2019春六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1《Best wishes to you》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1《Best wishes to you》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1《Best wishes to you》课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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音乐欣赏 Auldlangsyne wish祝愿 wishes祝愿 复数 Bestwishes最美好的祝愿 Bestwishestoyou 给你最美好的祝愿 Bestwishestoyou Goodlucktoyou You reagreatfriend AndIwillmissyou 最好的祝福 好运 很棒的 将会想念 Module9Unit1Bestwishestoyou primary初等的 School学校 primaryschool小学 We regoingtosaygoodbyetoourprimaryschoolsoon 我们很快就要向我们的小学告别了 message留言 Pleasewriteamessageinthisbook 请在这本书里写一条留言 forever永远 I llkeepitforever 我会永远保留它 keep保留 joy乐趣 Youbroughtuslotsofjoy 你带给我们很多乐趣 Goodluckforthefuture 祝你未来好运 future未来 Bomb Don treadthewordswithbombs otherwiseitwillblowup Game1 带有炸弹的单词不能读哦 它会爆炸的 Game Newwords bestwishes最美好的祝愿 primaryschool小学 message留言 keep保留 forever永远 joy乐趣 future未来 wonderful极好的 Newwords bestwishes最美好的祝愿 primaryschool小学 message留言 keep保留 forever永远 joy乐趣 future未来 wonderful出色的 Newwords wish愿望 希望 祝愿bestwishes最美好的祝愿luck运气primaryschool小学keep保留future未来 将来taught teach教 讲授wonderful极好的 了不起的joy乐趣together一起remember记住writeamessage留言forever永远 Listenandanswer DidDamingenjoythetimewithhisfriend Choose DidDamingenjoythetimewithhisfriend A Yes shedid B Yes hedid C No hedidn t B Listenandanswer DoesLinglingthinkDamingisnaughty WhatdidDaminghelpLinglinginsport Choose DoesLinglingthinkDamingisnaughty A Yes shedid B Yes shedo C Yes shedoes C Daming You reanaughtyandlovelyboy 调皮的 可爱的 Youhelpedmeinsport 帮助 运动 Youbroughtuslotsofjoy 欢乐 Goodluckforthefuture Lingling 未来 Choose WhatdidDaminghelpLinglinginsport A Sport B English C Chinese A Listenandanswer WhatdidDamingteachAmy Choose WhatdidDamingteachAmy A English B Maths C Chinese C Daming Wehadahappytimeatschool 度过了美好的时光 YoutaughtmeChinese 教 Thankyouverymuch You reawonderfulfriend 出色的 Iwillmissyou Amy 想念 Listenandanswer WhatdoesSamaskDamingtodo Choose WhatdoesSamaskDamingtodo A CometotheUKtowatchfootballgameswithme B CometotheUKtowatchfootballgameswithhim B You remybestfriend Daming 最好的 I llneverforgetourtimetogether 永不 忘记 Bestwishestoyou CometotheUKtowatchfootballgameswithme 观看 足球比赛 Sam Listenandread Summary 毕业留言祝福用语 Best toyou Good toyou You agreatfriend Iwill you Youbroughtuslotsof Goodluckforthe You rea friend I ourtimetogether wishes luck future enjoyed are wonderful joy miss Summary 毕业留言祝福用语 Bestwishestoyou Goodlucktoyou Youareagreatfriend Iwillmissyou Youbroughtuslotsofjoy Goodluckforthefuture You reawonderfulfriend Ienjoyourtimetogether Practise 小练笔Saybestwishestoyourfriends Homework 即将离校 为你的friends写上祝福吧 三句话以上 可以写在同学录上 明天上课把你的祝福大声念给她听 Bestwishestoyou Let ssingtogether Auldlangsyne

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