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高考英语二轮复习指导专题 1听力 对话部分直击考纲1、以对话为测试载体,第一节5段对话,每段对话一个题目,且每段对话只读一遍;第二节4段对话,每段录音材料仅读两遍。要求考生根据所听到的,从每题所给的3个选项中选出最佳选项。2、变速朗读。对话由一男一女朗读,随着内容的变化和语境的要求不断地变化语速,出现连读和快读,甚至辅之以弱读,语速接近英美人的正常语速。3、文字浅显,句子结构简单,由易到难。第一节材料内容较少,难度相对较小;第二节内容较多,难度相对较大。没有超纲词汇,95%的词汇为全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲词汇表中的常用词。句平均词不超过10个。4、选材真实,内容多样。高考听力材料的选择重视语言的真实性原则,语言材料来自于现实生活,对话有明显的语境特征和口语特征,内容涉及日常交流、文化娱乐、风土人情、时势政治、科普等多方面。 热点综观1、知能图谱第一节语音、数字(时间,日期,号码,价格等)、字母、句子结构、句意第二节对较长对话的整体理解对细节的概括归纳等综合能力2、重点难点 细节理解。准确获取具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、事情、原因等 推理判断。简单推断谈话背景及人物关系等,理解说话人的意图,观点或态度理解主旨大意,要求考生听懂语段的主要内容,再进行简单的归纳总结3、热点冷点 细节题(时间、地点、人物),在近三年的考试中占绝大多数。 事件归纳题(概括描述发生的事情),有明显上升趋势,2003年占了15题。 引伸推理分析题,由于难度相应较大,占分相对较少,但因其重在考查拓展思维能力而有增加趋势。经典与原创例1 (2007南通四县联考)W: Excuse me, Id like to place an advertisement for a used car in the Sunday edition of your paper.M: OK. But you have to run your advertisement all week. We cant carry it for just Sunday.Question: Where is thee conversation most probably taking place?A. At an ad agency.B. At a newspaper office.C. At a parking lot.互动 本题考查地点。听材料可知Woman和Man在就登广告的事宜进行协商。A项的干扰较C项更大。the Sunday edition of your papers“报纸的周日版”是本段材料的关键词组。答案 B小结 地点题一般就谈话中所涉及的场所或对谈话所在场所进行提问,抓住谈话中与地点有关的关键词是答题的关键,但要注意两个以上(通常只用两个)地点的正确筛选,不能听到第一个就选,这就需要听清楚提问的到底是哪个地方。例2 W: I really cant stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If hes going to be at the Christmas party, I just wont come.M: Im sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.Q: Why is David being invited to the party?A. To make the woman angry.B. To please the mans mother C. David is the mans good friend.互动 此题信息隐蔽,难以直接从对话中获取信息,必须经过判断,考生很可能误选A但仔细体会男士的话,“是我母亲坚持让David来” 言外之意是为了使母亲高兴才邀请David。答案 B小结 引伸、推理分析题。这种题要求根据已知信息以适当方式引申和推理。其疑问词多是what,表示因果的why,表示行为方式的how等。高考面对面请听下面对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are they doing now? A. They are having a rest B. They want to keep something. C. They are climbing a hill.2. What did the man do last night? A. He watched a play. B. He did nothing. C. He stayed at home.3. Where are they talking now? A. At a hotel.B. At the airport. C. In the bookstore.4. Does the man often call home? A. No, he doesnt. B. Not very often. C. Yes, he does.5. Whats the man? A. A waiter.B. A taxi driver. C. A conductor.6. What time is it now? A. 6:55.B. 7:05.C. 8:05.7. What are they talking about? A. How to spend a summer holiday. B. Camping is healthy and enjoyable. C. The healthy and enjoyable way of living.8. What will the man do? A. Help her break the lock. B. Look for a special key. C. Ask a friend of his to help her.9. What does the man mean? A. He hopes to stay at home. B. He likes outdoor jobs more than indoor