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3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境! 优尼全能英语:中考英语完形填空练习题及答案完形填空的解题技巧前面我们已经分析过,完形填空是在全面理解短文基础上的选择填空。因此做“完型填空”题应遵循下列步骤:1、通读全文,了解大意做这类题目是,首先应该把文章通读一遍,了解一下文章的大概内容。千万不要读一句填一句,因为“完形填空”题里所给的大多数选项填入单句后都可成立,但从全文看又不可取。例如:2002年北京海淀区中考试题中的完形填空题:A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was named after frankfurter, a German food.You may hear “hot dog” 1 in other ways. People sometimes say “hot dog” to express 2 . For example, a friend may ask 3 you would like to go to the cinema. You might say “Great! I would love to go.” Or, you could say, “4 ! I would love to go.”People 5 use the expression to describe (描写)someone who is a “show- off”, who tries to show everyone else how 6 he is. You often hear such 7 called a “hot dog”. He may be a baseball player, for example, who 8 the ball with one hand, making a (n) 9 catch seem more difficult. You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch, he bows (鞠躬) to the crowd, hoping to win their 10 .1. A. eaten B. used C. cooked D. picked2. A. strength B. practice C. pleasure D. reply3. A. if B. how C. when D. where4. A. Hot dog B. Dont worry C. Never mind D. Excuse me5. A. ever B. also C. still D. yet6. A. hopeful B. careful C. kind D. great7. A. a dog B. a land C. a person D. an action8. A. catches B. plays C. passes D. throws9. A. hard B. funny C. exciting D. easy10. A. thanks B. cheers C. medals D. matches如果不看后面的文章内容,短文的第一个题所给第四个选项都可以填入空白处,不论是从语法的角度,还是从这个句子的意思完整的角度,都是能够站得住脚的。但如果继续看完这一段短文之后,你就会领悟到,“hot dog”在这里不是“被吃”,“被做”,“被拿”,而是“被使用”,只能选used。有些同学一拿到“完形填空”题,就着手去填,填到最后,才发现所选答案语全文的意思不符,不得不在从头开始。费时又费力,还不易做准确,这种方法是不可取的。2、瞻前顾后,逐步填空了解文章大意之后,就可逐步填空。 一般来说,文章后面所给的选择答案可分三类:一类是语法正确,而意思不对;另一类是意思正确,而语法错误;第三类是语法正确,意思也正确。在选择答案时,一定要考虑到上下文的意思,还要考虑到句子的结构,习惯用法,固定搭配和词类的功能,尽量使选出的答案及复合语法又符合原文的意思。3、认真复查,适当调整填空全部做完以后,应把短文从头到尾再读一遍,检查一下填空以后的文章是否连贯,情节是否合理,语法结构是否正确。一般来说,如果意思连贯,情节合理,语法结构正确,就意味着选答没有问题;如果发现个别填空使文章文理不通,语法结构有问题,就说明选答不正确。对这样的填空应该认真推敲,进行调整。【中考范例】(2004年陕西省中考试题)Once upon a time, some children were playing at seaside when they found a turtle(海龟). They began to beat the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and said to them, “Stop!” The children ran 31 quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness. I really would like 32 you to a wonderful palace now.”?The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he 33 the palace, he was very surprised and said to the turtle, “What a nice palace!” To thank him, the king of the turtles gave him 34 . He had never seen such a dinner before. He received a warm welcome there and was very 35 everything.After dinner, the king of the turtles said, “I am going to give you two boxes, 36 you can open only one.” “You mustnt open both. Dont forget it!” the turtle warned him. “All right. I will open only one,” the young man promised(许诺). At this time, a large wave sent him out of the sea.After he 37 , he opened the bigger one of the two boxes.38 the box was full of gold. “My God!” he cried. “Im 39 now.” Then he thought, “Things in the other box must be expensive, too.” He could not wait any longer. He broke his promise and opened the other box. As soon as he opened it, he became an old man. His hair turned white. His face ?40 ?an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in a moment. He was sorry for what he did, but it was too late.?31. A. through B. away C. into D. out32. A. wanting B. asking C. to let D. to invite33. A. left for B. arrived on C. arrived at D. got away34. A. a very big dinner B. a very poor dinnerC. a very bad dinner D. a very small dinner35. A. pleased with B. strict in C. angry with D. sorry for36. A. so B. or C. but D. as37. A. went back to home B. was back homeC. went back to the sea D.was back the sea38. A. To his surprising B. To ones surprisingC. To ones surprise D. To his surprise39. A. a poor man B. a rich manC. an old man D. a young man40. A. liked B. felt like C. looked like D. looked31. B 根据上下文判断,那些孩子们应该是跑走了。所以应选away。32. D would like 之后应接不定式,年轻人就了海龟的命,海龟应是“邀请年轻人到宫殿去。”33. C 到达某个地方应用arrived at。34. A 按照逻辑,海龟国王要感谢他,必然设盛宴招待他。所以应选a big dinner。35. A 海龟国王盛情招待他,所以他对一切都满意。pleased with everything表示的就是这个意思。36. C 海龟国王给了他两个盒子,但只准他打开一个。这里有一个转折关系,所以应选but。37. B 年轻人在海里见到了海龟国王,得到了两个盒子以后,应该回家,而不是回到海里。而回家应是went back home。38. D 使他感到惊讶的是,用英语表示就是To his surprise。39. B 他得到了金子,当然应该是a rich man。40.C 由于贪心,他的头发变白了,脸“看起来”像八十多岁的老头。从2004年的完形填空题来看,难度不大,全部题目都属于句子层次。只要看懂了短文的意思,掌握了一些短语的固定搭配,再多做一些精选的练习,做好完形填空题是不难的。【满分演练】(1)A very new, yung officer was at a railway station. He was on his way to visit his mother in 1 town. He wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train, 2 she could meet him at the 3 in her car. He looked at all his pockets, but 4 that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went on and looked 5 for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, “Can you change the money 6 me?”