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Module 6 War and Peace 导学案导学案一 introduction, reading and vocabulary一. 思考下列问题.1) What does a war bring to people?2) Do you like war or peace in the world? Why?3) What results would be if the war broke out?二. 重点词汇.1. adj.复仇的2. v.入侵,侵略3. v.放弃,抛弃4. n.行动5. v.淹死,使溺死6. v. 持续 7. v.占领8. v.使受伤9. adj.震惊的,惊骇的10. v.俯视,往下看11. v.责难,谴责12. v.营救,拯救三. 重点短语.1. declare war on 2. be known as3. take part in 4. attempt to do sth5. think about (doing ) sth 6. make a breakthrough7. pick up 8. fight with9. contribution to 10. be situated on11. go down四. 重点句子1. If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed. 本句是“针对过去的虚拟语气”,其形式是:If + 主语 + had +过去完成式动词+ :主语 + would (should, could, might) + have +过去完成式动词+。2. The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. “ exhausted and shocked” 是形容词短语作伴随状语, 表示状态.e. g. The boy went back home,_(depress). He turned away, _(disappoint).3. The cemetery and memorial are situated on the cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boats attempted their landings. overlooking the beach and the English Channel 为现在分词作后置定语. _为 介词+副词 引导非限制性定语从句.五. 知识点.1. demand (v.) P71(1) demand sth. 要求e.g. The customer demanded a reasonable explanation from the company.(2) demand + to do 要求做e.g. 他们要求被告知每件事。_(3)demand + that 从句谓语用 _.e.g. 他们要求公司把他们的钱还回来。 _2. In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland. declared war on _e. g. We should declare war on the old customs. _declared foraganist _declare sb (to be) _declareopen _declare “ 宣布, 声称, 声明”, 常跟名词, 从句和复合结构。e.g. After that the United States declared war on/upon Japan. The accused man declared that he was not guilty.He declared himself to be a member of their party.3. During the war, Germany occupied many countries, including France. occupy v. _e. g. 阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。_ The dinner and speeches occupied 2 hours. 使忙碌(=keep sb busy)他忙着照看孩子_使某人自己忙于(做)某事;occupy sboneself with sthoccupy sboneself in doing sthbe occupied with sthbe occupied in doing sthe.g. I have been occupied in reading history books. be busy with sth in doing sth occupation (n.) _4. American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach. 美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆。attempt: 1)(v.) 尝试, 企图 _试图干某事囚犯企图逃跑, 但是失败了。_attempt a difficult problem2)n. 尝试, 企图e.g. He made an attempt to learn to ski. He failed in his attempt at winning/ to win the first price.5. The situation at Omaha beach was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion.奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻,以至于美军司令都考虑放弃进攻了。 (1) 句中sothat引导结果状语从句。 think about考虑 (3) abandon v. 放弃abandon (v.)(1) abandon + n. 抛弃(某人), 遗弃, 弃(船)等而去, (下车、船等)置之不顾e.g. 他抛弃家人。_ 背弃祖国 / 朋友 / 船 _abandoned adj. 废弃的,被抛弃的(2)中止, 断念, 放弃e.g. He abandoned the plan. 革除恶习 abandon a bad habit 放弃希望 abandon ones hope (3) (与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任(+to) 她陷入绝望之中_As a student, you shouldnt abandon yourself to Internet games._6. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. pick up 拣起,拾起,收听,接人,好转,改善She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale. (_)She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. (_)Please pick up the latest news (_)After school I often drive to pick up my daughter home. (_)Trade is picking up nicely.(_)7. Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire. 机关枪下,许多人或者牺牲或者挂彩。 either or 是表示选择的并列连词。表示选择的并列结构 1) or意思为“否则”。I must work hard, or Ill fail in the exam. 2) eitheror意思为“_”。 注意谓语动词采用就近原则。Either you or I am right.wound 1) v. 使受伤;伤害 eg. She was wounded in the arm.她的胳膊受了伤.2) n. 伤,伤口. e.g. He died from the wounds he had received to his chest.他由于胸部受伤而死亡. wounded adj. _ the wounded _wound 多指用武器伤害身体某部位.hurt 一般用词,可指精神,肉体,感情等的伤害.injure 多指意外事故对人造成的伤害或指损害名誉,成就,面容等harm 多指给人的精神身体带来损害或引起不安,不便等.e. g. I _ my leg in the football match.Five people _in this accident.The thief _him with a knife.8. and fought with them. Two men. Two rifles. This was Able Companys contribution to D-Day. (1) fight with _ _ 相关的短语:fight against, fight forYou have to fight against the enemy for freedom. (2) contribution 贡献 make a contribution contributions to (doing) e. g. He has made an important contribution to the companys success9. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 1).责备, 谴责 condemn +sb. + for (doing) sth. _e.g. she knew that society would condemn her for leaving her child.她知道社会将谴责她遗弃孩子2)(因) 判决 (某人)有罪, 判刑 condemn sb. for sth. 因某事判某人有罪condemn sb. to sth. 判处某人某种刑罚e.g. He was condemned (for murder) and sent in prison._The judge condemned him to death. _10. When boat 5 was hit by a shell, most of the men were rescued fron the water.rescue 1). V. 营救救援e. g. Hundreds of the miners are still in water, waiting to be rescued. 2). n. 救援营救e. g. 救生艇每月都会执行很多救援任务._rescue sb.sth. from 从中拯救sb.sth.come to onesthe rescue _ rescue team_导学案二 Grammar知识检测一: 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1. I didnt know her address. If I _(know) it ,I _ (send )a Letter to her.2. If I _(have)a lot of money now, I_(travel) around the world. 3. If it _ (rain), the sports meet _ (put) off.4. How I wish I _ (not make) that mistake, then I could have passed the exam.5. How I wish it _ (not rain) now.6. I wish you _(fly) back to me.7. Without water, there _(be) no living things.8. _(be)she younger, she would do it.9. If you _(listen)to the doctor, you would be all right now.10. But for your help, we _(finish)the work ahead of time.11. The doctor suggested that he _( try ) to lose his weight. 12. He insisted that we_(tell) him the news.13. She insists that she_(be ) right.14. The expression on his face suggested that he _( be ) very angry. 15. My suggestion is that we _(go)there at once.16. The proposal that we _(stay) longer in Shanghai was rejected. 17. I would rather you _(tell) me the truth.18. I would rather you _(go) there last Sunday.19. Its necessary that we_( study )hard.20. It is a pity that we _(not meet)last night.21. It is strange that she _(refuse) to come to the party.22. Ill keep a seat for you in case you _ (change) your mind. 23. Its high time that you_(go). 24. If only I_(know) his name! 26 .If only we _(follow )your advice! 27. If only I _(see) him again! 28. He looks as if he_(be) drunk.29. They talked as if they _(be)friends for years.30. It is strange that she _(refuse) to come to the party.知识检测 二: Choose the best answer:1. It is strange that the little boy _ speak two foreign languages. A. could B. can C. should D. would2. He gave orders that the experiment _ before 5:30pm. A. be finished B.will finish C. must be finished3. The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free. A. did; setB. had done; should be set C. should do; be set D. had done; must be set导学案三 Listening, Everyday English一. .单词,短语,句型blitz 闪电战 bomb n, 炸弹 station 根据地,基地 chain 链条 campaign 作战行动军事行动 the air-raid shelter 防空洞 be supposed to do 理应做某事二. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.Interviewer : Im talking to Alice and Henry Potter, who were both living in London during the Second World War, and who both _the bombing campaign which is _the London Blitz. Alice, what are your strongest memories of it ?Alice: Well, I was only seven years old at that time, and the first bombs fell a long way from my house. But I remember that the house_, and I _my bedroom window. Iremember seeing fires in the distance. Ive never forgotton that. London was _all around me. There was so many fires that the clounds in the sky turned pink._.Interviewer : Yes, indeed.Alice: I also remember that my parents were very _me.Interviewer : Why ?Alice: Because I was looking through my bedroom window. You werent _to do that. You have to keep your windows covered all the time at night.Interviewer : Henry. what are your first memories of the Blitz?Henry: Well, Im older than Alice, and I was 12 when the bombing started. The first thing I remembered was the sound of the planes. They_ very low. My brother and I went out into the street to watch. We never told my parents about