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牛津初中英语8B Unit 1Past and present导学案Welcome to the unit【自学探究】一、 预习P 6P7,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1.过去和现在 2.与某人一起玩3.不再 4.做个历史课题5.在过去的一百年里 6.收集信息7.不同形式的运输 8.画时间线9.从到 10.轻轨二、完成P7,Parts A、B练习。三、查找资料,了解更多的交通工具的英语名称。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _9. _ 10. _【教案】课题8B Unit 1 Welcome to the unit课时施教时间主备人审核人: 学习目标1 To introduce the present perfect tense generally. 2 To introduce the different forms of transport at different times in Hong Kong. 学习重难点1.To introduce the present perfect tense generally. 2 To introduce the different forms of transport at different times in Hong Kong. 学法指导task-centered approach教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step 1: Free talk In the past, Hobo and Eddie were good friends. But now something happens between them. Do you wantto know whats wrong with them? Step 2: PresentationRead the dialogue, and find out the answers to the following questions. 1)What was in the bowl an hour ago?2) What did Eddie do? 3) Why did he do that thing? 4) Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed? Explaining the new tense : the present perfect tense Eg: 1) Have you seen my food? (seesawseen) 2)Ive (I have) eaten it. (eatateeaten) 3) We have not seen him for a long time 4) How has he changed? Let Ss read the dialogue in pairs. Step 3: Presentation1. Show the pictures . Discuss them with the Ss.: Whats the use of it? Where do you usually see it? Is it a special one? Why? Which transport do you like best? 2. Write the correct names under the pictures. Step 4: Practice Finish part B (Back to the past) & Complete the timeline.进行free talk 1. What time is it? 2. Are you hungry? 3. Would you like something to eat? 4. Which is your favourite food? 导入到Comic Strips的教学。帮助学生了解现在完成时态让学生合上书,听磁带,回答问题。1) What was in the bowl an hour ago?2) What did Eddie do? 3) Why did he do that thing? 4) Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed? 布置学生分角色朗读并表演对话。合上书,让同学完成下面的小短文,巩固、加深对话内容的理解。Hobos food _ in the _ an hour ago. But it isnt there now. Why? Eddie has just _ it because he was _. Hobo thinks Eddie has _ and he is _ bad now. He doesnt want to _ with Eddie any _.出示图片,让学习交通工具名称学生回答问题学生合上书,听磁带,回答问题。 分角色朗读并表演对话。合上书,完成下面的小短文。观察图片,学习交通工具名称作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成导学案上本课时的作业3. 预习Reading,完成预习作业板书设计 8B Unit 1 Welcome to the unitpast and present an hour ago play with transport at different timesover the past 100 years not.any moresee-saw-seen be(am,is,are)-was,were-been eat-ate-eaten change-changed-changed 现在完成时 have/has+过去分词教学反思【当堂巩固】一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词 1.The f_ leaves France at 10 oclock 2.I have been there many times in the p_ . 3.Im afraid I cant help you at p_. 4.If you miss the t_ ,there is another one hour later. 5.If there is no electricity,the t_cannot move. 6.The p_ is going to land(着陆).二、用的适当形式填空1 Welcome to my party. Just help _(you) to the food and drink.2 He is really _(interest) in Maths.3 _(luck), he passed the exam.4 Dont you think life is _(good) than before.5 It is _(healthy) to eat too much fat food.6 I think its _(possible) for a primary school to solve that junior high Maths problem.7 It is _(polite) to ask a woman how old she is.8 I _(like) football, but I like basketball very much.9 We should not be _(honest)10 He feels _(happy) because he has no friends.三、动词的适当形式填空.1._he ever_(be) to Beijing?2.His father_(teach)at this school since ten years ago.3. They lived in the country when they got_(marry).4. He was late and_(miss) the last train.5. Some day, you_(feel) sorry for this thing.6. I have never _(visit) Hongkong before.7. Dont forget _(post) the letter for me.8. Wed better _(try) our best to study.9. We used to _(swim) every day when we were children.10. I _(know) the man for many years. Reading【自学探究】一、 预习P8P11,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1.从那时起 2. 在的南部3.在市中心4.改变许多 5.变为6.一个很严重的问题 7.在某些方面 8.像以前一样经常9.有时;不时地 10.