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SBII Unit18 Inventions重点单词:1.reject Vt.后接名词和what从句,不接不定式和that从句(1) 丢弃He rejected the rotten eggs.(2) 拒绝He tried to join the army but he was rejected.同义词:refuse后接不定式2.possibility(1)可能的事 可数It is a possibility that he will come tonight.(2)可能性 不可数Is there any possibility of your getting to London this week?常用句型:There is no possibility/ chance/ doubt thatThere is no need to do sth.There is no point/ sense (in) doing sth,Its no wonder that/ Its no use/ good doing sth.Possible: Its not possible for a man to be three metres tall. If possible, well go there. Read the text as loudly as possiblePossibly: You cant possibly walk 20miles in an hour.3.otherwise (1)conj. 否则 =or, or else Shut the window, otherwise itll will get too cold here You must go early. Otherwise, you will miss the bus.(2) adv. 在其他方面,除此之外= apart from that The house is small, but otherwise it is comfortable.He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten.幸亏他提醒了我, 要不然我就忘了。(3) 可以用于虚拟语气,相当于一个条件状语从句He wasnt treated in time; Otherwise he wouldnt have died同义词chance4.involve vt. (1)包含,需要 The job involved my living in London.工作需要我住在伦敦。(2) 与.有关, 牵涉Many of the crimes involved drugs.常用句型:(1)involve sb. in sth.把某人牵涉到某事当中 You have involved me in a great deal of extra work.你害得窝添了一大堆额外的工作。 (2)be involved in 参与,有关联 be/ become/ get involved in politics 参与政治还可以指“耗费很多时间,关注”I was so involved in my book that I didnt hear you knock.我全神贯注在看书,没听见你敲门.5.connection(1) 联系 可数 There is a direct/close/strong connection between these two things. (2)亲戚,顾客 = relation/ relative 常用复数 She has German connections. (3)连接 不可数 Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days.常用句型:In connection with 与有关The man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager.6.storage 储存,保管 存放 不可数 The best place for storage of money is a bank.When we move we have to put our furniture in storage for a while.7.worry 使担心(1)worry about担心(动作)What worried me most is his health。 Im worrying about his health.(2)be worried about担心(状态)Im worried about your health.8.advantage优点,优势(1)have/get /win/gain an advantage over胜于,优于He had the advantage over the boys of being born in a rich family.(2)take advantage of sth =make use of sth.take advantage of sb.欺骗某人9limit. V. 限制She limited her conversation to 10 minutes.n. 限制 Theres a limit to ones life ,but no limit to serving the people.人的生命是有限的,可是为人民服务是无限的。adj .limited 有限的 Time is limited,. lets hurry.10.that=so 副词(那么的)He cant go that far. The problem isnt that easy.11. compare vt. Vi. 比较, 相比,比喻compare A with B把和进行比较compare A to B把比做compared with /to与相比(做插入性状语)Poets often compare death to sleep.但:Comparing French schools with British schools, we find there are many differences.beyond compare无与伦比,不可及的compare notes 对笔记,交换意见12. deepen 加深 加重The crisis deepened. 危机加深了。形容词+ en动词 :Sharpen, harden, shorten, soften, widen, broaden, loosen13. attempt attempt to do sth.尝试做某事(含不成功的意思) make an attempt to do sth. 企图做某事 an attempted murer 杀人未遂重点短语:1.be tired of 厌烦,be tired with/from,.由于而劳累be tired out精疲力竭tiring adj.另人疲乏的We have been tired of his long tiring speech.An hours later, Im tired from this walking.2.have some /any /much /nothing in common (没)有共同之处in common with像一样 common sense常识 common people老百姓. common telephone 公用电话3. a matter of 的问题This is a matter of principle这是一个原则性问题This is a matter of life and death这是一个生死攸关的问题4.allow for将计算在内,考虑到,估计到It will take an hour to get there, allowing for traffic delay.All these factors must be allowed for.Allow doing sth. /allow sb. to do sth./ allow of no delay 不允许延误5get stuck 陷进去,被困住 Get caught in the rain/ get dressed/ get burned/ get married/ get changed6break away from从脱离,放弃习惯等,打破旧俗He broke away from the party and turned against his peopleCant you break away from old habits?break down毁掉, 垮掉,谈判中止,分解 break up拆散,分散,结束break off断了,终止 break in/into闯入break out(战争,火灾,瘟疫)爆发 break into pieces成为碎片break open 砸开 without a break不停顿的7. as with就而言(后常跟名词,代词,动名词)As with studying ,different people have different methodsAs to/ as for 对于8. a series of different attempts类似单复数同型的单词:means, works, crossroads, 9. be aware of 意识到,知道be aware that- 、 make sb. aware of. Are you aware of the difficulty?She became aware that something was burningShe was not aware of how much her husband eared.awareness n. 