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菏泽市特别特学校-报名热线05305560114六年级英语上册第一单元测试题(考试时间:40分钟 满分:100分)命题者:李瑛第一部分 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。(5分)1bg dj ie yf PKS UFO ahl mqt vwz uxn二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(分)()()()()()三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词、词组或句子。(分)()1. .sometimes B. usually c. often()2A. Australia B. Canada C. America()3A. go to school B. go to work C. go to bed()4A. by car B. by bus C. by taxi()5A. Stop at a red light . B. Go at a green light . C. Wait at a yellow light .四、听对话,根据你所听到的内容判断对“”或错“”。(分)()()()()()第二部分笔试部分(分)一、仔细观察,按字母顺序规范填充字母,注意大小写形式。(分)1.e g 2.w z 3.K M 4. o r 5.h k二、看图片,圈出正确的单词或短语。(分)( ). .traffic rules ( )2. A.No.14 bus B. traffic lights B. No 40 bus ( )3. A. by train ( )4. A. Wait at a yellow light , B. by subway B. Stop at a red light . ( )5. A. by bike B. by ship三、选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在左边的括号里。(分)().apple B. hamburger C. watermelon D. banana()A. light B. ship C. subway D. plane ()A. red B. yellow C. green D. rules()A. pen B. pencil C. train D. ruler()A. Hangzhou B. Shanghai C. Beijing D. by bike 四、选择正确的答案。(5分)()1. Good morning ! A. Good afternoon ! B. Good morning ! ( ) 2.Nice to meet you ! A. How are you ? B. Nice to meet you , too . ( ) 3.Where are you from ? A. Im from China . B. Im Amy .( ) 4.Whats your name ? A. My name is John . B. Whats your name ?( ) 5.How old are you ? A. How old are you ? B. Im 11 .五、选择正确的答案。(1分)().Usually I go to school on foot . A. 我经常步行去上学.我通常步行去上学()2. How can I get to Jiufeng Park ? A. 我怎样九峰公园? B. 你怎样去九峰公园?()3. Its a green light. Lets go . A. 绿灯了,我们走吧. B. 黄灯了,让我们等一等吧.()4.我乘飞机去上海. A. I go to Shanghai by ship . B. I go to Shanghai by plane .()5. 红灯停. A. Stop at a red light . B. Wait at a yellow light .()6.You can go there _ , its far from here . A. on foot B. by bus ( ) 7.-_ do you go to Australia? - I go by plane . A. What B. How ( ) 8.-_ is the library ? - Its near the post office . A. What B. Where ( ) 9. We must _ the traffic rules . A. remember B. look at ( ) 10 . Go _ a green light . A. at B. in六、根据下列幅图片的顺序,给下列句子正确排序。(分) ( ) I am going to the bookstore on foot .( )I am going to the hospital by taxi .( ) Today is Saturday . I get up at 6:50.( ) I am going to the bookstore on foot .( ) I am going to the Beijing by plane . Because I want to visit my grandparents .八.连词成句.(5分) 1. do go Canada how you to ? 2. by I go sometimes bike . 3. at go light green . 4. can by you the No.10 bus go . 5. work to go I how can ?九.阅读理解(判断对“”或错“”).(10分) I am a student . I like reading a book .Every week , I go to Xinhua bookstore . Usually I go by bus , but sometimes I go by bike . I know the traffic lights are the same in every country .Red means stop . Yellow means wait and green means go . But some traffic rules are different in some country . We should remember the traffic rules .( )1. Every week I go to the park .( )2. I often go to Xinhua bookstore by bus .( )3.Traffic lights are the same in every country .( )4. Traffic rules are the same in every country .( )5.We shouldnt remember the traffic rules .人教版小学六年级上学期英语第一单元测试题姓名: 得分: 一、仔细观察,按字母顺序填充字母,注意大小写形式。(12分)1、 e 2、M O 3、 v 4、H J 5、 t 2、 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同,请在括号中写“S”,不同,写“D”。(12分)1、 peak beat ( )2、pig kite ( )3、 tin dish ( ) 4、apple cake ( )3、 看图片,选出正确的短语。(12分)1、 A、by bus B、by ship ( ) 2、A、turn right B、turn left ( ) 3、 A、one way B、no entry ( ) 4、A、go at a green light B、stop at a red light( ) 4、 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在左边的括号里。(10分)( )1、A、yellow B、rules C、red( )2、A、on foot B、by plane C、by way( )3、A、light B、stop C、go( )4、A、school B、China C、Canada( )5、A、fifth B、one C、fourth5、 圈出有拼写错误的单词或短语,并改正。(12分)1、 biek bus 2、by train by foot 3、grene red 4、 stop wiat绿红 6、 选择正确的答案。(12分)( )1、How are you? A、Fine,thank you. B、Im fourteen.( )2、See you later! A、Thank you! B、See you!( )3、当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you? B、How do you go to school?( )4、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、Youre welcome. B、No,thanks.( )5、我有时乘火车,应该说: A、I always go by train. B、Sometimes I go by train.( )6、How can I get to Zhongshan Park? A、You can go by bus. B、I can go by bus.( )7、You can go there .Its not far from here. A、on foot B、by ship( )8、 are you going to the zoo?This afternoon. A、When B、Where7、 正确拼写下列句子。(15分)1、 HOW DO YOU GO TO THE USA?2、 USUALLY I GO TO SCHOOL ON FOOT.3、 LETS GO TO THE PARK THIS AFTERNOON.4、 LOOK AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS.5、 YOU CAN GO BY THE NO. 10 BUS.八、阅读对话,判断对错。(15分)Zhang:Excuse me,how do we get to the Peoples Park ?Man: You can go there by the No.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.Zhang: How do we go on foot ?Man: Its easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng!Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop!John: Thats right. We have to wait.Zhang: Now its green. Lets go!(1) John and Zhang Peng cant go to the park by the No.5 bus.( )(2) John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot.( )(3) The Peoples Park is near the traffic lights.( )(4) John wants to go at a red light. ( )(5) Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. ( )

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