jobs. C. Hell be glad to be offered an indoor job.10. Why cant the man give the woman a ride? A. Jean is using his car. B. He is not going to the same way. C. The library is closed tonight.11. In which season does it often rain in this area? A. In the summer.B. In the winter. C. In the autumn.12. What would Mr. Li like to drink? A. A cold beer.B. A coke. C. Nothing.13. How much did the woman pay altogether? A. 50 dollars.B. 48 dollars. C. 52 dollars.14. Where can the woman change for the NO. 16 bus to the university? A. Right here.B. At Bridge Street. C. By the university.15. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At the shop.B. At the airport. C. At the railway station.16. What is the woman unhappy about? A. Her neighbor keeping a cat. B. Her neighbors walking on her grass. C. Her neighbors not keeping her word.17. What can we learn about the man? A. He didnt like the bike. B. He would like to have one. C. He used to have a bike like the boys.18. Why didnt the man wear his jacket? A. Because he lost it. B. Because he didnt feel cold. C. Because he didnt like to wear on old jacket.19. When will the woman leave? A. She will leave later than the man. B. She will leave earlier than the man. C. She will leave together with the man.20. Whats the relationship between the speakers? A. They are strangers. B. One is a teacher and the other is a student. C. They are members of the family.第二节,听下面对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每个小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。.听第21段材料,回答第21至第23题。21. What kind of drink does Tim like to have? A. Orange juice.B. Tea. C. Beer.22. Why do all the people like to have lunch in the garden? A. Its nice and warm out there. B. They can have beer out there. C. They can meet their friends there.23. How many people can you tell from the talk? A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.听第22段材料,回答第24至第26题。24. Why is the man asking about Professor Cooper? A. The man is going to take the professors course. B. The man is going to ask the professor some questions. C. The man is going to work for the professor.25. How old is Professor Cooper? A. In his sixties.B. In his fifties. C. In his forties.26. Whats Professor Cooper like? A. Short and thin.B. Tall and thin. C. Old and untidy.听第23段材料,回答第27至第28题。27. What did Alan use to play when he was at school? A. Football.B. Tennis. C. Volleyball.28. Which of the following places does the woman often go to? A. Stadium.B. The Health Center. C. The Cup Final听第24段材料,回答第29至第30题。29. Which sweater will the woman take? A. Shell take the white one. B. Shell take a more expensive one. C. Shell take the cheaper one.30. How does Mrs. Richard pay? A. in cash. B. by check. C. She will pay for it later.