2. Its cold but warm in winter in Liaoning.3. the car, there is a man lying on the road, so it cant move.4. Can I take a message you? Sure. 五、单项选择。( )1. Im sorry I cant your name. A. think about B. think out C. think over D. think of1. You can walk a the street now because the traffic light is green. ( )1. They feel a little tired in the match, so they stop a rest. A. has B. having C. have D. to have( )2. Mrs. Green lives in the country, and she doesnt know London very . A. fine B. well C. much D. good( )3. “I can ask him the way.” she to herself and asks, “Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to King Street?” A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says( )4. He puts his hands into his pockets, out of a piece of paper and lets her read it. A. puts B. brings C. taking D. bringing( )5. the first turning on the left. A. Turn B. Go C. Take D. Walk( )6. When we have mistakes(错误),we should them at once. A. right B. correct C. do D. wrong( )7. Its hard the busy street. A. to across B. across C. to cross D. cross( )8. She will the underground and I will go there a bus. A. take by B. take on C. by by D. by take( )9. When the weather gets warm, birds begin to sing and flowers come out. It that spring has came. A. speaks B. is C. becomes D. shows( )10.The train goes the tunnel, and then goes a plain(平原). A. across, on B. through, over C. through, in D. around, over( )11.The boat is going the bridge the river. Some students are walking it. A. under, on, through B. under, over, across C. through, cross, over D. below, above, across( )12.Dont worry. We until you finish the work. A. dont leave B. will leave C. wont leave D. are going to leave( )13.I hope you fun learning English this term. A. will have B. having C. to having D. to have( )14.The cat ran the open window quickly when the boy tried to catch it. A. across B. through C. cross D. along( )15.If you want to walk the street, you must look left first then right before it. A. across, acrossing B. cross, across C. across, crossing D. cross, crossing ( )16.Wang Hai is a good example us. We should him. A. for, learn to B. by, learn from C. from, study from D. for, learn from ( )17.My uncle the club yesterday. A. joined in B. joined C. wants to join D. took part in( )18.They cannot see policemen now. A. some B. an C. any D. a( )19.Daniel and Kitty start a campfire this evening. A. going to B. is going to C. are going to D. will going to( )20.This ides sounds . A. interesting B. interests C. interest D. interested( )21. Can I have her number, please? , please. A. Ill look for it B. You know it C. Just a moment D. I dont know( )22.All the other students in his English class went to a party at their teachers house, but Harold got there. A. ever B. just C. once D. never( )23.We may still remember the girl big eyes in the countryside. A. with B. in C. on D. to( )23.We may still remember the girl big eyes in the countryside. A. with B. in C. on D. to( )24.Her big eyes are us her dream: I wish to go to school. A. saying B. speaking C. telling D. talking( )25.In China, there are still girs and boys like her. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lot of D. much( )26.My clock doesnt . Can you mend it for me? A. work B. more C. walk D. use( )27.Im very sad to hear that she her exam. A. fail B. fails C. pass D. passes( )28.I saw the robber out of the house. A. runing B. to run C. is running D. running( )29.Which room do you want us . A. to take; / B. to take; to C. take; / D. take; to( )30.How he is driving away a green van! A. quick; in B. quick; with C. quickly; in D. quickly; by( )31.The River Thames flows London. A. through B. over C. across D. cross( )32.Her mother a moment and said, “all right. Dont clean them then.” A. think of B. thought out C. thought for D. thought about( )33. I want to know . Why not go to the park? A. where I can go for a picnic B. where can I go for a picnic C. what I can go for a picnic D. what can I go for a picnic( )34.I fourteen years old next year. A. am going to be B. will be C. is going to be D. am being( )35.Please go to the station when the rain . A. to look for; leaves B. to find out; leaving C. to find out; leaves D. to find ; will leave ( )36. Are you coming to Jeffs party? Im not sure. I go to the concert instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might( )37.He is not a kind-hearted man, so people can get on well with him. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little( )38.The map shows us get to the shopping mall. A. how can we B. how can C. how we can D. how 2. Dont ask me any (再). I will not tell you anything about it. 3. A (十字路口) is where two roads meet. 4. There are too many cars on this road. We have to try another r . 5. It is bad for your eyes to read in the poor l . 6. Kitty wants to find i about films in 1960s. 7. Lets take different r to the museum. 8. The Golden Dragon is n to the supermarket. 9. Im sure (all people) knows the answer to the question. 10.Millie is standing (exactly) in the middle of the classroom.