that. If Id told them about that, they would have killed me!Interviewer : How did you feel when you went into the street ? Were you afraid ?Henry: Well, yes, I suppose I was. But I also remember feeling very_.Interviewer : And did any of the bombs drop near you ?Alice: Not on the first night, no. And I often wonder why. I suppose because we werent near any factories and we werent near the docks.Interviewer : And later ?Alice: Later, yes. A bomb fell on our street.Interviewer : Did you see it ?Alice: No, we were in the air-raid shelter. Otherwise I wouldnt have survived. Actually, we were_. Thats right, the underground station. If I remember rightly, we werent supposed to do that.Interviewer : Really ?Alice: Yes . The government thought that it wouldnt be safe, so they put _on the doors. A lot of people thought it would be the safest place, so they _ the chains. After that, a lot of people went there.Henry: And they were right. It was much safer in the underground.Alice: Yes, you felt much safer in the underground. There were _ above the ground as well. And it was much noisier there.Interviewer : Henry, Whats your strongest memory ?Henry: One night, my father and me came out of the house later than everyone else. We had to run about half a mile to the underground station. And it was one of the worst nights. The sky was _, and you could hear the sounds of falling bombs. That was_. Ill never forget hearing that sound.Interviewer : What else do you remember ,Alice ?Alice: The firemen.Interviewer : The firemen ?Alice: Yes, they were wonderful. As soon as there was a fire, a fire engine arrived. I can remember them shouting to each other. Very _ men.Interviewer : How often did the bombers come?Henry: Every night.Interviewer : Really ?Henry: Yes, and not just once a night. I remember_the time between the raids one night-there was a raid every two minutes for about an hour.Interviewer : Thank you both for sharing your memories with us.Alice: Youre welcome.Henry: We should thank you . We appreciated the opportunity to talk.三. Language points 1. If I remember rightly, we werent supposed to do that. be supposed to do sth _e. g.每个人在汽车里应当系好安全带._该句型与否定词连用,表示委婉的禁止,意为: _ .e. g. You are not supposed to smoke here._suppose 用法:. supposesupposing that 可以起连词作用,引导条件状语从句.e. g. Suppose A equals B, whats the result ?. suppose sb ( to be ) + adj.n. 认为某人e. g. All of his friends will suppose her to be his wife. I suppose sonot. 我想会的不会的.e. g. - Its going to be fine this evening. - I suppose so. I dont suppose that 我认为.不.(否定前移)e. g. I dont suppose that she will be back soon. 疑问词+ do you suppose + 陈述句, 表示: 你认为? 其中do you suppose 为插入语.e. g. Who do you suppose telephoned this morning?(2011辽宁). What are you doing out of bed, Tom ? Youre _to be asleep. A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered.导学案四 reading and vocabulary(Page 78-80)一. 重点单词1. n.连,连队2. n.行装,行李3. adj.机密的,秘密的4. v.大叫,呼喊5.(用于祝酒)祝你健康!6.adj. 值得做的,有价值的二. 重点短语另我们感到惊讶的是 to our astonishment机密命令 confidential orders看到我们的很多战友被杀see many of my friends killed 发现我们在宁静的村庄外面find ourselves outside a peaceful village傍晚 late afternoon太阳正在落山 the sun was setting 一副完美的乡村景色 a perfect country scene前去搜查村子 to advance and check the village驶出 drive out of又两个人 two more摘下,脱下 take off放下 put down握手shake hands遗弃了村庄 abandon the village回去 go back to留着漂亮的胡子 have a magnificent moustache定型 keep in shape用装满 fill with从拿出 take out from拿起pick up拿出 bring out摆桌子 lay a table用盖 cover with为干杯 drink to吐出 spit out作为回报 In return当成对待 treat sb like 三. language points.1. to ones astonishment=to the astonishment of sb _To my astonishment, she remembered my name.=_, she remembered my name.to ones surprise/disappointment /horror/joy/excitement 2.confidential adj. 保密的;秘密的;隐秘的= secretkeepconfidential _Eg. Doctors are required to keep patients records completely confidential. 医生必须对病人的病历完全保密.confidential information/documents_He spoke in a confidential tone.3. advance v. 