听第25段材料,回答第31至第34题。31. When does the English course start? A. On August 30.B. On December 22. C. On September 6.32. On what day do the advanced classes meet? A. Wednesday.B. Thursday. C. Christmas day.33. What can the man learn in an advanced course? A. Pronunciation.B. Conversation. C. Writings.34. What does the man think of the woman? A. Grateful.B. Helpful.C. Careful.听第26段材料,回答第35至第37题。35. How is Li Lei? A. Tired.B. Bad.C. Fine.36. What does the woman think of Li Leis English? A. She thinks that his English is very good. B. She thinks his English needs improving. C. She thinks his English is not good.37. What is probably the relationship between the two speakers? A. They are friends. B. They are strangers. C. They are brother and sister.听第27段材料,回答第38至第40题。38. What did the woman buy in the shop? A. Grapes and apples. B. Apples and cabbages. C. Strawberries and cabbages.39. How much did the woman pay for the fruits she bought? A. Three pounds and sixty. B. One pound and eighteen. C. Three pounds and sixteen.40. How much did the woman pay for the vegetables she bought? A. Fifty one pence. B. Two pounds and ten pence. C. Five pounds and seventeen pence.听第28段材料,回答第41至第43题。41. How will Barbara get to the place tomorrow? A. By bus.B. By the underground. C. On foot.42. How far away is from Nottingham Court Road to Camden Town? A. Three stops.B. Four stops. C. Next to each other.43. What time will they meet tomorrow? A. 10:30 a.m.B. 9:30 a.m. C. 10:00 a.m.听第29段材料,回答第44至第46题。44. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Theyre strangers. B. Theyre shop assistant and customer. C. Theyre lawyer and client.45. Wheres the name “Sagi”? A. At the bottom in the right-hand corner on the back. B. At the top in the left-hand corner in the back. C. At the bottom in the left-hand corner on the back.46. Why did the man say the woman was lucky? A. Because he could help her find the briefcase. B. Because she didnt lose computers carried with her on the platform. C. Because the information of the papers were stored in computers.听第30段材料,回答第47至第50题。47. Why doesnt the woman have work experience? A. She has never had a job before. B. She isnt interested in a part-time job. C. She is too young to work.48. What time will the woman start her work? A. At 8 oclock.B. At 4 oclock. C. At 18:0049. How many hours will the woman work in a week? A. Twenty hours. B. Twenty-eight hours. C. Sixteen hours.50. How much will the woman get for a week? A. Sixteen dollars. B. Sixty dollars. C. Eighty dollars.听第31段材料,回答第51至第53题。