( )2. Tony got up early get the first bus.A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. that ( )3. go fishing after we finish our homework? Good idea. A. Why not you B. Why not to C. Why not we D. Why not ( )4. The tunnel is already open to traffic, so it will take us time to go to Pudong International Airport.A. less B. a few C. a little D. fewer( )5. Last night, there was a food accident. Ten were ill but no were lost.A. children; lives B. children; life C. child; lives D. child; life( )6. Its too hot. Would you mind the door? . A. opening; Certainly not B. to open; Ok C. opening; Of course D. to open; Good idea ( )7. Perhaps we need to clear away these books to make for our new students.A. rooms B. place C. area D. room( )8. How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? . A. After three days time B. After three days C. In three days time D. In three days( )9. Id like to be in one of that . A. teachers class B. teachers classes C. teachers classes D. teachers class ( )10. dog is useful animal. A. The, a B. A, an C. An, an D. A, a( )11.There are . A. women teacher B. woman teachers C. womans teachers D. women teachers ( )12.This is my pen. Im writing with pencil. A. /; a B. the; / C. a; a D. /; the( )13.Four students are in the classroom. Where are students. A. the other B. other C. another D. the others( )14. is the capital of Britain. A. London B. Sydney C. Paris D. Washington D.C ( )15.Aften dinner,we like to play games and there.A. to chat B. chatted C. chat D. chatting ( )16. !Here comes the bus.A. Look at B. Look out C. Look over D. Look for( )17.There are about students in our school.A. two thousand one hundred B. two thousands and one hundred C. two thousands and hundred D. two thousand and one hundred( )18.Tom, Jack, to school by bus every morning. A. like,go B. like,goes C. likes,goes D. likes,go( )19.Kitty sits between .A. you and he B. he and you C. him and you D. you and him( )20.After dinner, I like music and watch TV there. A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening to D. listen( )1. We went there a meeting. A. have B. to have C. has D. having ( )2. There is a in our sitting room. A. TV B. bed C. cupboard D. shower( )3. Please help him the heavy box. A. carry B. carrying C. carries D. carried( )4. Which is NOT right? Kitty sits Sandy. A. in front of B. next to C. between D. behind( )5. Can we swim the river? A. on B. over C. in D. at( )6. How do we say the number 2008? . A. Two thousands and eight B. Two thousand and eight C. Two hundreds and eight D. Two hundred and eight( )7. Four students are in the classroom. Where are students. A. another B. the other C. the others D. other ( )8. When I was in London I met one of the thickest fogs in years. When evening fell(降临),the weather even worse. A. become B. got C. turn D. grew ( )9. is the capital of Britain. A. Paris B. London C. Washington D.C D. Sydney ( )10.Aften dinner,we like to play games and there.A. chatting B. chat C. to chat D. chatted ( )11. !Here comes the bus.A. Look at B. Look for C. Look over D. Look out( )12.I can English ,but I cant it in English.A. talk,say B. speak,talk C. speak,say D. say,speak ( )13.He has books ,but I have .A. many,no B. much,none C. lots of,none D. none,many( )14.There is a water in the bottle. A. not B. not any C. no any D. none( )15.Some shops 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in my hometown. A. are open from B. are open at C. open from D. open between( )16.There are about students in our school. A. two thousand one hundred B. two thousands and hundred C. two thousands and one hundred D. two thousand and one hundred( )17.Tom, Jack, to school by bus every morning. A. likes,go B. likes,goes C. like,goes D. like,go( )18.They fell tired after the museum.A. visit to B. visit C. visiting to D. the visit to( )19. You can find trains under the ground and trains on a rail above the streets. They people in and out of the city.A. carry B. bring C. take D. show( )20. Todays trains have dining rooms for people. You may something on the way if you are hungry.A. cook B. eat C. see D. drink( )21.Some trains go under the ground and some trains go the hills. A. into B. over C. across D. through ( )22.Kitty sits between .A. you and him B. he and you C. him and you D. you and he( )23.Dont the bird. Listen to the teacher carefully.A. look out of B. look at C. to look D. look out at( )24.What does he at the meeting. A. talk B. speak C. say D. tell( )25.There are students in our school. A. two thousands of B. thousand of C. two thousand D. two thousands( )26.We read 10206 like this: . A. ten thousands, two hundreds and six B. ten thousand, two hundred and six C. one thousand two hundreds and six D. one thousand, two hundred and six( )27.My house is very beautiful. at least three floors. A. There is B. There are C. has D. have( )28.Now look at this picture of bedroom. A. Jims father B. Jims father and mothers C. Jims fathers and mothers( )29.8095 is . A. eight thousand, ninety-five B. eight thousand and ninety-five C. eight thousand ninety five D. eight thousands and ninety-five( )30.Her voi

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