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学校班级姓名考号 六年级英语期末测试题 2013.6 试卷满分:120分 考试时间:60分钟题号.总分得分 . 选出画线部分读音不同的单词,把序号填在前面的括号里(5分).()1. AshineBblind CexcitedDvideo() 2 .AbrotherBcola Cmother Dsomeday() 3.Aarrive Baway CspaceDaround()4.Afood Bfoot Cbook Dlook() 5Aduck Bfunny Cuseful Dstudy . 一、从下面各组词中找出与其他单词不同类的词,把序号填在前面的括号里。(10分) ()1Athat Bthose Cmath Dthese()2Abrother Bcake Cmother Dfather()3Amusic Bgood CtallDshort()4Asunny Bwindy Crainy Dfamily()5Aplay Bfood Cmilk Djuice ( )6. A.took B.have C.went D.were ( )7. A.shining B.eating C. sing D. running ( )8.A. wet B. under C. angry D. hot ( )9. A. happy B. clap C. sing D.jump ( )10.A.bird B. duck C. panda D. cats . 按各小题要求写词.(20分) 1make (-ing形式) _ 2see (过去式) _3.spend (过去式) _ 4meet (同音词) _5woman (复数) _ 6有趣的 ( 翻译) _7they (物主代词) _ 8light (反义词) _9sun (形容词) _ 10work (名词) _. 单项选择题。(15分)( ) 1I live _ Beijing. I like _ play football.Ain, toBat, inCat, toD. with, to( ) 2_ you have any brothers _ sisters?ADo, or BDoes, or CDo, andDDoes, and( ) 3Whose school bag is this? Its _. AWhiteBToms Cmy Dmy sister ( ) 4Let _ go home. Its eleven ten.Awe Byour Cus Dour ( ) 5Those are _.Apear tree B. pears treeC. pear treesD. pears trees( ) 6Whats five and seven? - Its _.AnineB. ten CelevenD. twelve( ) 7.“Give a pear to _, please .” “Here _.”AI, it isBme, you are Cmy, are youDmine, it is( ) 8Tom isnt _ Chinese boy. He is _ English boy.Aa, aB. a, an Can, a Dan, an( ) 9This is a girl. _ name is Zhang Shan.AMyBHis CHer DIts( ) 10. _ beautiful flowers these are!AHow a BWhat CHow DWhat a( )11. -_is the weather like today? -Its rainy. A What B How C When D Why ( )12. Its raining outside .Please give me_umbrella. A . a B. an C .two D .both ( ) 13. When did you _to school yesterday? A go B want C went D going ( ) 14.Its time _ A. play ping pong B.to go to bed C for have lunch Dflying kites ( )15. I play football_ten_Saturday morning. A. at, in B. at, on C on, in D. in, on. 从栏找出栏的应答语,请将字母标号写在题目前的括号内.(10分)()1. How heavy are you? AMy nose hurts.()2Did you read books?B. Yes, I do.()3How do you feel? CNo, I didnt.()4What did you do on your holiday?DI feel sick.()5Whats the matter? EI visited my grandparents.()6Are you and Lucy in the same class? FYes, we are.()7Where are your pencils? GI think he is Li Lei.()8Who is that?HThey are in the box.()9Can I help you?IId like a pencil-case.()10Do you like English ? JIm 48 kg. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1His mother likes _ (swim).2_ Chen Jie _ (clean) the room now?3The girls _ (not play) football now.4They _ (plant) some trees last year.5Look! The girls _ (draw) now.6Mary often _ (get) up at 6:30 in the morning.7How many books _ the twins _ (have)?8I am going to _ (visit) my grandfather next weekend.9Some _ (people) feel sick in the winter.10What does your sister _(want)? She _(want) some juice.按下列各题的要求改写句子。(10分)1. They are going to swim at eleven .(对划线部分提问)_2. We are going to have a picnic.(变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答。)_3I went to a park yesterday.(改一般疑问句)_4Play basketball in the street, please.(改否定句)_5. toaregoingweekendtheyouwhatdoon(?)(连词成句)_.完型填空。(20分)Hellen Keller was born (1)_America.As a child ,she(2)_blind and deaf.She (3)_see and she couldnt(4)_.(5)_she was very clever. One day,(6)_ friend wrote the word “water” (7)_hellens hand (8)_ her finger. Then she (9)_ hellens hand (10)_some water.”water” was Hellens first word. ( ) 1. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 2. A.was B. is C. was ( ) 3. A.cant B. could C. couldnt ( ) 4. A.hear B.sing C. write ( ) 5. A.So BAnd C. But ( ) 6. A. Hellen B. Hellen C. Hellens ( ) 7. A.on B. in C. with ( ) 8. A.use B. by C. with ( ) 9. A.puts B. put C. putted ( )10.A. for B. in C. to.阅读理解。(10分)AAmerican children like K Day. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day, many children take their kites to go out. Some kites are small and others are very big. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string. The children run and the kites are in the air. How nice they look!根据短文大意选择正确答案。()1Who likes K Day very much?_ .AChildrenBTeachersCParents()2K Day in America is on _.AMarch 6BMay 1 CMarch 7()3The kites have different _.Acolours Bsize Ccolours and size()4The kites fly in _.Athe air Bthe tree Cthe house()5We know that _.Achildren in China like K Day very muchBall children go out in K DayCon K Day many kites are in the airBMr. Li comes from China. He is an English teacher. He teaches English very well. We love him. He has a small family. He is thirty-eight years old. His wife is a nurse. She is thirty-five. They have a clever son. His name is Li Lei. He likes watching TV. He has a round face and black hair.Its half past seven in the evening. Look! The boy is watching TV. His mom is doing housework. His father is reading.What a happy family!根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。()6There are four people in this family.()7Mr. Li has a big family.()8Mrs. Li is a nurse.()9Mr. Li is younger than his wife.()10Its seven thirty now.小作文。(10分) 不知不觉间,夏天又到了。请你以What are you going to do this summer? 为话题,描述一下你的打算。_

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