51. When did the woman come back from the trip? A. In the morning. B. After the picnic at noon. C. Late in the afternoon.52. How could the woman get to the park in such a short time? A. She took a short cut where there was little traffic. B. She knew her way very well and drove very quickly. C. She was lucky to drive through the valley.53. What did the woman enjoy best during the trip? A. Swimming in the sea. B. Spending the whole morning under the tall trees. C. Having her picnic in the part.听第32段材料,回答第54至第56题。54. What does the call slip include? A. The information of the borrower. B. The information of the book. C. The information of both the borrower and the book.55. Why is it not advisable to ask the librarian for help? A. They dont know anything about the books. B. They usually have a lot of work and little time. C. They are not always patient.听第33段对话,回答第56-57题。56. How much does a two-bedroom cost? A. $285 a month. B. $250 a month. C. $35 a month.57. Which of the following is true according to the dialogue?A. There is a dishwasher in all the one-bed rooms.B. The man will see the room with his wife.C. The man doesnt care much about the cost.听第34段对话,回答58-61题58. Why has the woman decided not to work at the boys camp? A. She hasnt worked there before. B. She knows little about the camp. C. She wants to be better paid.59. Who once worked at the Evergreen Hotel? A. A friend of the mans. B. The mans sister. C. The man himself.60. How does the mans brother earn a lot of money? A. Working at the boys camp. B. Riding around on a machine. C. Cutting somebodys grass.61. What kind of job would the woman like to do? A. A job in a school. B. A job in the open air. C. A job at the hotel.高考猜想听第35段材料,回答第62-63题。62. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the restaurant.B. At the butchers.C. At the doctors.63. Which of the following doesnt Mrs. Bird buy?A. Beef B. Steak C. Chicken专题 1 听力 (对话) (Text 1) 选C。这是一道细节考查题。此类题的提问方式一般都很具体,它是考查对对话中重要的、特定的信息进行捕捉的能力,可能涉及时间,地点,人和事发生的过程和因果关系等,这类题一般问得直截了当,不必做引伸和推理等。常用的提问词是 when, where, which, what, why, how many, how much等。本题从woman的we are almost at the top of the hill应该可以推断出他们在爬山。(Text 2) 选A。这也是一道细节考查题。从题中的theatre和play可以推断是去看电影了。(Text 3) 选B。这也是一道地点考查题。 地点考查题一般就谈话中所涉及的场所或对谈话所在场所进行提问,抓住谈话中与地点有关的关键词是答题的关键。从题中的关键词plane, take off还有man的道歉的语气及许诺Well be taking off shortly得知飞机尚未起飞,是机场工作人员与乘客之间的对话。(Text 4) 选C。这是一道正误判断题。此类问题要抓住一些判断词,如yes, no, not,以及表示频率的often, always, seldom, hardly等。有时还要提防出现否定疑问句,此时注意用于回答的yes, no的中文翻译与英语相反,这就加深了试题难度。本题中woman说man“经常”often打电话回家,man回答说yes,因此抓住这两个关键词就很清楚要选C了。(Text 5) 选B。这是考查人物身份职业题。此类题基本上分为:人物关系,职业判断和人物身份三个部分。关系题一般不会在原文中直接出现,往往要通过双方的态度,语气或行为进行判断,有一定的难度。职业身份题在原文中有可能提到,也可能根据情景,抓住关键词进行推理。本题对话中没有直接的信息说明man的身份,那么如果把What number do you want to go?和Let me get off there.两句(特别是get off)听清,稍加分析,就不难知道与乘车有关,再从in front of the tree可以推理出man不是conductor而是taxi driver,因为公共汽车只在站点停车。(Text 6) 选A。这是一道时间题。时间提一般提问的对象是星期,日期,年份,钟点等。