意识10. keepin ones memory/mind牢记在心11. after all毕竟,归根到底Dont blame him any more, After all, he is a child.Although they met with difficulties ,I heard that theyve succeeded after all.Above all/ first of all/ at all/ in all/ all of a sudden/ all the same/ all the way/ all the time12now (that)=since 既然Now that you have grown up, you must stop this childish behavior.Now that youve got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.13. keep track of保持联系,掌握的线索follow sbs/sths track 循着某人/某物的足迹/迹象lose track of 失去的联系be on ones track 追踪某人v. they tracked the criminal to his hiding-place.14.clear up 整理,收拾clear up the tables整理好桌子clear up the mess把乱七八糟的东西收拾好clear up the matter把事情弄个水落石出On his mothers arrival, the crying boys face cleared up.(天气)晴朗起来,开朗起来15.come up with提出 /come up 被提出He cant come up with an answer.The question came up at the meeting16. 据说类 It is said/ thought/ believed/ known/ reported/ hoped/ supposed/ proved/ suggested that重要句型归纳1. What does it look like?它看上去是什么样子?How do you like? =What do you think of? =How do you find你认为怎么样What dose look like?问物体的外观或人的外貌What be like?可以回答外貌和品质What do you like?你喜欢什么?2.By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible,.通过用尽可能多的方法看待一个问题,asas之间要用形容词或副词的原级,因此形容词或副词的选择是关键Try to be as careful as you canTry to do you homework as carefully as possible。3A computer does keep information in its memory, but一台电脑确实通过记忆来存储信息该句中的does用来强调谓语动词keep, 表示确实之意Do be careful!-Why didnt you tell me? -I did tell you./ They did help us.4.if not/ if any如果有任何情况/ if so/ if ever如果曾经/ if possible/ if necessary英语第一轮复习课时作业Unit 18 Inventions 课前自我诊断作业1课标内重点单词:1. _vt反对,拒绝 n._.2. _n.储存,储藏 vt._3. _n.军官,官员n.(文职)官员_4. _n.可能性adj.可能的_;adv. 可能的_5. _adv.不然,否则(同义词)_6. _adj意识到的,知道的(短语)知道,意识到_7. _n.联系,关系 vt.连接,联系_;(短语)和有联系_8. _adj.以前的,先的9. _adj.满是灰尘的n.灰尘_词组翻译:1.对感到厌倦 2提出,3.顾及,考虑到 4. 陷进去5.摆脱,脱离 6.关于,至于7.知道,意识到 8.反复实验,不断摸索9.用交换 10.手工11.毕竟 12.保持联系单句改错1. Creativity is not about getting high test scores, having a high IQ or smart.2. It seems that creative thinking, one of the most high valued skills in society, is a matter of habits.3. Each new way of looking at a situation makes easier for us to discover new possibilities.4. What disappointing me most was that my parents were so disappointed with my schoolgrades.5. Might you be interested, Ill tell you the whole story. 6. Can you arrange me a job when I get there? You know , I have to work to pay for my schooling.7. The hiker hoped that his strength would keep until he reached the destination.8. My friend just bought a villa which is situated in beautiful surrounding.9. Most of the students think that the sunset is a beautiful scenery. 10The captain called for his men never to give in before difficulties in the storm.11.In July 1768 the Endeavour set out to Pacific. 12.He found the place much changing. 13. A drawing or a model will help you seeing things that may otherwise remain hidden.14. They all knew that for each new invention that work, there are at least ten that dont work.15. We probably all want to find new ways to improve our life better.16.Never to rely on him to get sth. new about the murder.17.Speak louder to make yourself hear, please.18.Do you think he will bring you that you wanted this time?19.The recent studies has shown that heart attack is usually linked with eating too much fat.20.After a long period of trial and errors, they made the new machine more efficient.21.I preferred to getting the article typed rather than copy it myself.22.The crew fought for the storm all day and all night till the ship sank.23.No matter however late he came back , his mother always waited for him for dinner.24.Our company offers people for translating service.25.What does your father usually enjoy spending weekend?单词拼写:1. In the b_ of this photo you can see a few of my college friends.2. There is no _(可能) that he may be set free this year.3. I think it u_ to work on weekend without being paid.4. The _(施用) of plastic materials in making planes is important progress.5. The invention of fridges make the s_ of food easier than ever.