对采取行动 二、完成课本P10P11, Parts B、C、D练习。三、单词拼写1. The _ of goods by air is very expensive. (运输)2. Most of the _ (wife) do housework at home.3. I felt very _ (please) when I met my old friend.4. The little girl lost her toy bear, so she cried _. (sad)5. We lived together until 1997 when I got _. (marry)6. _ (pollute) was a big problem in this city ten years ago.7. He lost his wallet. He was _. (luck) 【教案】课题8B Unit 1 Reading课时施教时间主备人审核人: 学习目标1 To grasp some useful expressions2 To retell the main idea of the text 学习重难点 To understand the use of some words through the exercises.学法指导Task-centered approach教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step 1 Free talk .Where is your hometown?Has it changed a lot?Can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown?As you know, I am a teacher now. But five years ago, I was a teacher, too. So I have worked here for 3 years. I think our school changed a lot.Do you think so?Everything has changed a lot? Step2: Presentation. Have you been to Beijing? Now, look at some pictures of it. Witness great changes to it over 100 years. Show pictures .Step 3 Reading A1.Would you like to listen to Mr Chen, Daniels grandpa? Play the tape for Ss 2 times. Answer the following questions. How long has Mr Chen known Sunshine Town? Did Mr Chen live there all the time? Why? Does Mr Chen think the place changed a lot? What are the differences between the past and present? 2.Check the answers if they can not answer. 3.Explain some difficult points. in fact. 实际上I thought this answer was right. In fact ,its wrong.live together/there 一起生活 live on the fifth floorget married to sb = marry sb . 与某人结婚。e.g.: Tom got married to Mary last year =Tom married Mary last year. They got married last year.until 直到 not until 直到才e.g. : He did his homework until 7 oclock yesterday evening.He didnt do his homework until 7 oclock yesterday evening.change a lot change v. 改变Our city has changed a lot . change n. 变化,零钱Great changes have taken place in our city . ( the changes to Sunshine Town , the answer to, the key tothe entrance to)turninto把变成 turn into变成4.Ask Ss to read in pairs and try to act it out. Step4: Practice. 1.Do the exercise on page 10 B Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. 2. Finish off the exercises of partC1,2 on P10-11.(T/F).Correct the sentences. Step 5 Finish Part D on page 11free talk,1) Where is your hometown?2) Has it changed a lot?3) Can you tell us something about the changes to your hometown? 导入reading部分内容。安排学生快速阅读reading 部分1.回答下面的问题Whats the main idea of the passage?2.让学生找出陌生的单词,教师讲解,带读生词并完成P10 B部分的练习。深度阅读,并回答下列问题1.When did Mr. Chens family move to Sunshine Town?2. Where did Mr. Chen live before 1965?3. How many people lived in the Sunshine Town in the past? 4. Why did Mr. Chen move last year?5. Were there any shops in the Sunshine Town in the past?6. What did people say about the shoe factory?7. Does Mr. Chen think life is better now? Why?安排学生听录音跟读课文布置学生完成part B,C,D的练习,并检查答案学生回答free talk的问题,学生快速阅读reading部分,回答问题;学生找出陌生的单词,听老师讲解深度阅读,并回答下列问题听录音跟读课文学生完成part B,C,D的练习,并检查答案作业设计1背诵本课的单词与词组2完成导学案上本课时的作业板书设计 8B Unit 1 Reading Times have changed since then over the years in some ways from time to timemove house get married in the center of townturn .into. reduce the pollution feel a bit lonely教学反思【当堂巩固】一、根据中文提示完成句子1.Lets make a plan to stop the noise_(污染)2._(不幸地是), his leg was badly hurt last Sunday.3.The plane landed _(安全地)last night.4.We decided to make an _(采访) with our principal.5.There are many_(新鲜的)ftuits in the fridge.6.The city is famous for the big_(塔)二、适当形式填空.1. I _ (know) Tom for two years.2. She _ (work) in a food shop in the past.3. Noise pollution was a problem before_ (close) of the old airport.4. Its nice _ (play) Chinese chess with her.5. The plane landed _ (safe).三、翻译句子1Mike和Mary下个月结婚。_2自从我12 岁时,就认识Amy的母亲。_3这个地方已改变了许多。_4我和姐姐住在同一街区。_Vocabulary 【自学探究】一、 预习P12,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。1.会见某人 2. 在这儿小住一段时间3. 为感到高兴 4. 见证阳光镇的变化5. 搬迁到公园附近 6. 想念他的老朋友7. 看起来很健康 8. 告诉我他的未来计划二、完成课本P12上的练习。