“Wait a moment,” the soldier 7 , and he began to put his hand in his 8 “Ill see whether I can help you.”“Dont you know how to speak to an officer?” the young officer said angrily “Now lets 9 again, Can you change the money for me?”“No, sir,” the old soldier answered 10 .1AotherBthe otherCanotherDone2AsoBso thatCbecauseDwhen3AplaceBstationCstreetDstop4AknewBthoughtCfoundDfound out5AupBdownCaroundDinto6AtoBwithCforDand7AansweredBspokeCtoldDsmiled8AcoatBhandbagCwalletDpocket9AstartBto beginCdoingDask10AeasilyBfastChappilyDquickly(2)One of Charlie Chaplins most famous films was “The Gold Rush” The film was set in California in the middle of the 1 century. At that time, gold was discovered in California and thousands of people 2 there to look for gold, so it became 3 as “the gold rush” People said gold could 4 be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water. This was known as “panning for gold”In the film, Chaplin and his friend are in California. So far, they have been 5 in their search for gold and have no money at all. They 6 in a snow storm in a small wooden house. They have 7 They are so hungry that they 8 a pair of shoes, by boiling them in a pan of water. Chaplin sits down 9 the table and eats the shoe. He makes it seem as if this is one of the 10 meals that he has ever enjoyed.1.AnineteenBninetiethCnineteenthDninth2.AwentBleftCclimbDfound3.AfamousBknownCwonderfulDgreat4.AhardBeasilyCdifficultyDslowly5.AunhappyBunsuccessfullyCunluckyDunluckily6.Ahave gotBmeetCare caughtDlive7.Aa little foodBsome waterCnothingDnothing to eat8.AwearBcookCmakeDmend9.AatBbyCnearDbeside10.AbiggestBdearestCcheapestDmost delicious(3)Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started drawing when he was three years old, and when he was five he was already very _1_ at it. He drew many beautiful interesting pictures, and many people _2_ his pictures. They thought this boy was going to be _3_ when he was a little older, and then they were going to _4_ these pictures for a lot of money.Jimmys pictures were quite different from other _5_ because he never drew on all of the paper. He drew on _6_ of it, and the other half was always _7_.”Thats very clever,” everybody said. “_8_ other people have ever done that before.”One day somebody asked him, “Please tell me, Jimmy. Why do you draw on the bottom (底部) half of your pictures, _9_ not on the top half?”Because Im small,” Jimmy said, “and my brushes (毛笔) cant _10_ very high.”1. A.poor B.sad C.glad D.good2. A.bought B.brought C.sold D.took3. A.different B.clever C.famous D.rich4. A.buy B.show C.leave D.sell5. A.mens B.peoples C.boys D.childs6. A.half B.part C.side D.end7. A.full B.empty C.wrong D.ready8. A.No B.Some C.Any D.Many9. A.then B.and C.but D.or10. A.change B.turn C.pull D.reach(4)”Jane, please let me borrow a dollar,” Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch. “I have one in my jacket, but I dont want to _1_ and lose my place.”OK,” agreed Jane.Jane waited all day for Jenny to _2_ back the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny seemed to be _3_. “Shes just forgotten,” thought Jane. “I dont want to _4_ her angry.” Still, her money didnt go far. Some classmates, like Jenny, were getting five dollars a week.Weeks went by. At last Jane got up enough courage to tell her about the _5_.”Oh, Jane, I forgot!” Jenny said, “Ill _6_ the dollar tomorrow.”The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour Jane saw her _7_ sweets for Mary and Ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her. _8_ she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt _9_ and asked her teacher if she could go back to the classroom. In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils in Jennys desk. An _10_ came to her.”Jennys not kind lately, and anyway, she really owes me. A dollar doesnt mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me.”1. A.stay B.wait C.leave D.take2. A.return B.lend C.show D.pay3. A.busy B.happy C.free D.sad4. A.let B.make C.keep D.find5. A.money B.lunch C.place D.classmate6. A.remember B.bring C.give D.pass7. A.borrowing B.making C.selling D.buying8. A.Even B.Again C.Then D.Instead9. A.alone B.sad C.hungry D.lucky10. A.end B.answer C.idea D.excuse(5)Monday is the beginning of the week; it is the day most Americans like worst. The day they _1_ most is Saturday. Saturday is the _2_ of the workweek; it is the beginning of the weekend.Life is _3_ on the weekend; most Americans _4_ care of their houses, cars