现在考查较多的是对话中含有两个或两个以上的时间,这种题目相对较复杂。在听的过程中,考生不仅要听清各个时间,还要听清各时间之间的关系,因为这种时间题的提问方式较多,有可能是对时间与时间的关系提问,也可能是针对其中某一个时间提问。要做好这部分听力题,必须注意两点:一是做好笔记,将听到的各个时间记录下来;二是注意表示时间关系的词。常用的词有half, quarter, past, to, fast, slow等。本题出现两个时间,一个是(film) begins at 7:30,另一个是we have 35 minutes,因此,用减法可以算出现在是6:55。(Text 7) 选B。这是道归纳题。这种题常出现在较长的文字材料中,从较多的信息中进行综合分析,归纳出主旨大意,它虽属于推理范畴的题型,但又区别于一般性推理试题的特点,其难度、深度更大,要求我们透过表面信息去理解深层次的含义。其提问方式多是:Whats the passage mainly about? What can be concluded about. What is the speaker mainly talking about? What does the passage tell us about? What are they talking about? 本题内容主要是讲camping的好处,选项A、C都游离于主题。(Text 8) 选C。这是道引伸、推理分析题。这种题要求根据已知信息(靠听觉器官获取材料中的时间,地点,数据,习语,句型,语气,语调等)以适当方式引申和推理。其疑问词多是what,表示因果的why,表示行为方式的how等。如:What can we infer from the conversation? What do we learn from the conversation? What does the man(woman)probably mean? What does the man(woman)suggest? What does the man(woman)imply? Why does the man(woman)want to ? Why cant the man(woman)? How does the man(woman)feel about? How did the man(woman)know? 本题中的man首先安慰woman说never mind,然后提供帮助信息说Ive a friend.Ill telephone him to come here at once,因此很显然是要找朋友帮忙。(Text 9) 选C。本题也是分析推理题。题中的man说I was rather hoping to find something indoors,那么应该推理出Hell be glad to be offered an indoor job,还可以从woman的But I prefer one outdoors,可推知man的想法与woman相反。(Text 10) 选B。本题也是分析推理题,询问原因,有题中的in the other direction是关键词,是不能搭乘的原因,意思与He is not going to the same way一致。.(Text 11) 选C。细节考查题。本题的关键在于考生要很快反应出fall在美国英语里是autumn的意思。间接考查了考生对美国英语和英国英语的区别。(Text 12) 选C。简单推理题。由man的Oh, no, thank you. Please dont trouble yourself和最后的Thank you just the same可知,他不想喝任何东西。因为听力材料绝大多数来自日常工作和生活,因此要求考生对一些常用交际用语的功能有娴熟的掌握,以便对答案作出合理的推测,比如本题中Thank you just the same是礼貌拒绝对方好意的一种表达方式。(Text 13) 选C。这是道数字题。考生要获取有关的数字信息(包括数字辨别),有简单的加减乘除运算,还有表示比率,倍数关系的换算(如日期,钟点,年月,数量,价格,时间表等),除了要听清录音的数字外,还要特别注意各数字间的关系。这类题目本身不太难,但如果不熟悉英语中与数字有关的表达方式,就会觉得困难。因此,掌握英语中与数字有关的表达是解这类题目的关键。要注意数、日期、年代、页码、房间号码、电话号码的读法以及与价格有关的数字、名词,如:dollar, cent, pound等。本题要留心两个数字:fifty dollars和two dollars,再从问题中的altogether判断应该用加法,因此答案是:52 dollars。(Text 14) 选B。地点题。本题三个地点,要听清各个地点的所指的意义:university是目的地,here是乘No. 3 bus的地点,at Bridge Street才是change for the No. 16 bus的地点。(Text 15) 选B。地点题。但本题与上题不同,本题是要求考生从对话内容猜测对话发生的场景,抓住关键词如overweight, flight,由此可见是发生在机场。(Text 16) 选C。细节考查题。本题要求考生听清两个关键词组:how come和gave me her word,并进行正确理解,how come是口语,相当于why,gave me her word是“向我许诺”的意思,后面的but she didnt说明she didnt keep her word.(Text 17) 选B。本题是人物态度与感受题。听这类题时,如果某人的特征、年龄、服饰等是直接叙述的,就应特别注意他(她)与他人之间的关系或对某事的态度。如果上述情况没有直接说明,则很有可能是问题之所在。此时要尤其注意他(她)在干什么、说什么或怎么干,根据这些情况来进行判断。此外,在这类题中要特别注意代词的指代对象。如本题中,man说That wasnt a bad-looking bike. I wouldnt mind having one like it.其中的one指one bike,而it指代上文提及的那辆bike,由此而来推断He like the bike and would like to have one。(Text 18) 选A。本题也是人物态度与感受题,只是提问的方式不同。