三、写出反义词first- love- noisy- day- beginning- rich- interesting- short- 【教案】课题8BUnit 1 Vocabulary课时施教时间主备人审核人: 学习目标To know some opposites. To master the prefix which makes the word has the opposite meaning.学习重难点To learn to use the right adjectives in a certain context.学法指导Task-centered approach教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动 Step1 Revision1 Questions about Reading:(1) How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town?(2) When did he move house?(3) What did people have in the town in the past?(4) What has the centre of town become?(5) Can you say something about the pollution of Sunshine River?2 Discussion:Do you think peoples lives are better now? Why do you think so?Step 2 Presentation1 Sunshine Town has changed into a new place. In the past, it was difficult for people to travel because there were not many kinds of transport. Now it is easy to go from one place to another. However, Mr Chen is not very happy. Sometimes he feels sad because he cannot see his old friends very often. Many of them have moved to other areas.2 Get the Ss to find out some opposites: oldnew, difficulteasy, happysad Step 3 Opposites1 Ask the Ss to read the form on P12 and check if they all understand. If not, explain.2 Ask the Ss to find out some rules.3 Find out the prefixes: im-, in-, un-, dis-.Step 4 Practice安排学生回答问题复习Reading让学生在笔记本上造句,请3-4人在黑板上写, 教师进行点评,帮助学生复习学生学过的反义词。(所写的句子中必须要出现一到两对反义词或反义词组。)例:My book is new, yours is old.Turn on the radio and turn off the TV, there will be some important news.进一步复习和巩固学生对反义词的掌握,进行小竞赛,让学生进行强答,完成下面词的反义词。Cheap easy fast good happyHigh hot new same longComplete correct healthy honest kind Like lucky pleasant polite possible让学生总结出P12表格中形容词反义词的规律,教师进行小结:指出形容词反义词的前缀im-; in-; un-; dis-学生回答问题复习Reading学生在笔记本上造句,请3-4人在黑板上写, 教师进行点评,帮助学生复习学生学过的反义词。学生进行强答小竞赛,完成下面词的反义词。学生总结出P12表格中形容词反义词的规律教师小结:形容词反义词的前缀im-; in-; un-; dis-作业设计背诵本课的单词与词组完成导学案上本课时的作业板书设计un- comfortable friendly able popular welcome fit tidy clear safe dis- appearin- infamousir- regular-less helpful-helpless useful-useless careful-careless 教学反思【当堂巩固】一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1) Simon is an_ (honest) boy, we dont want to play with him.2) Jack cant pass the exam, he felt_ (happy) for that.3) Oh, Im very_ (lucky). The bus just left one minute ago.4) Its _ (polite) for us to speak loudly to the old.5) Bob, you are _ (kind) to me. You never help with my housework now.二、单项选择( )1.The price of this MP3 is so _ , I wont take it.A. expensive B. low C. large D. high( )2. The climate(气候) in Kunming is_ . Youll feel comfortable all over the year.A. uncomfortable B. cold C. pleasant D. hot( )3. The school life in China is_ from that in Britain.A. same B. difficult C. different D. simple( )4. The passage is_ for us to read. There arent any_ words in it.A. difficult; new B. easy; new C. difficult; difficult D. easy; easy( )5. We got to the cinema late because of the _traffic.A. light B. large C. heavy D. big( )6. To my disappointment(失望), the swimming pool was _ for the whole time during our stay.A. closed B. open C. busy D. clean三、用动词的适当形式填空. 1.I heard the earth _(be) round. 2.I often helped my mother _(do) the cooking. 3.There _(be) a class meeting tomorrow afternoon. 4._we_(go) out for a walk? 5.Miss Wang _(teach)us English last year. 6.Mr Hu _(teach) us English since 5years ago. 7.-Where is Tom? -He_(go) to the library. 8._you _(see)any films recently? 9. I _(learn) a lot about English since I came to this school.Grammar(A) 【自学探究】一、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词,同时也要熟记。 1、teach _ _ 2、bring _ _ 3、get _ _4、know _ _ 5、grow_ _ 6、find_ _ 7、hold _ _ 8、show_ _ 9、keep_ _ 10、leave_ _ 11、lose_ _ 12、run_ _13、swim_ _ 14、drive_ _ 15、begin_ _二、完成课本P14、15练习。(partA1&partA2)三、尝试着阅读下面的知识链接,看看是否可以理解。【知识链接】 现在完成时的“完成用法”一、现在完成时的结构: 助动词 have / has + 动词的过去分词 ( Past Participle ) 其中 have / has 为助动词,因而它的否定和疑问句形式全部由 have / has 进行变化。 例如: a. He has already finished his homework. 他已经做完了家庭作业。 