and gardens. They sleep _5_ in the morning. They enjoy the feeling that the time _6_ to move more slowly.The workweek is for things you _7_ to do; the weekend is for things you _8_ to do. Some people may get in a car for a _9_ in the country. They like to take part in a sports activity out of doors. And on Saturday night they might go to public eating _10_ or a film.1. A.like B.dislike C.spend D.leave2. A.middle B.beginning C.end D.day3. A.worse B.difficult C.better D.different4. A.make B.take C.look D.pick5. A.earlier B.later C.faster D.shorter6. A.decides B.wants C.spends D.seems7. A.enjoy B.hate C.have D.find8. A.like B.start C.get D.check9. A.drive B.walk C.fishing D.washing10.A.place B.house C.room D.apartment(6)In the old days, in London, the smog was very thick. Car and bus drivers _1_ to drive very slowly. They _2_ saw the road in front of them even during the daytime. People did not like going out in the smog. _3_ they had to go out, they wore “smogmask” over their faces.In December 1952, a very _4_ dark cloud came down over London. It was the _5_ smog Londoners had ever had. _6_ of it was bad factory smoke. Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. But many more people became unhealthy. The smog was very _7_ for old people and children. One man said, “The streets were almost _8_ because people stayed at home as much as possible. The air was very thick, and you could almost cut it with a knife.”After three weeks, the smog began to _9_. But in the following weeks and months over 4000 people died as a _10_ of the smog.1. A.hurried B.stayed C.had D.stopped2. A.easily B.hardly C.already D.freely3. A.If B.So C.Though D.Because4. A.clear B.thick C.thin D.small5. A.hottest B.nicest C.worst D.best6. A.Much B.Many C.A few D.A little7. A.favourite B.strong C.dangerous D.weak8. A.empty B.full C.dirty D.clean9. A.remember B.forget C.arrive D.lift10. A.part B.usual C.end D.result(7)Mothers day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and any other _1_. Little by little, it _2_ widely celebrated.Mothers day falls on the second Sunday in May. _3_, many people send _4_ of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still living _5_ a pink or red rose, while those whose mothers are _6_ wear a white one.The _7_ of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Ana Jarvis of Philadelphia. As a result of her hard work, the celebration for the first American Mothers Day _8_ in Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. Soon the _9_ became popular all over the _10_ and around the world.1. A.homes B.schools C.countries D.cities2. A.gives B.becomes C.stays D.begins3. A.For a long time B.In the morning C.At a time D.On that day4. A.presents B.things C.hello D.calls5. A.put B.take C.wear D.dress6. A.ill B.healthy C.dead D.busy7. A.idea B.plan C.need D.meeting8. A.held B.was holding C.was held D.is he.ld9. 64.day B.holiday C.month D.time10. A.country B.America C.place D.England(8)The ideal (理想的) teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should _1_ his subject very well and like learning something about other subjects. The ideal teacher must be full of strong feelings of wonder or interest. He must _2_ teach anything he himself is not _3_ in. He should be like a man who can act and should not be afraid to _4_ his feelings and tell other people what he likes and what he doesnt like clearly. He must like his students and respect them, and he must also respect himself and be proud of his work. _5_ he doesnt, he cannot respect his students and _6_ respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an _7_ of his students and be able to get on well with them. He needs students understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind and _8_ and he should give hope to his students to learn knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students _9_ so that he can know how to encourage the growth of _10_ of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and makes himself better along with his students.So what about the teacher around you?1. A.like B.know C.choose D.remember2.A.never B.ever C.even D.still3. A.weak B.well C.interested D.strict4. A.hold B.show C.pass D.keep5. A.Since B.As C.If D.Because6. A.give B.lose C.change D.win7. 