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Part A 选择题 15*2=301. P9 组织的层次 Organizational levelsNon-managerial employeesFirst-line managers: supervisors, line managers, office managers, team leaders, forepersons.(Technical skills)Middle managers: regional manager, department head, project leader, plant manager. (Human skills)Top mangers: operating officer, chief executive officer, chairman of the board. (Conceptual skills)2. P10效率和效果 efficiency and effectivenessEfficiency: Doing things right (Getting the most output for the least inputs) Effectiveness: Doing the right things (Attaining organizational goals)3. P14 Table1.2管理者的十个角色 Mintzbergs managerial rolesInterpersonal roles : Figurehead挂名首脑Leader领导者Liaison联络员Informational roles : Monitor监听者Disseminator传播者Spokesperson发言人Decisional roles: Entrepreneur企业家Disturbance handler干扰控制者Resource allocator资源分配者Negotiator谈判者4. P90 Figure3.3环境的不确定性矩阵 Environmental uncertainty matrix5. P83 Figure3.2外部环境 The external environment6. P322324现代组织设计和传统组织设计Traditional organization designs: Simple structure, Functional structure, Divisional structureContemporary organization designs: Team structures(团队制), Matrix and project structures(矩阵制,项目制) Boundaryless organization(无边界组织)【virtual organization(虚拟化组织), network organization】7. P280组织战略的类型l Corporate-level strategy: Growth: concentration(集中化)vertical integration(垂直一体化)horizontal integration(水平一体化)diversification(多样化)Stability: rapid upheaval, changing and making the future uncertain slow or no-growth opportunitiessmall businessRenewal: retrenchment strategy(缩减型战略)turnaround strategy(扭转型战略)l Business-level (or competitive) strategy: cost leadership strategy differentiation strategy focus strategyl Functional-level strategy8. P431团队发展的五个阶段Forming(形成阶段)Storming(震荡阶段)Norming(规范阶段)Performing(执行阶段)Adjourning(终止阶段)9. P439社会惰性(搭便车)The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively(集体地) than when working individually.10. P445冲突Task conflict:Conflict over content and goals of the workRelationship conflict(negative):Conflict based on interpersonal relationshipProcess conflict:Conflict over how work gets done11. P447团队的四个类型Problem-solving team:Same department, involved in efforts, solve problemSelf-managed work team: Without a managerCross-functional team: Various specialtiesVirtual team(虚拟团队): Uses technology to link physically dispersed members12. P472马斯洛需求层次理论Higher-order needs: Sell-actualization Esteem SocialLower-order needs: Safety Physiological13. P475三种需求理论 achievement成就感 power权利 affiliation情感14. P483 JCM工作特色模型Part B 概念题 5*4=201.Organization: A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. (P7)2.Manager: Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of others so that organizational goals can be accomplished. (P8)3.System: A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. (P52)4.Contingency Approach: An approach that says that organization are different, face different situations (contingencies) and require different ways of managing. (P53)5.Stakeholder: Any constituencies in the organizations external environment that are affected by the organizations decisions and actions. (P92)6.Escalation of Commitment: An increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence it may be wrong. (P224)7.Planning: Defining goals, establishing strategies to achieve goals. Developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities. (P246)8.Management by objectives (MBO): A process of setting mutually agreed-upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. (P254)9.Cross-Functional Team: Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties. (P313)10.Group Think: A form of conformity in which group members feel extensive pressure to align their opinions with others opinions. (P437)11.Hygiene Factors: Factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction, but do not motivate. (P474)12.Controlling: The process of monitoring, comparing and correcting work performance. (P569)Part C 简答题 5*6=301. P80 symbolic viewomnipotent viewQ: How much control do managers have?A:l Omnipotent view: managers are directly responsible for success or failure.l Symbolic view: success or failure is due to external forces outside managers control.In reality, managers are neither helpless nor all-powerful.2. P223-224 decision-making approach Q: How are decisions made?A: l Rationality: consistent, value-maximising choices where the problem is clear and unambiguous, the decision makers goal is clear and specific, and the decision maker knows all the possible alternatives.l Bounded rationality: decisions are made rationally, but decision makers are limited by their ability to process information so they end up satisficing; decision making may be strongly influenced by the organisations culture, internal politics, power considerations and escalation of commitment.l Intuition: making decisions on the basis of experience, feelings and accumulated judgment.3. P276-280 strategic management process.Q: What does strategic management involve?A: Step1: Identifying the organizations current mission, goals and strategies.Mission: A statement of the purpose of an organization.Step2: External analysis(外部分析)Opportunities: Positive trends in external environmental factors.Threats: Negative trends in external environmental factors.Step3: Analyzing the organizations resources and capabilities-Internal analysis.Strengths:Any activities the organization does well, or any unique resources that it has.Weaknesses: Activities the organization does not do well, or resources it needs but does not possess.Step4: Formulate strategies. 