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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas ?导学案导学内容:Section A 1a2c导学过程:一、自主学习:1. 掌握下列单词:“四会”:koala, bear, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, “五会”:zoo, map, first, cute, fun, smart,animal, kind of , box, 2. 理解下列句子,并会用此句型于生活:A: Lets see the pandas first. B: Why ? A: because they are very cute.-Why does he like koala ? -Because they are kind of interesting. 二、疑难点拨:Step1. 进行小组讨论,找出不懂的地方,并提出。Step2. 疑难点总结:1. lets+动原+其它(名词)letslet us,let sb. do原 sth. . “让某人干某事”,注意动词用原形。 我们踢足球吧!Lets play football . 咱们唱歌吧!Lets sing .2. Why引导的特殊疑问句Why疑问副词:“为什么”,问原因。回答用“because(因为、由于)+ 句子”Why do you want to see the lions?Because theyre cute.注意:在英语中用because 不用so,或用so不用because 如:Because English is very interesting, I like it. = English is very interesting, so I like it. Because English is very interesting, so I like it. ( )3. very程度副词, “很、十分”, 常用在形容词、副词前。 very + adj.: very beautiful 很美 very cute 很逗人喜爱 very good 很好 very + adv.: very hard 很努力 very fast 很快 very well 很好4. kind of “有点”,它等于a little或a bit, 只用在形容词前。kind of interesting (= a little interesting=a bit interesting)有点趣 kind of smart (= a little smart=a bit smart)有点聪明5. 关于kind的其他短语:1)a kind of +复数名词 “一种” 如:a kind of new pens 2)all kinds of + 复数名词 “各种各样的”, 如:all kinds of books 3)different kinds of +复数名词 “不同种类的” 如: different kinds of dogs. 4) what kind of + 复数名词 “ 什么种各类的”, What kind of movies do you like ? 三、巩固练习(一)、汉译英1. 一张地图 2. 他为什么想去看狮子? Why he to see lions ? 3. 因为他们很可爱。 they . 4咱们去动物园吧。 Lets to the . (二)、用所给词的正确形式填空1. Lets (look) at the pictures. 2. There (be) a tiger and two pandas in the zoo. 3. Mary ( like ) dogs. But her mother ( not like ) them. 4. Why Mary ( like ) pandas ? (三)、句型变换:1. Tony wants to go to the zoo. (改为否定句) Tony to go to the zoo. 2. I like dogs because they are our friends. (对划线部分提问) you like dogs ? (四)、用方框中的短语完成句子。a kind of , all kinds of , different kinds of , kind of , what kind of 1. - movies does she like best ? -Comedies. 2. There are books in the school library(图书馆). 3. He is tall. 4. In the shop , you can see fruits, such as (例如)apples, oranges and bananas.5. She has new pens. (五)、用所给词的正确形式填空1. There (be) many kinds of animals in the zoo.2. The giraffes are very (interest). 3. Linda wants (see) pandas in the zoo.4. Lucy (be) from England. 5. Mike (come) from America. Section B 1a3c教学目标:1. “四会”下列单词: ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, dog, clever 2. 会用恰当的形容词描绘一种动物。3. 找出P16P17的新单词、短语和句型,会模仿运用下列句子: 1)A: What animals do you like ? B: I like elephants. A: What other animals do you like ? B: I like dogs, too. 2) Isnt he cute ? 3) please be quiet. 教学重点: 1). 祈使句的构成。 2). 否定疑问句。 3). What animals do you like ?与What other animals do you like ?的用法检测题:一、找出P16P17新短语和句型二、填入下列对话中所缺的单词。 A: What do you like , Mike? B: I like elephants. Theyre . A: What animals do you like ? B: I like dogs, . A: ? B: Because theyre friendly _ clever.三、翻译下列短语。 1. during the day 2. at night 3. every day 4. other animals 5. be quiet 6. eat grass 7. eat leaves 8. play with 9. get up (一)other的主要用法:1. other + 名词(复), 意思是“别的;其他的;另外的”, 如: other books 其他的书 other students其他的学生 注意:other前可用some或数词, 如: some other questions 其他的一些问题three other girls 另外的三个女孩。what other movies. 其他什么电影。2. some., others.一些, 另外一些, 如:There are thirty students in our class. Some are in the classroom, others are on the playground. 3.One., the other.一个, 另一个, 如:I have two pens. One is red, the other is black. (二)祈使句:要求或命令某人做某事。其结构为:1、Be + 形容词, 如: Be quiet. Be careful. 2、动词原形+其他词, 如: Go there. Come here. 3、Let + sb. + 动词原形, 如: Lets play basketball. Let him go home. Let me listen to the music. 五、课堂巩固练习一、汉译英1.你喜欢其他什么动物? 2.史密斯先生有两个孩子。一个是男孩, 另一个是女孩。3. 它在白天睡觉。4. 大象喜欢跟她的朋友梦一起玩。二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Pandas come from (Chinese). 2. Dolphins can (swimming ) . 3. The people here are very (friend) to us. 三、句型转换1. They eat lunch in a park. (改为否定句). They lunch in a park. 2. They like giraffes. (对划线部分提问) do they like ? 3. The dogs are friendly. The dogs are clever. (用and连接成一句) They dogs friendly clever. 四、单项选择1. The kid is 2 . A. year old B. years old C. years-old D. year-olds 2. Koalas like eating . A. leafs B. leaves C. leave D. leaf 3. The dolphin can play balls, but she cant play basketball or piano. A. with, a, the B. the, with, a C. on, the, the D. with, / , the self check(一)、按括号要求变化词形(1)leaf (复数) (2)boxes(单数) (3)last (反义词) (4)guess (单三形式)(二)、根据汉语意思补充完句子。(1)The panda is really (害羞的)。(2)Im afraid of tigers, theyre (可怕的)(3)The old lion is (难看的)(4)The baby penguin is too (小的)(5)A koala is in the tree, It kind of (友好的)(6)Giraffes are (美丽的)(7)Dolphins are (聪明的)(三)、用所给词的正确形式填空:(1)Why do you like (koala)?(2) _(child) like going to see animals. ( 3) (welcome) to the zoo. ( 4) There are all (kind)of animals in the zoo. ( 5) I think the (two)animal is very cute.(四)、.连词成句:(1) are giraffes cute kind of ( 2) you like do why pandas ? ( 3) see the lets dolphins ( 4) very lions cute are the ( 5) do see, why, want to , you ,the lions ( 6) elephants, are where, from. ( 7) you, like, what, do, other animals (五)、根据汉语完成句子1) 我感觉有点冷。I feel cold.2). 这只老虎3岁了。The tiger is 3 .3). 他还喜欢吃其它什么水果吗? fruit do you like ?4) 企鹅来自南极。 from the South Pole .5). 孩子们喜欢玩雪。Children like to snow .6). 你喜欢长颈鹿吗?Do you ?7).咱们读第三单元吧: read Unit 3 .(六)、句型转换:1)The child likes dolphins (改一般疑问句) the child dolphins?2)we like penguins because theyre cute .(划线提问) you like penguins?3)Pandas are from China. (同上) are pandas ?4) He sleeps during the day (就画线部分提问) _he sleep?5)The story is very interesting?(用反问句型改为同义) _the story interesting?(七)、补全对话A: 1 animals do you like?B: I 2 penguins. 3 they are cute.A: What 4 animals do you like?B: I 5 dolphinsA: _6_do you like dolphins?B: _7_theyre friendly _8_cleverA: What_9_a dolphin eat ,do you know?B: Sorry ,I _10_know


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