否定句:_ ( already 用于肯定句中, 改成否定和疑问句时用 yet ,一般放句末) 一般疑问句:_? b. His father has been to Beijing three times. 他父亲去过北京三次了。 否定句:_. 一般疑问句:_? 提问:_?二、现在完成时的完成用法 A、定义:现在完成时的完成用法指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。例如:He has turned off the light. 他已把灯关了。( 动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况-灯现在不亮了。) B、特点:现在完成时完成用法的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning month year.,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet? 你已找到你的钢笔了吗?请尝试着做以下的练习 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I_ already _ (see) the film. I _ (see) it last week. 2. - _ he _(finish) his work today ? -Not yet . 3. -_you _(be) to Hong Kong ? -Yes, I _ (be) there twice . 4. -_ you ever _(eat ) chocolate sundaes ? -No, never. 5. My father _ just _ (come) back from work. He is tired now. 【教案】课题8B Unit 1 Grammar (A)课时施教时间主备人审核人: 学习目标1.To know the present perfect tense.2.To master the structure of the PPT. 3.To learn the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.学习重难点To know the differences between the simple past tense and the present perfect tense.学情分析学生已经掌握了一般过去时和过去进行时这两种描述过去情况的时态,对于现在完成时的学习有一部分学生误以为它仅局限于过去,因此容易和一般过去时混淆,在教学过程中需要巧妙地点拨。学法指导情景教学法,归纳法. 教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step1 Revision1 Questions about Reading:(1) How long has Mr. Chen lived in Sunshine Town? (He has lived in Sunshine Town since he moved there with his family when he was two years old.)(2) When did Mr. Chen get married?(in 1965)(3) There have been many changes in this town. What has the centre of town become?(It has become a park. )(4) How does Mr. Chen feel from time to time?(He feels a bit lonely)Step 2 Presentation1.present these two answers: (1)He has lived in Sunshine Town since he moved there with his family when he was two years old. (2)It has become into a park.2.Ask the Ss some questions and pay attention to their answers:(1) How long have you lived in this town?(2) How long have you studied in this school?(3) How long have you studied English?(4) What have studied these days?(5) Where have you been recently?3 Remind the Ss of the differences between the simple past tense and the PPT. and discuss how to form present perfect tense.Step 3 Present perfect tense1. We use the simple past tense to talk about what happened at a definite time in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past and still have some connection with the present.2. How the PPT. formed.(statements,negative statements, ask and answer questions)3.How to form Vp.p. and more examples of regular and irregular verbs.Step 4 practice1. Practice the dialogue on P152. Finish the exercise.Show the students these questions and ask them answer them. Ask the students pay attention to these answers and answer some more questions. They can discuss them with their partners first. Let them discuss how to form present perfect tense and then show their answers.Ask them to show their answers, group by group. Show two pictures to explain the differences between them.Write the structure of present perfect tense: have/has + V p.p.check the answers and ask them to practice the dialogue.Check the answers.Using what they have learnt before and try to answer these questions.They discuss these questions with their partners.They work in groups and show their answers at last.Shoe their answers. Practice in pairsAct the dialogue out.review the structure of present perfect tense.作业设计4. 背诵本课的单词与词组5. 完成同步导学上本课时的作业3. 复习巩固现在完成时的用法 板书设计8B Unit1 Grammar(A)(1)He has lived in Sunshine (1) have/has + V p.p.Town since he moved there with (2)have/has+not+Vp.p.his family when he was two years (3)Have/Has sb.+Vp.p. ? old. Yes, have/has.No, havent. /hasnt . (2)It has become into a park.教学反思【当堂巩固】一、选择填空1. I _ at this school for two years. A. am studying B. study C. studied D. have studied 2. Mary _ to see the films because she _ it twice. A. wont go, saw B. wont go, will see C. wont go, has seen D. didnt go, sees 3. He has a computer of his own. He _ it two days ago


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