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20122013学年(下)八年级英语第一次月考试卷(Unit1-Unit3) 班级 姓名 得分 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1、 This house is _ small to live in. A. so B. very C. too D. enough( )2. People will live _ 200 years old in the future.A. / B. be C. to be D. in( )3. I think there will be _people and _pollution in the future.A. less; less B. less ; fewer C. fewer; less D. fewer; fewer( )4. He _ his homework at home yesterday.A. leaves B. forgot C. left D. forgets ( )5.They _ start to play football_ seven oclock this morning. A. didnt , until B. didnt , in C. /, at D. dont , till( )6. He doesnt have any money, _.A. too B. also C. either D. neither( )7. I think you should _ some money _ your friends.A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to( )8. My friend has the same haircut _ I do.A. as B. like C. seem D. looks like( )9. You should ask your parents _some money. A. to B. as C. least D. for ( )10. Some scientists think that it may take _ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us.A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of( )11. He thought that computers would never be _ most people.A. used by B. used for C. useful by D. using for( )12 The head of the movie companies predicted that no one would want to see actors _.A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk( )13. Kids wont go to school. They will study _ home _computers.A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ( )14. Mary was dancing while Mike _the piano.A. played B. was playing C. were playing D. plays( )15. What _ you _ when your father came back?A. did, do B. are, doing C. were, doing D. did, doing 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)In July of 1976, Gaynor was nine years old. One day, on her _16_ home, she saw a silver object. (银色物件).The object looked like a plate. Ah, it was a UFO. It was about thirty meters _17_ and nine meters tall.Gaynor felt very scared, _18_ she didnt leave right away. She stayed _19_behind a tall tree and then the door of the special object opened. She _20_ two aliens in silver clothes get out. They were short and had pink eyes.After about half an hour, the two _21_ went back into the object. Then there was a loud noise and the UFO _22_.When Gaynor got home, she told her mother _23_ this, but her mother didnt believe it and told _24_. She didnt want others to laugh at her _25_. However, later a newspaper reported that a driver saw a UFO that day, too.( )16. A. road B. way C. street D. place( )17.Along B. heavy C. far D. high( )18. A. and B. so C. but D. or( )19. A. really B. quietly C. loudly D. luckily( )20. A. sent B. told C. showed D. saw( )21.A. objects B. scientists C. robots D. aliens( )22. A. got up B. took away C. flew away D. grew up( )23.A. about B. from C. for D. with( )24. A. someone B. nobody C. everyone D. anybody( )25. A. son B. brother C. sister D. daughter三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)AMr. Gao lives in a town. When he was twenty-five, his son was born. He calls him Gao Ling. The little boy is clever. He and his wife love him very much. Its September 1st today. A new school year begins. Gao Ling is happy and wears his most beautiful clothes. Hes going to school with his new bag. “Let me take you to school, dear.” said Mrs. Gao. “Thank you, Mummy,” said the boy. “The school is not far from here. I can go there myself.”At school a teacher met the little boy and asked, “Whats your name, my little friend?” “Gao Ling, sir.” answered the boy. “How old are you?” “Six, sir.” “Whats your fathers name?” “Gao Daling, sir.” “How old is he?” “He is six, too, sir.” “Oh,” the teacher said in surprise. “Is he as old as you?”“Yes, sir,” said the boy. “He became a father only on the day when I was born.”( )26. Mr. Gao is _now.A. six B. twenty-five C. thirty-one D. thirty-five( )27. Mr. and Mrs. Gao love their son because_.A. the boy is clever B. he likes to go to schoolC. he can go to school himself D. he can answer their question( )28. Gao Ling didnt let his mother take him to school because_.A. she was too busy B. his friends could took him C. the policeman could help him D. the school is near and he could take care of himself( )29. Gao Ling went to school_.A. by car B. on foot C. by train D. by bike( )30. Gao Ling thought_. A. his father and he were born on the same day B. his father was younger than himC. his father forgot to tell him about his ageD. Gao Daling became a father only for six years BThomas Edison was a famous American scientist. He was born in 1847. When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. He was in school for only three months, He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions. Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons and his teacher was very angry with this. When his teacher told this to Edisons mother, she took her son out of school. As she had been a teacher, she taught him herself. The boy read a lot soon. He became very interested in science . At the age of ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab(化学实验室)for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.( )31.Thomas Edison was_ A .a chemist B. a teacher C. a scientist D .a doctor( )32.Most of _ had nothing to do with his lessons.A. the questions B. the things C. the places D. ones( )33. The thought he was _A. bright B. clever C. foolish D. fool( )34. He was interested in _ A. math B. chemistry C. lab D. science( )35. He had already built a chemistry lab for himself when he was _ A. nine B. ten C. eleven D. oldCOne day Mr. Brown sees a young woman in the street with children. He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes. White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.“Are all these children yours?” he asks the woman.“Yes, they are.” she answers.“Do you always dress them in the same clothes ?” asks Mr. Brown.“Yes, ” answers the mother, “When we have four children, we dress them in the same clothes because we dont want to lose any of them. It is easy to see our children among other children because they are all wearing the same clothes. And now we have ten, we dress them like this because we dont want to take other children home by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.”( )36. How many children does Mr. Brown see in the street one day? He sees _in all.A. ten B. elevenC. four D. nine( )37. Why is he surprised? Because _.A. all the children are boysB. all the children are in the same clothesC. all the children are lovelyD. all the children are wearing the same trousers( )38.Why does the woman dress her children in the same clothes? Because _.A. she has so many childrenB. she loves her childrenC. she doesnt want to take her children homeD. she wants to see her children easily among others( )39. What kinds of clothes are the children wearing when Mr. Brown sees them?A. White caps, blue coats and yellow trousers.B. Blue caps, yellow coats and white trousers.C. Yellow caps, white coats and blue trousers.D. White caps, yellow coats and blue trousers.40. “We dont want to take other children home by mistake.”这句话的汉语意思是 _四 知识积累(每空一词,每空1分,共20分)41. 我们应尽可能多地说英语。 We should speak English _ much _ possible.42.You should write him a letter . (对画线提问)_ _ _ do?43. 他进来时我正在睡懒觉。 I was _ _ when he came in.44. You are not as popular as your best friend.(改为同义句) Your best friend is _ _ than you.45. 女孩正在购物时,外星人出来了。_the girl was shopping , the alien got out .46. I can do homework by _ (I).47. Today is Sunday . Lets go _(skate)48. Please buy some_ (toothbrush) for them .49. Could you please give me some _ (建议) .50. The children can look after _ (他们自己). 51. Tom took a parttime job as a t_ to teach a child when he was at college .52. I _ _ (watch) TV at seven yesterday evening .53. He was at the _ (doctor) . He was ill .54 . My mother was cooking in the k_ .五 补全对话.(每小题2分,共10分)A: Hi, Mrs. Wang!B: Hello, Mrs. Lin! A: I called you at 8:00 this morning, but there was no reply. B: I went shopping at that time.A: 55 _B: Yes, I bought two T- shirts and a pair of sport shoes. 56 _A: 57 _B: It took me the whole morning, I hate shopping in the crowded shop.A: 58 _. But I like shopping online(网上购物).B: shopping online?A: Yes, its fast and easy. 59 _.B: I think I will have a try next time.A: So do I.B: Did you buy anything?C: It can save(节省) a lot of time.D: How long did it take you?E: But there were too many people in the supermarket.五 .书面表达.(15分)假如你叫Julia, 用下面提供的信息告诉你最好的朋友Lucy关于你的烦恼。 内容提要: 这几天, 你发现同学们对你不太好。 上星期六,你们班上的一个同学举行了一个生日聚会,邀请了班上的很多同学,但是没有邀请你。 你感到很烦恼。于是写信给一位要好的朋友述说此事,并向她求救。字数60左右。内容要连贯。

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