72.A.understanding B.idea C.exercise D.excuse8.A.forgetful B.helpful C.quick D.lucky9. A.lists B.mistakes C.cards D.differences10.A.each B.every C.one D.either(9)Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Every year water sports, especially surfing and water skiing attract 1 tourists to the island.Hawaii has ben a magical name to people who like to travel 2 many years. People on 3 sides of the Pacific Ocean(太平洋), in Japan and in America, dream of 4 these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. In the tropical(热带的) lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drops so 5 that you can almost see it move.The sun leaves behind a glow(落日余辉) that lights the sky in the quiet water.People often have a quiet, enjoyable time walking along the water. This sceneryis not very different from the exciting beauty that greeted the first tourists to these islands centuries ago. They came in canoes not much 6 than small boats.They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees(棕榈树),but there were no grand hotels like 7 we see today. The first people came to Hawaii nearly 8 years ago, but skyscraper(摩天大楼) hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now aeroplanes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo 9 San Francisco.10 people come from, they really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.?1. A. many B. much C. any D. no?2. A. by B. with C. for D. since?3. A. both B. each C. either D. every?4. A. to see B. Seeing C. See D. saw?5. A. happily B. quietly C. heavily D. quickly?6. A. big B. biger C. bigger D. biggest7. A. the one B. the ones C. this D. that?8. A. two thousands B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. two thousand of?9. A. to B. of C. in D. or?10. A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever?(10)Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular not only with grown ups but also with students. Meanwhile, they also 1 a problem for middle schools in the past few years. Some children have got mobile phones as Christmas or birthday gifts, and more will 2 want them.Many like SMS because it is easy and 3 . Some parents felt happy because they could get in touch 4 their children. Some teachers said mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事) to students during school hours and it also gave them much 5 in their classrooms. Sometimes students 6 use phone messages to cheat(作弊) during exams. A new study found that some teenagers send messages in class even hurt their fingers because they cant stop 7 SMS.Many teachers suggested that students should not have phones at school, 8 if there was a good reason, they could 9 their phones at school office. Many people think they understand 10 parents would want their children to have them, but they agree school should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.?1. A. because B. had become C. have become D. will become?2. A. still B. yet C. already D. too?3. A. quickly B. quick C. hurry D. sharp?4. A. against B. on C. with D. to?5. A. business B. information C. things D. trouble?6. A. dare B. have to C. should D. might?7. A. using B. to use C. used D. used to?8. A. and B. but C. though D. however?9. A. miss B. leave C. lie D. fetch?10. A. whether B. because C. why D. since?(11)I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We 1 her Xi Wang. It means “hope”.When Xi Wang was born, she weighed(重) 2 100 grams(克). Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for as much as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots(嫩芽) and 3 . Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a 4 young panda and weighed 35 kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself 5 her mother had another baby.6 , it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild(野外). Here are some of the 7 that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future.If hunters(猎人) catch a panda, they will kill it for its fur(毛皮). If farmers 8 trees and forests, pandas will have no place to live in.When mothers leave baby pandas alone, people will often take them away. People think that the baby pandas need 9 .If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do 10 , soon there will be no more pandas in the world!?1. A. made B. called C. told D. kept?2. A. quite B. mostly C. just D. hardly?3. A. leaves B. vegetables C. trees D. chips?4. A. strange B. weak C. famous D. healthy?5. A. though B. until C. because D. whether?6. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Sadly D. Especially?7. A. examples B. questions C. matters D. problems?8. A. cut down B. plant C. protect D. water?9. A. money B. help C. clothes D. family?10. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something?(12)In the USA, children start school when they are five years old. In some states(州) they must stay in school 1 they are sixteen. But most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they 2 secondary(中等的) schools. There are two kinds of schools in the USA: public schools

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