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开封市第二十五中学2017届高一下期中考试卷 英语命题人:高一年级外语备课组说明: 1. 本试卷满分120分。考试时间100分钟。 2. 155小题在答题卡上用铅笔把正确答案的标号涂黑。 3.语法填空、改错、单词拼写和作文需用中性笔书写。 4. 考试结束后,只交第二卷和答题卡。第一卷I.听力(共两节,满分30分)II. 阅读理解:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 第一节:阅读下列短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AReading to dogs is an unusual way to help children improve their literacy skills(读写能力).With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgemental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence(自信心),according to Intermountain Therapy Animals(ITA)in Salt Lake City .The group says it is the first program in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children, with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dog(READ).The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea.“Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of reading aloud in a group, often have lower self-respect, and regard reading as a headache,”said Lisa Myron, manager of the childrens department.Last November the two groups started “Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library. About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-afternoon classes, reading for half an hour. Those who attended three of the four classes received a “pawgraphed” book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April, according to Dana Thumpowsky, public relations manager. 21.Specialists use dogs to listen to children reading because they think.A. dogs are young childrens best friendsB. children can play with dogs while readingC. dogs can provide encouragement for shy childrenD. children and dogs understand each other22.By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”,the writer means the library.A. uses dogs to attract childrenB. accepts the idea put forward by ITAC. has opened a childrens departmentD. has decided to train some dogs23.A “pawgraphed” book is most probably.A. a book used in Saturday classesB. a book written by the childrenC. a prize for the childrenD. a gift from parentsBTales From Animal HospitalDavid GrantDavid Grant has become a familiar face to millions of fans of Animal Hospital. Here Dr Grant tells us the very best of his personal stories about the animals he has treated, including familiar patients such as the dogs Snowy and Duchess, the delightful cat Marigold Serendipity Diamond. He also takes the reader behind the scenes at Harmsworth Memorial Animal Hospital as he describes his day, from ordinary medical check-ups to surgery(外科手术).Tales From Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme and anyone who has a lively interest in their pet, whether it be cat, dog or snake! 14.99 Hardback 272pp Simon SchusterISBN 0751304417Isaac Newton:The Last SorcererMichael WhiteFrom the author of Stephen Hawking:A life in Science, comes this colourful description of the life of the worlds first modern scientist. Interesting yet based on fact. Michael Whites learned yet readable new book offers a true picture of Newton completely different from what people commonly know about him. Newton is shown as a gifted scientist with very human weaknesses who stood at the point in history where magic(魔术)ended and science began. 18.99 Hardback 320pp Fourth EstateISBN 1857024168Fermats Last TheoremSimon SinghIn 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the worlds greatest mathematical problem:Fermats Last Theorem(定理).First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique. Through unbelievable determination Andrew Wiles finally worked out the problem in 1995.An unusual story of human effort over three centuries. Fermats Last Theorem will delight specialists and general readers alike. 12.99 Hardback 384pp Fourth EstateISBN 185702521024.What is Animal Hospital?A.A news story.B.A popular book.C.A research report.D.A TV programme.25.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?A. To encourage people to raise questions.B. To cause difficulty in understanding.C. To provide a person with an explanation.D. To limit peoples imagination.26.The person who finally proved Fermats Last Theorem is.A. Simon SinghB. Andrew WilesC. Pierre de FermatD. a French woman scientistCThere is one foreign product the Japanese are buying faster than others, and its popularity has caused an uneasy feeling among many Japanese.That product is foreign words.Gairaigo words that come from outsidehave been part of the Japanese language for centuries. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers.But in the last few years the trickle(涓涓细流)of foreign words has become a flood, and people fear the increasing use of foreign words is making it hard for the Japanese to understand each other and could lead to many people forgetting the good qualities of traditional(传统的)Japanese.“The popularity of foreign words is part of the Japanese interest in anything new,”says university lecturer and writer Takashi Saito.“By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media(媒体)to pick up.”“Experts(专家)often study abroad and use English terms when they speak with people in their own fields. Those terms are then included in government white papers,”said Muturo Kai, president of the National Language Research Institute.“Foreign words find their way easily into announcements made to the general public, when they should really be explained in Japanese.”Against the flow of new words, many Japanese are turning back to the study of their own language. Saitos Japanese to Be Read Aloud is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers shelves.“We were expecting to sell the books to young people,”said the writer,“but it turns out they are more popular with the older generation, who seem uneasy about the future of Japanese.”27.What advantages do foreign words have over traditional Japanese terms?A. The ideas expressed in foreign words sound new.B. Foreign words are best suited for announcements.C. Foreign words make new subjects easier to understand.D. The use of foreign words makes the media more popular.28.In the opinion of Takashi Saito, Japanese people.A. are good at learning foreign languagesB. are willing to learn about new thingsC. trust the mediaD. respect experts29.Which of the following plays an important part in the spread of foreign words?A. The media and government papers.B. Best-selling Japanese textbooks.C. The interest of young Japanese.D. Foreign products and experts.30.The book Japanese to Be Read Aloud.A. sells very well in JapanB. is supported by the governmentC. is questioned by the old generationD. causes misunderstanding among the readers第二节: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Most of us lead a busy life. 31 We think, “If I reached my goal, then I would be happy”, or “If I could get a better job, then I would enjoy life.” But why not enjoy life right now?Firstly, take time to notice and appreciate the beauty in your own surroundings. 