由本题中的Im really fond of it和Id hate to lose it可以推测并非不喜欢,而是弄丢了。(Text 19) 选C。本题是情景背景与人物态度感受的结合。情景背景是指谈话所叙述的情况或对话所涉及的背景。人们在日常生活中借助于对情景的描述使听话人了解事件的真相,借助于对背景的说明为做某事寻找原因。在听力理解中,对话双方常围绕某个主题,进行议论,给出情景或描述某一环境。考生应根据所给出的情景或所描述的背景就情景所涉及的人或事,或环境所产生的影响、所引出的结果回答问题。这类题目比较难,要求具有一定的推理判断能力。此外,背景题重点强调谈话所涉及的背景对谈话双方或一方的举止、行动的波及或影响。如本题,文中两次提及leave一词,这是谈话的主题,也就是谈话的背景,讨论何时离开。然后涉及说话者的态度,woman对man问她when do you want to leave回答说whenever youd like to leave is fine with me和It doesnt matter to me可知,woman和man一起走,且无所谓何时。(Text 20) 选C。人物身份关系题(包括职业,特征,身份及推测人物之间的关系和身份)。关系题一般不会在原文中直接出现,往往要通过双方的态度,语气或行为进行判断,有一定的难度。本题内容较简单,由woman的Thanks. I hope it tastes as good as it smells可推断两人已在餐桌旁,三个选项中只有family member最接近场景。(Text 21) 第二节的对话比第一节的对话篇幅长,情节较复杂,问题之间的干扰性较强,但任何一段对话总会围绕一个主旨或中心思想展开,因此预测话题在第二节的解题过程中尤其重要。预测是指听者在做听力理解之前,根据各种暗示,如所给答案选项、段落或对话标题等已有知识,对即将听到的段落或对话内容进行预测;或者在听的过程中,根据已获得的有关信息线索,如标题、主题句、句子结构、词的运用、前后关联、句子的语法关系、语言环境等预测情节的下一步发展或说话人下一步要叙述的内容。本段对话可以采用从答案选项预测的解题技巧。充分利用阅读问题及其选项的时间,来推断对话话题和其中的重要信息。本段对话的答案选项中出现的drink,lunch,friends可以到预测到本段对话的背景可能是朋友聚会。21. 选C。文中Tim对woman(Pat)的招呼的回答是May I have a glass of beer, please?因此本题答案较明确,是beer。22. 选A。文中的一个man代为表达众人的意愿要求have lunch in the garden,后面一句是补充说明理由Its nice and warm out there。23. 选B。对话由woman招呼两个men开始:Hello, Karen. Hello, Tim。从下文听出对话是在这三个人中间展开,下文还出现了那个woman的名字Pat。(Text 22) 本段对话可以采用围绕上下文逐句预测的解题技巧。在听的过程中,根据已出现的信息来推测下文可能出现的信息,充分准备捕捉信息目标,使注意力更集中,目标更明确,正确理解相关信息。这样逐步推测,对即将出现的信息做到胸中有数,不使重要内容遗漏。24. 选C。由woman的提问Why are you asking about him?来预测下文将出现本题答案。25. 选B。由man的提问He is an old man, isnt he?来预测下文将作出明确答复:No, not really.再由此推测不会很老,下文出现的in his fifties与推测相符。26. 选B。有man的提问What does he look like? Does he look untidy? Do you think he is friendly?可以推测下文将对Professor Cooper作出相应评论,对第二个问题的回答是No, never.对第三个问题的回答是Yes, certainly。(Text 23) 本段对话可以采用根据说话人口气预测的解题技巧。在A、B二人的对话中,常会出现附和或赞成,如:yes, I agree, sure, I think so等,还会出现表示否定意见或反对的表达方式,如:no, not exactly, I dont think so, Im afraid not, How can you? Why should? Why?等。27. 选B。文中man的回答首先是Football,然后又说Well, in fact, I should say Im not sure,表示对前文football的否定,因此如果考生先入为主的话,会错选A。28. 选B。文中woman对man的提问Do you like football?的回答是Im afraid not.以及下文的No, girls are girls.可以预测答案不会是stadium(体育场)或The Cup Final(足球世界杯决赛),果然下文出现了gym和The Health Center。(Text 24) 本题可以采用根据语调推测的解题技巧。陈述句用升调带有惊讶、怀疑、不明白之意,如:John is from New York? = I didnt know John was from New York.或You really like that novel? = I dont believe you like that novel. 否定句用升调带有肯定之意,如:You cant do it? = I suppose you can do it.还有读成升调的Why not?, Why dont you? Isnt it?, Dont you think?等。29. 选C。文中的woman被告知第一件white sweater的价格时的反应是What? $ 37.99?都用升调,表示不相信那么贵,对第二件价格的反应是Thats nice. I think I will take it. 因此,可以推知她将买的是the cheaper one。30. 选C。解本题要对购物时的一些常用语熟悉。通常付款时有三种方式:付现金(cash),开支票(check),还有就是记账(charge)。本题中如果考生对charge的含义不熟悉的话,可以根据下文man的询问Your name? Your address?