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虹口区2010学年第二学期九年级质量调研考试 Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇与语法)V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共26分)31. By _ way, would you please tell me the address of the chemical company?A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Here we are, Mr. Wilson. This is your bedroom and _is just next door.A) we B) us C) our D) ours33. My father has gone to Paris on business and he will be back _a week.A) after B)in C) for D) until34. To our surprise, the T-shirts on the group of models are made _newspapers.A) of B) by C) in D) with35. Wait a moment, my friend! Here is an important _for you.A) information B)news C) advice D) message36. Look, there is a McDonalds on _side of the street. Lets go and have some hamburgers.A) another B) other C) the other D) others37. I didnt know a tsunami (海啸) is _to humans than an earthquake until I saw the TV news last month.A) dangerous B) more dangerous C) the most dangerous D) most dangerous38. Many people in China like to drink Maotai, _my father prefers the local wine.A) but B) and C) or D) so39. Even the president joined us that evening and, we should say, he danced_.A) nice B) beautiful C) well D) wonderful40. In order to keep healthy, you _to do enough exercise and have a good diet.A) ought B) can C) must D) should41. Nothing can be done _our captain gives an order and we have to wait right now.A) because B) as C) after D) unless42. Ben, Kitty, come here to watch TV at once! Some reporters _your father now.A) interview B) will interview C) are interviewing D) interviewed43. My sister _with her host family for two months and she gets on well with them.A) stays B) has stayed C) is staying D) was staying44. If it rains heavily, we _some indoor activities instead of playing football.A) do B) will do C)did D) have done45._excited the fans were when they saw their favourite singer appear in an amazing way!A) How B) What C) What a D) What an46. I really enjoy _for long walks with my wife in the country on weekends.A) go B) going C) to go D) gone47. The angry teacher let the poor girl _down the sentences over and over again.A) write B) writing C) to write D) wrote48. Boys and girls, do you know _ in the future?A) what will the life be like B) what the life is likeC) what is the life like D) what the life will be like49. When they first came to China, none of them could _a word of Chinese.A) say B) speak C) tell D)talk50. Quite a few workers in the city complained that some factories often _, paying them.A) debate B) delay C) design D) deserve51. Believe it or not, the Australian captains words _to be true later.A) turned over B) turned on C) turned out D) turned off52. Susan, my secretary, will show you around Shanghai because she is very _the city.A) thankful to B) proud of C) keen on D) familiar with53. The scientists are trying their best to reduce the damage the accident may cause. The underlined part means_.A) make. better B) make. stronger C) make. less D) make.more54. The government had to apologize to the citizens for the mistake it made the day before yesterday. The underlined part means _.A) say hello B) say goodbye C) say yes D) say sorry55. Oh, its snowing outside, but I have to go to work right now.A) Good idea. B) Never mind. C) Take care! D) Well done!56. You dont look well. You should go to see a doctor. OK._A) Its a pleasure. B) Ill take your advice.C) Thank you all the same. D) Im glad to hear that.VI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空一词。)(共8分)57. Its my _visit to the World Expo! said the old man, smiling from ear to ear. (two)58. To make a big pizza for the three of us, you need to buy more_. (tomato)59. The roses in the garden look so nice while the wind is blowing_. (gentle)60. The _of the railway makes traveling in China more easily, (develop)61. The aged people agree with the _idea while young people laugh at it (tradition)62. The businessman refused to answer any questions until his _came, (law)63. The _official made all the citizens in the town very angry, (honest)64. Sometimes Mrs. Sullivan has a strong desire to show her _in public, (wise)VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据要求改写句子,每空一词)(共12分)65. The experienced firemen took charge of the situation immediately. ( 改为一般疑问句) _the experienced firemen _charge of the situation immediately?66. Megans grandfather seldom watches the OTV news. ( 改为反义疑问句)Megans grandfather seldom watches the OTV news,_ _?67. Tom made a beautiful rabbit lantern with the help of his parents. (改为被动句)A beautiful rabbit lantern_ _by Tom with the help of his parents.68. Arthur got money to pay for the bike by delivering newspapers every day. (对划线部分提问) _ _Arthur get money to pay for the bike?69. Nuclear radiation (核辐射) is very dangerous. It may hurt or kill thousands of people nearby. (合并一句)Nuclear radiation is dangerous_ _hurt or kill thousands of people nearby.70. Work harder, or you wont pass the final examination this term. (保持句意不变) You will _in the final examination this term _you dont work harder. . Part3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共56 分)ATrue or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(7分)Early that morning, Tom didnt go to work as usual. He thought he had caught a cold and phoned the restaurant to ask for leave. But Tom didnt really feel ill enough to stay in bed. Instead, he decided to go to the new shopping mall to buy a watch. The mall was interesting so he spent a few hours looking around. He felt hungry and bought some popcorn(爆米花). Suddenly a large red and blue parrot (鹦鹉) appeared above him and swooped down again and