词组填空 be connected with, come up with, be aware of, as with, get stuck, allow for, after all, keep track of, break away from, trial and error1. Bank statements (银行帐单)help you _ where your money is going.2. I dont know why youre so concerned; _, it isnt your problem.3. I learned most of what I know about gardening through _.4. After the lecture, the children _ the danger of taking drugs.5. Most people in Taiwan dont wish to _ the homeland and form a new state.6. I arrived late for the meeting, having _ in the traffic jam.7. _ drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful.8. The subway _ the airport, so its very convenient.9. At the meeting, the manager _ a new idea for increasing sales.10. It will take about an hour to get to the destination, _ traffic delays.高二下 Unit18 Inventions课时作业21.语音1.laptop A. patent B. rephrase C. allow D. storage 2.previous A. ceremony B. encouragement C. gentle D centimeter3.petrol A. officer B. desktop C. otherwise D. pilot4.glue A. conduct B. stuck C. blue D. dusty5.permannent A. lawyer B. otherwise C. term D. officer2.单项选择1. When you cant reach him at this number, _ his home number.A. try dialing B. try to dial C. trying dialing D. trying to dial2. They shouldnt _the union. They should strengthen their unity.A. break off B. break away from C. break down D. break into 3.They arent _the danger. A. aware of B. clear to C known to D. clean in 4. I thought I was gong to fail the exam, but I succeeded_. A. Above all B. First of all C. In all D. After all5. The snow was so thick that many cars _ in it.A. got stuck B. got tired C. broke down D. broke up6.It seems that creative thinking, which is one of the most _skills in society, is a matter of habits. A. high valued B. high valuing C. highly valued D. highly valuing7.The professor advised us to _ and come up with new, difference, or unusual solution.A. break away B. limit our thinking C. get stuck D. think outside the box8.Great thinkers try to combine new and old ideas in _as possible. A. different ways as many B. as many different ways C. different as many ways D. as different many ways9 He accidentally _he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks. A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out 10. Boris has brains .In fact, I doubt _ anyone in the class has _IQ. A. whether, a high B. if, a higher C. whether, the higher D. if, the highest 11.Everyone was on time for the meeting _Chris, whos usually ten minutes late for everything A. but B. only C. even D. yet 12. It is no _ that men fill most of the top jobs, _ women remain on the lower grades.A. need, which B. matter, while C. accident, while D. use, which13.The possibility _the majority of labor force will work at home is often discussed. A. that B. which C. if D. where 14.When you are driving on this road, you have to limit your speed _60 miles per hour. A. in B. at C. to D. below 15. A man is being questioned in relation to the _murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted 16. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _as the plane was making a landing. A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating 17.An awful accident _, however ,occur the other day A. does B. did C. has to D. had to 18. Bills mother was always telling him what to do and what not to do, but_ didnt _.A. it, work B. she, work C. which, use D. he, listen19.We should draw attention to the situation _help is needed. A. when B. which C. where D. why 20. _ the richest man in the world. A. Bill Gates says to be B. It is said Bill Gates to be C. It says Bill Gates to be D. Bill Gates is said to be21. He depends on his parents, but he buys whatever he wants, not _the prices. A. knowing about B. giving up C. looking for D. allowing for 22. Daddy still has a bit of cold, but_ the family are all well. A. or B. otherwise C. however D. then 23. Reading newspaper is a good way to _ current events.A. keep away from B. take notice of C. keep track of D. make notes of24.Shakespear _many comic characters. A. invented B. imagined C. discovered D. created 25.The government _the diplomatic note from Japan for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries. A. denied B. refused C. rejected D. objected 26._is known to everybody , technology is being developed _ a high pace.A. It, with B. As, at C. That, with D. What, at27. _ youve practiced a bit, youll find that its quite easy.A. Otherwise B. Once C. Since D. Though28.We