得知是采用记账,否则不需问人名和地址。(Text 25) 本段对话涉及若干数字,如日期、金额、星期几,应该采用适当速记,以备遗忘。当一段材料较长,问题二至四道,所含信息量大,有些事实性信息不是通过推理而得出的,因此浏览题目以及选项后,有针对性地听录音,才能取得好效果。记录要有技巧,总的原则是用较少的字符传达最多的信息,否则会影响听下面的内容。31. 选C。本文出现三个日期,听时可以作如下速记:s (start), s, 6 (September 6th ); f (finish) d, 22 (December 22nd ); r (registration), a, 30 (August 30th ),答题时就一目了然。32. 选A。本文出现三个星期几,速记成:M(Monday), W(Wednesday), F(Friday)。33. 选B。advanced courses的内容有:ag (advanced grammar), al (American literature), c (conversation)。34. 选B。本题较直观,man道谢时加了一句:Youre very helpful. (Text 26) 解本题要注意同义转换。这种类型的题目中有些选项与听力材料中的信息表达方式基本一致,易于选择。但有时不少详细事实性信息的选项采取了与听力材料不同的同义转换表达方式,即你听到的信息表达方式与试卷上所给的选项表达方式不同,但意义相同。注意到这一点有助于作出正确选择。同义转换方式通常有两种:第一、同义词或词组转换。如材料中用fly表示“乘飞机”,而选项中则采用了take a plane;tomorrow转换为the next day。第二、同义句型转换,如I cant feel worse.转换成I really feel very bad.35. 选A。文中的woman对man(Li Lei)说Seems youve burned yourself out.和You must have overworked yourself. 相当于Youve worked so hard that you look tired.36. 选A。本题较直观,文中有明确的答案Your English is very good. Im telling the truth.37. 选A。本题考查对谈话者的关系的推断,需要考生体会语境,推测背景与关系。从文中的How are you? How about yourself? Youre just saying that to be nice. As an American I understand you quite well.可以推断他们不是strangers,也不是brother and sister,那么只有friends。(Text 27) 解本题应该以整体理解为基础,理解说话者的意图,同时结合速记法。要理解说话者的意图、观点和态度,首先必须整体理解说话者说话的内容,再进行合理的推断。38. 选C。文中的woman对apple价格的反应是A little too expensive,尽管没说不买,但态度已很明确,对strawberries的价格则很干脆Ill have two pounds,而对cabbage价格的反应是Its really cheap for such big and fresh cabbages,因此到对话结束的时候可以对选项进行排除有apple的。39. 选A。本题涉及计算,而且单价中有eighteen和eighty两个语音上易混淆的词,所以在听清数字的前提下最好用速记法来确保不要搞混了重要信息。由上题可知买的水果只有strawberries, one pound eighty a pound,woman要了two pounds,应该是three pounds and sixty。40. 选B。至于vegetables,woman只买了three cabbages(this one and those two), seventy pence each,因此是two pounds and ten pence。(Text 28)41. 选B。本题较直观,可作简单速记:m (man) b (bus)/f (foot);w (woman) u (underground)。42. 选B。本题考查两地的距离,难度较大。要听清上下车的站名,get off at Nottingham Court Road, want to Camden Town, Its only four stops,由此得知两地距离是four stops。43. 选C。本题要对时间作简单的计算。man建议ten thirty,woman的反应是too late,man又建议one hour early, say nine thirty,woman又说too early,最后折衷为half an hour later,应该是在ten thirty的基础上减去half an hour,那么就是10:00。(Text 29)44. 选A。判断人物关系题。从文中的Lost Property来判断语境是在挂失处,man是工作人员,而woman是失主,因此B、C是错误的。45. 选C。是细节考查题。此题难度较大,因为题干里的提问对象the name Sagi是在文中相关信息的最后出现,容易使考生忽视前文的重要信息。因此听前阅读选项对此题尤其重要,从选项得知是询问一个位置,因此听到文中的And wheres that?就该提高警惕。46. 选C。也是细节考查题。结论Youre lucky的原因是在前文陈述的,因此也增加了难度,但前文出现了关键词thank goodness,可以给考生足够的提醒,预测出下文可能出现的信息对说话人是幸运的。(Text 30)47. 选A。本题的三个选项干扰性较强,因为三个选项都在文中有所提及,而且彼此紧跟着相继出现,这就要求考生正确把握听到的信息之间的逻辑关系。woman对Do you have any work experience?的回答是No.后面的Ive never had a job before应该是对回答的补充说明,即why。48. 选B。本题答案上下文跨越了三个句子:Do you think you can

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