again to eat the popcorn from Toms packet.Tom was rather surprised, but he had seen the bird show at Ocean Park. He stretched out his arm and the parrot flew down and happily climbed on to his shoulder, and then on to his head.The parrot was quite friendly. So Tom just stood there with the parrot on his head.The crowd of people grew and grew. A newspaper reporter heard the noise, saw the crowd and decided to investigate. This is what happened: the parrot escaped from the owners flat by flying out of the window. It enjoyed itself during the daytime, but when evening came the bird tried to find its home, without success.By the time the parrot found Tom, it had been free for two days and it was very hungry. It had had a drink from the fountain but it hadnt had anything to eat at all. Popcorn was not its favourite food, but there was nothing else. So when it saw Tom it was very pleased. It wanted a friend, it needed some food and it was hoping to go home.Several hours later, the SPCA contacted (联系) the owner. He came to the mall with a bag of peanuts, which the parrot liked even better than popcorn. He put the peanuts into a cage and the parrot hopped in.Tom relaxed at last. He was tired and hungry, but the Parrots owner thanked him and even gave him a rewardjust enough to buy the watch.71. Tom didnt go to work that morning because he didnt feel well.72. In order to feed some birds there Tom bought a packet of popcorn.73. Tom stood with fear when the parrot climbed on to his shoulder and head.74. The parrot escaped from a flat two days before it saw Tom in the mall.75. At that time the homeless parrot was not only hungry but also thirsty.76. The newspaper reporter found out the owner and contacted him at once. 77. The owner gave Tom a watch, so Tom didnt need to buy one himself.B. Choose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): (7分)The Wai Wai are a tribe (部落) of about 250 people who live in the Amazon jungle (亚马逊丛林). This tribe has had little contact with the modern world. In fact, their nearest neighbors, another tribe of native people, live so far away that it takes three weeks to travel between the villages on foot. One of the few Western people to have visited the Wai Wai is Blashford-Snell. In March 2002, he speift two months visiting the tribe and offering them some help. On the last day of his visit, the village priest (牧师) asked Blashford-Snell a favor. He wanted a grand piano to put in the village church.Do you have any idea what a grand piano looks like? asked Blashford-Snell.The priest said he had seen pictures of one in a book. Blashford-Snell didnt think hed ever be able to play the piano but the priest said, We are musical people. Then he said, God (上帝) moves in mysterious ways.Back in England, Blashford-Snell was offered a 360-kilogram grand piano as a gift from the Millennium Gloucester Hotel London. Blashford-Snell and his team flew the piano as far as they could into the jungle by helicopter. But getting the piano from the landing site to the village was no easy job. With the help of a few people from the tribe, they put the piano in a sledge(雪橇)and pulled the sledge by ropes several miles through the jungle to a river. Then they loaded the piano into a boat and started up the river. Finally, they arrived at the foot of the mountain where the tribe lives. With help from more tribe members, they were able to climb to the top of the mountain carrying the piano. The piano had arrived at its new home in the Amazon!Six months later, Blashford-Snell traveled back to visit the tribe. He helped the Wai Wai record a CD to raise money for the tribe. The CD included a variety of songs and music of the Wai Wai, and the Beatles classic With a Little Help from My Friends played by the Wai Wai with the piano! 78. The Wai Wai tribe_.A) has a lot of contact with the outside worldB) lives far away from its neighbour tribeC) has learned to play the piano beforeD) has a large population in the Amazon jungle79. Blashford-Snell is probably a(n)_.A) priest B) pilot C) Englishman D) American80. The Wai Wai asked for a piano because they wanted to_.A) play it by themselves B) make their own CDC) see it with their own eyes D) have a piece of new furniture81. People moved the piano from the landing site to the river_.A) by helicopter B) by boat . C) by sledge D) by hand82. The underlined word mysterious means “_” in the passage.A) strange B) precious C) silent D) funny83. According to the passage, which one is NOT TRUE?A) Blashford-Snell didnt pay for the 360-kilogram grand piano.B) Some tribe members came out to help carry the piano.C) The Wai Wais church is at the top of the mountain.D) The Beatles played their classic music in the CD.84. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A) Making friends with the Wai WaiB) A piano in the jungleC) A difficult journeyD) The music of the Wai WaiC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Its getting late. Youre trying to finish a book. But your eyes start to feel very _85_. Only two more pages to go until. z z z z z z z z z z z z z.Sleeping is part of our natural daily rhythm. Our eyes close, our bodies relax. We do not _86_ to light or noise. Everything about us seems to slow down. Everything, that is, except our brains. How do scientists know this? Scientist use special wires and machines to study brain activity during sleep. They attach a special machine to sleeping patients. This machine _87_ brain waves.Scientists found that there are several stages of sleep. During one stage of sleep, called REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep; our Drams can be as active as they are when we