2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 4《When is Easter》(Part B)课件2 人教PEP版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 4《When is Easter》(Part B)课件2 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 4《When is Easter》(Part B)课件2 人教PEP版.ppt_第2页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 4《When is Easter》(Part B)课件2 人教PEP版.ppt_第3页
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Unit4WhenisEaster BLet stalk fifth 20th 4th 22nd 3rd second first third 12th 18th 1st 41st Quickeyes Thereare12monthsinayear ayear Thereare4seasonsinayear 4seasons 12months Game 你能接着说吗 spring MondayTuesday JanuraryFeburaryMarch 1st2nd3rd4th5th 季节 月份 序号 日期 星期 Doyouknow 1月1日元旦NewYear sDay3月12日植树节TreePlantingDay3月8日妇女节Women sDay4月1日愚人节AprilFool sDay5月1日劳动节MayDay 6月1日儿童节Children sDay8月1日建军节ArmyDay8月15日中秋节Mid AutumnDay9月10日教师节Teachers Day10月1日国庆节China sNationalDay12月25日圣诞节ChistmasDay 2015 A MybirthdayisonJune6th Whenisyourbirthday 6 B Mybirthdayison Pairwork Whenisyourbirthday MYbirthdayison Thisismyfamily Whenisyour s birthday My s birthdayison Todayismymother sbirthday Whatwillyoudoforyourmum I ll forher cookdinner Todayismymother sbirthday Whatwillyoudoforyourmum I ll forher cookdinner washclothes cleantherooms Whenisyourbirthday Mybirthdayison That smymother sbirthday too Let stry Whenisthebaby sbirthday Listenandtick March1st March2nd March9th Lookandanswer Whose 谁的 birthayisit ChenJie sorMike s 2 Whenisher hisbirthday Mike s April4th Listenandjudge ChenJie smother sbirthdayisonApril4th too 2 ChenJiewillcookriceforhermother Listenandjudge ChenJie smother sbirthdayisonApril4th too 2 ChenJiewillcookriceforhermother X ChenJie Whenisyourbirthday Mike MybirthdayisonApril4th ChenJie That smymother sbirthday too Mike Cool Whatwillyoudoforyourmum ChenJie I llcooknoodlesforher Mike Chinesenoodlesaredelicious ChenJie Pleasecomethen Wecanhaveabirthdaypartyforbothofyou ChenJie I llcooknoodlesforher Tip 过生日时吃面条是中国人的传统文化 delisious means A 特别的 B 美味的 Let stalk ChenJie Whenisyourbirthday Mike MybirthdayisonApril4th ChenJie That smymother sbirthday too Mike Cool Whatwillyoudoforyourmum ChenJie I llcooknoodlesforher Mike Chinesenoodlesaredelicious ChenJie Pleasecomethen Wecanhaveabirthdaypartyforbothofyou HowmanybirthdaysarethereonApril4th Two Mike sbirthdayandChenJie smother sbirthday 你们两个 bothofyou Mike ChenJie smother 你们两个 both 2all 3 ChenJie Whenisyourbirthday Mike MybirthdayisonApril4th ChenJie That smymother sbirthday too Mike Cool Whatwillyoudoforyourmum ChenJie I llcooknoodlesforher Mike Chinesenoodlesaredelicious ChenJie Pleasecomethen Wecanhaveabirthdaypartyforbothofyou Mike MybirthdayisonApril4th ChenJie That smymother sbirthday too Let stalk 你的生日是什么时候 我的生日在4月4日 那也是我妈妈的生日 酷 你将会为你妈妈做什么 我将会为她煮面条 中国的面条很美味 到时候请你过来 我们可以为你们两个举行一个生日派对 1 DoyouknowChenJie sbirthday 2 WhenisMike sbirthday 3 WhenisChenJie smother sbirthday 4 WhatwillChenJiedoforhermum Q A No Idon t It sonApril4th It sonApril4th too Shewillcooknoodelsforhermum Onbirthday weusually eatnoodles eatabirthdaycake haveabirthdayparty Whatwillyoudoforyourmumonherbirthday makeacard makeacake hug kiss Thankyou

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