32 “There is a great big world of wonder and beauty around us!” And as Brodersen explains. “Look for the beauty of the sunrise and of a friends smile that brightens your day. Open your eyes to see the beauty you might not normally see. Doing so helps to cheer you up.”Secondly, taking time to experience some simple pleasures also can bring joy to your heart and ease your stress. Take me for example. 33 One universal simple pleasure is finding things that make you laugh. Make time to laugh every day.Thirdly, dont take your family and friends for granted. Rich, rewarding relationships add greatly to the enjoyment of life. When you think of someone, why not call, e-mail or write them? 34 As Wayne Lawton explains, “Invest time in relationships. Remove the attitude, whats in it for me? Happiness is found in putting others interests, desires and concerns ahead of our own whenever possible. Selfishness is a dead-end street.” 35 A. I delight in simple things like my favorite tea drink, a bubble bath or family photos.B. In my spare time, I enjoy collecting stamps and reading novels.C. Driven by the “urgent”, we forget to enjoy life.D. So please treasure relationship.E. You dont need to travel far to find beauty.F. Be aware of beauty in nature.G. A short e-mail or phone call can make a world of difference to someone.III. 完形填空:(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most36 and tiring games Ive ever had. When Ed first phoned and 37we play. I laughed quietly, figuring on an 38 victory. After all, Eds idea of 39 has always been nothing more 40 than lifting a fork to his mouth.41 I can remember, Eds been the least physically fit member in the family, and 42 proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often 43 about that. Ed refused to buy a 44 T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed 45 for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly 46.I was so surprised that I was 47.My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape.48,at the point in our game when Id have predicted(预计)the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor. It was 49 7 to 9and Ed was 50.The sudden realization was painful. We 51 to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious 52 about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone 53 that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to 54.In a way, I think we both won:I the game, but cousin Ed my 55.36.A.encouragingB. hopelessC. surprisingD. regular37.A.declaredB. mentionedC. persuadedD. suggested38.A.unforgettableB. unexpectedC. easyD. early39.A.exerciseB. preparationC. joyD. fitness40.A.time-savingB. comfortableC. suitable D. effort-making41.A.As soon asB. As long asC. WhenD. Since42.A.strangelyB. personallyC. reasonablyD. eagerly43.A.caredB. forgotC. quarreledD. joked44.A.cleanB. largerC. straightD. darker45.A.set outB. got readyC. arrivedD. returned46.A.noticeB. admireC. believeD. measure47.A.nervousB. curiousC. carelessD. speechless48.A.After allB. As a resultC. Above allD. At last49.A.mistakenlyB. thenC. insteadD. naturally50.A.leadingB. comingC. waitingD. counting51.A.pretendedB. stoppedC. continuedD. decided52.A.thoughtsB. doubtsC. situationsD. problems53.A.scoringB. completingC. receivingD. keeping54.A.playB. startC. sleepD. move55.A.friendshipB. respectC. supportD. favor. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个词)或填入括号内单词的正确形式。Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winters night. Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. “Who can it be?” they wondered. One ran 56 (curious) to open it. There, outside in the cold and the darkness, stood a child 57 no shoes on his feet and clad(穿的衣服) in old thin garments. He was 58 (tremble) (颤抖)with cold, and he asked to come in and warm himself.“Yes, come,” cried both the children. They drew the little stranger to their warm seat, shared their supper with him, and gave him their bed, and they slept on 59 hard bench.On the night, they 60 (awake) by sweet music, which was played by a band of children in shining garments. Suddenly the stranger child stood before 61 : no longer cold and ragged, but clad in silvery light. He said, “I am the Christ Child and often 62 (wander) through the world to bring peace and 63 (happy) to good children as you. As you have helped me so much, this tree will give rich fruit to you every year.”As he was saying that, he broke a branch from the tree that grew near the door, and planted it in the ground and disappeared. But 64 branch grew into a great tree, and every year it bore 65 (wonder) golden fruit for the kind children. 短文改错:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Grandpa,How are you those days? I have been missing you very much after I went to college a year ago. Whenever I think of the old days, I feel very happily. I still remember when I was child, you always held me in your arms and told me stories till I fall asleep. We often went to the fields to enjoy the pleasant view there. You told me the name of different plants and their characteristics. Gradually, I became interesting in biology and chose to learn biology when I entered into the college. Now my friend Ann, together with me, are going to do field study and the findings will be use as materials for our research. Since well do the study in our hometown, I hope to see you by then. Yours, DaisyVI.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在该大题下面相应序号横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空仅填一词)。1. This advice was followed by _(精力充沛)movement.2. It is _(明显)there are many conflicts between the two countries.3. Global trade must_(平衡). 4. Work and training opportunities are_(有限). 5. Both would _(利益、好处) from free trade. 6. Jack could not_(理由、解释,字母a开头)for his foolish mistake. 7. Generally speaking, natural obesity should not be_(有害)to human bodies. 8. The little boy walked_(向东) .9. The city is _(环绕、包围)by a high wall. 10. She was at a restaurant_(市中心). VI.书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,正在美国哈佛大学参加短期语言培训,计划星期天去Boston旅游。一则广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息不明确,请给该旅行社发一封电子邮件,询问下列有关情况。1.作为美国哈佛大学的学生,是否有优惠票价?2. 旅行社所要的费用中,是否包括所列出的所有景点的费用?3.是否包含午餐,是否需要自带午餐。 4. 旅游持续多长时间?因为要准备后天的考试,需知道返程的时间。5.是否有购物时间,想看一看Boston大商场。注意:1词数100左右,信的格式已为你写好。2可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3参考词汇:哈佛Harvard 费用fee8


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