进展,前进,靠近,提前e. g. The soldiers advanced on/towards the enemy. The date of the meeting was advanced by 3 days.in advance _=ahead of time eg. You must pay for the car in advance.in advance of 在前面;比进步;超过 我比你先毕业。_ 4. unload v 卸下 反义词:_ n/vvt. 1) 装,装载 (+with) The workers are loading the ship with coal. 工人正把煤装上船。 2) 使摆满;使充满;使长满 (+with) The air was loaded with soot._n. 1) 负担、重量,装载的东西 c.n He was bent down with his load. 2) (精神方面的)负担;压力 The good news has taken a load off my mind. 去掉思想负担 3) 装载量(可以译成一车或一船.) 卡车装运一车沙子。_5. worthwhile adj. 值得做的,有价值的。The smile on her face made it all worthwhile. 她脸上的笑容使得这一切非常值得。It is worthwhile doing/to do sth_It is worthwhile _an appointment before you go.你去之前预约一下是值得的。A. to make B. making C. make D. both A and B表示“值得做某事”的结构还有 be worth sth/doing be worthy of sth/being done be worthy to be done its worthwhile to do/doing sth翻译: 这本书值得读._导学案五 reading practice (page 81-82)简介: 温斯顿丘吉尔,政治家、画家、演说家、作家、记者,1953年诺贝尔文学奖得主(获奖作品不需要战争),曾于19401945年及19511955年期间两度任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,带领英国获得第二次世界大战的胜利。据传为历史上掌握英语单词词汇量最多的人之一(十二万多)。被美国杂志展示列为近百年来世界最有说服力的八大演说家之一。2002年,BBC举行了一个名为“最伟大的100名英国人”的调查,结果丘吉尔获选为有史以来最伟大的英国人。Never, never, never, never give up 永远不要放弃。 -(Winston Churchill)Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing tobe achieved. 命运不靠机缘,而是靠你的抉择。命运不是等来的,而是争来的。一. 重点单词statesman n.政治家toil n.辛劳,辛苦retreat v.撤退,后退encourage v.鼓舞,鼓励surrender v.投降strategy n.策略,战略quote v.引用,引述二. 重点短语.做演讲 make speeches在交战 be at war遭受失败 suffer defeat 撤退到 retreat to出发 set out从接回 bring back from 短暂的失败temporary defeat使某人注意 draw attention to少数,少量 a small number of空军 air force被迫做 be forced to do不再 no longer归功于 owe to在战场上失利lose battles激励某人做 inspire sb to do面对 in the face of三. Group discussion1. Who was Winston Churchill?2. When did he live? 3. What did he do?4. What is he famous for?四. language points.1. encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb to do sth e. g. They encourage the children to paint pictures. 派生词: courage n._ encouraging adj. _ encouragement n._ discourage v. _ discourage sb. from doing sth. 2. surrender(1) vt. 投降,屈服,使投降,放弃,交出surrender oneself to surrender sth/sb to sb. 被迫放弃,交出e.g. _ 我们将永远不向敌人投降。(2) n. 投降,屈服,放弃,交出 e.g. Demand the surrender of all weapons. 要求交出所有的武器。3. draw (ones) attention to (使某人)注意e.g. _ 她试图让他注意她的新帽子。catchattract ones attention _pay attention to _call ones attention _catch ones eye _focus ones attention on _devote ones attention to _4. ., “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” 句意:在人类战争史上,从来没有一次像这样,以如此少的兵力取得如此大的成功。(以少胜多) =So much (success) was never given by so many ( Germany soldiers) to so few ( British soldiers) in the field of human conflict.本句是一个否定词_开头的倒装句。表示否定意义的副词或连词位于句首时,句子常用倒装语序。否定意义的副词或短语放在句首时,用来加强语气,常用_倒装。常见的否定词或短语有:never, not, no, neither, little, seldom, hardly, rarely , few, scarcely, at no time, in no way, on no condition, not until, not onlybut also, no sooner than, hardlywhenHe seldom comes back on Sundays.(改成倒装句) _5. In (the ) face of 面临面对, 在的面前Eg. You should keep calm even in (the) face of danger.He succeeded in the face of great difficulties.be faced with _ face to face _lose face _ make a face _链接: in favorsupport of in charge of in memory of in hornor of in need of 导学案六 cultural corner (page 83)一.重点单词.helmet n.头盔peacekeeper n.维和人员arm v.装备,武装disagreement n.争论,矛盾personnel n.全体人员civilian n.平民,文职人员despite prep.不管,不顾二. 重点短语联合国维和部队 UN peacekeeping forces获得诺贝尔和平奖 win the Nobel Peace Prize配备武器 be armed英国与埃及政府间关于苏伊士运河的争执 disagreement between British and Egyptian government about the Suez Canal涉及近37,000人involve nearly 37,000 personnel派出人员 send personnel阻止境内严重的内战 stop a terrible civil war尽管周边国家发出了危险警告despite warnings of the dangers from the nearby states三. language points.1.arm n. 常用复武器, 军械, 兵种e.g. Having failed to settle their disputes at the conference table, the two countries appealed to arms.和平解决争端的谈判失败以后, 两国便诉诸武力。vt. vi. 武装; 装备 armed adj._e.g. The country armed itself in preparation for war.arm oneself against danger _armed to the teeth _2. involve vt. involved, involving 1) (常与in连用)牵涉; 拖累


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