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Unit 2 Where is the post office ? 导学1 Section A 1a-1c【学习目标】 1、学会询问某一场所的位置。2、学会如何问路【学习过程】一预习指导与检测(一) 预习指导1) 根据音标预习第七页的生词,做到会读知意2) 复习学过的表示方位的介词3).知识点拨:A. 第二个句子There be 的用法。There be + 名词(人或者物)介词短语e.g. There is a bank near here. There are two pay phones in the park. Is there a library in Center Street? Yes, there is. There arent any supermarkets in Fifth Avenue.B. 常用的问路方法有以下几种: (1) Can you tell / show me the way to the church?你能告诉我去教堂的路吗? (2) Which is the way to North Street Hospital? 请问去北街医院怎么走? (3) Wheres the ladies room? 女洗手间在哪? (4) How can I get to the caf? 请问去咖啡厅怎么走? (5) Is there a video store near here? 附近有影碟店吗? (二)预习检测 1Match the English words with the Chinese words. 中英文词汇配对。( ) 1. post office A. 图书馆( ) 2. pay phone B. 中心街( ) 3. restaurant C. 超市( ) 4. Bridge Street D. 邮局( ) 5. supermarket E. 银行( ) 6. library F. 第五大道( ) 7. Center Street G. 餐馆( ) 8. bank H. 公园( ) 9. Fifth Avenue I. 公用电话( ) 10. park J. 大桥街2Look at the picture in 1a and complete the conversation below. 看1a中的图画,完成以下对话。1、A: Is there a restaurant near here? B: Yes, theres a restaurant _.2、A: _ near here? B: Yes, theres a hotel on Bridge Street.3、A: Is there a library near here? B: Yes, _.4、A: _? B: Yes, theres a pay phone on Bridge Street.二课堂互动探究小组活动1.开动脑筋好好想一想我们都可以怎么样向别人问路呢?2.通过查资料区别 there be 和have 有哪些不同,看谁总结的最好.(提示第二个句子和第三个句子)三当堂检测(一)、按要求改写句子1.The pay phone is in front of the bank.(变同义句)The bank is _ the pay phone.2.Is there a video shop?(同义句)_ the video shop?3.The pay phone is across from the library.(改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答)_ the pay phone across from the library?_, _ _.4.The post office is between a library and a school.(就划线部分提问)_ _ the post office?5.Close the door, please.(改为否定句)_ close the door, please.(二)、 补全对话。A: _ _. Where is the park?B: Its _ here _ the neighborhood. Just _ _ and _ right. Its _ New Street _ _ right. Its _ to a hotel.A: Thank you very much. B: Youre _.Unit 2 Where is the post office ?导学2 Section A 2a-4【学习目标】1、学会询问某一场所的位置。2、学会为他人指出去某一场所的路线。3、学会阐述某一场所各个建筑间的位置关系。【学法指导】1、联系生活学习英语。通过对话表演方式大胆张口,敢于用英语表达,用英语进行交际。2、听力策略:A. 放松心情。B. 注意关键字【学习过程】一 预习指导与检测1.预习指导1)根据音标预习第生词,做到会读知意2)了解如何给别人指路的的用语。3).知识点拨:常用的指路方法有以下几种: (1) Go / Walk along / down this road and . 沿着这条路走. (2) Turn left at the second crossing. 在第二个十字路口处往左拐。 (3) Go across the bridge. 穿过这座桥。 (4) Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个转弯处左拐。2.预习检测一、Put the following into Chinese. 将下列句子和短语翻译成汉语。1. in the neighborhood 2. turn left 3. go straight 4. on the right 5. Excuse me. 6. Youre welcome 二课堂互动探究小组讨论:1.区别in front of 和 in the front of 有哪些的不同。2.小组讨论怎样给别人准确的指路。三当堂检测A.从B栏中找出A栏的答案。A B( ) 1. Thank you very much. A. Yes, there is. Its on Fifth Avenue.( )2. Is there a restaurant near here? B. Youre welcome.( ) 3.Where is the video shop? C. He lives in Mexic City.( ) 4.Whats your favorite subject? D. On Green Street.( ) 5. Where does he live? E. Math.B.填空1Where is the post o_ ? Its _ Center Street.2. The _ (超市) is _ the park _ the hotel.3. Is there a _ (图书馆) in the _ (附近) ? No, there _.4. The school is _ _(在对面)my house .5. I sit _ _ (在旁边) Li Hua.四课后拓展延伸Jim wants to go to the supermarket. But Jim doesnt know the way. Kate writes the way on the paper(纸) for him.Go down First Street and you can see a video store. Turn left and you are on Center Street. Walk on and pass a library. Then turn right and you are on Fifth Avenue. Go straight and you can see a park in front of you. Go through the park and turn left. Now you are on Bridge Street. After you pass the seventh store, you can see a zoo. The supermarket is next to the zoo. You cant miss(错过 ) it.写出笑脸代表的地点的名称,在括号内写出它所在的街道。1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )Unit 2 Wheres the post office?导学3 Section B 1a4b【学习目标】1、学习几个形容词及它们的反义词的用法。2、邀请同学到家做客并说明到家路线.3、培养学生之间的友情以及让学生学会热情待客。【学法指导】1、联系生活学习英语。设计一张自己家的街区图。【学习过程】一、预习指导与检测(一) 预习指导1).预习 第10-11页的生词,根据音标会读知意.2).朗读第11页的课文,能英汉互译. 3).知识点拨: 1.向左/右拐 turn left/right 2.在和 之间between.and.3.紧靠旁边,贴近next to 4在对面_across from 5在前面in front of 6欢迎到 welcom to 7.散步take a walk 8的开始the beginning of 9.带有有趣花园的小房子a small house with an intresting garden 10步行穿过花园take a walk throught the park 11一个玩得开心的好地方 a good place to have fun(二)预习检测用划线部分的反义词填空 1. This supermarket is small. There is a one on New Street.2.This restaurant is too dirty. Why dont you find a one?3. Bridge Street is noisy in the day, but at night.4. Turn left at the bank. Go down Long Street and my house is on your .5. Do you like an old song or a one?二、课堂互动探究1. 小组活动1练习1b的对话.A: Is there a big supermarket near your house?B: No! There is a small supermarket. ) 结合实际跟同学谈谈你自己家附近的街区情况2小组活动1)齐读3a两遍,然后,一同完成3a的问答题。 2) 共同总结3a的重点短语,句子然后互相提问。 3) 共同讨论3b,3c,翻译3个句子:1.步行穿过中心大街的花园。2.Bridge Street是一个娱乐的好地方。3.这就是您花园之旅的开始。 三、当堂检测1)按要求写出单词的相应形式 1.quiet(反义词) 2.house(近义词) 3.market(复数形式) 4.open(反义词) 2)根据句意及首字母填空。1.Turn right on Fifth Avenue and e_the citys quiet streets and the small parks.2.This is the b_ of the garden tour.3.The Peoples Park is a good place to h_ fun.4You can play the g_ in the park.5.The hospital is b_ the factory and the post office.6. A_ from the lake is our school .7.If youre hungry, you can buy some f_ in the supermarket.8.Is t_ a pay phone near your school? Yes ,there is.9.The restaurant is across f_ the library. 10.The pay phone is in f_ of the museum.3)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1我奶奶喜欢饭后散步。My grandmother after dinner.2超市后面有个书店。There is a bookstore the supermarket.3.一直向前走,然后向左拐,它就在你前面。 and turn left. Its in front of you.4.你能告诉我去公园的路吗?Can you tell me the zoo?四、总结与反思 1、我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 2、我的易错点:

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