are awake. we _88_ have three to five periods(片段)of REM sleep per night. This is when we have most of our dreams.Surprisingly, scientists dont know exactly _89_ we sleep. However, they have some good ideas. Many people think that sleeping gives our body a time-out so it can repair and build itself. Some chemicals that make you grow are released when you sleep. Other chemicals that help you fight disease are also more active when you rest.Sleeping may also be important for _90_. Some studies show that people remember things better after they sleep on it. In most cases, you wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed. That is, unless youve had a terrible dream._91_, your heart may still be pounding (砰砰跳) from a nightmare(恶梦)85. A) warm B) heavy C) narrow D)dry86. A) look forward B) pay attention C) do harm D) give response87. A) records B) attracts C) causes D) requires88. A) hardly B) nearly C) usually D) especially89. A) how B)why C) where D)when90. A) driving B) writing C) learning D) playing91. A) At most B) At last C) In addition D) In factD. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert. Its famous not only for its 6pals (猫眼石), but also for a very unusual r 92 the people live and work underground.Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the boiling hot days and f 93 cold nightsdaytime temperatures can rise to 50 *C or more and on a cold night the thermometer can hit zero. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer to the unfavourable climate. In the underground homes, the-temperature is always a very pleasant 19*C to 24C. But thats not the only a 94 the people there dont need to pay builders if they want to build a home or make any changes.You would be very surprised to see how well people manage to live underground. They have fitted kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes e 95 spas(温泉). People are wrong about this place, says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. They think its impossible to live here and that were like primitive (原始的) cave people, but thats not t 96 . When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, there was no electricity or running water. Life was very difficult and many people decided to leave. But now, things have c 97 a lot and were very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!Abigail and Brian Tynan left their large house in Melbourne two years ago to live in an underground home. My mouth fell open when I saw my underground home, remembers Brian. It was like a cave. It took us about a year to turn it into a cosy home, but weve settled in now and Id rather live here than a 98 the ground. Its my choice and I really enjoy it.E. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题): (14 分)Annie Oakley was born in 1860 in Ohio. Living on a farm, she quickly learned to shoot (射击). When only 9 years old, she brought in small animals to the family table. By 16, she was selling some of the animals she shot for food. Thus she helped pay off the mortgage (按揭) on the family farm.One day in 1876, Annie heard of famous Frank Butler. He was travelling about the country performing his shooting on stage. He often accepted challenges(挑战)from people who thought they could outshoot him, but they almost never did. When Annie heard about him, she became excited. Ill bet I can beat him, she thought. There was only one way to find out. She would challenge him. But would he accept a challenge from a girl? A girl who was only 16? He did accept. It was a close match, but Annie won by a single point. Impressed with Annies skill, Butler asked her to join his show. She did, and she soon became not only the star of the show but also Mrs. Butler.Some years later, Annie and Frank joined the famous Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. The cowboys, Native Americans, Pony Express riders, bucking broncos, and stagecoaches each gave their performance. But the favourite of the audiences was usually Annie Oakley. Annies fame (名声)spread far and wide. To show her excellent skill, she shot in half a playing card from 30 paces and consistently shot a dime flipped in the air. Most breathtaking of all was her shooting off a cigarette held between her husbands lips.Many stones grew about Annie s shooting ability. The following story is rather exaggerated(夸张). One afternoon, Annie saw a raccoon(浣熊)alone up a tree. She quickly clapped her gun to her shoulder and was about to shoot when the raccoon lifted a paw and said, Is your name Annie Oakley?Youre right, .Annie said.“Then,” said the raccoon, “you can let down your gun. I may as well come down.” With that the animal walked right down from the tree because he considered himself shot.99. How did Annie Oakley help pay off the mortgage on the family farm?She did it by_.100. How old was Annie Oakley when she challenged Frank Butler?101. Did Annie Oakley beat Frank Butler in the close match?102. What was the relationship between Annie Oakley and Frank Butler later?103. How many show items did Buffalo Bill Wild West Show put up for their audience?104. Why did she shoot off a cigarette held between her husbands lips?105. What does the story about the raccoon tell us?IX. Writing (作文): (共18分)106. Write at least 60 words about the topic At the moment, I smiled. (以“我笑了,在那一刻”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点不占格)Use the following points as a reference. (以下内容仅供参考) What made you smile at the moment? Why did it make you smile? What should you do to make you often smile in the future?【keys】31. C 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. C 43.

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