2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件5 人教PEP版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件5 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件5 人教PEP版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 4《Then and now》(Part B)课件5 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4 Thenandnow B Let slearn Bombtime 选出你认为不是炸弹的单词读一读 Bombtime Internet visit yearsago only building stars moon liked took 1969 lastmonth know B Let stalk footballbasketballswimmingping pongbadmintonice skatecyclingkungfu Doyoulike Ilikeditthreeyearsago Howaboutnow NowIlike It sveryinteresting ping pong playingbasketball A B A B I mdifferentnow 不同 Wearealldifferentnow YaoMing That sfunny ComeandlookatYaoMing soldphotos Heiswearingaredjacket wearing穿 colourfulshirt blueskirt Heiswearinga Whatdoyouthinkofhimbeforeandnow short quiet thin couldn tplaybasketballwell tall active strong playbasketballeveryday Before hecouldn tplaybasketballwell Now heplaysbasketballeveryday Before hewas Now heis Mike sfriendsarevisitinghishome Listenandcircle 1 Whataretheytalkingabout A Mike shobby B Mike soldphotos 1 Listentotheirconversation John comeandlookatMike soldphotos That sfunny Mike You rewearingapinkT shirt Yes butIdon tlikepinknow Wearealldifferentnow Right Before Iwasquiet Now I mveryactiveinclass Howaboutyou Well Iwasshort soIcouldn tridemybikewell Now Igocyclingeveryday Ilikeitverymuch That sgoodexercise 3 Readandfillintheblanks John comeandlookatMike soldphotos That sfunny Mike You rewearingapinkT shirt Yes butIdon tlikepinknow Wearealldifferentnow Right Before Iwasquiet Now I mveryactiveinclass Howaboutyou Well Iwasshort soIcouldn tridemybikewell Now Igocyclingeveryday Ilikeitverymuch That sgoodexercise 4 Readandanswerthequestion HowdidMikechange 找出关键句划一划 读一读 1 Before helikedpink Now hedoesn tlikepink 2 Before hewasquiet Now heisveryactiveinclass 3 Before hecouldn tridehisbikewell Now hegoescyclingeveryday Before he Now he 写写自己过去的爱好或变化和现在的爱好或变化 Before I NowI Wordsblanks wasn ttall hadlonghair hadshorthair didn twearglasses didn tlikemaths didn dlikeeggs Let swrite ProverbTimeislifeandwhentheidlemankillstime hekillshimself 时间就是生命 懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命 Timeislifeandwhentheidlemankillstime hekillshimself 时间就是生命 懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命 Hmework 1根据Let stalk模仿对话并改编它 2写一篇自己过去与现在变化的作文


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