2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件1 人教精通版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件1 人教精通版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件1 人教精通版.ppt_第2页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件1 人教精通版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1 Lesson1 IwenttoSanyaformyholidays gowentenjoyenjoyedstaystayedhavehadlistenlistenedspeakspokereadreadwritewrote talktalkedplayplayedlearnlearnedsaysaiddodidactacteduseused duringholidays假期里 Onyourholidays在你的假期里 Wherewereyouduringholiday Iwasathome Howwasyourholiday 你的假期过的怎么样 Itwasexciting Itwasinteresting Whatdidyoudoonyourholidays IwenttoSanya Whatdidyoudoonyourholidays IwenttoSanya Whatdidyoudoduringholidays Iwenttothebeachduringholidays Whatdidyoudoduringholidays Istayedathomeduringholidays Whatdidyoudolastnight Weenjoyedthemoonandstarslastnight Whatdidyoudoonyourholidays IwenttoSanya 一 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 你的假期过得怎么样 How your 2 很有趣 It 3 我的假期过得很令人兴奋 My was 三 根据答句写问句 24分 1 lastyear IwasinBeijinglastyear 2 holiday Myholidaywasinteresting 3 gotoSanya Yes shedid was holidays is interesting holiday exciting where were you How was your Did she 三 连词成句 24分 1 to went I Hainan 2 you were in interested them 3 did you what do your during holidays IwenttoHainan Wereyouinterestedinthem Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 you have agoodtime 2 Wesawmany banana treesinSanya 3 I go therenextmonth 4 I spend theSpringFestivalinBeijing 5 I eat jiaozilastnight 三 选择填空 1 Thestudentscomeback school A toB forC at 2 I toHainawithmyparentsyesterday A goB wentC goes 3 you agoodtimeyesterday A Do haveB Do hadC Did have 4 I llgothere summer A atB toC in 一 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 你的假期过得怎么样 How your 2 很精彩 It 3 我的假期过得很令人兴奋 My was 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 I call youyesterday 2 There be alotofnewbooksinthebookstore 3 I buy astorybookyesterday 4 Heenjoyed read books 5 Theycan t find thekey 三 根据答句写问句 24分 1 lastyear IwasinBeijinglastyear 2 holiday Myholidaywasinteresting 3 gotoSanya Yes shedid 一 按要求完成下列各题 25分 1 they 反身代词 2 ofcourse 同义词 3 fatherandmother 同义词 4 begin 同义词 5 假日 节日 汉译英 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空 20分 1 I watch TVwithmysisterlastnight 2 We eat somegoodfoodyesterday 3 Thisis Mary Englishbook 4 Theywentto visit Shanghai 5 Iwill go toShanghaiinsummer 三 单项选择 30分 1 How yourlastholiday A areB wasC were 2 youenjoyyourselfattheparty Yes Iwashappy A DidB didC Do 3 I toHainan myunclewhenIwas11yearsold A went andB go withC went with 4 IvisitedSanyalastyear We manyflowersthere A seeB sawC look 5 Schoolbegins Thestudents backtoschool A comeB cameC coming 二 单项选择 36分 1 You athome A werenotB notC wasnot 2 Wereyouathomeyesterday No I A wasB wasn tC werenot 3 Therewerealot newbooksinit A forB atC of 4 Iwas thebookshop A ofB atC on 5 Itwasvery A interestingB interestedC interest 6 I youyesterday A callB calledC calls 7 Iwentto amovieyesterdayevening A sawB seeingC see 8 Ienjoyed them A readB readingC readed 9 Iwenttobedat10 30 Itwasa late A littleB fewC lot 四 小练笔 16分 请你写一篇日记 内容提示 假设今天是3月16日 星期日 你上午和朋友一起去看电影 玩足球 下午和妈妈一起去逛街 并买了一本新故事书 晚上回家看书 这一天你过得很愉快 TodayisSunday Iwenttoseeafilmandplayedfootballwithmyfriendsthismorning Iwentshoppingwithmymotherandboughtanewstorybookintheafternoon Ireadthebookintheevening Iwasveryhappytoday Goodbye

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