1. Corporate-level strategy: Growth: concentration, vertical or horizontal integration, or diversificationStability: stay the sameRenewal: retrenchment, turnaround2. Business-level (or competitive) strategy: cost leadership strategy differentiation strategy focus strategy3. Functional-level strategyStep5: Implement strategies.(through organizing and leading)Step6: Evaluate results.(through controlling)4. P282-283 stability strategy stability strategy:A corporate-level strategy characterised by an absence of significant change.l One situation might be that the industry is in a period of rapid upheaval with external forces drastically changing and making the future uncertain.l Another situation where the stability strategy might be appropriate is if the industry is facing slow-or no-growth opportunities.l Finally, owners and managers of small businesses often purposefully choose to follow a stability strategy.5. P310-317 six key elements of organizational design.Q: What are the six elements of organizational structure?A:l Work specialization: dividing work activities into separate job tasks-Increased efficiency versus human diseconomiesl Departmentalisation: grouping like jobs back together-Functional, product, geographical, process and customerFunctional departmentalisation:+ Efficiencies from putting together similar specialties and people with common skills, knowledge, and orientations+ Coordination within functional area+ In-depth specialization- Poor communication across functional areas- Limited view of organisational goalsGeographical departmentalisation:+ More effective and efficient handling of specific regional issues that arise+ Serve needs of unique geographic markets better- Duplication of functions- Can feel isolated from other organisational areasProduct departmentalisation:+Allows specialisation in particular products and services+Managers can become experts in their industry+Closer to customersDuplication of functionsLimited view of organisational goalsProcess departmentalisation:+More efficient flow of work activitiesCan only be used with certain types of productsCustomer departmentalisation:+ Customers needs and problems can be met by specialists- Duplication of functions- Limited view of organisational goalsl Chain of command: line of authority from top to bottom of organization clarifying who reports to whom-Authority: rights inherent in managerial position to tell others what to do and to expect them to do it.-Responsibility: obligation to perform assigned duties-Unity of command: idea that each person should report to only one managerl Span of control: number of employees that a manager manages-Depends on skills and abilities of manager and employees more authority (power) to make decisionsl Formalisation: extent to which employees jobs are standardized and controlled6. P357 direction of communication flow.Downward:Used to inform, direct, coordinate and evaluate employeesUpward: Used by employees to inform managersLateral: Used by employees on the same organizational levelDiagonal: Cuts across both work areas and organizational levels7. P100-102 How employees learn culture?StoriesRitualsMaterial symbolsLanguage8. P 346-347 communication process The interpersonal communication process involves:- A communication source or sender- Message- Encoding- The channel- Decoding- Receiver- FeedbackNoise can occur at any point in the process9. P525-526 key situational factors for determining leader effectiveness in Fiedler model.Least-preferred co-worker(LPC)questionnaire: A questionnaire that measures whether a leader is task or relationship oriented.Leader-member relations: The degree of confidence, trust and respect employees had for their leader; rated as either good or poor.Task structure: the degree to which the job assignments were formalized and procedurised; rated as either high or low.Position power: the degree of influence a leader had over power-based activities such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions and salary increases; rated as either strong or weak.Change the leader or change the situation.10. P487 expectancy modeExpectancy mode: The theory that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.1. Expectancy or effort-performance linkage is the probability perceived vy the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to a certain level of performance.2. Instrumentality or performance-reward linkage is the degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level is instrumental in attaining the desired outcome.3. Valence or attractiveness of reward id the importance that the individual places on the potential outcome or reward that can be achieved on the job. Valence considers both the goals and the needs of the individual.11. P311-313 five common forms of departmentalization (pros and cons)见第5题12. P473-474 two-factor theoryTwo-factor theory: The motivation theory that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction and motivation whereas extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors: Factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction, but do not motivate. Motivators: Factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation.Part D 论述题 1*20=20(简答题第3.5题几率大,仅供参考)


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