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第三讲:翻译标准的总结、语义翻译(3)一、 翻译标准的总结1 翻译的标准体现了译者的翻译观,即如何看待翻译中涉及的两大方面:作者与原文,(译文)读者与译文,从作者到读者,从原文到译文,需要一次艰难的旅行。Translation 中的 trans-即表明了从出发地到目的地的整个过程。2 翻译的定义,原则,翻译观以及翻译技巧之间的内在逻辑联系图示:以读者和译文为中心 归化论 意译什么是翻译 体现了作者的翻译观 以作者和原作为中心 异化论 直译二、 语义翻译(3):直译与意译1 直译()-指在译文中采用原作的表达法,句子结构与原文较相似,但也不排除在短语层出不穷次作某些调整。Golden age 黄金时代Chain reactions 连锁反应To be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿纸老虎Paper tigers丢脸To lose face君子动口不动手A gentleman uses his tongue, not his fists.2 意译()-指在译文中舍弃原作的表达法,另觅同义等效的表达法,或对原作的句子结构进行较大的改变或调整。自负盈亏To be responsible for ones own losses互通有无The exchange of needed goods鱼米之乡A land of honey and milk小事聪明,大事糊涂Penny wise, pound foolish五湖四海All corners of the country三句话不离本行To talk shop all the time3 直译与意译并不是水火不相容,它们常常可以结合使用。Eg. It seemed strange that the various editors should permit such redundant flogging of a dead donkey, unless perhaps they had a suspicion that after all the donkey might not be quite dead, and wished to make sure.奇怪的是,各家编辑竟允许一再鞭打死驴重复已成定论的东西,除非他们也许怀疑驴子没有完全断气,想证实一下。(下划线部分用直译保持原有表达方式,用意译表达其含义)4 直译与意译的优劣不能简单论之,而应根据具体情况,视其能否忠实表达原意,能否与原文保持同等效果而定。5 从学习翻译技巧的角度看,初学者应更注重学习意译的方法,因为翻译的技巧性与艺术性主要体现在对各种意译方法的熟练运用以及直译法与意译法的准确选择上。6 例句分析 (30)Eg. 6.1 Exporting to a certain number of countries is made difficult by the quantity of red tape.6.2 Earning per share have mushroomed at a 34% annual compounded rate.6.3 We are very sorry to disappoint you, but hope you will understand that stock offers are a touch-and-go kind of things.6.4 Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water.6.5 IBM was all set to go into full production for the orders destined for Russia, then the government hit them like a bolt out of the blue.7. 借用习语-运用意译方法借用习语时应注意几点:71 避免借用民族或地方色彩过浓的习语,避免过分归化。从理论上讲,翻译既要完全传达原作的意义,又要保留原语所反映的民族文化特征。处理文化色彩较浓的表达法的原则是:即不强求完全保留,又要警惕过分归化。Eg. 月亮与moon可以互译,玉兔与 Diana具有鲜明的文化色彩,一般不互译, 玉兔可以译成moon,Diana可以译成月亮Many heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。Everybodys business is nobodys business.三个和尚没水喝。Lets hope well join in Heaven.让我们来世再会。(中国佛教文化色彩)72 当心似是而非的习语对等“dog-eat-dog” (ruthless competition): 狗咬狗“Love me, love my dog” (If you want to love me, you must put up with my faults, my friends and my relations): 爱屋及乌三、 翻译练习1 Translate the following idioms and proverbs into Chinese with appropriate translation techniques discussed in this lesson.childs playPandoras boxCastles in the airTo get the upper handWhat is done cannot be undone.There is no smoke without fire.If the sky falls, we shall catch larks.Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.A wise fox will never rob his neighbors henroost.2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese with appropriate translation techniques.2.1 He is a napoleon of finance.2.2 Cordless kitchen appliances are flying off the shelves in some places, and retailers think the cordless business will keep booming.2.3 The idea grew with him as he grew into manhood.2.4 Justice has long arms.2.5 Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.3试选用适当的翻译方法,将下列汉语习语和短语译成英语。走马观花百里挑一先礼后兵赴汤蹈火水中捞月求同存异4试用直译或意译的方法翻译下列句子。41 我像井底之蛙把世界看成一个小水池那么大。42 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。43 现在合同已签了,真是木已成舟,生米煮成熟饭,只好如此了。44 你将是重复竹篮打水一场空。45 它们是水火不相容的东西。46 他言行一丝不苟。四、 实用翻译(3):职位、职称及公司部门名称的翻译1 常见职位,职称的翻译11 “副。”的翻译Vice-presidentVice-ministerVice-consulDeputy directorDeputy Editor-in-chiefDeputy managerAssociate professorAssociate chief physicianAssociate research fellow12 “名誉。”的翻译Honorary chairmanEmeritus President (名誉校长)13 “代。”的翻译Acting Factory Director14 “兼。”的翻译Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive officerPresident and Chief Operating Officer2常见公司部门名称的翻译Board of DirectorsGeneral Manager OfficeGeneral OfficeAdministration Dept.Dispatch Dept.Purchasing Dept.Accounts / Finance Dept.Human Resources Dept.Q&C Dept.

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