are living in an age _many things are done on computer. A. which B. that C. whose D. when29. Is there a possibility _ the two murders were done by the same person?A. whether B. what C. that D. /30. Andrew is said _ a new computer programme last month, but I dont know when she will finish it. A. to design B. to be designing C. to have designed D. to have been designing32. _ youve got a good opportunity, you _ make full use of it.A. Now that, might well B. After, could well C. Now that, might as well D. As soon as, should as well33. - Im told that John has just bought a new car? - Yes. It looks quite similar _ yours, I think.A. as B. like C. with D. to35. I regret that a _ engagement _ me from accepting your kind invitation.A. last, prevented B. various, prevented C. previous, kept D. before, keptUnit 18 1-5 ABADA 6-10 CDBAB 11-15 CCACC 16-20 CBACD 21-25 DBCDC 26-30 BBDCD 31-34 CCDC 语音: ADDCC高三单词拼写考前集训1. The National Games were well o_. 2. We quickly used the mouth-to-mouth way to give the d_ boy the first aid, who had been in water for about 5 minutes. 3. Children are c_ about everything around them. 4. The patient kept c_ all night. 5. Weve to be _(实际的) and buy only what we need. 6. The artist held an e_ of his works last month. 7. Its no use q_ about it with such sort of a man. 8. D_ people cant hear. 9.All the boys were standing up _(笔直地). 10. Ill go and see you next_(星期六). 11. Ann showed her ticket to the c_ and he let her get on the train.12.Theyre busy_(准备)to go on holiday. 13.Dont be frightened by the television camera. Just speak_.(自然地) 14.What will the_(天气)be like tomorrow? 15.Their office is on the_(第九)floor. 16.A fence at the back of the garden_(分开)us from the neighbors.117. Do you know the a monthly rainfall in this area? 18. Sleep is n to health 19. What is the best-known chain of fast-food r_ in the world? 20. They lived in London until quite r 21. She looks f_ to me, but I dont remember her names. 22That flying school graduates a hundred p_ every year. 23Tom is _(在楼上). Go and find him yourself . 24This plant is found in the _(南部)parts of the country 25. Two hundred s_ bicycles were returned to their owners last month. 26.I cant tell one from the other because they are only s_ different. 27. We have to get the job done s_. We dont want others to know about it. 28. My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a_ (相似的)delay in the evening. 29. The Construction Bank of China has _(分行) all over the country. 30. The boy spoke in a very low voice _(承认) he had broken the glass. 31.Fresh vegetables certainly have a better taste than _ (冻的)ones. 32.The game was a great success in the United States and it soon s_ to Australia 33The colleges and universities were only for men. and women were not p _to attend. 34Train services are now back to n _after last weeks strike in New York.35. Many lakes and rivers have been p_ by industrial waste. 36Alice s _, if ever, reads a book. 37. The world is getting t_, nothing is more important than starting saving water now. 38. Mozart was born m_. 39. This great invention is sure to b_ the whole world. 40. Smoking is f_ in public places. 41. The doctor told Tom to open his mouth and put out his t_. 42. Beijing is an a_ city with a history of 3000 years. 43. Youve learned it. I dont think the sentence needs e_. 44. The farmers nearby supply the city with meat and v_. 45. Many people now make it a rule to buy cards for their friends before C_, December25. 46. Miss Doreen has d_ her energy to her childrens education.47. Would you please sign your name and a_? 48. When the soldier saw the general, he i_ stopped and saluted to him. 49. As we all know, success r_ courage, bravery and perseverance. 50. Sorry to i_ you, Ive something important to tell you, John.51. P_ is better than cure. 52. We were so grateful for your k_ and that of others in your school. 53. The place where we see plays and movies is called c_. 54. I wish you a p_ trip. 55. Earthquake took place that year, thousands of villagers died and were b_ under the wall they built. 56. None of you are right. You are all c_ wrong. 57. Newly-designed planes of different _(模型) are shown in the hall. 58. The lecture will be held


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